HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

Executive Board Meetings

Executive Board Meetings

HOLA Board of Directors Meeting July 10, 2021

HOLA Board of Directors meeting July 10, 2021 at 9 AM in the RFA Lakeside Theater

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski,   Mary-Ellen Moroney, Larry Malone, Darren Winslow,   Mary Ellen Simon (on the phone), John Patriquin, Anne Crump

Absent: Carole Hoffmann, Dave Douglas, Brittany DiPompo, Ana Wetherill

Millie called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM, welcoming everyone and notifying them that board meetings will be at the theater in the future.

Secretary’s Minutes of the May meeting: the was a motion to accept, seconded and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Millie thanked Jeff Z. for his hard work and great collection rate.

Waterfront Report: (attached)

Road Commissioner’s Report: (attached) Dave wants to retire from the Road Commissioner position.  Millie thanked Dave (and Ann) for all the years spent as Road Commissioner and leading the Road Committee.  This is a challenging job and it is time to increase the budget to enable the road commissioner/committee to do their job.  There will be a notice sent to all the members of HOLA stating that if anyone interested in the position they should contact Millie Hoekstra.

There were 2 items related to the roads that were discussed.

1)           Dave Arthurs presented the snowplowing proposal from Dave Burgess (Burgess Construction & Property Maintenance). He wants $5000 increase to $45K per year (maximum) for 5 years and a $38K (minimum) per year. He has averaged $38K per year for the past contract, so that is a reasonable thing for us to give him. The $5000 increase is because he must pay his people more to keep them. (All employers are seeing this increase in wages.) Also he provides 24/7 coverage for us. Dave Arthurs asked around and has not found a contractor willing take us at that price or to provide the 24/7 coverage we need. A motion was made to accept this proposal from Dave Burgess. It was seconded and passed unanimously.

2)           The next discussion involved a request to increase the road budget by $20K to improve and maintain that improvement. This was figure is based on a 10-year plan for our roads. Val & Jeff measured all the road sections. This info is now available to assist with the overall road improvement planning. We have 7.4 miles of road. If we improve 1/10th of them every year (0.74 miles) that will cost about $35K annually to return the road to a full crown. We currently only spend about $15K year on this, so we are not putting the volume of topping on the roads that we need. Many of the roads are down to the large stones base or down to ledge. Major build up of these sections is required. The $20K increase will provide the funds need to get ahead and keep ahead of our road maintenance.  The motion was made to increase the budget by $20K for roads. This was seconded and passed unanimously. The rest of the discussion was regarding how to present this increase to the members at the annual meeting.

Millie asked Ed Zambraski (Assessor) to do the calculations to determine the Road and Snow Fee for the two levels (lot with a house  and an empty lot) for next fiscal year (2021-2022).

Ed then informed the board that the snowmobile trail down to Nile Brook is closed to ATVs by the LANDOWNERS!   This is not a HOLA decision or responsibility. Snowmobiles may still use it. The trail will be blocked by logs etc.  Ed also stated that the signs we installed last year have cut ATV traffic thru HOLA by 80%.

The Nominating Committee confirmed that Carol Hoffman has completed her term and has decided not to continue on the board, but Ann Arthurs, Ed Zambraski, Larry Malone and Britany DiPompo have volunteered to serve another term.  Al Salvini has agreed to be nominated as Board Member.  This maintains the Highlands/Overlook ratio.

New legal issue: There was an FYI regarding Scott Ivers running an AirBnB in his travel trailer and running a Private Club. The Dallas Plantation and the state are involved and handling all municipal issues. HOLA concern: Ivers has restrictions in his deed regarding living in a trailer on his lot. “Mobile homes or tents for living purposes are prohibited on said lot.”  HOLA will send a letter reminding him of this restriction. It was decided the letter should come from our lawyer Paul Mills.

The Ad Hoc Committee has not yet attacked their charge.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Zapolsky


Addendum: The revised 2021-2022 Budget was emailed to Board Members and was approved to be presented at the Annual Membership Meeting to be held September 4, 2021 at 11 AM.

Next Meeting:  September 4, 2021 at 9AM

HOLA Board Meeting Minutes, May 15, 2021

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski,   Mary-Ellen Moroney, Larry Malone, Darren Winslow,   Mary Ellen Simon, John Patriquin, Ana Wetherill, Dave Douglas, Brittany DiPompo

Absent: Carole Hoffmann, Anne Crump

Secretary’s Minutes for last meeting March 13, 2021. (attached) No discussion. MSP unanimously to accept.

Treasurer’s Report (attached) – So far 3 owners have paid the $1K for new construction and more are in process. HOLA learns of new owners from the realtors and title companies and they are informed of HOLA rules via paperwork and a Welcome packet from Millie & Jeff.

The 2021 -2022 Annual Budget was presented and approved, unanimously. MSP

Road Commissioner Report(attached) This is the last year of our contract with Burgess. Dave Arthurs will renegotiate the contract this summer. Please let us know about any road problems, the committee meeting is next week.

Waterfront Report – (attached) The address of the waterfront is #9 Nile Brook Way.

The Waterfront Policy was reviewed by the committee. The members want to exclude renters from the waterfront and have submitted a revised policy for consideration (attached). Mary Ellen Maroney related that Chester Winkowski, a lawyer on the Waterfront Committee, said that we cannot legally do that. After some discussion of the Board this item was referred to the Ad Hoc Committee (set up this year) for research. MSP.

Next HOLA Board Meeting July 10, 2021 at 9 AM.

HOLA Minutes March 13, 2021 at 9 AM via zoom

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski,   Carole Hoffmann, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Larry Malone, Darren Winslow,   Mary Ellen Simon, John Patriquin, Ana Wetherill, Anne Crump

Absent: Dave Douglas, Brittany DiPompo

Secretary Minutes Board meeting January 9, 2021. Minutes approved unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Account Balances- We still have ample cash for our needs.  P&L Budget vs. Actual – We have collected almost all that we can expect and we  are staying on budget. Delinquent Accts.-  5 long-term uncollectable. We have liens where possible. 3 are paying on installments 2 are in transition (death, sold) and not yet paid 2 are over paid. Report accepted MSP Click Here

Road Commissioner’s Report: Roads good now, no problems. Report attached.

Waterfront Report: Report attached

Ad Hoc Committee Report: Ed Zambraski presented the questions the committee is researching and asked for other question or problems. Ana Wetherill asked about restrictions regarding cottage industry-bakery?

Next meeting May 15 at 9 AM.

HOLA Board Meeting Minutes, January 9, 2021

HOLA Board Meeting January 9. 2021 via Zoom

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski,  Brittany DiPompo, Carole Hoffmann, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave Douglas, Larry Malone, Darren Winslow,   Mary Ellen Simon, John Patriquin,

Absent: Ana Wetherill, Anne Crump

Millie called the meeting to order at 9:01 AM.

Secretary’s Minutes from the last meeting on Nov. 14, 2020, motion to approve, seconded and passed unanimously without discussion.

 Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Zapolsky, Treasurer, reviewed the account balances (attached). In summary we are doing well with sufficient funds.  P&L Budget vs. Actual (attached) was reviewed. There were no questions. Delinquencies (attached) were reviewed. There are several long term non-payors, but we have liens and expect payment when the property changes hands. There are a few properties on an installment plan and they are keeping up their payments. There are also a few that chronically pay only after being sent to collection, and those are continuing that trend. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was seconded and passed unanimously.

Road Commissioner’s Report (attached) was reviewed by Dave Arthurs, Road Commissioner. Motion to accept report was made, seconded and passed unanimously.

Waterfront Report (attached) was reviewed by Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbor Master.  Motion to accept report was made, seconded and passed unanimously. The tabled item: Airbnb vs. BnB vs. renters vs. owners regarding use of and access to the waterfront was sent back to the Waterfront Committee for more research.

An updated Waterfront Policy was emailed to everyone for review. There were no questions. Motion to accept the new updated Waterfront Policy was made, seconded and passed unanimously. There is a sign with the rules posted at the waterfront and in the spring there will be a new flagpole erected on the point and a set of rules will also be posted there.

Other items for discussion

Ed Zambraski, Larry Malone, John Patriquin and Dave Douglas did some preliminary investigation about legal aspects of a home owners association and what kind of rules we can make and enforceability etc. John Patriquin has a lawyer friend, who gave some free feedback (attached). There are still a lot of questions. Millie made a motion to appoint an Ad Hoc Committee of Ed Zambraski, Larry Malone, John Patriquin and Dave Douglas.  Millie also asked Jeff  to join the committee since he deals with the HOLA lawyer closely. Millie also will be on the committee since she has all the records for HOLA.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:29 AM

HOLA Board Meeting Minutes, November 14, 2020


Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski,  Brittany DiPompo, Carole Hoffmann, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave Douglas, Anne Crump, Larry Malone, Darren Winslow (new member replacing Terry Donovan)  

Absent: Mary Ellen Simon, John Patriquin, Ana Wetherill

Millie called the meeting to order at 9:11 AM.

Secretary’s Minutes from Sept. 5, 2020 – Motion to approve. No discussion. MSP

Treasurer’s Report (attached) – End of Fiscal year Sept. 30 all account balances transferred to “savings” and account started Oct. 1 at $0. Delinquent accounts as of Sept. 30 were just over $16,000.  New bills went out Oct. 1, due Nov. 15th with over 80% paid already. Copy of this year’s tax form included for board’s information.

Our new Board member Darren Winslow introduced himself.

Road Report (attached): M&H is doing grading now. We will need to extend “Old Esker Way” next year. This is the last year of our 5-year plowing contract with Burgess Construction and Property Maintenance. We start this season with $6,405 left over from previous years on a $40K per year contract. Discussed the need to plow further down “Tilt of the Kilt” past the 2 trailer sites, and also plow the waterfront front road, now called “Nile Brook Way,” for new houses.  The new owners of the Farmhouse Inn have given permission for snowmobiles to cross their property to access the lake from the Highlands.

Waterfront Report (attached) – M&H Construction will remove dead trees and will add riprap to harbor entrance. In the process of getting a 911 number, the name of the road to the waterfront is now Nile Brook Way. New rules for the waterfront have been posted. (Attached)

General discussion: Airbnb vs. BnB vs. renters vs. owners regarding use of and access to the waterfront. Millie did a lot of research into what the various deeds say regarding waterfront use/rights. There are many variations regarding guests, renters, invitees, heirs, assigns etc. and the legal definitions of such if they exist.  We are allowed to make rules, but there is the question of how to enforce any rule we do make. The discussion was tabled until next meeting. The board will do more research.

Ed Z. will send out e-blast next week. Jeff will send emails of new owners to Ed Z.

Adjourned 9:47 AM


HOLA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SEPT. 5, 2020 AT 11 AM AT THE WATERFRONT (wipes and sanitizer provided)

Meeting called to order at 11:05 AM by Millie Hoekstra.

Present: 73 homeowners (including the board) highest attendance ever!

Millie thanked the Board for all their work and introduced each by name to all. Everyone is a volunteer and gives lots of time to keep the organization running smoothly. Thank You to Terry Donovan (retiring) for serving 6 years on the board.

Everyone was encouraged to sign the attendance sheet and give contact info if it has changed. If you want to volunteer on a committee email Millie ASAP. 

New Owners were welcomed. They were encouraged to talk to a Board Member, volunteer and become involved. Our website: www.holarangeley.org has a great amount of information—check it out.  ATV trail maps were just added.

Minutes of the last Annual Meeting Aug. 31, 2019 – Approved MSP

Road Report (attached): This is the last year of our snow plowing 5 year contract with Burgess Construction and Property Maintenance, so plowing probably will go up and we will need more dollars to continue to care for our roads. We have not increased our road fees in 13 years. Other area HOA fees are $1400 – $3200. We get a bargain, but expect an increase next year. 

Red-orange marks on roads are by Dig Safe because we will be digging to replace some culverts and ditching and cutting back brush. All are welcome to cut fallen trees that block road, but do inform Dave Arthurs that the tree is down.

There are piles of shale at the end of Kendall Farm Trail (Highlands) and by Dave Arthurs house (Overlook) for filling potholes. Everyone was encouraged to take a 5 gallon bucket and fill potholes near ones house.

If you have an issue with the roads, please call our Road Commissioner (Dave Arthurs)—do NOT call our contractors who are doing their best on our roads.

Waterfront Report (attached) – M&H Construction will remove dead trees and will add riprap to harbor entrance in October. In the process of getting a 911 number, we are changing the name of the waterfront road to “Nile Brook Way”.

Treasurer’s Report (attached) – Account Balances look good. We have $25,899 in Emergency Funds. Franklin Saving Bank Operating Account = $23,900 which will get us through the end of Sept. New Fiscal year starts Oct. 1st. Roads are over budget on calcium, but under on plowing, so okay as well. Delinquent accounts are down to just over $16,000 (previously this amount was over $30,000). Budget was sent out to all prior to the meeting. There were no questions. HOLA Budget for 2020-2021 MSP.

Assessors report, based on budget needs and improved and unimproved properties, the road fees will remain at $210 for unimproved lot and $463 for improved lot. Expect an increase next year.

Ballots (attached) were verbally presented and voted by a show of hands. All slates passed unanimously.

Next Annual Meeting will be Sept. 4th, 2021. Location TBD.

Adjourned 11:45 AM

..The Board of Directors met briefly and voted to keep the same officers for next year.


July 2020

Dear HOLA members:

2020 has been a very different year. Covid-19 is impacting our activities in Rangeley; although we do not know of any local cases thus far.  Summer has arrived in the Rangeley Region, but the town is still a little quiet. Many seasonal residents and vacationers are delaying their return this year. There have been many programs and events postponed or cancelled for the summer. But the outdoors has not been cancelled and there are many opportunities to enjoy our beautiful region.

Our roads survived the unusual winter and we have done some maintenance and grading but most of the work will be done in the fall. We hope you will soon be enjoying the waterfront and picnic area, the docks and new swim lines are in and ready for your pleasure. We are very thankful for the several volunteers who have cleaned up the area, planted grass and cut some of the overgrown bushes.  We have decided to mow less grass this year to see if this will be an effective “geese deterrent” and hopefully this will work.

Our HOLA Annual Meeting will be held at the The Barn at 4 High Street in Rangeley on Labor Day weekend—Saturday, September 5th at 11 AM.  Please wear a mask.  The road warrant is enclosed for your information.  We will be electing members to the Board of Directors, a Road Commissioner and approving the annual budget.  If appropriate come September; a coffee and donut reception time will be held at 10:30 AM prior to our annual meeting at the same location; come and visit with your neighbors observing social distancing.  If anyone is interested in serving on the HOLA Board of Directors or one of the committees, please let any BOD member know of your interest.  A healthy organization requires widespread involvement of the membership.

Please check our website www:holarangeley.org for the minutes of the Executive Board and financial reports of this past year.  To enable us to communicate with you more cost effectively, please send us an email with your email address: milliehoek@gmail.com.  An email newsletter is sent every few months. Please update your contact information.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the members of the board at anytime.

Sincerely yours,

Millie Hoekstra

Millie Hoekstra, HOLA Chairperson


HOLA Board Meeting Minutes, September 5, 2020

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, , Ana Wetherill, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski,  Brittany DiPompo, Carole Hoffmann, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave Douglas, Anne Crump, Larry Malone, John Patriquin,  (non-board attendee: Ben Wetherill)

Absent: Terry Donovan, Mary Ellen Simon

Millie called the meeting to order at 9:06 AM.

Secretary’s Minutes from July 11, 2020 – Motion to approve. No discussion. MSP

Treasurer’s Report (attached) – Account Balances look good. We have $25,899 in Emergency Funds. Roads are over budget on calcium, but under on plowing, so okay as well. Delinquent accounts are down to just over $16,000.

Budget proposalAssessors report, based on budget needs and improved and unimproved properties, the road fees should remain at $210 for unimproved lot and $463 for improved lot. MSP

Road Report (attached): This is the last year of our 5 year plowing contract with Burgess Construction and Property Maintenance, so plowing budget probably will go up and we need more dollars to continue to care for our roads. We have not increased our road fees in 13 years. But expect an increase next year.

Waterfront Report (attached) – M&H Construction will remove dead trees and will add riprap to harbor entrance. In the process of getting a 911 number, we want to change the name of the road to the waterfront from Burr Road (name of previous owner) to Nile Brook Way. MSP to change the name to Nile Brook Way.

ATVs are not permitted on Rte. 4 thus they have no legal way to get to the waterfront. No ATVs at waterfront will be added to waterfront rules. MSP

General discussion: There is no access to ATV trails except in town at Depot Street.   Discussion regarding ATVs using powerline (not allowed), joy riding on our roads (not permitted). We have installed signs, but there are no consequences. Can we establish fines? Board will review the Bylaws, if it is possible by statute and how it could be done and enforced.

Adjourned 10:15 AM

9 AM Via Zoom


Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Mary Ellen Simon (on phone), , Ana Wetherill, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski,  Brittany DiPompo, Carole Hoffmann, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave Douglas, Anne Crump, Larry Malone

Absent: Terry Donovan, John Patriquin

Millie called the meeting to order at 9:03 AM

Secretary’s Minutes from May 16 were accepted without changes. MSP Unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeff reviewed Account Balances, P&L and Unpaid accounts. No questions. Overall, we are in good shape.

2021 Budget was presented. It was discussed that we shouldn’t rent The Barn for meetings next year since we aren’t using it due to Covid. Otherwise all approved the budget to be presented at the Annual Meeting. MSP

Road Commissioner’s Report: See attached report. Roads have some problems that will be addressed at the next Road Committee.

Sign options were presented to help keep snowmobiles, off-road motorcycles and ATVs off our roads.  The signs were unanimously approved. They will be ordered and placed as directed by the Road Committee. A proposed letter from all of HOLA to the Town of Rangeley regarding ATV travel on Rte. 4 was discussed and approved. Millie will sign it.

There is a damaged section of road on the Overlook by Tim Allen. Millie stated it is Tim Allen’s responsibility to repair it.

It has been noted that the Rte. 4 entrance to the waterfront is very narrow and difficult to see entering or exiting. There has been a recent minor accident. An estimate from M&H to widen the top to 21 feet for 50 ft long (i.e. 2 lanes at the top) will cost a bit over $4K. This will come from Road budget. The expense was approved and should be viewed more urgent than other road work.

Waterfront Report: See attached report. Canoe & Kayak Rack racks are full. Still waiting on the Code Enforcement Officer to get a 911 # for the waterfront.

There was a recent incident at the waterfront where 2 young children (7 & 8 years old) were swimming without any adults present.  The episode was resolved without further problems, but it was felt this was unsafe. Suggestions for signage were discussed. It was referred back to the Waterfront Committee.

Nominating Committee Report: Val reported that board members whose terms are expiring are: Dave Arthurs, Anne Crump, Val Zapolsky and Terry Donovan. All but Terry Donovan are willing to continue on the board. Thank you to Terry for the years served on the board.  Darren Winslow (Highlands) had recently spoken to Val about wanting to join the HOLA board. Val nominated Darren. The slate was accepted by the board and will be presented at the Annual Meeting.

Other Business:

Consolidated is repairing underground  “poles/boxes/towers” that were knocked over in past winters. Let Millie know of any you see.

The Annual Meeting will be Sept. 5 at the waterfront RAIN or SHINE. Bring your own chairs, drinks and snacks. We will have a PA system so all can hear.

Next Board meeting will be at 9 AM Sept. 5 at the waterfront RAIN or SHINE

Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Zapolsky

HOLA Board Meeting Minutes, May 16, 2020


Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Mary Ellen Simon (on phone), John Patriquin, Ana Wetherill, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski,  Brittany DiPompo, Carol Hoffmann, Maryellen Moroney, Dave Douglas, Anne Crump Absent:, Terry Donovan, Larry Malone

Millie called the meeting to order at 9:03 AM

Secretary’s Minutes from March 14 were accepted with out changes. MSP Unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: (click here) Jeff reviewed Account Balances, P&L and Unpaid accounts. No questions. Overall we are in good shape.

Road Commissioner’s Report: (click here)Roads have minor problems that are being addressed. All within budget. Grading to start soon. Still looking into signage to keep snowmobiles and ATVs off our roads. Will be discussed at next Road Committee meeting. The cost would be $75 from Signworks in Farmington. Suggestions were made to ask for free signs from Snowmobile Club and look on-line.

Waterfront Report: (click here)Canoe & Kayak Rack Lists are posted. Port-a-potty is ordered. Hydroseeding was done and minimal damage from the winter has occurred. Still working on getting a 911 # for the waterfront.

Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Zapolsky

HOLA Board Meeting Minutes, March 14, 2020

HOLA Board meeting March 14, 2020 at 9 AM the Barn

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Mary Ellen Simon (on phone), John Patriquin, Ana Wetherill, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski, Terry Donovan, Larry Malone, Brittany DiPompo, Carol Hoffmann, Maryellen Moroney Absent:, Dave Douglas, Anne Crump

Call to Order: By Millie at 9 AM.

Secretary’s Minutes to that last meeting were accepted. No discussion. Motion to approve MSP unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeff reviewed Account Balances. No questions. P&L shows we have spent $35K as of the end of Feb. on snowplowing & sanding. This is a lot as we average $9K per month and we still have March and April to pay for. We may go over the $40K budgeted amount, but we will see what happens. The comments were that there was more snow last year, but more ice this year so that more sanding is needed.

Unpaid accounts: A letter was sent from us and sign by Millie explaining that if they pay us at least we get all the funds, but if the account is paid after going to collection then we only get 2/3rds. The rest goes to the lawyer, so please pay us now. ONLY 2 paid; the rest went to collection. Overall unpaid accounts are small.

We have accounts at FSB and SSB. Pros and cons of such were discussed. No changes made.

Road Commissioner’s Report: (Attached) As discussed above the winter road cost will probably run over budget. Dave had looked to other plow companies, but those costs look to be even higher.

It was asked if people noted a difference in renter behavior (driving, parking & snowmobiles) since we developed the HOLA Winter Guidelines for Homeowners. Maybe, because there have been no calls to Dave about people not being able to drive up their road, but snowmobilers have still been on our roads. There was much discussion about how to address the issue. It was decided to see about having a sign at the IGA for snowmobilers to let them know that all trails above the IGA are private access and those below are the official trails. Millie and Dave will work on verbiage, feasibility and cost.

Waterfront Report: (Attached) May need scuba to move mooring for swim lines and dock. Scuba options were discussed. They will replace old swim lines with $300 of new ones.

Meeting adjourned 9:47 AM.

Next Meeting: May 16, 2020, 9 AM

HOLA Board Meeting Minutes, January 11, 2020

HOLA Board Minutes  January 11, 2020  9 AM at the Barn

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Mary Ellen Simon, John Patriquin, Ana Wetherill, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Anne Crump (phone), Ed Zambraski (phone), Ben Wetherill–guest

Absent: Terry Donovan, Maryellen Maroney, Dave Douglas, Larry Malone, Brittany DiPompo, Carole Hoffmann

Millie called meeting to order at 9:01 AM.

Secretary’s Minutes of the Nov. 16, 2019 meeting were approved. MSP Unanimously.

Treasurers Report : Attached. Overall account balances are good. Income is only under budget by $3000 and Expenses for plowing and sanding for Nov. and Dec. were only $14,000. Very low compared to last winter.  Of note the $200 waterfront expense was to remove the bees.  The accounts receivables are divided into 3 sections:

  1. Those that won’t pay until the land sells. These are just continuing to accumulate until then.
  2. Those paying on installment plans.
  3. Those that only pay when sent to collection. It was suggested that a last letter be sent from the HOLA President and Treasurer explaining the benefits of paying us vs. the lawyer.

Report was approved. MSP Unanimously.

Road Commissioner’s Report: Attached.  Real Estate Agent for Janet Ray’s (Brewster) properties has asked the status of the proposed road at the end of old Esker Way so she may list them correctly.  Janet Ray is in arrears, so she has no standing to ask for the road to be completed. However, when the property sells, the new owner may ask that the road be completed once they have paid their road fees and the $1000 new construction fee.  Then we will have to complete the road. Report was approved. MSP Unanimously.

Waterfront Report: Attached

Meeting Adjourned 9:35 AM.

Next meeting March 14, 2020 9 AM at the Barn.

HOLA Board Meeting Minutes, November 16, 2019

HOLA Board Minutes Nov. 16, 2019 9 AM at The Barn

Present: Terry Donovan, Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, John Patriquin, Brittany DiPompo, Ana Wetherill, Carol Hoffmann, Ann Arthurs.  Ben Wetherill–guest

Absent: Maryellen Maroney, Mary Ellen Simon, Ed Zambraski, Anne Crump, Dave Douglas, Larry Malone, Dave Arthurs

Millie called the meeting to order at 9 AM.

Motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting MSP unanimously.

Treasurers Report: attached.

Overall, for fiscal year ending 9/30/19, we spent more than we collected. We used emergency funds for the harbor dredging and some road repair. Payments are coming in well; so far 78% collected.

Jeff reviewed the unpaid accounts and no new ones will be sent to collection. He wants to propose a different payment plan to the most recent non-payor. MSP unanimously.

Waterfront Report: attached.

Road Report: attached.

It was thought to be a good idea to put the “Winter Rental Rules” in the eblast again.

John Clark, our longtime HOLA resident and board member has passed away.  Motion to send $100 to AmVets in his memory was MSP unanimously.

Meeting adjourned 9:40 AM