HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

Executive Board Meetings

Executive Board Meetings

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HOLA Board Meeting July 13 2024

HOLA Board meeting July 13, 2024 at the RFA Lakeside Theater

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Larry Malone,  Al Salvini, Darren Winslow (zoom), Rob Smith,Ann Arthurs(zoom), Dave Arthurs(zoom), Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky, John Patriquin, Dave Douglas, Ana Wetherill,

Absent: Sam White, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Ed Zambraski,

8:58 AM – Millie called the meeting to order.

Announcements: The geese have been relocated from the HOLA Waterfront.

              Much construction is happening. If you see a new foundation go in, please alert Mille.

Secretary’s Minutes from the last meeting. Accepted with the typo corrected. MSP Unanimously

Treasurer’s Report (see attached): Budget for the coming year was presented and accepted. MSP unanimously.

Road Commissioner’s Report (see attached): We are $72K over budget, but that was expected because we were under budget last year due to Fidium installations and the weather. We used our savings from previous years to cover the excess. Road improvements have gone well and calcium chloride is down. We don’t have a service or equipment to mow our shoulders, so if you can please mow those close to your property, that would be nice. There will be a few new STOP signs installed. Owners can use the available gravel piles in the Highlands and Overlook to fill any potholes. HOLA’s request to lower the Rte. 4 SPEED LIMIT until after the Overlook entrance is in process with Maine State DOT.

Waterfront Report (see attached): Kayak racks are full and there is 1 boat slip available. Please remember that ATVs are not allowed at the waterfront. Please educate those who don’t know.

Nominating Committee: No new suggestions for board members. Ann Arthurs, Larry Malone, Brittany Russel, Al Salvini, and Ed Zambraski all have terms expiring. They are all willing to serve again. They were unanimously nominated for another term.

New Business: ATV use. We have ATV & Snowmobile rules posted on our website. In the past we have posted signs and blocked prohibited trails with logs. These have been removed. The powerline, where the problem occurs, is ALL PRIVATE PROPRTY. The homeowners* are encouraged to post signs every 100 ft. that ATVs & Snowmobiles are prohibited. Then if there is a transgression, it is a matter for the Sheriff. Confronting trespassers is discouraged.

Meeting Adjourned 9:50AM

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Zapolsky

*note for clarification: IF owners do not want ATVs on their property

Executive Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2024

HOLA Board Meeting 5/11/2024  9 AM at the RFA Lakeside Theater

Present: Millie Hoekstra, John Patriquin, Ed Zambraski, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Rob Smith, Ana Wetherill, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky, Dave Douglas (by zoom), Larry Malone (by zoom), Brittany DiPompo Russell (by zoom), Darren Winslow (by zoom).

Absent: Al Salvini, Sam White.

Meeting called to order at 9:05 AM. Millie welcomed all and let us know that properties are still changing hands. The Fay property has a For Sale sign, so Jeff will contact that realtor about the money owed, so we can recoup at time of sale.

Secretary’s Minutes: Approved after modified to record Sam White as absent. MSP unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report by Jeff Zapolsky.

Account Balances: We have plenty of money to do the jobs needed.

Account Receivable: Down to $16K, mostly Fay & Leggett. There are a few smaller amounts, and we have sent them to our lawyer Mills for collections, but he is too busy to do anything about it now. Jeff is happy to call a different collection agency if anyone has a recommendation.

P&L : Snowplowing was less than the minimum, so we owe that, but will wait for the final bill.

Road Fees for new construction or heavy work trucks are being collected, but please notify Jeff or Mille if you see any activity that you feel is new. We would rather hear it from multiple people than, not know at all.

Road Committee Report by Dave Douglas: There were very few complaints about the roads this winter. Roads are still posted. Dave will send a email to notify everyone when that changes. Dave has previously sent out a road repair plan. M&H will be doing the work and large sections are getting done. We have lots to spend because not much was done last year because Fidium was putting in fiber everywhere.

 FYI there is a small copper wire in with the fiber, so Dig Safe can locate it. Much of the fiber is not very deep, and was revealed with last winter’s wash outs. If Fidium/Consolidated is installing your fiber, tell them to bury it deep. Also some boxes were damaged with plowing and will be fixed.

The speed issue with Rte 4 and the Overlook entrance is slowly being addressed by the town and DOT. Sam White (board member & selectman) will make sure it stays on the town’s docket until resolved.

Ed Z. stated the town should answer 2 questions now: #1. What makes a road “residential” and therefore slower speed limits by definition? #2.  When was the traffic engineering assessment made which was used to determine the speed limits and passing zones in our area of concern?

Quiet Hours were discussed again. Town of Rangeley and HOLA quiet hours are 10PM- -7AM. It was suggested that maybe construction hours could be 7PM-7AM. After discussion it was decide to leave quiet hours as is with no “construction hours”, and handle any complaints on a case by case basis.

Waterfront Committee Report by Ed Zambraski: All kayak rack requests have been satisfied. Nile Brook washed out the waterfront road last winter, but it has been repaired. The porta-potty is in place. The geese have not yet been a problem yet. If it becomes a problem, Ed will contact the same agency as last year to have them removed. Docks will be in soon. Swim lines installation will wait for the water to get warmer.

Millie is keeping a complaint log. It is going well and she notifies the owner if the problem involves a renter.

The map of lots & owners is done. After discussion it was decided to NOT put it online, but to distribute hard copies to all board members.

Steep driveways are causing washout problems. The Road Committee will educate how to put in a driveway that drains well to the sides and appropriate culvert placement.

All committees are reminded to send budgets to Jeff in June to be addressed at the July Board meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55AM

Respectfully submitted, Val Zapolsky

Executive Board Meeting March 9, 2024

HOLA Board Meeting Minutes March 9, 2024 at 9 AM

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Larry Malone, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Brittany DiPompo Russell (zoom), Al Salvini, Darren Winslow, Rob Smith, ,Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky, John Patriquin, Ed Zambraski,

Absent: Dave Douglas, Ana Wetherill, Sam White

Meeting called to order at 9:05 AM. Millie welcomed all.

Updates: There are still a lot of properties changing hands. There are now only 6 owners with partial waterfront rights and still several with no waterfront rights.

LUPC has a Short-Term Rental (STR) rules out for public comment. HOLA can make our own STR rules as long as they are the same or more restrictive than Rangeley or LUPC. We are waiting for one of them to complete something that then we can adopt/modify to suit HOLA.

Secretary’s Minutes (attached) from Jan. 2024 – Motion to approve, Seconded and Passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report (attached): We have plenty of income and snow-plowing has been light, so we have plenty to spend improving the roads the coming year. We do have a minimum & maximum guaranteed yearly contract for plowing, so we still have to pay the minimum. We do have liens on chronic non-paying properties.

Road Report: Spring thaw has started and the roads are posted. There are lots of soft spots, beware!  Please inform Dave Douglas of any road concerns. M&H will be doing a lot of improvements this season. The Maine DOT is supposed to review our request for a reduced speed zone (40 MPH) from the IGA to after the far Overlook Road north entrance.

Waterfront Report: Boat slips & kayak racks have been assigned with few wait listed. Port-a-potty and docks are scheduled for the same as last year. We are asking the town to put us on the Geese-reduction list again this spring.

Complaints:  There have been only a few complaints about snow-machines this winter.

The website maps are still a work in progress. There have been a few requests to publish lots and owners on the maps. The board resoundingly decided not to do this.

Quiet Hours were discussed. Currently Rangeley has quiet hours from 10PM – 7AM. The plantations have none. There was a motion to make HOLA Quiet Hours from 10PM – 7AM. This was seconded and unanimously passed.

Someone asked, “What are the HOLA or town rules about trash or old cars, furniture etc. to prevent an eyesore occurring in HOLA?”  Millie will look into it.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Val Zapolsky

HOLA Board Meeting Minutes Jan 13, 2024 at 9 AM by ZOOM

Those Present:              Millie Hoekstra, Larry Malone, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Al Salvini, Darren Winslow, Rob Smith, Ana Wetherill, Sam White,Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky Absent: John Patriquin, Ed Zambraski, Dave Douglas,

Meeting called to order at 9:05 AM.

Updates: Almost all owners with new Waterfront Easement deeds have been filed at registry and copies sent to owners.

The vector map is still in process. One problem is that the town road names in some cases differ from the HOLA road names. The problem is that the town names are the ones that 911 has, so if anyone calls for help we need to use the 911 name. We are working to resolve this and new road signs will be made. Someone suggested we put up any new signs and keep the old signs in place as well.  Millie took that under advisement.

Complaints: There was one complaint regarding noise and property damage. The involved parties have discussed and resolved the issue. Millie is keeping all information logged in the HOLA Complaint Register.

Minutes November 2023: Motion to approve, seconded and unanimously approved. Thank you to Brittany for filling in for Val who was away.

Treasurer’s Report: Overall we have plenty of money for our needs. Some money was spent repairing the roads after the early winter rainstorm and flooding. Landowner Balances were discussed. Of note there are 3 chronic non-paying owners all of which have been sent to collection, but we will not expect to receive any money until the properties sell. There are 4 new non-paying owners: Doremus, Gagen, Licata, & Tessier

Motion to assess the 4 new non-paying owners: Doremus, Gagen, Licata, & Tessier a $25 late fee and send them all to collection. Seconded and approved unanimously.

Additionally, John Gavin has added a building to lot 5G with a foundation and septic system, so we need to send the $1000 road fee to him and change the lot to an improved house lot.

Road Commissioner’s Report: Dave sent 2 eblasts recently (attached). Since then the Rangeley Town Manager is working on our request to have the speed limit on Rte. 4 kept to 40 MPH until after the first Overlook Road. The Town Manager has sent the request to Maine DOT. They will do an assessment in the spring.

Waterfront Report: None, but Jeff Z. noted that the December storm may have caused some waterfront road damage. We will have to assess in the spring.

Discussion: Previously there was a complaint about construction noise and a question about regulations about that. It turns out they are based on decibels, so Dave and Sam will be doing more research about how to assess that.

Short-Term Rentals in the plantations are being discussed at the next LUPC meeting.

There was a request about putting names of the owners on the website map. It should be noted that names are public on the towns websites. Some are against, due to privacy concerns. Others want to know who their neighbors are. It was suggested that we mail on paper the info to the owners. Another suggestion was for people to OPT-IN to having their names on the website map.  The discussion will continue.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:31 AM

Next meeting March 9th at 9AM.

Executive Board Meeting November 11, 2023

HOLA BOARD MEETING MINUTES   Noon on November 11, 2023 held at RFA Lakeside Theater

Meeting called to order by Millie at 12:01 PM:

Those Present: Dave Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Larry Malone, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Al Salvini, Rob Smith, Ana Wetherill, Sam White, Ed Zambraski Absent:  Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, John Patriquin, Darren Winslow, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky


Thanks to all for being flexible with the change in the meeting time.  Sam White was welcomed as new member.

Since July announcement to the increase in Waterfront Access Buy-in fees, there have been 8 that have upgraded their access to full.  There are about 14 that do not have a waterfront access deed. 

The Vector Map is still in process, some boundary lines have changed a bit.  We are working with the Plantations to verify the road names that they have submitted to the  911 emergency system and new street signs will be requested and installed. .  Ie. West Elbow is actually West Loop Road.

Secretary’s Minutes from the September meeting. Motion for approval – Ed Zambraski. Second-Dave Douglas. Unanimously approved without changes.

Treasurer’s Report: (see reports)

1. The fiscal year ended Sept 30.  The 2022-23 fiscal year summary as well as the YTD summary are attached.
2. On Oct 1, any balances remaining in the Administration, Waterfront, and Road & Snow accounts were moved into their respective Savings/Emerg Fund Accts.  This way, we are starting the new fiscal year with a zero balance in each of those accounts.
3. The money in the backup accounts is available for use at any time.  However, for bookkeeping purposes, I will continue to draw money from the active primary Administration Account, Road & Snow Account, and the Waterfront Account first, and then draw from their corresponding savings/emergency fund accounts only when the primary accounts are depleted.
4. As of Nov 4 we have received payments from 128 out of 202 landowners, i.e. 63%.  The bills are due on Nov 15.  I will send a reminder email or letter to any unpaid accounts on Nov 30.  
5. The spreadsheet for heavy equipment road fees is attached.  Please inform me if you see any new foundations.

6. We have had several people upgrading from 100′ to full WF rights.  Currently, out of 260 properties, 240 have full WF rights, 6 have 100′ rights, and 14 have no WF rights.

7. If you know of any new builds (foundation installed), please let Jeff know.

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Dave D. seconded and all approved.

Road Report:  Dave Douglas reported:

  1. We were able to get some grading done this fall. 
  2. Dave met with Burgess Construction to be sure all roads were in shape and plowable for the season.
  3. Dave has looked at the road signs and ordered some signs for the roads in the plantations.
  4. Kutting Edge & the state finished ditching near Overlook Road that was damaged from the storm earlier.
  5. All is in good condition for the winter.
  6. Letter has been sent to Rangeley Town Manager stating our concern about the speed limits and passing lanes on Route 4 from the Lodges to Overlook Road.  This is not a HOLA issue but it affects us and our safety especially as we enter or exit Route 4 near Nile Brook Way.
  7. The list of 2023-2024 Road Committee members was approved.

Waterfront Report: (attached)

  1. Ed reported that the waterfront is closed for the season, he has notified the owners of the two kayaks still on the racks.
  2. Rangeley Docks removed the docks for $500 less than previous company.
  3. 90% of the kayak rack spaces and 90% of the motor boat slips have been assigned for next summer
  4. The old swim raft was rotten and was cut up, the committee voted not to replace it for next summer.
  5. We need a policy regarding who can have kayak space or boat slip.  After discussion, it was proposed and approved by all: Rack spaces/boat slips are for owners or close family members and not for renters use.
  6. The list of the 2023-2024 Waterfront Committee members was approved.         

Ad Hoc Committee Report:

  1. Larry assumes that the work assigned to this committee is complete.  The system is in place for reporting any issues and framework is there if needed.

Discussion Items:

  1. Should we put names of HOLA members on our website?
    1. Ana W. not comfortable with that
    1. Mary-Ellen suggested a booklet for members use
    1. Dave D. we need certain areas on the website to be password protected
    1. Is it time to reformat the website into 2 sections—Public and Member access?
    1. This will be addressed at the January meeting
  2. LUPC has proposal for the STRs in the Plantations which was presented at their meeting on November 8th.
    1. We will wait to see what is finalized at their meeting in January.  Home owners (STRs) in the Plantations will be affected.  Rangeley will address the issue again after the state establishes procedures.
    1. State is suggesting: Registration, Septic system and parking spaces appropriate for capacity number, and a 24 hour local contact person
  3. Construction Hours/Noise Hours for HOLA
    1. There has been lots of construction (and Noise) during the past two years
    1. Larry suggested that our policy should be about “Noise” and not specifically “Construction”
    1. Do Plantations have any quiet hours?
    1. Building permits in Rangeley are for 2 year period and Plantations (LUPC) have a 5 year permit (some completion delays have been created by supply issues)
    1. Larry suggested a policy/statement should be “short and sweet”
    1. Homeowner associations can make rules that are stricter than town/state but not les strict
    1. Sam and Dave D. will work on a proposal and email it to the board prior to our next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 12:50 PM.

Next meeting: January 13, 2024 at 9 AM

Respectfully submitted Brittany Russell

Executive Board Meeting September 2, 2023

HOLA Board of Directors Meeting 9/2/2023 9AM at the HOLA Waterfront

Present: Brittany DiPompo Russell, Dave Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Al Salvini, Rob Smith, Darren Winslow, Ed Zambraski, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky

Absent: John Patriquin, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Larry Malone, Ana Wetherill

Millie Hoekstra called the meeting to order at 9:04 AM.


There have been many property transfers, and waterfront access purchases. We now have only 7 properties with 100 ft. waterfront rights and 11 with no waterfront rights.

The website has been updated. If you see any thing amiss then please let Millie know so she can fix them.

Tim Johnson has been working on a new digital map of the HOLA  properties. It is on the website and still a work in progress.

Sam White is nominated to be on the board, but she has a problem with the Saturday 9AM meeting time because she is currently acting as the breakfast cook for Moose Alley. They are trying to hire a cook, so it shouldn’t be a problem forever. The Board decided to still keep Sam White as the nominee and worry about the meeting time later.

Secretary’s Minutes from the July meeting: Motion to accept: Dave Douglas. Seconded by Mary-Ellen Maroney. Passed Unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report (attached): We are flush with funds due to many properties paying extra road fees for construction (those funds go into the Road & Snow Budget) and many people buying waterfront access (those fees go into the Waterfront Savings account). We did pay for geese remediation, but that was less than expected.

Upcoming Budget is overall unchanged from last year.

Jeff asked to please send him any new or changed forms now that need to go out with the HOLA bills Oct. 1st.

Motion to accept the report: Ed Zambraski. Seconded by: Mary-Ellen Maroney. Passed: Unanimously.

Road Commissioner’s Report (attached): Fidium contact (per Rob Smith) is Tim (603-703-9240)

There are bushes at the bottom of the north end of Overlook Drive and on Morel Road that obstruct views of on-coming traffic. Dave will look into it.  There are some berms from grading that will be addressed by the committee.

Waterfront Committee Report: No complaints this summer. All kayak and boat slip requests were accommodated.

Assessor’s Report: No changes from last year.

Millie is keeping a complaint log: There have been 2 noise complaints that were referred to the sheriff. Call her if there are problems so we are collecting data.

Nominating Committee: Sam White will be the new Board member to replace Anne Crump who is retiring. Of note Sam is a Rangeley Town Selectman.

Adjourned 9:45 AM.

The Board reconvened at 12:05 PM and re-elected the same officers to the Board, unanimously.

Meeting adjourned 12:06 PM.

Next Board meeting will be Nov. 11 at 9AM RFA Lakeside Theater.

Respectfully Submitted: Val Zapolsky, Secretary

Executive Board Meeting July 8, 2023

Meeting called to order by Millie at 9:02 AM:

Those Present: Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Dave Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Larry Malone, Al Salvini, Rob Smith, Ana Wetherill, Darren Winslow, Ed Zambraski, John Patriquin, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky

Absent: Anne Crump (resigned), Brittany DiPompo Russell, Mary-Ellen Moroney


Lots of new owners.

Fidium conduit installation done on the Highlands side. Still installing conduit on the Overlook side.

There is a LUPC workshop at the high school on July 13. Someone from the board should attend.

Neither Millie or Val are available.

FYI There will be a large private party at the waterfront on July 23.

Secretary’s Minutes from the May meeting. Motion for approval – Dave Douglas. Second-Ed Zambraski. Unanimously approved without changes.

Treasurer’s Report: (attached)There are very few unpaid account balances. The snowplowing was under the minimum guarantee, so we paid the small balance up to the guarantee. Overall we have had a lot of income due to a lot of construction and extra road fees being paid. Several people have bought into the waterfront, so there is money for that as well. Some money was spent on geese mitigation, but it was very successful. Jeff prepared a budget based on last year’s numbers (attached). Jeff moved to present this budget with the assessors and then have it ready for the Annual meeting in September. Seconded by Val Zapolsky. Unanimously approved.

Road Report:  (attached) Since Fidium is finished in the Highlands, the roads are being graded and new gravel applied. Fidium is still working in the Overlook so work on the rads there is delayed. Washouts have occurred and will be fixed. There will be some fill available for anyone that wants it. Rob Ellis says he will take fill. Let Dave Douglas know it you want some fill.

Waterfront Report: (attached) New docks in place. New steps w/handrail in place with lots of compliments. Because there has been a lot of hullaballoo about the short-term-rentals and LUPC and the state are currently considering regulations, the sticker program for waterfront access will be put on hold.

On our website there are 3 different forms that say almost the same thing, but not exactly, leaving room for confusion. Ed and Millie have a document that COMBINES ALL 3 FORMS INTO ONE FORM to avoid any confusion. This new doc was unanimously approved by the board. The website will be updated with the new form.

 All kayak racks are assigned but not all are used. Please let Ed know if you are not going to use it because there is a waiting list. Also some kayak spaces have been reserved for “guest kayaks.” Next year’s form will make it clear that racks are for owner kayaks only, not guests. Everyone thought that was a good idea.

There are only about 10 owners without waterfront access. The current cost to buy in is $9500 for those with no access and $1500 for those with 100 ft. access. (Full access is 212 ft.) There was discussion about raising the price to buy in. Dave Douglas motioned to raise the price from $1500 to $5000 for buy in for those with the 100 ft. access, leaving the cost of full access at $9500. This will occur January 1, 2024. Val Zapolsky seconded and it was unanimously approved.  There will be notice sent to all owners with less than full access to the waterfront. We are hoping the coming price increase will encourage some to buy in sooner rather than later.

A handout of HOLA Waterfront Rules will be in the shed at the waterfront.

The USDA came and mitigated the geese on July 5. Thirty-one geese were captured and relocated.

Nominating Committee: Dave Arthurs, Valerie Zapolsky and Darren Winslow terms are expiring. They have agreed to re-up. Anne Crump has resigned. Sam White had previously been on the list for next up for the board. Sam will be contacted. Everyone agreed.

Assessors will review the budget recommendations and process of establishing the annual fees with Millie and Jeff.

Ad Hoc Committee Report: (attached) Incident Form

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting Sept. 2, 2023 at 9AM

Annual Meeting Sept. 2, 2023 at 11 AM
Respectfully submitted Val Zapolsky

Executive Board Meeting May 13, 2023

Meeting called to order by Millie at 9:02 AM: Brittany volunteered to take notes in Val’s absence.

Those Present: Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Dave Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Larry Malone, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Al Salvini, Rob Smith, Ana Wetherill, Darren Winslow, Ed Zambraski

Absent: Anne Crump, John Patriquin, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky

Updates:  RE: Signs “trail” “Nile Brook Trail” on Austin property- these may refer to an old trail, Dave will check it out and if on Eric’s property he may remove them.  Brittany W.’s gathering at waterfront to be held June 10th at 2PM.  There have been many calls regarding storm damage and resulting issues.  New owners anxious to get started on building projects. Rick D. wants to have a gathering at the waterfront and he will be reminded that he is to be present during the event and all rules apply.

Minutes of March meeting:  Dave made a motion to approve the minutes and approved by all.  Note: some folks did not receive the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report:  see attached  Everyone reviewed reports sent by Jeff.  We have money and nothing unusual this  month.  A few road fees (heavy load) have been billed and some have been received. Darren mentioned that the vacant lot income is a lot higher than budgeted?  There is a good amount of in the Road & Snow account which will be spent during the summer for road maintenance. Accounts outstanding is at $17,027.29 which is mostly made-up of properties that are for sale, and we should receive funds once a sale is finalized.  Mary-Ellen made motion to approve, all in favor.

Road Commissioner Report:  see attached. Dave walked us through his written report.  Plowing was under budget this year approximately $6,000.  Great job by Burgess crew.  The heavy load limit signs are still posted. The Highlands sign may come down today or tomorrow and the Overlook area still has some soft spots and it may be another week or so before signs are removed.  There is a broken culvert on Lynn Way that will need attention soon.  Regarding violations of heavy loads—Dave will speak with the Plantations to see how they handle those issues. The crew installing the conduit for the Fidium fiber are working in The Highlands.  They are putting in new towers where needed.  Dave will meet with M & H Construction (Scott Millbury) to review roads soon.  Thanks to Dave A. & Ed Z. for helping fix areas with road erosion.  Topping material will be delivered to Overlook and Highlands holding area for potholes etc. Money will go towards topping this year vs. ditching.  Old Esker Way will need some attention. Hopefully most of the work will be done by mid-July to avoid heavy traffic.  Report accepted by all.

Waterfront Harbormaster Report:  see attached.  Ed reported that racks and boats slips have been assigned and the list is posted at waterfront and on website.  There is a waiting list (8) for kayak rack spots.  Due to high water the docks have not been installed as yet. The Finger piers were put in by John, Dave & Ed.  Due to the $15,000 quote for some new finger piers, the committee decided to build them for about $3,000 which will be done by Ed and team.  The steps with railings on both sides will be purchased and installed part way out the dock and in about 3’ of water for handicap access for approximately $2,500. The Committee will meet today at 11AM to discuss landscaping and other projects.  Ed will install a box like a realtor box on the shed to hold Information Sheet about the waterfront rules and expectations.  In recent conversation about an unauthorized boat being launched, Ed contacted the person and all went well.  We are trying to educate everyone. Darren had question about the Geese problem. Rob mentioned that he used a laser pointed and it seemed to work.  It is a difficult problem and the town is also working on the issue.  The poop needs to be cleaned up periodically and rakes are available. 

Procedures Ad Hoc Committee Update: see attached  Larry presented the draft proposal from the committee.  Other homeowners groups procedures were reviewed and researched.  Our responsibility is to educate the members on the rules as much as possible.  Dave A. and Jocelyn have developed an incident form.  Good discussion on good beginning; Larry and committee was asked to review #4 and #7 and bring back to July meeting.

Nominations:  Terms ending 2023 are: Anne Crump (resigned), Darren Winslow and Dave Arthurs are willing to be nominated for another term.  Valerie Zapolsky was not present to respond.

Other:  Suggestion for Octoberfest event for HOLA by Jonathan K. was referred to Waterfront Committee.

Meeting adjourned at 10:03 AM  Motion: Mary-Ellen and seconded by Ana.  MSP

Next meeting: July 8th at 9AM

Respectfully submitted by Brittany and Millie

HOLA Board of Directors meeting March 11, 2023

HOLA BOARD MEETING MINUTES- 9AM at the RFA Theater 3/11/2-23

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Ana Wetherill, Ed Zambraski, John Patriquin, Al Salvini, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Larry Malone, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Robert Smith, Brittany Russell, Darren Winslow,

Guest: Ben Wetherill

Absent: Dave Douglas, Anne Crump

Call to Order by Millie Hoekstra at 9:02 AM.

Millie attended a zoom meeting of LUPC discussing short-term rentals (STR). The Town of Rangeley is developing a STR ordinance and will hold a public hearing on 3/27/2023 at 6PM. The place is not yet decided.

A lot of properties are still changing hands and some new owners are purchasing waterfront rights and that money goes into the waterfront savings.

Minutes to the last Board meeting Jan. 14, 2023 received a motion to approve (J.Z.) and was seconded (A.A.). There were no questions, and they were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report (attached) was presented by Jeff Zapolsky. Overall, the snowplowing has been less than budget and we are receiving additional road fees for construction projects. There are few long-term delinquencies, so we have sufficient funds. There was a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded and approved unanimously.

Jeff also asked that there be a late fee for people who pay after Nov. 15th. They require a lot of extra work for the treasurer. This should also apply to owners paying installments. This was referred to the Ad Hoc Committee.

Road Commissioner’s Report: Dave Douglass verbally relayed the report to Millie yesterday.  The roads are in good shape and will be posted soon. There have been few problems with drivers getting stuck due to snow. The board was asked to tell Dave or Millie if you see any problems with the roads.

Waterfront Committee Report: (attached) Ed Zambraski stated that all the kayak racks and boats slips have been assigned. There is a short waiting list for only the kayak racks.

Ed made a motion to change the Waterfront Policy regarding renters boats (found on the HOLA website Section VI.N.) “Due to Milfoil concerns and the limited size of our harbor, renters cannot launch or tie up their boats within the HOLA Harbor.” The motion was seconded by Dave Arthurs. The vote was: Millie abstained, Val & Mary-Ellen against, the remaining 13 were in favor. The motion passed. Then Larry Malone motioned that the following wording be added immediately after the previously approved wording, “Renters with boats are to be directed to the Town Park to launch their boats as it is a much easier launch and the RLHT is screening for Milfoil.” Mary-Ellen seconded, passed unanimously. Both wordings will appear on the website and on the Boat Slip Application.

AD HOC Committee Report: Larry Malone said that the committee will meet in a few weeks and have a report for the May Board meeting.

Mary-Ellen Maroney made a motion to make the road fees the same for developed and undeveloped lots. Dave Arthurs seconded the motion. It was discussed and the motion failed: 1 in favor, 13 against.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM.

Next board meeting: May 13, 2023

HOLA Board of Directors meeting January 14, 2023


Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Al Salvini, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Robert Smith, Dave Arthurs, Ann Arthurs, Larry Malone, Darren Winslow, John Patriquin, Ed Zambraski (via Zoom)

Absent:, Anne Crump, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Dave Douglas, Ana Wetherill

Mille called the meeting to order at 9:02 AM.

Updates: The roads are icy but well sanded. M&H is burning brush in the Overlook and the fire lasted longer than anticipated. The pile is still smoking after several days. The Fire Chief is involved. Many properties are still changing hands. If you see something new (a new foundation, or lots being cleared) then let Millie know.

Secretary’s Minutes of the last meeting:  (attached) Motion to approve: Jeff Z, Seconded: Mary-Ellen Moroney, Approved Unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) FYI We have Zell as a payment option  thru Franklin Savings Bank now, as well as the usual check method.

There was discussion about whether the $500 fee for heavy equipment to clear a lot was in addition to the $1000 for house construction or if it would be applied toward the $1000 fee. Varying opinions were expressed and the matter was referred to the Road Committee for discussion and a recommendation for the Board.

There was a round of thanks for the great job Jeff has done.

Road Committee Report: Dave Douglas did not submit a written report, but spoke to Millie and said, “All is good.”

Waterfront Committee Report: (attached) Ed stated that our dock installer has sold his business, so Ed will be tracking down a new installer over the next few months. The next committee meeting will be in March.

Ad Hoc Committee Procedures: (attached) Larry Malone suggested that the Board give this committee specific issues to address rather than trying to create general procedures for anything and everything. He suggested issues be divided into areas such as Safety, Liability, and Cost. For example, untended minor swimmers would fall under liability. Blocking a road would fall under safety. ATVs tearing up the roads would be a cost issue. This was referred to the Road & Waterfront Committee for a list of issues in order of importance.

Other business – none.

Meeting adjourned at 9:47AM.

Next meeting  Saturday, March 11 at 9AM at the RFA Lakeside Theater

HOLA Board of Directors Meeting November 12, 2022

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Dave Douglas, Ana Wetherill, Ed Zambraski,  Al Salvini, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Robert Smith

Absent: Dave Arthurs, Ann Arthurs, Anne Crump, Larry Malone, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Darren Winslow, John Patriquin

Millie H. called the meeting to order at 9:02 AM and asked the board to send any website updates that need to be done to her.

Secretary’s Minutes of the last meeting Sept. 3, 2022 were presented. Motion to approve by Ed Z.  Seconded by Dave D.  Unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report presented by Jeff Z. (attached) About 72% of people have already paid their 2023 bill. We have more income than expected due to all the road fees from all the new construction. We have plenty of money and are on budget.  Motion to approve Val Z. Seconded Dave D. Unanimously approved.

Road Commissioner’s Report: FYI Kim Sorrell is an arborist and has offered to help people prune to tops of their trees for views. We are ready for winter. Info for snowmobile trails is on the Winter Guideline on the website.  Access to the lake was discussed. (Cross from the Farmhouse to Lakeview Drive then down across the LCWI lot, staying to the North of the spruce trees to cross to the HOLA Waterfront.)

If you see any problems with the roads or new construction let Dave or Millie know.

Waterfront Report: (attached) Docks are out. All kayak racks have been assigned and are full. Ed is working on assigning the boat slips. It was mentioned that several owners have asked about an “easy to walk” way to the lake without having to navigate big riprap rocks.  Suggestions were made to place it beside the dock. Also, if there is a second ladder that it be placed halfway out for shallow water access for kids.  Nile Brook Way is a HOLA Road so improvements will come out of the Road Budget.

Ad Hoc Committee to review HOLA Rules, Policies & and to develop Procedures/fines to address non-compliance issues was created. MSP unanimously.  Larry Malone will be convenor of the Ad Hoc Committee.  Committee members are:  Dave Arthurs, Butch DeSanctis, Mickey Haas, Millie Hoekstra, Jocelyn Kinlock, Mike Leclerc, Larry Malone, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Ben Wetherill

They will review and bring suggestions to the board for approval. FYI the Town of Rangeley is creating a Short-Term Rental Ordinance. This could also be reviewed by the committee for incorporation into HOLA.

Motion to adjourn MSP unanimously.

Next meeting Jan. 14th, 2023 at 9 AM RFA Lakeside Theater.

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