HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

Executive Board Meeting May 13, 2023

Meeting called to order by Millie at 9:02 AM: Brittany volunteered to take notes in Val’s absence.

Those Present: Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Dave Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Larry Malone, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Al Salvini, Rob Smith, Ana Wetherill, Darren Winslow, Ed Zambraski

Absent: Anne Crump, John Patriquin, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky

Updates:  RE: Signs “trail” “Nile Brook Trail” on Austin property- these may refer to an old trail, Dave will check it out and if on Eric’s property he may remove them.  Brittany W.’s gathering at waterfront to be held June 10th at 2PM.  There have been many calls regarding storm damage and resulting issues.  New owners anxious to get started on building projects. Rick D. wants to have a gathering at the waterfront and he will be reminded that he is to be present during the event and all rules apply.

Minutes of March meeting:  Dave made a motion to approve the minutes and approved by all.  Note: some folks did not receive the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report:  see attached  Everyone reviewed reports sent by Jeff.  We have money and nothing unusual this  month.  A few road fees (heavy load) have been billed and some have been received. Darren mentioned that the vacant lot income is a lot higher than budgeted?  There is a good amount of in the Road & Snow account which will be spent during the summer for road maintenance. Accounts outstanding is at $17,027.29 which is mostly made-up of properties that are for sale, and we should receive funds once a sale is finalized.  Mary-Ellen made motion to approve, all in favor.

Road Commissioner Report:  see attached. Dave walked us through his written report.  Plowing was under budget this year approximately $6,000.  Great job by Burgess crew.  The heavy load limit signs are still posted. The Highlands sign may come down today or tomorrow and the Overlook area still has some soft spots and it may be another week or so before signs are removed.  There is a broken culvert on Lynn Way that will need attention soon.  Regarding violations of heavy loads—Dave will speak with the Plantations to see how they handle those issues. The crew installing the conduit for the Fidium fiber are working in The Highlands.  They are putting in new towers where needed.  Dave will meet with M & H Construction (Scott Millbury) to review roads soon.  Thanks to Dave A. & Ed Z. for helping fix areas with road erosion.  Topping material will be delivered to Overlook and Highlands holding area for potholes etc. Money will go towards topping this year vs. ditching.  Old Esker Way will need some attention. Hopefully most of the work will be done by mid-July to avoid heavy traffic.  Report accepted by all.

Waterfront Harbormaster Report:  see attached.  Ed reported that racks and boats slips have been assigned and the list is posted at waterfront and on website.  There is a waiting list (8) for kayak rack spots.  Due to high water the docks have not been installed as yet. The Finger piers were put in by John, Dave & Ed.  Due to the $15,000 quote for some new finger piers, the committee decided to build them for about $3,000 which will be done by Ed and team.  The steps with railings on both sides will be purchased and installed part way out the dock and in about 3’ of water for handicap access for approximately $2,500. The Committee will meet today at 11AM to discuss landscaping and other projects.  Ed will install a box like a realtor box on the shed to hold Information Sheet about the waterfront rules and expectations.  In recent conversation about an unauthorized boat being launched, Ed contacted the person and all went well.  We are trying to educate everyone. Darren had question about the Geese problem. Rob mentioned that he used a laser pointed and it seemed to work.  It is a difficult problem and the town is also working on the issue.  The poop needs to be cleaned up periodically and rakes are available. 

Procedures Ad Hoc Committee Update: see attached  Larry presented the draft proposal from the committee.  Other homeowners groups procedures were reviewed and researched.  Our responsibility is to educate the members on the rules as much as possible.  Dave A. and Jocelyn have developed an incident form.  Good discussion on good beginning; Larry and committee was asked to review #4 and #7 and bring back to July meeting.

Nominations:  Terms ending 2023 are: Anne Crump (resigned), Darren Winslow and Dave Arthurs are willing to be nominated for another term.  Valerie Zapolsky was not present to respond.

Other:  Suggestion for Octoberfest event for HOLA by Jonathan K. was referred to Waterfront Committee.

Meeting adjourned at 10:03 AM  Motion: Mary-Ellen and seconded by Ana.  MSP

Next meeting: July 8th at 9AM

Respectfully submitted by Brittany and Millie