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HOLA Annual Membership Meeting held August 31, 2024 at 11 AM Minutes – 68 Members Present
Board of Directors (BOD)
Present: Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Al Salvini, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Rob Smith, Darren Winslow, Ed Zambraski, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky John Patriquin, Larry Malone Absent: Ana Wetherill Dave Douglas, Sam White, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs
Millie Hoekstra called the meeting to order at 11 AM
The Board Members were introduced and thanked for the many hours of volunteer work to get everything done and our community running smoothly, care of our roads and waterfront property. We have no employees. Our community spans the four townships of Rangeley, Rangeley Plantation, Dallas Plantation and Sandy River Plantation.
Secretary’s Minutes from the 2023 Annual Meeting: No questions. No changes. Accepted by acclamation. FYI all minutes are posted on the HOLA website. The minutes of the Board of Directors meetings for the past year were approved.
Road Commissioner’s Report (attached): We have done a lot of road work and spent a lot of money on the roads this summer. We overspent this year’s budget but we had leftover funds in the Road Savings account to spend. Call Dave Douglas for any concerns. Thanks to Dave for the many, many volunteer hours.
Waterfront Committee Report (attached): No questions. Ed and his volunteers were thanked for their excellent care of the waterfront. One member asked where the raft is. Ed stated that it was rotted and not replaced because if it breaks free of it’s mooring, it could wreck our new docks.
Committee Sign-Up List is available. Please sign up for any that interest you. You do not need to be a full-time resident to participate. Let Millie know if you are interested. We can zoom for any meeting.
Treasurer’s Report (attached): We received more funds than anticipated due to many properties paying extra road fees for construction and a few people buying waterfront access. There are basically no changes to the budget proposed for the next year. There were no questions. The budget was passed by acclamation.
Assessors Report: No changes. The fees will be the same as last year: $258 for a lot, $568 for a house plus (for both) $75 dues.
Nominating Committee (Ballot attached)
The slate for the Board of Directors was approved by acclamation.
The slate for the Assessors was approved by acclamation.
Dave Douglas was approved for Road Commissioner by acclamation.
Members to address the Board:
A couple members spoke strongly in favor of ATV use within HOLA especially to be able to go to waterfront from the Overlook. Members were reminded that there is no official ATV trail accessible from HOLA properties. The powerline is all privately owned land, so ATVs may cross with permission, but If the property is posted “NO ATVs” or “NO TRESPASSING” then you may not cross. Several members spoke up and gave permission for ATV access. A few spoke of ATV trespassing. Millie encouraged people to talk to their neighbors. The board will look into this issue further.
Kim Syrel (arborist) presented information on the Brown-Tailed Moth.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM.
Respectfully Submitted: Val Zapolsky, Secretary
2024 HOLA Annual Meeting on August 31 at waterfront

Annual Membership Meeting, September 2, 2023
Held at 11 AM at the HOLA Waterfront
Members present: 69
Board of Directors (BOD)
Present: Dave Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Al Salvini, Rob Smith, Darren Winslow, Ed Zambraski, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky
Absent: John Patriquin, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Larry Malone, Ana Wetherill
Millie Hoekstra called the meeting to order at 11:10 AM
FYI – HOLA has 7.5 miles of roads. Dallas Plantation has 8 miles of roads. HOLA has 256 properties. We are a community of our own. The Board Members were introduced and thanked for the many hours of volunteer work to get everything done and our community running smoothly. We have no employees. Our community spans the four townships of Rangeley, Rangeley Plantation, Dallas Plantation and Sandy River Plantation.
Anne Crump is retiring from the BOD.
Secretary’s Minutes from the 2022 Annual Meeting: No questions. No changes. Accepted by acclamation. FYI all minutes are posted on the HOLA website. The minutes of the Board of Directors meetings for the past year were approved.
Road Commissioner’s Report (attached): Fidium (fiber internet) is done laying conduit, and the roads are graded, so now the shale and gravel will be spread on the roads over the next month. There were no questions. Advised that LUPC oversees the plantations. The STOP sign on the north end of Overlook Road is bent and needs repair. Dave will look into it.
Waterfront Committee Report (attached): There was a general round of applause for the new stairs from the aluminum dock into the water. There was a question about possibly having a cabana to change clothes in. The 100 ft. vs. full waterfront rights were discussed.
Committee Sign-Up List is available. Please sign up for any that interest you. You do not need to be a full-time resident to participate. Let Millie know if you are interested.
There is a new vector map of the HOLA properties available on the website. It is a work-in-progress. A big “thank you” to Tim Johnson for his expertise and many hours.
Treasurer’s Report (attached): We are flush with funds due to many properties paying extra road fees for construction) and many people buying waterfront access. There are basically no changes to the budget proposed for the next year. There were no questions. The budget of $117,062 was passed by acclamation.
Assessors Report: attached. No changes. The fees will be the same as last year: $258 for a lot, $568 for a house plus (for both) $75 dues.
Nominating Committee (Ballot attached)
The slate for the Board of Directors was approved by acclamation. (Anne Crump retiring and Sam White joining.)
The slate for the Assessors was approved by acclamation.
Dave Douglas was approved for Road Commissioner by acclamation.
FYI the BOD meet every other month on the second Saturday at 9 AM.
Members to address the Board:
Kim Syrel (arborist) has worked with several property owners to improve their neighbor or their own views. She thanked them and offered to work with anyone interested.
Tim Johnson stated there were a couple of brush burning problems this summer. The Fire Chief was called to address the issues. Members were informed that a Fire Permit is required to burn.
FYI the Rangeley Transfer Station will accept any size brush/logs now from Rangeley properties. Members in the plantations should call their transfer stations regarding brush disposal.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM.
Next Annual Meeting for 2024 on Saturday of Labor Day weekend at 11 AM at the Waterfront.
Respectfully Submitted: Val Zapolsky, Secretary
Waterfront Access Buy-In will increase on January 1, 2024
HOLA Waterfront Property (parcel 5) Deeded Rights Information
Within the Association there are 3 classifications of waterfront rights:
1…some properties have full (212’) waterfront right
2…some properties have partial (100’) rights
3…some properties have no waterfront rights.
The properties that have “100 foot (partial) means that these lots have a limited right to use a section of 100 foot wide parcel of the HOLA waterfront under an old right given in their deed by Lynwood Ellis and possibly passed along via sales. Right of Use is on the one hundred foot portion of shore front abutting the Southern property line for boating and swimming purposes only. In our opinion, it does not give the holder right to use the property to picnic, use boat moorings/harbor, use games, tables, fireplaces etc. The lot owners have received offers by the association to buy Full Rights many years ago for as little as $300; this offer still stands today at a cost of $1,500 until the end of 2023. (It has been the same fee for many years.
After researching sales records of lots in the Rangeley Region, it is generally agreed that a full waterfront access attached to any lot increases the value of that lot by an amount ranging from $15,000 to $30,000
At the recent Board of Directors meeting, it was voted to increase the Buy-In amount beginning January 1, 2024. Members with partial or no waterfront rights will be notified of the impending increase.
If you wish to purchase Full Waterfront Deeded Access, please contact HOLA President: Millie Hoekstra ( or HOLA Treasurer: Jeff Zapolsky (
HOLA Annual Membership Meeting September 3, 2022
2022 HOLA Annual Meeting Minutes
9/3/2022 11AM at the HOLA Waterfront
Attendees: 60 attendees, 42 Voting Owners including the Board
The prepared information packets for the Annual Meeting contained: Agenda, Minutes of the 2021 Annual Meeting, Budgets 2016 thru the proposed new 2022/2023 Budget, Slate of Nominees for election, HOLA Road Policy, HOLA Waterfront Policy, HOLA Winter Guidelines for Homeowners, a voting chit (one per owner as per present ByLaws)
Call to order by Millie Hoekstra at 11:15 at the Waterfront. She thanked the Board of Directors, introduced them to the attendees and thanked everyone for coming on this beautiful day. She notified everyone that MaryEllen Simon has retired from the Board and thanked her for her service since 2016.
Our website: has helpful information and contact numbers/emails, please contact Millie or any board member with concerns during the year.
Minutes of the last Annual Meeting of HOLA on Sept. 4, 2021. Motion to approved and seconded. There was no discussion and the minutes were unanimously approved.
Minutes of the Executive Board Meetings for the past year received a motion for approval and second. There were no questions. The Minutes were unanimously approved.
Road Committee Report (attached) was presented by Dave Douglas (Road Commissioner). There are 21 new owners and 7 houses under construction, so understand that the roads are busy and welcome your new neighbors. Thank you to Dave and his committee for a great job this year!
Waterfront Report (attached) was presented by ED Zambraski. The waterfront was less busy this year. All boat slip and kayak rack requests were honored. There was a question about putting in a mooring off-shore. The Town does not allow moorings. And a request to install a changing cabana at the waterfront. The Committee will look into it. Thank you, Ed and the Committee for keeping the waterfront property in great condition!
The Budget for 2022/2023 (attached) was presented by Jeff Zapolsky. Basically, the budget for next year will stay the same with no needed change in fees. There were no questions about the Budget. Motion to approve was made, seconded and unanimously approved. Thank you Jeff, for a great job and the many, many hours you give to keep the association in good financial condition.
Assessors Report (attached )was presented by Jocelyn Kinlock. Calculations have been done; Road fees are calculated on Properties on our roads: 129 Improved lot and 110 unimproved lots. Basically, there will be no changes in fees for this coming year. Improved lots (houses)=$568; Unimproved lots=$258. And dues (which covers waterfront and Administrative Expenses)= $75. Thank you Jocelyn for your report.
Elections for the Board: Terms expiring are: Dave Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen Maroney, John Patriquin, Mary Ellen Simon, Ana Wetherill, Jeff Zapolsky. All, but Mary Ellen Simon, are willing to continue. Robert Smith from the Overlook has consented to serve. This slate of Board members was unanimously elected to serve on the Board of Directors.
Elections for Assessors: Jocelyn Kinlock, Mary-Ellen Maroney, Mike Zulauf have each offered to serve again. This slate was unanimously approved.
Election of Road Commissioner: Dave Douglas has consented to serve again. There was no discussion and he was unanimously approved.
Committee sign-ups: Millie announced there is a sign-up sheet for committees. Please sign up if are interested.
Ad Hoc Committee on Legal matters: During this past year this committee reviewed our Constitution and ByLaws and Maine law and the suggested changes were approved by the Board and mailed or hand delivered more than 30 days before this meeting. There changes were reviewed by Millie, most were placement and clarification issues. Two major changes are that current HOLA document allows one-vote per owner. Maine state law requires one-vote per lot/unit. The other major change is the ability of the Board to levy reasonable fines for breaking HOLA rules, regulations and policies. Also, a definition of “reasonable” is included. A minor change is that Board members will be indemnified. There was a motion and second to approve these changes to the Constitution and ByLaws. There were no questions and the revised HOLA Constitution and Bylaws was unanimously approved.
FYI now that this has passed, there will be a committee to create HOLA rules, regulations and policies and the related fees. Please sign up for this committee if you are interested.
Questions/comments from Membership:
A question regarding “no ATVs at waterfront” was raised. At the present time the following motion was passed by the board at the July 9, 2022 meeting. “Until such time that it is legal for ATVs to use Route 4 to access the HOLA Waterfront, from both the Highlands and the Overlook, the prohibition of ATVs at the waterfront shall remain intact”. Dave D. mentioned that he and others are in communication with local ATV club and state officials to see what can be done to enable more use of Route 4 or create a trail from Rev It Up Shop to Depot Street. It is a work in progress.
Kim Syrel gave information regarding concerns about the trees getting much taller and losing our views which affects everyone’s property values. Talk with your neighbors and work together to ensure that all property values and viewscapes are protected. Kim is certified “arborist” and willing to assist members with any tree issues. Her contact information will be added to the website.
Larry Malone commented that we are a community and let’s all work together to make it the best experience for all who live (or vacation) in here. Be thoughtful and nice and obey the rules which are there to enhance your enjoyment and experience. If you rent out your property be sure to inform your renters or guests of all policies and regulations for the waterfront and our roads.
Millie was thanked for all she does for the organization.
Thank you for attending. Enjoy the beautiful weather. Visit with your neighbors. Next Annual HOLA Membership Meeting will be held Sept. 2, 2023 at the waterfront.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:10 PM
The Executive Board met briefly and elected the following officers for the coming year: Chairperson- Millie Hoekstra, Vice-Chairperson-Mary-Ellen Moroney, Secretary-Val Zapolsky, Treasureer-Jeff Zapolsky,
Good day, the following is an urgent message from the HOLA Road Commissioner, Dave Douglas.
To all HOLA Residents:
Effective today (March 22, 2023) All HOLA roads have been posted with Heavy Loads Limited. This means that any vehicles (trucks, construction vehicles, moving vans, etc.) that exceed a gross weight of 23,000 pounds will not be authorized on HOLA roads. If violated, a fine of $1,000 will be issued to the HOLA resident.
For those not familiar with this posting, annually, around this time of snow melt the majority of roads (dirt or paved) in the Rangeley area are posted to protect the condition of the roads from major damage. I (HOLA) am following the Rangeley road commissioner’s posting effectivity date lasting until June 1, 2023.
The postings are located at all intersections off of Rt 4 and Harold Ross road. They are large orange posters clearly visible to all drivers.
Thank you for your cooperation and if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
David Douglas
HOLA Road Commissioner
HOLA Annual Membership Meeting
September 3, 2022 at 11 AM at The HOLA Waterfront
If raining, we will meet at 2493 Main Street
1.. Welcome & Sign In
Purpose of Annual Meeting
- Necessary HOLA Business
- Approve all Executive Committee Minutes for prior year
- Inform and discuss issues
- Meet socially – Bring a chair
2.. Introduce Board of Directors
- Thank you for your service
- Thank you to Mary Ellen Simon retiring after serving on the board since 2016
3.. Minutes of last annual meeting September 4, 2021
Approve all Executive Committee Minutes for year
4.. Road Committee Report – Dave Douglas
5.. Waterfront Committee Report – Ed Zambraski
6.. Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Zapolsky
- 2021-2022 Budget vs. Actual
- Questions
- 2022-2023 Proposed Budget
- Questions
- Vote to approve 2022-2023 Budget
7.. Assessors Report—Jocelyn Kinlock, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Zulauf
8.. Nominating Committee Report – Val Zapolsky, Millie Hoekstra, Susan Welch
- Vote for Board Members
- Vote for Road Commissioner and Assessors
9.. Ad Hoc Legal Committee Report
Revised/Updated ByLaws for HOLA
- Vote to approve updated Bylaws
10.. Other items
Questions and Comments from membership
Sign up for Committees
11.. Next meeting September 2, 2023 at 11 AM
12.. Board Members meet to select officers
To: Highlands Overlook Landowners Association (HOLA) Members
From: Ed Zambraski for the HOLA Board of Directors
Re: Update
Date: April 27, 2022
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( ) The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on. We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
- Winter: I had to ask several people about Rangeley’s winter weather, as I was fortunate enough to spend December and January in the “southern latitudes!” I was told that it was cold with not much snow during the early season. The snowmachine trails did not open until mid-January. I do know from personal experience that in February the cross country, Saddleback downhill and snowmachine trails were all in excellent shape. Speaking of Saddleback, a contract has been signed to have the Saddleback Mountain Road, (the road from Dallas Hill Rd. to the ski area), totally rebuilt. NO MORE BUMPS!
- HOLA Finances and Dues: As pointed out at our past annual meeting by our HOLA treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, HOLA is in very good financial shape. This past fall approximately 80% of our over 200 members paid their dues by the November 15 due date. This makes handling our finances much more efficient and it is greatly appreciated.
- Ice-Out and the HOLA Waterfront: Ice-out has not occurred, and it appears that this will happen during the first week of May. Boat slip and kayak rack assignments have been made for the 2022 season. By mid-May the aluminum dock should be in and the waterfront ready for full use.
- HOLA Roads: Recently the Road Committee met. The consensus was that Burgess did a very good job sanding and plowing the roads this past winter. Our roads are still posted (i.e. weight restricted). Mud season saw a few problem spots but the roads, in general, are in pretty good shape. The Road Committee outlined the plan for road improvements this coming year. While grading, ditching and repair/replacement of culverts will probably not start until June, there are some “time dependent needs.” Many of the ditches parallel to our roads have been grown in by alders and other trees. These need to be cleared before ditching can occur. Members of the Road Committee and other volunteers have begun to cut these and haul them away. Doing this before the leaves appear makes this a much easier task. In addition, there are trees along the HOLA road rights-of-way that are leaning over the road and/or blocking the line of sight at various corners. The Road Committee would like to ask landowners to help cut these tress / bushes back, clear the ditches along their road frontage, and to clear and repair driveway culverts that have been clogged by snowplowing pushing stones and debris into them. The Road Commissioner, Dave Douglas, has indicated that if the landowner simply piles the debris. He will arrange to have the cut trees hauled away. The landowner simply has to call Dave to make this happen (443-822-9043).
On Saturday, May 7th at 0900 the Road Commissioner is organizing two “work parties” to fill potholes and pick up trash etc. along our roads. One party will focus on the Lakeview Highlands and the other will focus on the Overlook. If ANY resident would like to contribute a morning to assist in this effort, please contact Dave. (phone number listed above or by email ). Let’s make this a community effort!!
Lastly, on both of our hills many properties are being developed. It is the responsibility of the landowner to have driveway culverts installed. These culverts must meet certain specifications in terms of size, length, etc. The owner can arrange to have this done by a contractor or ask our Road Commissioner to include a culvert installation when HOLA road work is being done. This latter approach is often cheaper. It is important to note that the landowner is responsible for the cost of installing a new driveway culvert, as well as any costs associated with the repair or replacement of an old culvert.
- Two HOLA Special Committees: This past year the HOLA Board established two Ad Hoc or special committees: a committee examining some legal questions and one dealing with ATV and snowmachine issues. The legal issues committee’s primary task is to determine if the HOLA Bylaws, last revised in 2008, need to be updated to comply with Maine laws and/or other local regulations. This committee is Chaired by Ed Zambraski (978) 660-9970 or ( The ATV/Snowmobile committee is interacting with the local ATV and Snowmobile Clubs, as well as with state officials. The goal is to maintain access to the trails for HOLA members, and at the same time, keep non-HOLA riders from using HOLA road for recreational use. This committee is Chaired by Dana Pagley (617) 594-3521 or ( If you have any questions or would like to provide input, please do not hesitate to contact the respective committee Chair.
- 2022 HOLA Annual Meeting: The annual HOLA meeting will be held at the HOLA waterfront on Saturday, September 3rd at 11:00.
To: Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members
From: Ed Zambraski for the HOLA Board of Directors
Re: Update
Date: September 24, 2021
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( ) The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on. We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
- Summer/Fall: The weather this past summer was quite odd. It was not consistently “bad” or consistently “good.” No weather pattern seemed to settle in and many days were quite windy. We do need rain as the drought continues and the lakes are very low. The foliage is turning and the peak should be around October 1st. I have been told, and from the traffic encountered, that the restaurants and retail shops in Rangeley have had one of their busiest seasons. As with many places, the issue of getting help or workers has been and still is problematic. Real Estate sales and new home construction have “gone through the roof.” Within HOLA for the first time the number of improved lots, or those with houses, now exceeds the number of empty lots.
- HOLA Annual Meeting: On September 4th at 11:00 down at the HOLA waterfront, Millie Hoekstra our HOLA Chairperson, called the annual HOLA Membership meeting to order. The meeting was well attended with a record 88 individuals present. The minutes of that meeting will be posted on the HOLA website. The major points of the meeting were:
-our treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, indicated that HOLA is in very good financial shape.
-an increase in the road/snow dues of $105 for improved lots and $48 for empty lots was approved by the membership. This increase is specifically designed to support a multi-year plan to improve HOLA’s 7.4 miles of roads.
-after several years of excellent work, Dave Arthurs has resigned as Road Commissioner. Dave Douglas has agreed to serve and was approved as the new HOLA Road Commissioner.
Normally at the annual meeting when the Chair calls for “any other items” things are usually pretty quiet. This year was an exception as there was quite a bit of constructive discussion. One issue was unauthorized ATV use on private properties and on HOLA roads. It was pointed out that the HOLA leadership is involved and will continue discussions with the local ATV clubs, and local and state officials about ATV use within HOLA and potential ATV trail systems in the Rangeley area. Another topic of concern was “renters”, and in particular when the owners were not present (e.g. Airbnb). Opinions were expressed that many of these renters either do not know and/or care to abide by HOLA rules, both here on the hills and at the HOLA waterfront. These matters will be discussed at the HOLA Board meeting in November.
- HOLA Waterfront: Over the past 18 years Mary-Ellen Moroney has served as the HOLA Harbormaster and Chair of the Waterfront Committee. Mary-Ellen has been responsible for many of the major improvements at the waterfront and the day to day management of the boat racks and slips. On September 10th the Waterfront Committee met and discussed the concern that with the increased usage of the waterfront by HOLA members, the time and effort to manage the waterfront has been increasing each year. The committee asked Mary-Ellen if she would like to be relieved of this responsibility. Her answer was “yes, if someone else would be willing to take this on.” The committee then asked Ed Zambraski, “yours truly,” if I would assume the role of the Harbormaster and Chair of the Waterfront Committee. I have agreed and will officially start October 1st. Mary-Ellen and I are currently working together to make this a smooth transition.
- Annual Road/Snow and Administrative Dues: In the coming days the HOLA treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, will mail out the 2021-2022 dues notices. Within this mailing are revised forms to request a canoe/kayak rack or boat slip at our waterfront for next season. Jeff spends a huge amount of time keeping the HOLA owner database, maintaining our financial records and paying HOLA bills. To make his task as easy as possible members are asked to send in their payments without delay and well before the November 15th deadline.
- Rangeley Library Telephone Directory: The Rangeley Library is currently updating their telephone directory for the new 12th Edition. There is no cost for new listings or edits. Should you need to update your listing, I am attaching a sheet indicating how to proceed.
To: Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members
From: Ed Zambraski for the HOLA Board of Directors
Re: Update
Date: July 14, 2021
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( ) The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on. We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
- Spring/Summer: During “mud season” in April & May many folks try to plan a trip to more southern latitudes. This coincides with the fact that normally we do not have a “spring” (winter leads right into summer). This year was a dramatic exception. Ice out was April 17th (very early), temperatures moderated and everything, including lawns, grew 2-3 weeks earlier than normal. In June we did have a stretch of hot days (92 degrees), but things have cooled off and we are now having our normal high temperatures in the 80’s. Rangeley is busier than I have ever seen it. Retail shops, the IGA and restaurants are seeing no shortage of customers. The Real Estate market is seeing unprecedented activity. Several new homes are under construction within HOLA. I should add, Saddleback Ski area had an excellent first season. Saddleback will continue to serve the community this summer with a new Pub/restaurant located on the second floor of the main ski lodge. As the weather warms up the HOLA Waterfront is ready to accommodate. The docks, swim lines, swim float and some new tables and benches are there for your enjoyment.
- Road Commissioner/Committee: After many years of diligent, faithful service to the organization, Dave Arthurs will be retiring from the HOLA Road Commissioner position. We need to elect a Road Commissioner at the Sept. 4th meeting. Our By Laws state:
The Road Commissioner shall be responsible for the maintenance of and snow removal for all the roads in the HOLA geographical area. It will be the Road Commissioner’s responsibility to work closely with the members of the Road Committee and HOLA landowners to formulate work plans, set priorities, set budgets, contact various contractors.
If you are interested in serving the organization in this capacity , please contact Millie Hoekstra,
- Road Maintenance and Snowplowing Budget: HOLA maintains over 7.4 miles of roads. The improvement of our roads over the past several years, largely due to our Road Commissioner and Committee, has been significant. That being said, many of our roads need to be upgraded. The HOLA Board has developed a multi-year plan to improve our road system. This includes building up our roads with significant amounts of shale to bring them up-to-grade and assist with drainage. These improvements will require additional resources.
Our current budget for road maintenance and snowplowing/sanding has not been increased for the past 13 years. The fees have been $ 210 for an empty lot and $ 463 for property with a house. To upgrade our 7.4 miles of roads the estimated cost is an additional $25,000/year to our existing road budget. To generate these additional funds the annual road fees would have to be increased. The estimated increase would be going from $210 to $ 258 for an empty lot and $ 463 to $ 568 for an improved lot. For individuals with a house this would be an increase of $ 2.00 per week. With this increase the HOLA Board does not anticipate any additional increases over the next few years. Just FYI: other HOAs in our area are paying much higher fees ie. $1,200 and $3,300 per year. This plan to improve our road system and the proposed increase in road fees will be discussed and voted on by the membership at the annual Sept. 4th HOLA meeting.
- ATVs: According to the HOLA ByLaws, ATVs may be used on HOLA roads by HOLA members, their renters or guests, only to visit others or to access approved ATV trails. Individuals not associated with HOLA are prohibited from driving their ATVs on any HOLA road. New signage put up last year at various entrances to HOLA has made this very clear and have been beneficial.
There are currently no approved ATV trails that can be accessed directly from a HOLA road; access requires driving over private landowner properties. One route over private land is across Nile Brook along the CMP power lines. HOLA landowners adjacent to Nile Brook are concerned about the excessive erosion and damage to their property, and the potential negative affect on Nile Brook, caused by ATVs using this route. While they have made the decision, at this time, not to post, barricade or totally close off this trail, they are requesting that HOLA members on the Overlook not use this route (e.g. trailer their machines to Depot St. in Rangeley) or use it minimally only when absolutely necessary.
Annual HOLA Meeting: The 2021annual meeting of the HOLA membership will be held on Saturday, September 4th, 11:00 am at the HOLA Waterfront. (Please bring a chair.) If it is raining, we will move the meeting to RFA Lakeside Theater, 2493 Main St., Range
HOLA Annual Meeting 11 AM on 9/4/2021 at the HOLA Waterfront
Attendees: 88 including the board.
There are packets for the Annual Meeting prepared: Agenda, Minutes of the 2020 Annual Meeting, Budgets 2016 – the proposed new 2021/2022 Budget, Assessors Report, Nominating Committee’s Report with the voting ballot, and the history of HOLA Road fees versus other Landowners Association fees.
The highest attendance ever at an annual meeting gathered on a beautiful and windy day on the waterfront. Millie introduced the Board as each stood and was recognized.
Secretary’s Minutes: Val Zapolsky read the minutes of the 2020 Annual Meeting aloud. They were moved, seconded and approved by a majority show of hands.
The Road Commissioner’s Report: (Attached) was presented: Old Esker Way extension is roughed in and will be completed once the heavy house construction traffic is done. The new snowplowing contract was explained. We have been paying Burgess the same rate ($40,000/year) for 13 years, but it will be increasing to $45,000.
Millie thanked Dave Arthurs for his many years of service. Dave thanked the Road Committee especially Ed Zambraski who is always helping on the Highlands side.
Waterfront Report: (Attached) Mary Ellen Maroney introduce and thanked the Committee members. She pointed out the new flagpole, the new Nile Brook Way road sign. The 911 address of the waterfront is 9 Nile Brook Way.
The sign up for racks and slips goes out with the bills. Please return them promptly. They are assigned in January. Please put your name on your boat/kayak/canoe.
Millie thanked the Waterfront Committee. Informed the membership that 2 sign-up sheets are going around for committee members and info/emails. Please sign up before you leave.
Treasurer’s Report: Past years budgets, the 2020-2021 YTD budget were presented. There were no questions. The proposed 2021.2022 Budget was presented. There are no changes to the Administration or Waterfront budgets. There are 2 changes to the Roads budget: $5,000 increase to the snowplowing contract and $20,000 to start a continuous improvement program for the roads. Many roads have lost their crowns and large base rocks are appearing. We have been filling pot holes but did not have enough money in the budget to really address the wear and tear on the roads. We have 7.4 miles of roads in HOLA. This $20,000 increase will allow us to add the crowns back on the roads and roll and grade them such that all the roads are addressed at least every 10 years. We feel this increase will be sufficient for several years.
The last page of the packet has a list of other Homeowners Association costs. Even with the proposed increase we are the least expensive in the area.
Discussion: Steve Estes of 240 Overlook spoke against the increase. He feels the roads are perfectly adequate.
Larry Malone spoke in favor of the increase. There was no further discussion. The proposed 2021/2022 Budget passed by s show of hands: most in favor. One opposed.
Assessors Report: The new 2021/2022 Budget provides $75 for Administration & Waterfront (about 2/3rds goes to Waterfront) and road fees for unimproved lots now are $258, improved lots are $568. This was moved, seconded and approved by a majority show of hands.
Nominating Slate: was read by Val Zapolsky. Board members terms expiring are: Carole Hoffmann, Brittany DiPompo, Ann Arthurs, Larry Malone, Ed Zambraski. Carol will be stepping down. All the others opted for another term. Al Salvini has offered to fill the vacancy left by Carole Hoffmann. The slate was moved, seconded and approved by a majority show of hands.
The Assessors are: Ed Zambraski, John Patriquin and Jocelyn Kinlock. All have opted for another term. This slate was moved, seconded and approved by a majority show of hands.
Road Commissioner: Dave Arthurs is stepping down. Dave Douglas has offered to fill the position. This was moved, seconded and approved by a majority show of hands.
Other Business:
Dana Pagley of the Overlook for 30 years spoke. He found a list of HOLA legal questions on the HOLA website. He spoke against spending a lot of money on lawyers to answer questions. He found some of the issues upsetting. Millie stated that this is just a list of proposed questions and that we are not spending money on lawyers. We have an Ad Hoc Committee working on the questions.
Ben Wetherill complained of ATV on the HOLA roads, music playing loud late at night. How to enforce the rule? Millie informed all that there are many new owners and neighbors. Many are retired and elderly. Please have friendly informative discussions regarding rules and be helpful to your neighbors.
Dana Pagley questioned why ATVs are not allowed at waterfront property. That rule was made when it was understood that ATVs are not allowed on Route 4. He stated that he is an ATV and snowmobile owner and HOLA should not be enforcing traffic rules about travel on Rte. 4. Millie stated that ATV’s cannot access approved trails from HOLA roads. The power line is private property thru which CMP has a Right of Way. ATV’s must trailer to a trailhead or Depot Street lot to access a trail.
Paul Perla of 149 Lynn Way, said he thought there was a trail from HOLA to the IGA. Millie stated that HOLA snowmobiles can access the IGA and trails that direction across private land and the landowner has given permission for snowmobiles. ATVs should not be crossing Nile Brook. The old trail toward Rev-It-Up is no longer accessible from the Overlook by ATV. The State, Town and clubs are looking into it.
Nancy Douglas reminded people that there are leash laws. ATV’s and snowmobile should not use the road for recreation (do loops). There are rules, but new owners and renters don’t know the rules. Millie informed everyone there are “Winter Use Rules” on the website and owners should print them and have them available for their renters.
We now have more improved than unimproved lots in HOLA, so lots of new neighbors. Welcome, inform and direct them to the HOLA website.
Millie thanked to everyone who attended. Please socialize and enjoy the day. See you next year. The Board met briefly to elect officers. The present officers were re-elected.
Next Annual Meeting will be September 3, 2022 at 11AM at waterfront (weather permitting)
Meeting Adjourned at 12:10 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Val Zapolsky
HOLA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SEPT. 5, 2020 AT 11 AM AT THE WATERFRONT (wipes and sanitizer provided)
Meeting called to order at 11:05 AM by Millie Hoekstra.
Present: 73 homeowners (including the board) highest attendance ever!
Millie thanked the Board for all their work and introduced each by name to all. Everyone is a volunteer and gives lots of time to keep the organization running smoothly. Thank You to Terry Donovan (retiring) for serving 6 years on the board.
Everyone was encouraged to sign the attendance sheet and give contact info if it has changed. If you want to volunteer on a committee email Millie ASAP.
New Owners were welcomed. They were encouraged to talk to a Board Member, volunteer and become involved. Our website: has a great amount of information—check it out. ATV trail maps were just added.
Minutes of the last Annual Meeting Aug. 31, 2019 – Approved MSP
Road Report (attached): This is the last year of our snow plowing 5 year contract with Burgess Construction and Property Maintenance, so plowing probably will go up and we will need more dollars to continue to care for our roads. We have not increased our road fees in 13 years. Other area HOA fees are $1400 – $3200. We get a bargain, but expect an increase next year.
Red-orange marks on roads are by Dig Safe because we will be digging to replace some culverts and ditching and cutting back brush. All are welcome to cut fallen trees that block road, but do inform Dave Arthurs that the tree is down.
There are piles of shale at the end of Kendall Farm Trail (Highlands) and by Dave Arthurs house (Overlook) for filling potholes. Everyone was encouraged to take a 5 gallon bucket and fill potholes near ones house.
If you have an issue with the roads, please call our Road Commissioner (Dave Arthurs)—do NOT call our contractors who are doing their best on our roads.
Waterfront Report (attached) – M&H Construction will remove dead trees and will add riprap to harbor entrance in October. In the process of getting a 911 number, we are changing the name of the waterfront road to “Nile Brook Way”.
Treasurer’s Report (attached) – Account Balances look good. We have $25,899 in Emergency Funds. Franklin Saving Bank Operating Account = $23,900 which will get us through the end of Sept. New Fiscal year starts Oct. 1st. Roads are over budget on calcium, but under on plowing, so okay as well. Delinquent accounts are down to just over $16,000 (previously this amount was over $30,000). Budget was sent out to all prior to the meeting. There were no questions. HOLA Budget for 2020-2021 MSP.
Assessors report, based on budget needs and improved and unimproved properties, the road fees will remain at $210 for unimproved lot and $463 for improved lot. Expect an increase next year.
Ballots (attached) were verbally presented and voted by a show of hands. All slates passed unanimously.
Next Annual Meeting will be Sept. 4th, 2021. Location TBD.
Adjourned 11:45 AM
..The Board of Directors met briefly and voted to keep the same officers for next year.
July 2020
Dear HOLA members:
2020 has been a very different year. Covid-19 is impacting our activities in Rangeley; although we do not know of any local cases thus far. Summer has arrived in the Rangeley Region, but the town is still a little quiet. Many seasonal residents and vacationers are delaying their return this year. There have been many programs and events postponed or cancelled for the summer. But the outdoors has not been cancelled and there are many opportunities to enjoy our beautiful region.
Our roads survived the unusual winter and we have done some maintenance and grading but most of the work will be done in the fall. We hope you will soon be enjoying the waterfront and picnic area, the docks and new swim lines are in and ready for your pleasure. We are very thankful for the several volunteers who have cleaned up the area, planted grass and cut some of the overgrown bushes. We have decided to mow less grass this year to see if this will be an effective “geese deterrent” and hopefully this will work.
Our HOLA Annual Meeting will be held at the The Barn at 4 High Street in Rangeley on Labor Day weekend—Saturday, September 5th at 11 AM. Please wear a mask. The road warrant is enclosed for your information. We will be electing members to the Board of Directors, a Road Commissioner and approving the annual budget. If appropriate come September; a coffee and donut reception time will be held at 10:30 AM prior to our annual meeting at the same location; come and visit with your neighbors observing social distancing. If anyone is interested in serving on the HOLA Board of Directors or one of the committees, please let any BOD member know of your interest. A healthy organization requires widespread involvement of the membership.
Please check our website for the minutes of the Executive Board and financial reports of this past year. To enable us to communicate with you more cost effectively, please send us an email with your email address: An email newsletter is sent every few months. Please update your contact information.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the members of the board at anytime.
Sincerely yours,
Millie Hoekstra
Millie Hoekstra, HOLA Chairperson
Latest News
To all HOLA Residents:
Effective today (March 22, 2023) All HOLA roads have been posted with Heavy Loads Limited. This means that any vehicles (trucks, construction vehicles, moving vans, etc.) that exceed a gross weight of 23,000 pounds will not be authorized on HOLA roads. If violated, a fine of $1,000 will be issued to the HOLA resident.
For those not familiar with this posting, annually, around this time of snow melt the majority of roads (dirt or paved) in the Rangeley area are posted to protect the condition of the roads from major damage. I (HOLA) am following the Rangeley road commissioner’s posting effectivity date lasting until June 1, 2023.
The postings are located at all intersections off of Rt 4 and Harold Ross road. They are large orange posters clearly visible to all drivers.
Thank you for your cooperation and if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
David Douglas
HOLA Road Commissioner
To: Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members
From: HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski
Re: Update
Date: November 18, 2020
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( ) The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on. We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
- HOLA Annual Meeting: In September the annual meeting was held at the HOLA waterfront. It was a sunny but windy day and there was a record attendance of 73 members. Again this year, there was no increase in the HOLA dues. The Board wishes to thank members for sending in their dues without delay. Approximately 85 % of our 200+ members sent in their dues prior to the requested November 15th This clearly helps our treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, process our finances in an easier and efficient manner.
- The Weather: The weather has been unique. In early November record warm temperatures (60-70 degrees) were set over a several day period. That has changed; we are now seeing more typical November temperatures with snow flurries. With these colder temperatures and the ground freezing, our roads are in good shape as we approach the winter season.
- COVID-19: Going to the Maine CDC website, it can be seen that Franklin county has 154 confirmed cases. This is relatively low compared to some of the coastal counties, such as Cumberland, which have several thousand cases. There are several cases in Rangeley and some of the restaurants have been forced to close due to COVID-19 outbreaks. Governor Mills has ordered that face masks be worn in public places where social distancing is difficult. In addition, visitors from the states of CT, MA, NY and NJ (NH and VT are exempt) must self-quarantine for 14 days when they enter Maine, unless they have been tested and found to be negative for the virus. How this mandate will be enforced and the extent to which it will be followed over the next few weeks as we enter the holiday season is in question.
- Skiing: Saddleback Mountain has scheduled December 15th as an opening day. The new detachable quad lift is in. The base lodge has been expanded and renovated. I have been told that a high capacity indoor air ventilation system has been installed in the base lodge to maximize air exchanges as a mechanism to minimize possible viral exposure. To get a full picture of the status of the mountain, go to (The video of the helicopter being used to install the new chair lift is impressive!!)
The Rangeley Lakes Trail Center will be open again this year for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. The opening date will be determined by snow conditions. A newsletter and applications for season passes have been mailed. One can also obtain season passes using their website Passes purchased prior to December 1st will receive a 10% discount.
- HOLA Waterfront: Our harbormaster, Mary-Ellen Moroney, has coordinated with M & H to build up the shoreline at the south side of our harbor to prevent further erosion. In addition, several large dead trees and stumps will be removed. In the spring the plan is to reseed parts of the waterfront area in order to re-establish grassy areas. Lastly, two paddle boards have been left at the waterfront. The owner needs to remove these.
- Snowmobiles: Many HOLA members are looking forward to this winter’s snowmachining, myself included. Access to the Rangeley Snowmobile Trail System, which for us starts at the CMP sub-power station in Rangeley, is via the CMP powerline right-of-way. This right-of-way is NOT a snowmachine trail. It goes over private lands. To this point in time, HOLA landowners have allowed access over the CMP right-of-way to enable only HOLA members, their guests and renters to reach the trail system. In addition, there is approved access to Rangeley Lake off Kendall Farm Trail through the Farmhouse property and the HOLA waterfront. As with ATVs, HOLA roads should not be used for recreational riding, their use is to access the trail system.
To: Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members
From: HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski
Re: Update
Date: June 22, 2020
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( ) The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on. We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
Spring? As usual over the last few years, we did not have much of a spring season. Ice out was May 9th, but on May 8th we got several inches of snow. The good news with the exceptionally cold temperatures during April and May was that the snow melt was gradual and this minimized erosion and road damage. Our roads are in good shape. Our Road Commissioner, Dave Arthurs, and his road committee have done a very good job in terms of taking care of any immediate needs or road problems, and working to improve the overall quality of our roads. Recently the roads were graded and shale placed on some problem areas.
- COVID-19 As everyone knows, this global pandemic has had a profound impact on all aspects of our lives. While Rangeley is far from some of the viral “hotspots”, like those along the coast and in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York, some of the impact of folks in Rangeley has been unique. Many individuals who normally may head south or to the southwest during the winter months, had difficulty getting back due to flight cancellations and/or concerns about traveling. During April “mud season”, when many of us like to get away, very few folks actually were able to travel. Signs of people wanting to help others was very evident. Restaurants provided curbside meals. Individuals made phone calls to people who were living alone to make sure they were okay and to take care of any immediate needs. Governor Mill’s 14 day quarantine for those people coming to Maine from out-of- state has had a huge impact, lessening tourists and visits by family and friends. Trying to reopen during the summer months is going to be a complex issue.
Saddleback Mountain Ski Area The plan to open for the 2020-2021 winter season appears to be on track. Discounted seasons passes were on sale through mid-June. A new detachable quad lift is being installed. I have been told that the ride up will go from 11 to 4 minutes! That will clearly help on cold and windy days. There are also plans to make renovations and upgrades to the base lodge.
HOLA Waterfront The waterfront is ready for full use. The dock, swim lines and swim raft are all in. A second BBQ grill has been installed. The lake is unbelievably warm for this time of year. The swimming is great, especially with the hot weather we have been having. Our Harbormaster, Mary-Ellen Moroney, coordinated slip assignments for “ice out”, as well as for the remainder of the summer months. Spaces on the kayak/canoe racks have also been assigned. The HOLA waterfront is a huge asset for members of the Association. The HOLA Board wants to insure that this facility is being used in a safe and proper manner. The specific guidelines and rules for its use are on the HOLA website. A condensed version of the rules and requirements is posted on the waterfront shed. I am also attaching this condensed version to this email. All HOLA members need to be aware of these guidelines and requirements. It is also imperative that this information be passed on to guests and renters.
Have a great summer!
To: Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members
From: HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski
Re: Update
Date: November 19, 2019
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( ) The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on. We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
1. The Weather & Fall Foliage: We had relatively mild weather this Fall, however a couple of wind storms brought down many trees. The temperatures dipped into the single digits in early November. The colors of the Fall foliage this year were no less than “spectacular”.
2. Roads: Our roads are in very good shape due to a large amount of road grading and putting down significant amounts of crushed shale in the Fall. Many thanks for the work of our Road Commissioner, Dave Arthurs, and the members of the Road Committee.
3. Winter Guidelines: In general, members of HOLA are very good in terms of understanding and complying with the Association’s policies, rules and regulations. In the winter there appear to be a significant number of folks who have guests and/or rent out their houses to snowmachiners or skiers; indivduals who are not familiar with our policies or regulations. To improve communication the HOLA Board has published a list of Winter Guidelines. This “HOLA Winter Guidelines” can be found on the HOLA website. I am also attaching this document to this email BLAST. If you have guests or renters, please make them aware of these guidelines.
4. HOLA Annual Meeting: The annual HOLA meeting was held over the Labor Day weekend. In a “nutshell” the good news is that HOLA is in very good financial shape, the Road Fees remain the same (fees that are unchanged from 2008), and over 80 % of HOLA members sent in their fees by the requested 15 November date. Thanks to all of the Board and Committee members who volunteer and donate their time and effort to the Association.
5. Saddleback Mountain: “Sold, Not Sold, Sold, Not Sold, Sold, What Next??”
The “saga” of the Saddleback Mountain ski resort continues. Several years ago, after the deal with the Aussie fell through, things were pretty quiet concerning the possible sale of the mountain. This past summer the latest news was that an agreement had been reached with the Berry family, the owners of the mountain, and “Arctaris Impact Fund” of Boston to buy the mountain. A November 5 contract signing date was announced. Then in October the word was that there was no deal; back to square one. Subsequently, there was a surprise announcement that an agreement with Arctaris has been reached. There was not a lot of detail in this final announcement, but it was stated that major improvements in the lifts and snow making equipment and the upgrading of the base lodge were going to be made, with an opening date in the 2020 ski season. If this latest deal goes through, it will be very good for the Rangeley region.
It should be noted that over the past few years the” Rangeley Lakes Trails Center” for cross country skiing and snowshoeing has been fully operational despite the closure of the downhill ski area. It is currently gearing up and getting ready for the 2019-2020 season
To: Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members
From: HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski
Re: Update
Date: June 11, 2019
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( ) The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on. We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
- The Weather: Last year I did not send out a “Spring” email BLAST because we had no spring. If nothing else, the weather is consistent; no Spring this year as well. For several weeks the weather pattern was cold, cloudy and wet. Ice out was May 11th. In the last 20 years there have only been three years when ice out was May 11th or later. The good news is that yesterday it was sunny and 82 degrees.
- HOLA: As you are aware, the activities and responsibilities of the HOLA Board, the HOLA Committee Chairs and members, and our Road Commissioner are all carried out by volunteers. I would like to make two observations. The first is that the Association is financially sound. The Board members have been excellent stewards of the dues that members contribute. The second point refers to the general attitude and atmosphere within the Association. Many of us have heard of or have had bad experiences with other Homeowner’s Associations where there are personality clashes, in-fighting and/or contentious debates over various matters. Having served on the HOLA Board for many years, I have seen none of this. This climate clearly has contributed to the success of HOLA.
- Roads: This was an extremely difficult winter for our roads. Despite the snow and icing most of the road surfaces held up well, probably due to the increased amount of shale that has been used over the last couple of years. As trouble spots arose, they were taken care of. As you may be aware, there were tentative plans to have a section of the north entrance to the Overlook paved to deal with the “wash-boarding”. At a recent HOLA Board meeting it was decided to put that plan “on hold” due to concerns about the underlying road foundation and its ability to support an asphalt surface.
- Waterfront: As noted in the last email BLAST, during the fall major improvements were made at our waterfront. Several thousand dollars was spent to dredge out and deepen the harbor and the channel leading into our harbor. In addition, new kayak racks have been added, the grounds have been improved and our aluminum dock system is complete. With these improvements there has been an increase in usage; which is excellent. That being said, the HOLA Board wants to make sure that the waterfront is being used in an appropriate and proper manner by HOLA members, as well as any guests or renters. Attached to this email BLAST is a sheet listing the recommendations/policies for use of the waterfront which has been approved by the BOARD. Please review these, and if you have any guests or renters, please make them aware of these policies.
- HOLA Annual Meeting: The HOLA annual meeting will be held on Saturday, August 31st and 11:00 am. The meeting will take place at The Barn at 4 High Street in Rangeley. We hope you can attend.
To: Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members
From: HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski
Re: Update
Date: September 18, 2018
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( ) The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out over the past three years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on. We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
- HOLA Annual Meeting: The 2018 Annual meeting of HOLA was held on September 1st . The meeting was well attended. The good news was that HOLA is financially sound and our dues will remain the same for 2018-2019; $ 210 for an unimproved lot and $ 462 for an improved lot with a house. It should be noted that there has not been an increase in our dues over the last 10 years. The minutes of the meeting have been posted on the HOLA website.
- Discussion concerning tree cutting and view restoration.
- As you may be aware, various HOLA members have approached the Association about the concern over the loss of their views and their ability to cut trees. The last email BLAST had a questionnaire in an attempt to determine how many owners had concerns and were interested in tree cutting to restore their views. Of the 190 HOLA members only about 15 owners responded and the amount of tree cutting being considered was very limited. To those folks who responded to the questionnaire, and others who have since contacted the Board about this issue, information on arborists/tree cutters and/or various companies that have worked on our hills will be sent to them.
- Discussion concerning tree cutting and view restoration.
- At the annual meeting this topic was brought up. The HOLA Board issued a formal statement concerning its involvement and policy concerning tree cutting and view restoration. That statement reads:
While HOLA has no legal or financial responsibility with regard to property owners maintaining their views, the Association is concerned about the loss of views and decrease in property values. In an effort to assist members in this regard, the following information and policy is being shared.
- It has been documented that since both the Highlands and Overlook were once pasteur with limited trees, in general there is no restriction in clear cutting properties on both hills. Owners should consult their deeds, plantation/township and/or LURC for any specific information with regards to view restoration/tree cutting.
- HOLA will allow owners to remove trees on the HOLA road right-of-way and within Common lands. It is the owner’s responsibility to determine that the trees in question are within the right-of-way and/or common lands by either locating survey stakes or having the area surveyed. All brush and trees must be removed; stumps can remain. Before such work is done the owner should inform HOLA of their intent and also communicate this with any adjacent landowner.
- Our roads: Our Road Commissioner, Dave Arthurs, and his road committee have continued to make progress and major improvements on our 7 miles of HOLA roads. Culvert work has been done and more of our roads have been covered with shale. Recently, the roads have been graded. One matter under consideration is to have the first 150-200 feet of the main (north) entrance to the Overlook paved with asphalt in order to eliminate the severe “wash-boarding” that persists. The final decision will largely depend on the cost; several estimates will be obtained. Should this occur the work would not be done until next spring/summer. This winter Burgess will again be doing our snow plowing and sanding.
- The waterfront: If you have not been to the waterfront lately, you need to check it out. Major improvements and changes have been made. VOLUNTEERISM within HOLA thrives!!! Several of our members spent a huge amount of time and effort in cleaning up the waterfront. Several trailer/truck loads of brush, debris and other materials were removed from the waterfront. The old wooden bar, bench and stone firepit are gone. This has opened up a great view of the lake and Doctor’s Island. A new steel park-style charcoal grill has also been installed.
- Our Harbormaster, Mary-Ellen Moroney, has been doing “yeoman’s work” in jumping through all of the whoops to get the permits to have the harbor and channel dredged this fall, as well as putting down stone to prevent erosion of our shoreline.
- Individuals with boats/kayaks are asked to remove them from the waterfront by 1 October.
- HOLA website: “Be aware but not alarmed!” A few months ago Google began marking non-HTTPS sites as “not secure”. When you go to HOLA’s website, you may see a warning that this site does not have a secure certificate. Our webmaster has told us that sites like HOLA’s normally do not have, or require, a secure certificate because no personal information is on the website and we do not use the website for any financial transactions. Consequently, at present there is no justification for HOLA to have to pay several hundred dollars to have our website secured by Google.
To: HOLA Members who inquired about potential tree work for view restoration
From: Ed Zambraski/For the HOLA Board
Re: Potential Tree Work
Date: September 21, 2018
As indicated in the recent HOLA email BLAST, information about arborists/tree cutters/companies would be sent to all HOLA members who inquired about potential work. Below are two lists.
The first is a list of individuals/companies who have done tree work on our hills AND who have received very positive reviews in terms of the quality of their work and cost. Please: this is not to disregard other local companies/individuals that can do this work; this is simply the names that I have been provided.
The second list are the names and locations of HOLA members who are considering having tree work done; the same individuals who are receiving this email. This second list is being provided so that members might be able to coordinate work, possibly with a neighbor, to reduce costs. Such efforts to possibly coordinate work will be up to individual landowners; HOLA will not be involved in lining up work or executing any work to be done.
Arborists/Companies that have completed tree work for HOLA members.
Mark Beauregard 864-5040
Jim Carignan 864-5447
Cerminera Enterprises (Frank Cerminera) 864-2622
M & H Construction 864-5617
Mark Reiland 207 431-6367
Nicholast Therault 207 212-8583
HOLA Members Considering Tree Work for View Restoration
Those on the Overlook
Hoffman, Carol and Bruce 23 Paul’s Path Lots 22D 24D
Syrel, Kim 28 Paul’s Path Lot 36D
Dodge, Rick and Wendy Summit Road
Donahue, Todd Old Esker Way Lot 21D
Leclerc, Michael 33 Loop Road
Matley, Frank 85 Winston Road
Metivier, Dave 39 Barbra Lane
Salvini, Alan 18 Winston Road
Smith, Barry
Johnson, Tim 135 The Loop Road
Perry, Lori
Myers, Tim Between Paul’s Path & Deer Cliff Run
Those on the Highlands
Vermette, Jerry and Claire 174 Lynn Way
Sampson, Nick and Gay 2 Lynn Way
Johnson, Terry Tilt of the Kilt
Mularz, Walter and Joan 44 Lynn Way
Kastner, Kathleen 168 Lynn Way
Zulauf, Mike 144 Lynn Way
Dailey, Pamela and Steven 126 Kendall Farm Trail
Gavin, John 184 Lynn Way
Hylinski, Bernie 150 Lynn Way & Tilt of the Kilt
To: Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members
From: HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski
Re: Update
Date: June 5, 2018
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out over the past three years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on. We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
- Consistency: Last year I did not send out an email BLAST in the spring because last year there was no spring. Most believe that “consistency” is important. From what I have been told (for all of April I hightailed it out of Rangeley to warmer latitudes), and observed over the last few weeks, this year is more or less the same; not much of a spring! We had a nice stretch of warm and dry days in May, but the temperatures are currently about 20 degrees lower than average. The good news is that we currently have more than 15 hours of daylight!
- HOLA Roads: Our roads have finally dried out and hardened up. Our Road Commissioner, Dave Arthurs, had arranged to have the roads graded in early May, but the conditions were not right, and the grading had to be delayed. We are hoping to have the roads graded within the next 1-2 weeks. In general, the shale that was put down last fall has helped the roads. More shale and some ditching will be done this spring. Also, Dave has arranged for calcium chloride to be put down on the roads this summer to control the dust.
- Waterfront: Things are moving along according to the normal schedule at the Waterfront. The boat docks have been in since early May, many of our members have been out fishing and doing well, and the kayak/canoe racks are beginning to fill up. The aluminum docks and swimming raft should be in within the next couple of weeks.
- Local News: There are some major changes in “downtown” Rangeley.
- The Lakeside Theater has upgraded to a digital projector and sound system and is now showing new releases and independent movies. Coming June 8-10, “Isle of Dogs” PG-13, and June 15-17 “A Quiet Place” PG-13. To see the complete Movie schedule and other Events go to
- Sarge’s Sports Pub and Grub has undergone a major expansion and renovations. I have not been in Sarge’s since this work was done, but I am told that the changes are quite dramatic
- Tree Cutting/Restoration of lake and mountain views: Several members of HOLA have approached the HOLA Board with questions about having trees removed in order to restore the views that were once had. First, it needs to be made clear that HOLA has no responsibility for maintaining views, or tree cutting, on the properties of HOLA members. (The only narrow exception is that HOLA does “own” the trees that may be within the HOLA road right-of-ways.)
- To address this issue of view restoration, the HOLA Board had asked its “Long Range Planning Committee” to look into this matter. The Committees’ response was that “we need more information” in order to determine what might be done, costs, logistics, etc.
- At the recent HOLA Board Meeting I was asked to use this email BLAST to start gathering some information on tree cutting and view restoration.
- I have agreed to take this on; to gather some information/data to pass on to the Long Range Planning Committee so that they can determine what, if anything, might be done. That being said, with almost 200 properties within
HOLA this is not a “simple matter”. I am attaching a sheet to start this process. I have no idea as to whether this will go anywhere, in terms of what kind of a response I might get or what might eventuate, but I have agreed to have a “go at it”!
HOLA Annual Meeting: The next annual HOLA meeting will be on Saturday September 1, 2018 at 11:00 am. It will be held at the “Barn” at the Congregational Church which is located at 2 High Street. We hope you can attend.
To: Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members
From: HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski
Re: Update
Date: August 1, 2017
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. The HOLA website has been revised. See the note below about the new website address and check it out. The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to maintain a HOLA member email list and to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out over the past year and a half were very well received by our members, so I will forge on. We hope this is of value and would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
- HOLA Annual Meeting The 2017 Annual meeting of HOLA will occur on Saturday, September 2nd at 11:00 am at the “Barn” adjacent to the Congregational Church on High Street. The HOLA Board members donate hundreds of hours for the benefit of our Association members. This is a great opportunity to meet your HOLA Board members, to learn more about the various services being provided or planned, and to offer input in terms of any questions or issues that you wish to address.
- Saddleback Moutain Sale In June there was a news conference held at the Saddleback Mountain Ski area. It was announced that an Australian Company, the Majella Group, had their offer to purchase the ski area accepted by the Berry family, the ski area’s current owners. The terms of the sale, plans for development and/or a date for when the ski area would be re-open were not disclosed. The sale was scheduled to be finalized sometime this summer. Since that announcement no additional details, at least that I am aware of, have been released. It is not known if there will be adequate time to make some needed repairs and upgrades on the lifts for the ski area to be operational for the 2017-2018 season. That being said, this announcement is clearly very good news, with this sale having the potential to have a major positive impact on the Rangeley area.
- HOLA Road Committee If you drive almost anywhere on our roads, there are clear signs that the Road committee and our road commissioner, Dave Arthurs, have been making significant improvements. Our roads have been graded, and in places that tend to erode, a several inch topping of stone has been added. In addition, several of our roads have been treated with Calcium Chloride to keep the dust down. Some culvert work is scheduled for this Fall. Contact Dave Arthurs (864-3992) if you have problems or questions concerning our roads. Lastly, in July there was an auto accident where the Lakeview Highlands “ Lynn Way” meets Route 4. A car veered off the road and it took out our “Lakeview Highlands” sign. There is “good news” on two counts. First, no one was hurt. Second, our Lakeview Highlands sign, which is probably over 30 years old, will be replaced as part of an insurance claim. Several designs for a new sign have been drawn up and estimates on the fabrication and installation are being obtained.
- HOLA Waterfront The waterfront Committee and the Harbormaster, Mary-Ellen Moroney, have been busy. All of the docks, piers, swim lines and the swim float are in the water. Yesterday the water temperature was 69 degrees!! A new kayak rack was added to accommodate the ever-increasing request for spaces. To improve visibility as one is leaving the waterfront and stopped at Route 4, a large amount of vegetation (e.g. branches, small trees, brush) has been removed/trimmed back. Lastly, Paul Ellis has gifted our waterfront with some additional benches, picnic tables, a grill and a large serving table.
- The issue of dogs at the Waterfront Many HOLA members bring their dogs to the Waterfront. If your dog likes to chase geese, we would encourage you to bring them more often! However, there have been some problems, or issues, with dogs at the Waterfront. Consequently, the Waterfront Committee and HOLA Board have approved of the following rules concerning dogs at the Waterfront.
- Dogs must be on a leash or under their owner’s total control at all times.
- Dogs are not allowed within the swimming area.
- Owners must clean up after their pets.
- The issue of dogs at the Waterfront Many HOLA members bring their dogs to the Waterfront. If your dog likes to chase geese, we would encourage you to bring them more often! However, there have been some problems, or issues, with dogs at the Waterfront. Consequently, the Waterfront Committee and HOLA Board have approved of the following rules concerning dogs at the Waterfront.
New HOLA website: New Address!! As announced previously, please note that to access the HOLA website the address has changed. The new address is: Please update this address in your “favorites” and address books.
To: Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members
From: HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski
Re: Update
Date: December 5, 2016
One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area. To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. (See the important announcement below concerning the website!) The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.
I have agreed to maintain a HOLA member email list and to send out periodic (e.g. every couple of months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group. The ones that were sent out this past December, February, May and August were very well received by our members. This email is our fifth. We hope this is of value and would appreciate any feedback that you may have.
- It is snowing!! December has arrived and along with our first real snow with 3-5 inches covering the ground. Everyone is hoping for some serious snow this year.
- Saddleback Ski Area Proposal On October 27, 2016 there was a news conference in Portland and a press release concerning the status of Saddle Mountain. A community coalition, “Saddleback Community Mountain Resort” LLC, have put forth a proposal to buy the ski area. It was indicated that they have a verbal agreement from the Berry Family, Saddleback’s current owners, for purchase of the ski area. This plan requires that $ 4 million be raised for the purchase to go through. Details of the plan may be found at This sale would be coupled with the purchase of several thousand acres of land adjacent to the ski area by two groups: The Trust for Public Land and the New England Forestry Foundation. This purchase would be for forestland conservation. While this is positive news, no recent updates have been made concerning the status of the fund raising.
- It should be noted that the Rangeley Lakes Trails Center (cross country skiing and snowshoeing) will be open for the 2016-2017 season.
- HOLA Road Committee The committee and our road commissioner, Dave Arthurs, have been very active. Our roads are in relatively good shape going into the winter season. The good low temperatures and freeze that we are currently having will help. As indicated in August, the HOLA Board has approved a new 5 year contract with Dave Burgess for the plowing and sanding of our roads. If you have any problem or issue with plowing/sanding, please do not contact Dave Burgess or any of his employees. Contact Dave Arthurs or any member of the road committee.
- Snowmachine Access to Trails.(see map below)*
- Each year there are questions about the use of HOLA roads by snowmachines/ATVs. The following restates HOLA road policies.
- HOLA members, or their guests, may use snowmachines or ATVs on HOLA roads to: 1) visit other HOLA members, 2) to access the snow machine trail system.
- Non-HOLA members are not allowed to ride on any of our roads.
- The CMP right-of-way for the power lines and is NOT a right-of-way for the general public or HOLA members for their use of snowmachines or ATVs. New signs have been installed where the CMP power lines intersect HOLA roads to indicate that the use of HOLA roads as trails is prohibited.
- There are three access points, or routes, for HOLA members, or their guests, to access the public snow machine trail system or Rangeley Lake. (See the attached map)
- These are:
- Lakeview Highlands -off Kendall Farm road, north of Farmhouse Inn, across route 4 and down through HOLA waterfront to access the lake.
- Lakeview Highlands-off Marion Drive, heading north along the CMP right of way, across Dallas Hill Rd and into Rangeley.
- Overlook-off Summit Road, through lots 112E/113E along CMP right of way to ITS 84.
- I have been told that a snowmachine trail from “Rev-it-up Sports Shop” on Rte 4 to Rangeley, which was closed last year, has been re-opened.
- These are:
- HOLA website: New Address!! As announced previously, please note that to access the HOLA website the address has changed. The new address is: Please update this address in your “favorites” and address books.
Annual Membership Meeting
September 5, 2015 Minutes
Board Chairman, Millie Hoekstra welcomed the HOLA membership to the annual meeting and thanked the Board for all their hard work during the past year.
Secretary Report: The minutes of the 2014 meeting were approved as submitted by the Secretary, John Clark.
Social Activities Report:
Sandy Young reported that we tried a social period prior to the meeting rather than a lunch following the meeting. It seems that everyone is busy with their own families and guests. The Music on the Lake was not at the HOLA waterfront this year, but was the at Town Park.
Treasurer’s report:
Mike Moroney (treasurer for 13 years) was thanked for his many years of service to the organization. The new Treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, submitted a written report indicating Total Liabilities & Equity of $34,468.72 and a Net Income of $5,849.38
He also gave an update on receipts and delinquents.
The report was accepted as submitted. Please see the website for full report.
Waterfront Committee Report: Mary-Ellen Moroney
Paul Ellis brought back the ladder from the old dock and Burgess’s employees put it on the raft.
The ladder on the new dock was fixed as of yesterday. If we can get more easement money, we may be able to finish the docking system next year. The sign-up sheet is in the box on the shed for fall boating and fishing. Anyone wanting a slip, including the boats already there, needs to sign up on the sheet. If we want to insure the swim lines and buoys when they are in the shed for $1,500 for named risks we can do so for $30.
Mary-Ellen made the motion to insure the docks when they are outside the water for an annual premium of $500 with a $500 deductible. This motion was defeated
Road Committee Report:
We are moving through a dry summer which is leading to some dusty road conditions. Although calcium on the roads is an answer (this was done in June), we must have some rain to set the calcium on the roads and this has not been in our favor. The road committee will look into having some sections of the roads
(especially the main roads-Overlook Road and The Lynn Way) treated with liquid calcium in the future which may last for a longer period of time.
Summer work this year included grading and rock raking the roads. There was some ditching and rocking on The Loop Road in an effort to alleviate water runoff issues. The Lynn Way was ditched and rocked to help with spring water issues in that area. The material removed was used to build up a berm along Morel Road and a ditch was added on lower side.
The road committee identified two areas that need attention this fall. Winston Road will be ditched and graded and the sight issue on Marion Drive will be addressed. The committee will also
look for trees in the road right of way that could potentially cause problems during winter storms. The snow plowing contract is all set for this year. If you have any problems with winter road conditions, please call the road commissioner who will relay any concerns to the contractor.
Thank you for your continued support,
Les Hoekstra
HOLA Road Commissioner
Proposed Budget for fiscal 2015 – 2016: (see website for budget)
Budget of $92,260.00 (same as last year) was submitted
The Budget was approved as submitted.
Assessor’s Report: (see website for full report)
The rates will stay the same for next year: $463 house, $210 lot, $65 dues
No increase in road fees for fiscal 2015-2016
Nominating Committee for fiscal 2015-2016:
Individuals elected to the Board: Paul Ellis, Jeff Munson, Ann Arthurs and Ed Zambraski.
Assessors: Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski and Jeff Munson
Road Commissioner: David Arthurs
Sign-up sheets for committees was circulated
The next meeting of the HOLA Membership will be on Saturday (Sept. 3rd) of Labor Day weekend in 2016 at 11 a.m. at the Barn.
The Executive Board re-elected all current officers for 2016
Annual Membership Meeting
August 30, 2014
Millie Hoekstra opened the meeting with introductions and thank you to each Board Member and Committees.
The minutes of the 2013 meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s report and other financials. Mike Moroney reviewed the fiscal year end budget with the members. His report was accepted as submitted.
Mike and Millie reviewed the propose budget for 2014/2015 fiscal year. The proposed budget was approved as submitted with a $20 increase in dues. ($65)
Assessors Report: Lots=$210, Houses=$463
Waterfront Committee: We have new non sinking lighted swim buoys. This should keep boaters from cutting our swim lines
and help boaters find our harbor.
We had some major repairs to the dock and swim lines after Hurricane Arthur. The ladder for the raft is missing. It was torn off when being moved. It will be replaced for next season.
The amended waterfront policy will be retyped and presented to the Board for approval in November.
There is a sign-up sheet for slips for fall fishing after Labor Day.
For those who have partial waterfront rights – full rights can be purchased for $1,500. The cost of full rights for lots without waterfront rights is $9,500. These prices are available
through 2016.
The Waterfront Committee will assign the slips and the canoe/kayak racks in January. Please send in your requests when you pay your dues in October.
I want to thank our Waterfront Committee: Mike Moroney, John and Peggy Clark, Dick Moore, Paul Ellis, Tom Sullivan, Dave and Ann
Arthurs, Gary Wadsworth, Chester Winooski, Ed Zambraski, and Butch DeSanctis.
Road Committee Report: (meeting 8/23/14)
Those present: Ann & Dave Arthurs, Paul Ellis, Les & Millie Hoekstra, Ben Wetherill
1. Review of road conditions
Overall the roads are in pretty good shape. A few problem spots were identified and discussed.
The “brown patch” (ground up asphalt and gravel) that was used last fall seems to be working well. We will be using more of
that this year. Also, we will be looking at prices to pave 100’ or so at each entrance. The Loop Road water issues will be discussed with M & H personnel and come up with a plan. Speed on
our roads is still an issue; is it time to install speed bumps for the summer months?
The Circle in the Overlook will need attention this fall
There will be some ditching/topping done this fall
2. It was decided to keep the road budget the same for next year. $79,500
3. The gate on The Lynn Way will be open after Labor Day. (We had it opened on a couple busy weekends this summer) Those living on The Lynn Way have commented how much they appreciate
the less traffic and use of the road by those just cutting through and leaving some of their trash.
4. A DR String mower is being considered as a solution to the mowing of the sides of the roads. We will look to purchase this fall.
Nominating Committee: Ken Young advised that those with terms expiring have agreed to serve another term. John and Peggy Clark, Anne Crump, Dave Arthurs and Sandy Young.
Les Hoekstra has agreed to serve another term as Road Commissioner.
There were no other nominations and all nominees were elected by the membership.
The Board met following the membership meeting and all Board
Officers were elected for another one year term.
The next meeting of the HOLA Membership
will be on Saturday of Labor Day weekend in 2015 at 11 a.m. at
the Barn.
June 2014
Dear HOLA members:
Summer is slowly arriving in Rangeley!! The town is getting busy with many seasonal residents returning to enjoy the beauty we call Rangeley. There have been many programs and events
happening which gives everyone many opportunities to enjoy our beautiful region.
Our roads survived the harsh winter and we have done some maintenance and grading but most of the work will be done in the fall. We have closed the gate on The Lynn Way going out to
Harold Ross Road for the summer to through traffic. Residents wishing an access key may call 207-864-2963. Today we received a report and a “thank you” from one of the residents at that end
of the road for doing so. “The traffic by our house has been reduced by 85%”. This will hopefully reduce maintenance costs and increase safety within our road system. We hope you will soon be enjoying the waterfront and picnic area, the docks and swim lines are in and ready for your pleasure.
A special event for HOLA members will be held at the waterfront on August 21st. Rangeley Friends of the Arts will be presenting Music from the Lake again this summer. The Oquossoc Lady
with the DownEast Brass aboard will be stopping at our waterfront and giving a special concert for you and your friends. Plan now to join us for a special evening. More details will be posted at the waterfront.
Our HOLA Annual Meeting will be held at the The Barn at 4 High Street in Rangeley on Labor Day weekend—Saturday August 30th at 11AM. The road warrant is enclosed for your information. We will be electing members to the Board of Directors, a Road Commissioner and approving the annual budget. A potluck cookout will be held immediately following the meeting at the same
location. If anyone is interested in serving on the HOLA Board of Directors or one of the committees, please let any BOD member know of your interest. A healthy organization requires
widespread involvement of the membership.
Please check our website for the minutes of the Executive Board and financial reports of this past year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the members of the board at anytime.
Sincerely yours,
Millie Hoekstra
HOLA Annual Member Meeting August 31, 2013
The minutes of the 2012 Annual Meeting were approved as submitted.
Chairman of the Board, Millie Hoekstra welcomed everyone and explained the reasons for the annual meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney gave a report on the HOLA financials which was approved as submitted.
Click here to view treasurers Report
Waterfront Committee Report:
We have a new rack for the canoes and kayaks. We have had openings for the slips this summer as people’s plans have changed since they originally signed up on the sheet that is
sent out along with the dues. The Waterfront Committee will assign the slips and the canoe/kayak racks in January.
We’ve had a few trees removed by a family of beavers.
We have had the electric line in the conduit under the loading ramp reburied. We have also replaced the worn out swim line with a new one.
There is a sign up sheet on the shed for slips for Fall Fishing after Labor Day.
For those few whose lots do not have full waterfront rights the rights are $1,500 to the end of 2014. The cost for waterfront
rights for a lot with no rights is $9,500 for the same period of time.
I want to thank our Waterfront Committee: Mike Moroney, John and Peggy Clark, Dick Moore, Paul Ellis, Tom Sullivan, Dave and Ann
Arthurs, Gary Wadsworth, Chester Winkowski, Ed Zambraski, and Butch DeSanctis.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Road Committee Report:
See Board Minutes for details.
2013-2014 Budget was approved as submitted.
At the 9 a.m. Board of Directors meeting the board voted to install a gate on the Lynn Way near the Harold Ross Road.
Assessors Report:
Dave Arthurs advised that the assessment for the next fiscal year will be the same as last year.
Based on an approved budget of $79,500
Unimproved lots = $210
Improved lots = $463
Nominating Committee:
This year the terms of 7 members of the Board of Directors expired.
Dave Douglas
Millie Hoekstra
Barbara Meservey
Mary-Ellen Moroney
Mike Moroney
Ana Wetherill
Ken Young
Barbara Meservey has decided not to run for another term.
Jeff Zapolsky has said that he would like his name to be placed on the ballot.
TinaMarie Falasco is no longer a HOLA member. The directors have appointed Anne Crump to fill out the last year of TinaMarie’s term.
The list of nominees for the Board of Directors is:
Dave Douglas
Millie Hoekstra
Mary-Ellen Moroney
Mike Moroney
Ana Wetherill
Ken Young
Jeff Zapolsky
We have enough nominees to have a full slate of directors.
Nominating Committee
Ken Young
Jeff Munson
All nominees were approved by the membership.
Les Hoekstra was elected to another term as Road Commissioner.
The Board of Directors met and all officers were elected to serve another term.
Dear HOLA Members:
Another beautiful summer has come to an end—almost!! The Fall colors have arrived in all their splendor. Many of you have had time to enjoy the beauty of our region and relax and recharge
for the busyness of everyday life. We encourage all members to become involved in the association as much as possible. Check our website for additional information. Please email your email address to our Secretary, John at so we can connect with you more efficiently. If you would like to volunteer for a committee, please email me at before November 1. We soon will be doing some road maintenance to get ready for the winter months.
Please review the minutes of the annual membership meeting which was held on September 1st. Please assist us by sending in your remittance of the enclosed membership dues and road maintenance fee as soon as possible. This will enable us to get the needed road maintenance done prior to winter. The Board of Directors appreciates your comments and suggestions as we start another year of handling the business for the association.
Millie Hoekstra, HOLA Board of Directors Chairperson
HOLA Annual Member Meeting September 1, 2012, held at The
Barn on High Street, Rangeley
The minutes of the September 2011 meeting were accepted as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating total liabilities and equity of $20,175.09 and net income of $9,024.58. The report was accepted as submitted.
Road Committee:
HOLA Road Commissioner’s Report 2011-2012 was a decided departure from our normal process of doing the roads. Due to weather conditions last fall, it was determined to do some of the work in the spring. I believe this worked to our advantage especially in the area of road topping. Topping in the spring prevents the material from being plowed up during the winter season. Once again all the roads were rock raked and graded. The following areas had topping added to them.
Entrance of The Lynn Way to lot 2E (6 loads)
The Lynn Way from the corner to 3H (Dick Moore’s-2 loads)
The Lynn Way to Harold Ross Road (10 loads)
Kendall Farm Trail from 17H to 14 H (7 loads)
Kendall Farm Trail from 14E to 12E (4 loads)
The Loop Road from 4 corners to the Y (2 loads)
In addition excavation work was done at the bottom of the Overlook Road and the upper portion of the Loop Road to help alleviate the water and runoff problems that usually occur in the spring.
The committee also purchased 50 bags of Calcium Chloride and applied them to the major roadways to help alleviate the summer dust. Brush and trees were cut along the roadways to help with
sight lines on the curves. We are investigating the possibility of mowing the sides of the roads; we had contacted a potential person but unfortunately after looking at the roadsides he decided that his equipment would not do the job.
We are in the last year of our 3-year plowing contract. Last winter was not very snowy but winter will soon be here again. I believe most of us are very satisfied with the work that has been done by our plowing contractor.
There will be some road work done this fall which will consist of grading and some topping to prepare the roads for winter. The extensive amount of ditching over the past few years has made
life easier for the plow drivers and helps greatly with the spring runoff. Some of you will notice the washboard road surface. This is due to excessive speed and not engaging four wheel drive on the
hills. Please watch your speed and drive with caution. I would like to personally give a big “Thank You” to Paul Ellis who has spent numerous hours on our roads and coordinating the work being done by the contractors. Without this dedication and volunteerism our expenses would be much greater. The budget submitted for 2012-2013 season will stay the same. This is allowing us to make necessary repairs and needed maintenance each year.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call me at 864-2963 or email me at
Respectfully submitted,
Les Hoekstra, HOLA Road Commissioner
Assessors Report:
Dick Moore advised that there will be no change in the property assessments for the next fiscal year. Lot’s with houses = $463 Undeveloped lots = $210
Nominating Committee Report:
Ken Young reported that the following terms expire this year – Paul Ellis, Dick Moore, Darlene Munson and Jeff Munson. Dick Moore and Darlene Munson decided not to run again. Bill Hayes is
unable to attend the Board Meetings and resigned his position on the Board and accepted a position on the Road Committee. Peggy Clark accepted a nomination to fill the vacant position.
Nominees are: Paul Ellis, Jeff Munson, Ann Arthurs, Ed Zambraski and Peggy Clark.
All nominees were elected by the membership.
Les Hoekstra was reelected to another term as Road Commissioner.
Waterfront Committee Report:
The Harbor was dredged on 8/30/2012 thanks to all Paul Ellis’s hard work with the DEP.
Our swim lines were cut on 8/29. Dave Douglas is going to see if he can put them back together. We need to replace the left swim buoy.
The number of boats in the harbor varies from full to spaces available. We had the most boats during the ice out fishing season. We are at the start of fall fishing. After this weekend, there will be a sign up sheet for boats. Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Social Activities Report:
Sandy Young, Chairman advised that there will be a pot luck luncheon following the annual meeting at the barn.
A sign-up sheet was passed around for volunteers for committee assignments.
The next Annual Meeting of HOLA membership will be on August 31, 2013 at the Barn.
October 2011
Dear HOLA Members:
Another beautiful summer has come to an end—almost!! The Fall colors have arrived in all their splendor. Many of you have had time to enjoy the beauty of our region and relax and recharge
for the busyness of everyday life. We encourage all members to become involved in the association as much as possible. Check our website for additional information. Please email your email address to our Secretary, John at so we can connect with you more efficiently. If you would like to volunteer for a committee, please email me at before November 1. We soon will be doing some road maintenance to get ready for the winter months. Please review the minutes of the annual membership meeting which was held on September 3rd. Please assist us by sending in your remittance of the enclosed membership dues and road maintenance fee as soon as possible. This will enable us to get the needed road maintenance done prior to winter. The Board of Directors appreciates your comments and suggestions as we start another year of handling the business for the association.
Millie Hoekstra, HOLA Board of Directors Chairperson
HOLA Membership Annual Meeting Minutes:
September 3, 2011
The minutes of the 2010 Annual Membership
Meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney presented a Balance Sheet
indicating Total Liabilities and Equity of $16,284.13 and a
Profit and Loss Statement indicating a Net Income of
Road Committee Report: Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner
presented a written report:
I regret not being able to be at the annual meeting due to a wedding in Mass. Hopefully, this report will answer any questions or concerns you may have. And, as always, if you have any concerns at any time, feel free to call me or send an email.
Another year has sped quickly by and I believe our roads are in fairly good condition. Last year’s extensive ditching did alleviate most spring season problems as it allowed water to drain from the road beds. The extensive repair to Overlook Road has improved that section greatly. The mud holes seem to be removed. There have been some complaints regarding “joy riding” for ATV’s or snowmobiles. You may ride to the trails or to visit a HOLA neighbor. We do not want to prohibit all ATV and snowmobile use on our roads, so please adhere to the policy.
This fall we will be doing maintenance work on The Lynn Way as well as ditching on several roads. There are a few culverts that need to be replaced. We will add topping and do grading as
It was a very snowy winter and contractor handled all the plowing and sanding that was needed. The time and material plowing contract has been completed with Burgess Construction again for next year. It will be a 3 year contract of $40,000 cap each year.
Please let me know if you see any problem areas on your road that need to be addressed. We have more than 7 miles of roads and although I do drive them frequently, it is always helpful if
anyone that sees an issue will report it. The Road Committee report was accepted as submitted.
Assessors Report: Dick Moore advised that the assessment for roads would be the same as it was in Fiscal Year 2010/2011 which is $210 for a lot, $463 for a lot with a house and $45 for dues. The assessors report was accepted as submitted.
Nominating Committee Report: Ken Young nominated the following individuals for a three year term. Dave Arthurs, John Clark, TinaMarie Falasco, Sandy Young and Bill Hayes. The
nomination was seconded and approved by the Membership.
Les Hoekstra was nominated for another term as Road Commissioner and approved by the membership.
HOLA Roads Budget: The budget was approved as submitted.
Waterfront Committee Report: Mary-Ellen Moroney reported the following: The waterfront now has the new cribbing and new docks. We now have two more slips, so I have renumbered them.
Slip number 4 is the loading slip. Slip number 5 is a two week slip. We thank Paul Ellis for organizing the waterfront repairs.
M&H did the cribbing. A-One Builders made the docks. We thank Gary Wadsworth for hooking up the electricity. We now have power on both sides of the harbor.
Paul has set up the horseshoe pits. The swimming raft drifted into the harbor breaking the swim lines in June. These have been repaired by Burgess Construction.
We have had some trees drift into the harbor and on the shore from Tropical Storm Irene. Most boats were removed. I called those with canoes and kayaks that were not tied down. I have
also called Chester Wincowski, who has water in his boat, and left him a message.
We are checking on having the silt that has drifted into the harbor removed. The water at some of the slips was very low this summer.
We had more requests for kayak/canoe rack storage then we had space and will be adding a new rack for next season.
We seem to have been able to accommodate everyone this year. The Waterfront Committee is going to assign the slips in January. We also going to be assigning the spaces on the canoe and kayak
racks. The forms are sent out with the dues notice.
Please let me know when you have removed your boat from the harbor so that I can assign that slip to another member. If your boat has been out of the harbor for more than a week without
notification, it will be assumed that the slip is free for another person to use.
For those few whose lots do not have full waterfront rights the rights are $1,300 from now until May 2014. The cost for waterfront rights for a lot with no rights is $8,500 for the same time period.
Waterfront Committee report was approved as submitted.
Sandy Young informed everyone that there would be a pot luck picnic at the Barn following the meeting.
Sign-up sheets for new committee members were circulated.
One member mentioned that deep grass and weeds along Lynn Way was blocking the drivers view on a curve. Paul Ellis said he would take care of it.
The next Annual Membership Meeting will be on September 1,
2012 @ 11:00 AM @ the Barn.
October 2010
Dear HOLA Members:
Another beautiful summer has come to an end–almost-still warm for September. The Fall colors have arrived in all their splendor. Many of you have had time to enjoy the beauty of our
region and relax and recharge for the busyness of everyday life.
We encourage all members to become involved in the association as much as possible. Check our website for additional information. Please email your email address to John at so we can connect with you more efficiently. If you would like to volunteer for a committee, please email me at before November 1. We soon will be doing some road maintenance to get ready for the winter months. Please review the minutes of the annual membership meeting which was held on September 4th. Please assist us by sending in your remittance of the enclosed membership dues and road maintenance fee as soon as possible. This will enable us to get the needed road maintenance done prior to winter. The Board of Directors appreciates your comments and suggestions as we start another year of handling the business for the association.
Millie Hoekstra, HOLA Board of Directors Chairperson
Annual Membership Meeting
September 4, 2010
The minutes of the 2009 Membership Meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney submitted a report indicated that HOLA has total liabilities & equity of $46,668.57 and a net income of $16,404.14. The report was accepted as submitted.
Waterfront Committee:
Mary Ellen Moroney reported the following: This year M&H put in cedar cribbing and filled it with #6 rock on the right hand side of the harbor. A-One Builders put in the docking in the spring.
We plan to replace the left hand side with cribbing this fall. A fall fishing sign up sheet has been posted on the bulletin board on the side of the shed. Please sign up if you plan to use the cove during the fall.
Solar lights were placed on the two swim buoys and the swim ropes have not been cut by boats for the first time during a summer season. Paul sealed one the swim buoys to keep it from
The canoes and kayaks need to be removed by September 15, 2010 due to construction in the cove area. Please remove them so that they are not damaged when being moved by the tractor.
Sign up sheets for next year will be sent with the first dues bill. The slips will be assigned in January 2011. Please advise the Harbor Master if you will not be using your slip during the assigned period. If your boat is not docked at the slip during the time assigned; the slip may be assigned to another member.
Next season we are going to try wind socks on the docks to keep the seagulls from messing on the docks and seats. The Committee report was approved as submitted.
Long Range Planning Committee:
Please contact Millie regarding any future issues that should be addressed by this Committee.
Road Committee:
Report submitted by Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner:
I regret not being able to be at the annual meeting due to my work schedule. Hopefully, this report will answer any questions or concerns you may have. And, as always, if you have any concerns at any time, feel free to call me or send an email.
Another year has sped quickly by and I believe our roads are in good condition. Last year’s extensive ditching did alleviate most spring season problems as it allowed water to drain from the roadbeds. One area of concern is the washboarding of the roadway in certain areas. This is mostly due to excessive speed and spinning of tires on the corners and hills. Many complaints have been received regarding “joy riding” of ATV’s on our roads.
The HOLA policy states: “HOLA roads are not to be used for “joy riding” for ATV’s or snowmobiles. You may ride to the trails or to visit a HOLA neighbor. We do not want to prohibit all ATV and
snowmobile use on our roads, so please adhere to the policy.
This fall we will be doing maintenance work on Barbara Lane as well as ditching and widening of the Upper Loop Road. We will add topping and do spot grading as needed. The Overlook Road is
scheduled for major reconstruction beginning just above the Haley residence for approximately 500 feet. This will include removing up to 2 feet of the present soil and replacing it with 12” of 6 minus rock, a layer of fabric, 6” of 3 minues gravel and 6” crushed gravel. This would allow water to drain under the roadbed and alleviate the problems of the past few years.
The time and material plowing contract has been completed with Burgess Construction again for next year. It will be a 3 year contract of $40,000 cap each year.
Rick LaVigne advised that he has been on the Road Committee for over a year and that there has been only one meeting and has not received any other information regarding the roads. He feels
that more communications needs to be used with members.
The Road Committee Report was accepted as submitted.
The road budget was approved as submitted for fiscal year 2010/2011.
Les Hoekstra was elected for a second term as Road Commissioner.
Assessors Report: Fees for 2010-2011 will remain the
same. Houses – $463 and $210 – lots. Dues $45
Nominations Committee:
The following individuals were elected to a three year term:
Millie Hoekstra, Barbara Meservey, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Moroney Ana Wetherill, Ken Young and Dave Douglas.
Other Business:
It was asked – how many houses can be built on one lot. Paul Ellis said that only one house is allowed on a single lot. Land use may vary from town to town.
It was requested that HOLA contact the Maine Department of Transportation regarding repairs to the entrance to the two hills on property owned by the State of Maine.
Barbara Swan passed around a booklet on an invasive plant that has been found in the Highlands. She and Gerri Bush have removed some in the ditches. Please be aware and remove if you find this plant. Check out the display at the Rangeley Library for more information.
HOLA Members:
Another beautiful summer has come to an end (a little rainy in the beginning but a beautiful September). Many have had time to enjoy the beauty of our region and relax and recharge for the business of everyday life. We encourage all members to become involved in the association as much as possible.
Please email your email address to John at so we can connect with you more efficiently. If you would like to volunteer for a committee, please email me at before November 1. We are in the process of doing some road maintenance to get ready for the winter months. Please review the minutes of the annual membership meeting which was held on September 5th. Please assist us by sending in your remittance of the enclosed membership dues and road maintenance fee as soon a”s possible.
This will enable us to get the needed road maintenance done prior to winter. The Board of Directors appreciates your comments and suggestions as we start another year of handling the business for the association.
Millie Hoekstra, HOLA Board of Directors Chairperson
HOLA Annual Membership Meeting
Minutes, September 5, 2009
Millie Hoekstra opened the meeting with introductions of the Board of Directors and thanking them for serving this year and handling the business for the Association..
Social Activities Report, Treasurer’s report, Waterfront Committee report and Road Committee report were given by the Treasurer and Committee Chairs and the Road Commissioner. (see September 2009 Board Minutes on our website for details of the reports)
Treasurer’s Report:
Total liabilities & equity of $31,713.27 and net profit of $3,761.47.
The road assessments for the next fiscal year will be the same as last year, which is $210 per lot and $463 per lot with a house. This was approved by the membership.
Total Road Budget of $77,000 was approved by membership.
The following Board Members were reelected for a new three year term:
Paul Ellis, Dick Moore, Darlene Munson and Jeff Munson.
Les Hoekstra was elected to another one year term as Road
Some concerns were raised regarding ATVs and access to the trail system. New signs will be posted. A reminder for all:
HOLA roads are to be used by members
only for access to the trail system or visit another HOLA
Members are encouraged to visit our website for information/policies and news and/or email or call 207-864-2963 if you have a concern.
Next year’s Annual Meeting and pot luck luncheon will be on September 4, 2010 at 11:00 A.M.
Membership meeting adjourned at 11:55 AM.
Respectfully submitted, John Clark, Secretary
Reminder: all watercraft including canoes and kayaks must be removed from HOLA waterfront property by OCTOBER 1ST.
Board of Directors met briefly and elected officers for the
coming year:
John Clark…Secretary
MaryEllen Moroney….Vice Chairperson
Mike Moroney….Treasurer
Millie Hoekstra…Chairperson