HOLA Waterfront Committee
Committee Chair:
Ed Zambraski
Phone: 864-2250
The Waterfront Committee will oversee the use and upkeep of the HOLA property at the lake.
There are a few lots/owners that do not have deeded waterfront access. The Board has voted to allow those owners to buy into the waterfront. There are two categories: 1.. lots that have limited waterfront rights the one-time fee is $5,000, 2..lots with no deeded rights the one-time fee is $9,500.
- Ed Zambraski Harbor Master,
- Dave Douglas 10. Gay Sampson
- Allan Gilmore 11. Chester Winkowski
- John Patriquin 12. Nick Sampson
- Mary-Ellen Moroney
- Butch DeSanctis
- Rick Dodge
- Robert Smith
- Sam White Waterfront Report: November 4, 2023 Ed Zambraski, Harbormaster
The waterfront is essentially closed for the season (there are a few kayaks yet to be removed). With the help of Dave Douglas, John Patriquin and Nick Sampson the swim lines, raft, finger piers and tables/benches have been put away. 2) The aluminum dock was removed by “Rangeley Docks”. 3) for the 2024 season 95% of the kayak rack slots and motorboat slips have been assigned (folks will be notified in December). There clearly will be a waiting list for the kayak rack slots.
After many years of service, the swim raft has been decommissioned. The floatation compartments were filled with water and much of the wood was rotten. I will get feedback from the waterfront committee members on whether it should be replaced. The cost of a new raft could range from $2,000-4,000.
I need Board feedback on a “policy issue”. Should people be allowed to sign up for a kayak rack slot for their “renters” (not for their own use)?
Annual Waterfront Report 2022-2023 by Ed Zambraski HOLA Harbormaster
- Physical Improvements: This past year several major improvements have been made at the waterfront. These include: two new stoned parking areas, granite blocks and fence borders defining these areas, two new finger piers, and aluminum steps with railings to enter the lake. We remained well within our budget to accomplish these improvements.
- Less than normal usage: With the rainy and windy weather we have had this summer the waterfront usage was significantly less than normal. That being said, on the few limited nice weekend days there were many folks taking advantage of the facility.
- Issues or problems: To the best of my knowledge, there were no major issues or problems with persons using the waterfront.
- Kayak rack and motorboat slips: Applications to request a slot on the kayak rack or a motorboat slip are sent out with the HOLA dues bills on October1st. They are to be sent to the Harbormaster and are assigned on a “first come first served basis.” I was able to fill all of the requests for motorboat slips. The 54 spaces for kayaks/canoes/SUPs filled up quickly and a “waiting list” was established. In early July a note was sent to all persons who had requested a slot, but whose slot was empty. Several folks indicated that they had changed their plans and would not be using their space. These openings allowed me to accommodate all of the persons on the waiting list.
- End of Season: As we have done in the past, the waterfront will undergo a gradual close down towards the end of September/early October once the peak foliage has passed.
- Thanks: Much of the improvements and maintenance of the waterfront is due to several HOLA members who volunteer their time and effort. Without their help this facility would not be the positive asset that it is for the Association.
Waterfront Committee Report, June 29, 2023
- Thanks to several Committee members the swim lines, raft and the channel markers have been installed. The aluminum dock was installed by a new local company. They did a fine job at a reasonable cost.
- A new stair with railings to enter the water has been purchased and installed. A second bench for the aluminum dock has been ordered.
- Two new finger piers have been built and installed; again with the assistance of Committee members.
- M & H will be putting in two new parking areas that the Committee agreed upon. These will be crushed stone similar to the area they put in 2-3 years ago.
- Our waterfront has agreed to participate in the goose eradication program offered by the USDA at a cost of $ 2,500. Other organizations/sites are also participating. The initial date for capturing and removing the geese was June 29th but it was moved to July 5th. Hopefully this will have a positive impact. I will provide an update on this at the Board meeting.
- Within the Committee there has been discussion about instituting a “sticker program” for those HOLA members who wish to use the waterfront. There is no agreement within the Committee that such a program should be started at this time.
- All of the kayak rack slots (n=54) have been assigned. As of June 26th thirty (30) remain empty. After the July 4th weekend I will contact all of the folks whose racks are empty to see if their plans have changed, in order to determine if the rack can be reassigned. There is a waiting list of 8 folks wanting to use the racks. If a rack slot remains empty for the entire season, and there is no explanation, this will affect one’s next year’s assignment priority.
- Consolidation of the Waterfront Policy. Currently there are three different documents on our website explaining our waterfront rules/regulations. Much of the information is duplicative. It is confusing because if we change a rule this may not show up on one of the three documents. I have consolidated the information contained, without changing any rules or policies, into one document. ( I will provide copies.) I am requesting that the Board approve this new single document and that it replaces the three that we currently have.
- The costs to buy waterfront rights (i.e. $1,500 or $ 9,500) were stated to end in 2022. The Board needs to decide on the amounts and issue a new closing date.
- The Board had approved the policy that “renters” cannot launch or tie up their boats within the HOLA harbor. I would like the Board to discuss the following potential policy.
“Paying guests of Inns, B & B’s, Airbnb’s, and house renters may not use the waterfront unless accompanied by a member.”
Waterfront/Harbormaster Report for the Board May 2023
- All kayak racks and motorboat slips have been assigned and folks notified. The lists are posted at the waterfront and they have been sent to Millie to be put on the website.
- Due to the high water levels the installation of the aluminum dock and the finger piers was or will be delayed. Individuals who were slotted to use the finger piers as of “ice out” were contacted and offered a temporary alternate slot.
- Brackett has installed the portable toilet.
- A cost estimate for two new fixed finger piers and steps with a railing to enter the water was obtained from v S Property Maintenance (Great Northern Docks). The cost of the finger piers was approximately $ 15,000; $2,500 for the steps. The Waterfront Committee was polled on whether to purchase or build the two piers at a cost of approximately $ 3,000. The consensus was to build and not buy. The Waterfront Committee agreed to purchase the new steps to enter the water. Materials for the new finger piers have arrived; building will commence.
- The Waterfront Committee will meet on Saturday, May 13 th at 1100 down at the waterfront. Some possible physical improvements will be discussed (e.g. landscaping, fencing, more defined parking areas, etc.)
Respectfully submitted: Ed Zambraski Harbormaster.
Waterfront Report for March 11, 2023
- Things are relatively quiet at the waterfront.
- The lake snowmachine access through the waterfront seems to be working out well.
- All kayak racks have been assigned and folks notified. There is a waiting list of 7 individuals.
- Motorboat slips have been assigned and individuals notified. There have been a couple of minor changes. The final assignments for rack slots and boat slips will be sent out again in April to HOLA members and also posted on the HOLA website.
- The HOLA Board needs to confirm the following policy which is stated in the motorboat slip application form. “Due to Milfoil concerns and the limited size of our harbor, renters can not launch or tie up their boats within the HOLA harbor.” (I should add that renters with boats may enter our harbor to pick up or discharge passengers.)
- The Waterfront Committee will meet later this month to discuss some physical changes to the waterfront including landscaping, new finger piers and the acquisition of a stair-like ramp to enter the water from our aluminum dock.
- As requested by the HOLA Legal Committee, the Waterfront Committee will also discuss the issue of fines, how this may be structured, enforced, etc.
Report for the January 14, 2023 HOLA Board meeting-Ed Zambraski
- The Waterfront has been closed down.
- Somebody left two paddleboards on the kayak rack. There was no name on them and they were not assigned to the rack where the craft were left. I have taken these home. To date, no one has contacted me about these craft. If someone does contact me and asks about these paddleboards, I will read them the rules and riot act. If no one contacts me, I will either give these boards away or take them to the transfer station for someone to get a free paddleboard.
- All of the kayak rack slots have been assigned and folks have been notified. A waiting list for kayak rack slots has been established.
- All of the waterfront slip requests have been assigned and folks notified. When I get back to Rangeley in mid-February I will check over these assignments, make sure they are correct and provide copies to be put on the HOLA website.
- The Committee is exploring putting in an inclined stair, with a handrail, off of the aluminum dock. It would be positioned in about three feet of water so folks could enter or exit the lake in “waist deep water”.
Waterfront Committee Report For the HOLA Board Meeting on November 12, 2022
- Status: I think we are in pretty good shape. The aluminum docks, swim lines/buoys, swim raft, flagpole and the two finger piers have been removed. The picnic tables and benches have been stored in the shed. There are two paddleboards on the rack that don’t belong there which I will deal with. The large dead birch tree on the shoreline has been removed. Burgess removed the aluminum dock. He was going to raise the price from $ 825 to $ 1,500. I had some discussions about this with his administrator and he agreed to remove the dock at the previous $ 825 price, but would increase it for next year. For next year a different person will do the install and removal for $ 1,000.
- Kayak Racks and Harbor Slips: I have received 36 requests for kayak rack slots and 12 for motorboat slips. The 36 requests, since two slots can be asked for, will fill up the 54 spaces. All requests have been dated by their postmark. Based on when received a waiting list will be made if more requests are received. As I will be traveling early December, and away for a good amount of time, I will have all of these assignments made and folks notified before I depart.
- Waterfront Improvements: For the 2023 season I will be looking into two new finger piers. One goal that I would like to push is to improve the “physical looks” of the waterfront. In other words, what can be done to improve the appearance and/or functionality of the waterfront? This might be new designated stone parking areas, new trees to replace those taken down, fencing, shrubbery, flowers, walkways, etc. Waterfront Committee Members will give this some thought. We will have a Waterfront Committee meeting, probably in March, and we can discuss any suggestions made and come up with a plan.
- Nile Brook Way: Nile Brook Way and our waterfront road needs some work/stone. Who pays? Edgewater, Jeff/Val, Road Commissioner, Waterfront budget? Any work will be done in the spring.
Waterfront Committee Report
For the September 3, 2022 HOLA Board Meeting
- The current HOLA ByLaws require that the HOLA Board approve the members of the Waterfront Committee annually. The Harbormaster will read a list of those current members who would like to continue on the committee. The Waterfront Committee will meet directly after the HOLA annual membership meeting and either reappoint the current Harbormaster or select someone new.
- There is nothing “major” to report. The consensus is that the use of the waterfront this year has been “less than normal”. This could be due to the weather, not a lot of excessively hot days and many windy days, or less people coming to Rangeley for the summer season due to gas prices or other factors.
- I am not aware of any major problems or incidents at the waterfront.
- The three time periods for the boat slip assignments has worked out well.
- Of the 54 kayak rack slots only a few remained empty over the entire season. This is a marked improvement over the years past. Every request for a kayak rack slot was met.
Respectfully submitted: Ed Zambraski HOLA Harbormaster
Waterfront Committee Report HOLA Board Meeting, July 9th
- The Waterfront Committee has not met since the last HOLA Board meeting as there were no major issues to discuss.
- The waterfront is fully operational with the aluminum docks, swim lines, and swim raft all in.
- The American flag with the HOLA flag, designed and procured by Pam Ellis, are doing a lot of horizontal flying with the winds we have been having.
- The boat slip assignments, with our three time periods, have gone very smoothly. Many of the slips were underutilized possibly due to the amount of wind, poor fishing, and people not coming up due to the cost of gasoline. This should change as the summer progresses.
- While all kayak racks (n= 54) have been assigned, as of July 4th 37 % of the racks were empty. At present there is a waiting list of folks who would like to have a kayak rack slot. Notes will be sent out to all of those folks who have not used their assigned racks to see if their plans have changed. The Waterfront Committee will decide if failure to use an assigned rack, and providing no explanation or reason, should affect their priority for obtaining a slot next year.
Respectfully submitted: Ed Zambraski Harbormaster
Waterfront Report
HOLA Board Meeting , May 14, 2022
-all 54 of the kayak racks have been filled, n=6 on a waiting list
On July 1 st I will see which may be empty and ask the persons assigned if their plans have changed
-all of the boat slips have been assigned. The three time periods (ice out- June 15, June 16-July 31, August 1-September) have worked out well.
-all of the kayak and slip people have been contacted by email. Sheets showing the assignments are also posted in the shed glass cabinet.
– a new sign stating the location ( # 9 Nile Brook Way) and listing 911, the Rangeley Police (non-emergency) phone number, and the Harbormaster’s phone number will be posted on the side of the shed.
-Burgess was contacted about putting in the aluminum dock for the same price ( $800). It was put in on May 11.
-On May 8th there was a waterfront work party. Much was accomplished. Porta potty base and surround in, finger piers in, area along the shore cleared of brush and debris, flag pole up, Pam Ellis will order the HOLA waterfront flag. Dave Douglas brought all of the debris to the transfer station.
-The approved memo about the waterfront went out to all HOLA members on May 11, along with the sheet with the rules.
Respectively Submitted:
Ed Zambraski Harbormaster
Waterfront Committee Meeting Saturday, 0900, November 20, 2021 MINUTES
- Nine members were in attendance: Zambraski, Salvini, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Patriquin, DeSanctis, Smith, Nick Sampson, Dodge. This represented a quorum.
- The approach was to discuss various topics and the Harbormaster would rewrite the Waterfront Policy and Regulations. The revised regulations would be sent to the Committee members for their input or approval. The final document would be sent to the HOLA Board for their approval at the January meeting.
- There were two major policy votes.
- The first was to exclude “paying guests” or renters from using the waterfront. The rational for this motion was as follows: a) we have limited capacity, b) with AirB&B the owners are not present to be involved and responsible for their renters, c) renters are not aware and may not care for our rules, d) allowing renters to use the waterfront is a “commercialization” of what has been intended to be a private asset, e) Bed and Breakfast guests are prohibited from using the waterfront: we need to be consistent. The vote was unanimous. 10 in favor.
- The second was to exclude “paying guests” or renters from using the waterfront to launch, tie up or enter the HOLA harbor. The rational for this motion included the points listed above and the concern about milfoil being brought into Rangeley Lake. The vote was unanimous. 10 in favor.
- The issue of ATVs at the waterfront was discussed. The consensus was to not to make a decision on this and to leave the “no ATVs” signs at the waterfront for the time being. The committee would like this matter to be taken up by the new ad hoc Committee on ATV usage within HOLA.
- Concerning the current Waterfront Policy document the following suggestions were made: add a section on the kayak racks, add No pontoon boats within the HOLA harbor, rewrite the section about boat lengths, delete the section about the Harbormaster having the capacity to remove unauthorized boats, correct the instructions for parking of cars and trailers, and add IV as a general section of “General Requirements”. The Harbormaster will make these changes, have the committee members review them for input and then the final document will be presented to the Board for approval in January.
- Requests for kayak racks and boat slips. Fifty (50) requests for kayak rack slots have been received. Only 4 remaining slots are open. The assignments of spaces is being made on a “first come-first served” basis. The assignment of specific slots will be made and communicated to the applicants in December. This process was approved by the Committee. The requests for boat slips is currently 17 and there are only 10 slips. The committee discussed breaking up the season with three time segments (ice out-June15, June 16-July 31, August 1-September.) The Harbormaster will work with those requesting slips to see how we can accommodate this increased demand, possibly using these three time periods.
- The issue of Waterfront Committee members acting as “HOLA Harbor Stewards”was discussed. This would involve Committee members going to the harbor with some regularity, introducing themselves, and making sure that the rules are being followed and that all is in order. Members were agreeable to doing this as long as it was “informal” and that HOLA members be made aware in advance that this was going to occur (i.e. put this in the Spring Email BLAST).
- If the Board votes to exclude renters from the waterfront, the Committee would institute automobile HOLA Harbor stickers for members with waterfront access.
- At the January HOLA Board meeting the Board needs to approve of the Waterfront Committee roster in order to be consistent with the HOLA By Laws
- The Committee will discuss some physical improvements (e.g. parking areas, fencing, landscaping, etc.) before the 2022 season.
Respectively submitted: Edward J. Zambraski, Harbormaster, 11/21/21
Waterfront Report: HOLA Board meeting November 13, 2021
- I have contacted the current Waterfront Committee members (N=17) to confirm their contact information.
- The Waterfront is closed. With the help of Dave Douglas and John Patriquin the flag pole, raft, swim lines, and finger piers are out. The aluminum dock has been taken out by Burgess. The tables and benches have been put in the shed
- Butch DeSanctis stained the shed. Maple tree over the shed has been pruned and the moss on the shed roof has been removed. We have removed the lattice and platform that Brackett’s toilet was on/behind. It was looking shabby and the base was rotten. For next season I will build a new surround for the toilet.
- There were only a few kayaks on the racks when I left town on October 12. I assume they have all been removed. If not, I will contact the owners.
- In November I may organize a Waterfront Committee work party to clear some brush along the shore and to trim back branches along the road.
- Between now and the January HOLA Board meeting the Waterfront Committee members will be asked to review ALL of the rules and regulations that pertain to the Waterfront. The purpose of this review will be to: 1) make sure the rules are in line with our By Laws, 2) to determine if the Committee wants to change or amend any rules. The final set of rules/regulations will be presented to the HOLA Board at the January meeting for the Board’s possible suggestions and approval. The important point is that the Committee will recommend policy, and before going into effect, the Board must approve. If needed, new signage at the waterfront will be obtained.
- If possible, to improve communication I would like to suggest that a “Harbormaster” page be added to the HOLA website. I would maintain it. This way announcements, boat slip and rack assignments and rules and regulations can be made available.
Report Submitted: Ed Zambraski HOLA Waterfront Harbormaster.
Waterfront Report September 4, 2021
We have been playing musical boats to try to get the boats arranged in the harbor. Boat width has been a problem. Ed Zambraski secured our new flag pole with a solar light on top. He, Dave Douglas, and john Patriquin installed it. Everyone seems to think it is beautiful.
John Litchner agreed to lower his Edgewater sign with is near our street sign.
In July I called everyone who had not put a canoe or Kayak on the rack spaces they requested. Two spaces were vacant because a house sold. For the most part, the problem was the weather. It was either too cold or too windy in the summer. A few also had plans change and gave up their spaces.
Waterfront Report July 10, 2021
M&H installed gravel by the Canoe/Kayak racks. Ed Zambraski put up a split rail fence past the gravel. Robert Smith built two new Canoe/Kayak racks. He and Nick Sampson installed them. Many of those who signed up for them have not yet used their spaces. I am going to call them
Some of the grass seed that M&H put down did not grow even though Nick and Gay Sampson watered it. We will try again in the fall.
Nick Sampson made a sign to go Paul Ellis’s slip which has been deeded to the Ellis Family. It says “Reserved for the Ellis Family”. He and Ed also put up No ATV signs.
The road to the Harbor has been renamed Nile Brook Way. The sign has finally been installed. We are Number 9.
The Waterfront committee has done great work down at the harbor.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Report May 15, 2021
The Waterfront Committee met April 30th at the Waterfront in the rain. One of the Committee
Members asked if other committees of HOLA met in the rain. I said, “No our Committee is
tough.” The floating docks were installed Saturday May 1st at 10 A.M. by Andy and Cindy Avelis,
Nick Sampson, Robert Smith, Gary Wadsworth, and John Patraquin. It was 32 degrees with the
wind blowing. The water was 40 degrees. Hands were in the water to attach the docks with
bolts. The Committee hopes I pick better weather next year.
Robert Smith is building two new kayak/canoe racks. He and Nick Sampson are going to install
them starting May 18th. The racks will be full. There is a short waiting list. The boat slips are
also full. We have had to do some juggling of the dock spaces because of the size of various
Fortunately, this year we had no damage to the attached docks.
M&H cleaned up debris left from tree and stump removal last year. They added more riprap to
the exit of the harbor and to the side facing land. They have added loam and grass seed which
are covered with hay. Small stone has been added where the new Kayak/canoe racks will go.
They put up stacks with strings to mark the seeded area. I had them do this a two cars drove
over a section the morning after it was seeded. We are going to have gravel put in for a parking
section net to the Kayak/canoe racks. This area tends to be muddy in the spring and is a hard
area to grow grass with the trucks that park on it.
Brackets has put in the port-a-potty. Burgess, Inc. will install the swim docks later.
Nick Sampson is having a sign made to go at Paul Ellis’s slip which has been deeded to the Ellis
Family. It will say “Reserved for the Ellis Family”.
I sent a copy of proposed changes of the Waterfront Policy to the Waterfront Committee. I am
attaching a copy for the Board to look this over. If the board decides they want to make
changes we could have them voted on at the annual Meeting.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Committee Report March 13, 2021
All of the canoe/kayak spaces have been assigned. I have not heard from 11 who had spaces last year.
All the slips are taken for Ice Out except #6 from 6//16-6/24. From 6/25 to Labor Day #5 is available from 7/5-7/23 and from 8/1 to Labor Day.
The feeling of the Waterfront Committee is that they would prefer to exclude renters and customers of Air B&B’s
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Committee Report January 9, 2021
The work on the Harbor was done the week of December 13th. Six dead and dying trees were taken down and removed. The stumps from five of them and two stumps in the field were dug up. One stump was left because it was close to the electric line. The Rip Rap was put down on the sides of the Harbor exit. Loam was spread, seeded, and covered.
You have received the changes Millie suggested to the Waterfront Policy.
We have three Canoe/Kayak spaces left. Twelve were new requests. I have not heard yet from thirteen who had spaces last year.
I have a couple more requests for slips than we have room for.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Committee Report September 5, 2020
M&H is going to remove the 6 dead and dying trees and fill in the stump holes including the two in the field.
M&H is putting in the rip rap at the ends of the Harbor for $3240 to prevent erosion.
Bailey, the new Rangeley Code Enforcement Officer is going to give us a 911 number for the Harbor after she takes a class in September. The committee would like to name the road Nile Brook Way.
I have heard people come down here who are not members or renters. We would suggest that if someone appears not to belong to go up and talk with them and see where they live or are renting. If not from here, tell them that the area is private.
Pontoon boats are not permitted in the Harbor.
There was one vacant slip this year and all of the canoe/kayak slots were filled.
We added a new grill.
We replaced the old life preserver.
Ed Zambraski is going to put up a flagpole in the spring.
Anyone is welcome to rake goose poop.
We would like to add to the Waterfront policy that no ATV’s are permitted in the Harbor as the ATV’s can not ride on Route 4.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Committee Report July11, 2020
The area to the right of the Harbor was hydroseeded. Because of the long stretch of dry weather that did not work. We will try again next spring.
Several members of the committee have done a tremendous amount of work. They repaired where the corner of the docks on the left hand had separated. put in the swim lines and buoys. They trimmed bushes and cleaned up the waterfront area. The old docks have been removed.
Tom Lillis, Rangeley Code Enforcement officer resigned in May so I am still working on the 911 number. Keith Savage, the public Works Director has notified police and fire of our location. The new code enforcement office should be in office in a week. Then we can get the road name changed.
M&H will install rip rap at the end of the Harbor so we will not lose the land and thus lose our Harbor. The cost is $3,240. Half of that cost I am adding to next year’s budget.
A new grill has been installed and a new life buoy attained. The committee would like to have a flag pole put up at the Harbor. The cost is $700. We are going to add a sign spelling out major waterfront policy.
A seven and eight year old were swimming down at the waterfront alone tonight. We should add to the policy no children under age 18 should swim unless accompanied by an adult.
I am going to put extra toilet paper in the shed in case the Port-a-Potty runs out again.
We will evaluate next year adding another rack for canoes and kayaks. I have told people if they see an empty rack, they may contact the person assigned to it and see if they may use it temporarily.
I got a quote from M&H to widen the road at the entrance to two lanes because it currently is unsafe. The cost is $ $4,420. This will be part of the road committee budget.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Committee Report May 16, 2020
The sheets are down at the waterfront with the boat slip assignments and the canoe/kayak assignments. These should also be on the web site.
I have ordered the Port-a-Potty
The Waterfront Committee is going to meet in at the Harbor noon May 23rd. We will evaluate the wooden docks. There is one spot at the corner of the docks on the left hand that has separated. Gary Wadsworth, Butch DeSantus, and Ed Zambraski will repair that. We will check on whether the cribbing needs work.
Ed Zambraski arranged to have the area to the right of the Harbor hydroseeded last week.
I am checking with Tom Lillis regarding the 911 number for HOLA Harbor Lane. He promised he would write a letter to the Selectmen explaining the request May 15th. The Selectmen meet Monday the 18th so I told him I would check back with him next Tuesday.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Report March 14, 2020
Slips and Canoe /Kayak spaces have been assigned. The boat owners have been notified. The sheet for Canoes and Kayaks will be posted after Ice Out.
Tom Lillis is going to going to give us the 911 number shortly for HOLA Harbor Lane.
After Ice Out we will access any damage. We may need to update the cribbing.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Report November 16, 2019
Burgess Construction removed the swim docks. The Waterfront Committee did the rest of the work removing swim lines, the small docks, and putting away the picnic tables. Special thanks to Ed Zambraski and Dave Douglas.
Brackets has removed the Port-a-Potty.
David Martinez still needs to remove his kayak. He called me and will have it out by Thanksgiving, possibly before. He says he will do better next year.
I am sorry to miss this meeting. I am down at Maine Medical helping a friend who had surgery Wednesday.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Report May 18, 2019
We had a Waterfront Committee meeting last Saturday May 11, 2019 at the Waterfront.
Gary Wadsworth had noted that the dock on the left side of the harbor was not firmly on its cribbing. Gary, Ed Zambraski, and John Patriquin secured materials and worked many hours repairing it. Ed dug a 140 ft trench along the right side of the harbor. Gary and Ed installed the new electric line. Gary will finish this installation when the tables are out of the shed and he can access the electric panel. Ed used his tractor and smoothed out the dirt after they finished. He is going to seed after Burgess installs the docks.
Ed is going to install the small docks after the water goes down some. Gary and Dave Arthurs have offered to help.
I have ordered the port-a-potty from Brackett.
The tree we planned to remove this spring fell down. Gary sawed it up. We decided there are three other dying trees that need to be removed. I called Jim Carignan. He will be cutting and removing them this week or next.
There are only two vacant spaces on the canoe racks. Several people who had canoes or kayaks there last year did not sign up. We may need to build one more rack. I have put up the sheets for the canoe/kayak racks. I have also put up the sheets for the Harbor slip assignments for Ice Out and the Summer.
I have left a message with David Burgess regarding the docking. Because we have installed the Rip Rap, we want him to put in the ramp so that it starts on the grass. I have asked him to store the outside part of the docking system on the ground next year so the ice can’t reach it. Dave Douglas, Ed and John are going to put in the raft and swim lines as well as the finger docks. We are replacing the worn lines this year.
There is a sign up that says Edgewater where the Burr Rd. sign had been. I spoke with Tom Lewis. He is looking at the Harbor the !6th. He will assign an address for out Harbor. I think the buyer for Burr’s house made the Edgewater sign. I do not believe the name of the road has been changed. I think the town of Rangeley will put up a 911 sign. We will also be assigned a new 911 number for the Harbor. Ed installed the downed HOLA waterfront sign which has #9 on it. That is probably the number for the former Burr house.
The Committee feels that our Harbor and swim area add a lot of value to our properties. We would like to keep our budget the same as last year. Please remember that our budget is an estimation only. We tend to have many unexpected events at the harbor from year to year.
I am sorry I am out of town for this meeting so is asked Ed to present this report.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Committee Report Annual September 1, 2018
The ice pulled the dock on the left side of the harbor. Lee Libby used his tractor to put it part way back in and installed cables. Andy Avelis and some members of the Waterfront Committee finished the work. Lee and Andy both donated their services. We want to thank them for that.
Burgess Construction installed the swim docks. We have a new dock and correct topping for them. Andt Avelis installed the small harbor docks with the help from the Waterfront committee members. The list of slip assignments and canoe/kayak assignments is posted on the shed.
Ed Zambraski has done a lot of work at the waterfront. His is doing the mowing this year. Our committee has decided to leave a strip unmowed around the perimeter of the property. Terry Donovan has put lines around the water edges of the property. We are trying to discourage the geese. So far, the geese are winning. Russ Considine, the new owner of Paul Ellis’s property is going to put up a fence at the property line to keep geese from our side from crossing over to his side and vice versa. Next year we will try a snow fence or something like his.
Ed Zambraski has replaced boards on the raft and repaired the swim ladder. Rick Lavigne and Dave Douglas have installed the raft and swim lines. They have created a new mooring for the raft. The old mooring could not be found. Next year they will move the moorings farther out to increase our swim area.
Major work was done to clean up the waterfront. Ed Zambraski, Dave Douglas, Harry Simon, John Patriquin, Nancy Zambraski and Bob Moore helped. Over 7 trailer/truck loads of brush and debris were taken to the transfer station. Ed Zambraski ordered and installed a new charcoal grill.
Next year we will probably need to replace the swim line. The sheet to sign up for slips and canoe/kayak places will go out with the fall invoices. The committee will assign the slips after the January board meeting. The canoe/kayak places will be posted on the racks after ice-out. I have put up a sign up sheet for the fall use of the harbor slips on the shed. Canoes and kayaks should be removed by October 1st.
I applied for a “Permit byRule” from DEP to add rip rap to the edge of the swim area to keep the land from eroding. That goes along with the permit we received last year for dredging out debris that had drifted into our harbor. Last year the fall rains kept us from doing the work. M&H will do both in the fall.
I want to thank our marvelous Waterfront Committee for all their help. That is Terry Donovan, Dick Moore, Dave and Ann Arthurs, Gary Wadsworth, Chester Winkowski, Ed Zambraski, Butch DeSantis, Dave Saar. Andy Avelis
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Committee Report September 2, 2017
I want to thank our great Waterfront Committee: John and Peggy Clark, Dick Moore, Paul Ellis, Dave and Ann Arthurs, Gary Wadsworth, Ed Zambraski, Butch DeSanctis, and Dave Sarr. The Waterfront Committee has been great this year.All the canoe/kayak racks have been full including the two new ones that Ed Zambraski made.
Terry Donovan has been using our Bird Bangor to scar the geese. He has also trimmed the grass low on the side of the harbor so that he could get rid of the goose deposits.
David Burgess is going to get us the correct decking for the docks and the two new docks next year. We had problems with the dock supplier this year.
Andy and Cindy Avelis used their tractor to put in the small docks. Gary Wadsworth rebuilt parts of the small docks. Ed Zambraski cleared by the entrance of the road to give us more visibility. He also weed-whacked.
Dave Douglas and Rick found the moorings for the swim lines and installed them for us this year. Dave also added another chain to the raft. Paul Ellis donated a picnic table, bar, and benches to our waterfront. Andy Avelis used his tractor to move them from Paul’s house to our Harbor with the help of Dave Arthurs and Val Zapolsky.
You sign up for the canoe/kayak racks and for the boat slips when you pay your dues in the fall. The Waterfront committee will assign the slips after the January Board Meeting.
I will notify members regarding the slips after the Meeting. The canoe/kayak assignments will be posted on the first rack. All canoes, kayaks and boats must be removed by October 15th. We recommend tying down the canoes and kayaks, as the Harbor can be quite windy. You leave your vessels at your own risk. We do not monitor them.
We ask that everyone pick up after their own dogs. There are no dogs allowed in the Swim area.
Fall boating and fishing starts Tuesday. There is a sign-up sheet in the box on the shed.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Waterfront Committee Report November 12, 2016
I met with our warden, Patrick Egan, and borrowed a screaming pistol. We tried it out on the geese at the waterfront. They moved a little down the lake. The sea gulls took off. Terry Donovan tried it out during the next week. We are considering a Bird Buster Pistol for next year.
Terry and Jane Donovan took out the small docks. Andy Avelis came down with his tractor and moved the docks nearer the shore. My grandson helped.
Ed and Nancy Zambraski cleared brush near the roadway, took down some low branches near the parking, and removed the debris. Ed also made a new canoe/kayak rack and put in braces to strengthen all of the racks.
The 14’ aluminum boat is back near the canoe/kayak racks. I put a letter on the boat, which has been removed, and wrote the owner, who had previously registered the boat. That was Brent Snow, who said he traded in the boat to Larry Koob. Jonathan, at Oquossoc Marine, was unsuccessful in checking their records to discover the boat’s owner. The owner called me last fall and removed his boat, but I could not locate his name. The police chief suggested I call Patrick Egan, the Game Warden. I have a call into him.
This summer I was told that renter’s from Grand View Highlands were coming to our beach. I have written to four of the owners and heard back from two of them. Neither have tenants.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Revised 1/10/2015
I Selection of HOLA’S Harbor Master:
The Harbor Master shall be appointed by the Board of Directors after the Annual Meeting and will, in turn, appoint a Harbor Committee.
II Docking and mooring usage:
A. Only active, paid members of HOLA, who hold the special easement to the waterfront shall have the right to dock a watercraft in the marina. Family members and guests may launch and take out their boats during the day. Paying guests of inns and bed & breakfasts are excluded.
B. Slip Assignments:
- Slip number 1 is permanently assigned to Mr. Paul Ellis and Family by deed.
- Early Spring Launching: Members may apply for a slip for Ice Out when they pay their dues in the fall. The Waterfront Committee will assign slips in January.
- Last Week in June through Labor Day: Members may apply for a slip for summer when they pay their dues in the fall. The Waterfront Committee will assign slips in January.
- Members may apply for one or two spaces on the canoe/kayak racks when dues are paid in the fall. Spaces will be assigned in January and a list posted on the racks. If there are vacancies, members may add their name and phone number to the sheet and also inform the Harbormaster.
- Moorings are not allowed.
- HOLA is not responsible for any vehicle or craft left or stored at the waterfront.
- No watercraft longer than 21 feet may be docked in the cove of the marina. Only slips numbered 6 and 7 can hold a 21 foot watercraft. The maximum size for the other slips is 18 feet. Boats on floating docks can’t be longer than the docks. Pontoon boats are not allowed on the slips and may not be launched from our ramp.
- Slip number 4 is for loading only.
- If a slip is vacant for two weeks, the Harbormaster, unless notified, may reassign the slip.
- All watercraft must show a visible name and telephone number.
- If a watercraft is in a slip not assigned to it, the Harbormaster or member of the Waterfront Committee shall have the right to remove the watercraft at the owner’s expense and peril.
C. Parking
- Trailers may be left for the day along the south edge of the roadway near the trees. There is no overnight parking of trailers.
- All motor vehicles shall be parked behind the tree line, which is marked for parking.
III Other Use of the Waterfront
A. Members, family, guests and renters shall have the full use of the waterfront property for swimming, picnicking, cookouts, sun bathing, parking of motor vehicles and any other uses designated by HOLA. Paying guests of inns and B&B’s must be accompanied by a member.
B. Swimming is prohibited in the cove and in the channel leading into and out of the cove. Jumping from the docks, boats and embankments into the cove is also prohibited.
Revised 1/10/2015
2017 HOLA Slip
Boat Slip List – click here
Canoe and Kayak List – click here
Canoe and Kayak List page 2 – click here
2016 HOLA Slip
Ice Out – June 24th 2016
You use the harbor area and
leave your boat at your own risk.
Dock Name Phone Numbers Dates
Slip | Name | Phone Numbers | Dates |
1 | Paul Ellis | 864-5027 | |
2 | Dave Douglas | 864-244 | |
3 | |||
4 | Loading Slip | ||
5 | Ed Zambraski | 864-2250 | Memorial Day |
6 | Butch DeSanctis | 761-0194 C | Memorial Day |
7 | Gary Wadsworth | 864-2930 H, 625-8254 H, 468-4412 C |
8 | John Clark | 864-5228 H, 441-1071 C | |
9 | |||
10 | Jerry Reid | 798-0281 | |
11 | Bob Daviau | 864-0917 | |
12 | Dave Perna | 864-9976 |
June 26th
-Labor Day 2015
You use the harbor and leave
your boat at your own risk. Use of the swim area is also at your own
risk. An adult must accompany children in all areas. Please check your
boat, trailer, and fishing equipment for Milfoil. Please notify the
Harbormaster if you will not be using your boat, as someone else might
need a slip.
Dock Name Phone Numbers Dates
Slip | Name | Phone Numbers | Dates |
1 | Paul Ellis | 864-5027 | 6/26-Labor Day |
2 | Dave Douglas | 862-2441 | 6/26-Labor Day |
3 | Shane Varous | 864-2441 | 6/26-Labor Day |
4 | Loading Slip | ||
5 | |||
6 | Dana Pagley | 617-594-3521 | 6/26-Labor Day |
7 | Gary Wadsworth | 625-8254 462-4412 C |
6/26-Labor Day |
8 | John Clark | 441-1071 | 6/26-Labor Day |
9 | Dave/Ann Arthurs | 739-9345 | 6/26-Labor Day |
10 | Jerry Reid | 729-4340 H, 798-0281 C | 6/26-Labor Day |
11 | Bob Daviau | 864-0917 | 6/26-Labor Day |
12 | Alan Gilmore | 401-524-9856 | 6/29-7/12 |
Mary-Ellen Moroney,
Harbormaster, 864-2214
Canoe and Kayak
Sign Up Sheet 2015
Please put your name where it
is visible on your canoe or kayak. Please sign your name and phone
number on this sheet and call me at 864-2214.
Click here to print
sign up sheet As it can be very windy here, we suggest you
tie down your canoe or kayak. You leave your canoe or kayak and use the
harbor at your own risk Please call when you remove your canoe or kayak.
2. Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney 864-2214
4. Dave Arthurs 864-9961
6. Ken and Sandy Young 508-269-1302
11. L & M Hoekstra 864-2963
12. L & M Hoekstra 864-2963
13. Dave Douglas 443-822-9043
14. Nancy Douglas 443-822-9043
15. Dave Douglas 443-822-9043
16. Mike Zulauf Lissa Hurley 603-520-8792
18. Mike Zulauf Lissa Hurley 603-520-8792
20. Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney 864-2214
22. Janice Malone 860-669-7341
23. Ed Zambraski 864-2250 978-660-9969
24 Richard Potropek 882-6946 H 751-7667C
25. Christine Potropek 882-6946 H 751-7667C
27. Pam Ellis 864-2556
28. John Roerig 518-852-9898
29. John Roerig 518-852-9898
30. Jane Donovan J 508-577-4672
November 14, 2015
Waterfront Committee
M & H did the work on the
Harbor channel this fall.
All of the boats in the Harbor this year have been removed. Several of
the canoe/kayak owners needed reminders in October that they should have
removed their vessels by October 1st.
Slip and spaces for canoe/kayak racks are coming in. The Committee will
make assignments after the January meeting.
MaryEllen Moroney
January 10, 2015
Waterfront Committee
The board needs to approve the HOLA Waterfront Policy, which the
Waterfront Committee approved at its last meeting. The Waterfront
Committee will meet after this meeting to assign slips. If all of those
who used the canoe/kayak racks return, we will probably have three
vacancies. At the moment we have 11 vacancies.
We will be buying a new swim ladder and picnic table in the spring.
Mary-Ellen Moroney,
November 8, 2014
Waterfront Committee
The docks have been removed from the water along with the swim lines.
Paul Ellis has moved the canoe/kayak racks and has gravel to spread
under their placement.
The Waterfront Committee met after the last board meeting August 29th.
We heard a presentation from Dave Burgess about new docks. He is going
to get back to us with an estimate. The 5×10 sections are $1,600.
We will replace the swim ladder on the raft in the spring.
Ed Zambraski has put the rest of the swim numbers on the Canoe/kayak
We revised the waterfront policy.
We decided not to build new benches.
We are going to replace the picnic table with a fiberglass one is the
We have been working on updating our list of who does not have any
easment or only a partial one.
Mary-Ellen Moroney,
July 2014
Waterfront Committee
The following report was submitted by Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbor Master:
Waterfront Report July 12, 2014
The new-lighted swim buoys are in the water. Burgess Construction has
also installed the docks, swim lines and raft. After Hurricane Arthur’s
winds threw up three-foot waves, our end dock’s anchoring pipes came
free. Dave Arthur used the Life Ring’s line to block off the end of the
dock until the dock was put on shore. Burgess construction is doing the
Paul Ellis put in the new Harbor marking buoys. Dave Douglas has
volunteered to put a set of markers farther out in the water.
At the moment Slip number 5 is available, Slip number 3 is available
form 7/13-7/24, and there are some vacancies on Slip number 10.
There are some openings on the canoe/kayak racks.
Our Paul N. Ellis Harbor sign is now up.
After the last Board Meeting our Waterfront Committee met to revise the
HOLA Waterfront Policy.
August 2013
Waterfront Committee
We have a new rack for the canoes and kayaks. We have had openings for
the slips this summer as people’s plans have changed since they
originally signed up on the sheet that is sent out along with the dues.
The Waterfront Committee will assign the slips and the canoe/kayak racks
in January.
We’ve had a few trees removed by a family of beavers.
We have had the electric line in the conduit under the loading ramp
reburied. We have also replaced the worn out swim line with a new one.
There is a sign up sheet on the shed for slips for Fall Fishing after
Labor Day.
For those few whose lots do not have full waterfront rights the rights
are $1,500 to the end of 2014. The cost for waterfront rights for a lot
with no rights is $9,500 for the same period of time.
I want to thank our Waterfront Committee: Mike Moroney, John and Peggy
Clark, Dick Moore, Paul Ellis, Tom Sullivan, Dave and Ann Arthurs, Gary
Wadsworth, Chester Winkowski, Ed Zambraski, and Butch DeSanctis.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
July 2013
Waterfront Committee
(As of 6/13) From June 22nd to Labor Day there are openings on slip #2
from 7/22-8/8, slip #3 from 6/22-8/8, slip # 10 8/2-8/13 and 8/29-9/2,
and the two week slip #11 from 7/21-8/9. Some of those who have reserved
slips have not shown up yet.
We have several opening on the canoe/ kayak racks. Several who have
reserved have not brought their vessels down yet. Someone took out the
buoys last year and did not put a line on the mooring chain to shore.
Dave Burgess is going down to Portland to refill his air tanks so that
he can dive for them. Dave Douglas is going to see if he can find the
moorings. We are replacing the worn swim line. It is on order.
Just a reminder, cost for the waterfront easements are $9,500 for those
without any waterfront rights and $1,500 for those with partial rights
for 2013 and 2014.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
John Clark made a motion that we name the Harbor Paul N. Ellis Harbor
and appropriate up to $500 for a sign and that the sign be placed at a
location selected by the Committee. Those present voted unanimously in
favor of the motion. John agreed to look into having the sign made.
May 2013
Waterfront Committee:
The only opening for Ice Out Boat Slips(which goes to June 21st) is slip
(As of 5/10) From June 22nd to Labor Day there are openings on slip #2
from 7/22–8/8, slip #3 from 6/22—8/8, slip #4 9-1&2, slip #10 8/2—8/13
and 8/29—9/2, and the two week slip#11 from 7/21—8/9.
The small docks are in as is the Port-a-Potty.
Paul Ellis has built a new canoe/kayak rack. We have several openings on
the racks.
The pipe carrying the electricity under the ramp has been repaired and
gravel added to the ramp.
We did have a visitor who was given permission by a friend who is a HOLA
member to put his boat in our harbor. He has since removed his boat. The
slips are only for HOLA members in good standing.
Just a reminder: Cost for the waterfront easements are $9,500 for those
without any waterfront rights and $1,500 for those with partial rights
for 2013 and 2014.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Social Activities: Sandy Young advised that we will have the pot luck
luncheon on Labor Day weekend following the membership meeting. Sandy
will be putting together a welcoming package to be delivered by a member
of the board to new HOLA members. The Portland Brass Concert at our
waterfront will be August 13th.
Jeff & Darlene Munson have invited all Board members to attend a social
event at their house on July 12th @ 6:00 P.M. Please bring your favorite
appetizer/light refreshments.
September 2012
Waterfront Committee
The Harbor was dredged on 8/30/2012 thanks to all Paul Ellis’s hard work
with the DEP.
Our swim lines were cut on 8/29. Dave Douglas is going to see if he can
put them back together. We need to replace the left swim buoy.
The number of boats in the harbor varies from full to spaces available.
We had the most boats during the ice out fishing season. We are at the
start of fall fishing. After this weekend, there will be a sign up sheet
for boats.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Any HOLA landowner not having
a waterfront easement attached to their land may purchase an easement
for a single lot by paying to HOLA the following amount:
Rates for 2012-2013…for no
waterfront easement is $8,500
Rates for 2012-2013…for 100 ‘ waterfront easement is $1,300
March 2012
Waterfront Committee
I have assigned the slips. Slips #3, #5 (the two week slip) and #6 are
still available for Ice Out to June 21. From June 22nd to Labor Day slip
#5 is available 7/9-7/13, 7/29-8/31 and slip #6 is available 6/22—6/30.
There are 5 canoe/kayak spaces available. Beth Raymond wanted a slip for
July but none was available.
Paul Ellis is still working on
getting permission from DEP to remove some dirt from the harbor.
Mary-Ellen Moroney,
Report – September, 2011
Mary-Ellen Moroney submitted the following:
A Waterfront Committee Meeting was held on September 3, 2011 with the
following results:
Paul Ellis is working on obtaining permits to remove silt from the
If a boat slip is left vacant for a week without notice to the Harbor
Master – the slip may be reassigned.
People need to call when they remove their vessel early.
We are checking on the sign for Joe Kastner in the spring. The original
individuals who worked on the Harbor were Joe Kastner, John Clark, Herb
Bush, Don Barnard and Paul Ellis.
We paid to have the docks and swim lines removed.
We will build a new canoe rack next spring.
We renewed the fiscal year’s waterfront budget.
The channel markers will be permanent posts as the floating markers can
not withstand the winds and current.
Docks, swim lines, raft, lights, and small docks are out of the water.
The port-a-potty has been removed.
Committee Members are John and Peggy Clark, Mike Moroney, Dick Moore,
Paul Ellis, Tom Sullivan, Dave and Ann Arthurs, Gary Wadsworth, Chester
Wincowski, Ed Zambraski, Cathy Baker and myself.
Slips will be assigned in January.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Report – September 3, 2011
Report – July 9, 2011
From June 24th – Labor Day
slip #5, is the short-term slip. Slip #4 is the loading slip. Dick Moore
is trying to sell his boat so Slip #10 might be available part of the
summer. The rest of the slips are full.
Mid June the chain broke on the raft letting it loose. It cut the swim
lines and drifted to the harbor. Gary Wadsworth tied it up between slips
#10 and 11. Dave Burgess was able to fix the swim lines shortly after
they broke. We will probably need new rope next year. He moved the raft
July 3rd. He had to wait a while as the water was too rough.
It has been challenging with the boats being put in the wrong places
this year, but everything is straightened out now.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Boat Slip
To reserve a boat slip for the 2008 Summer season,
click here for the blank reservation form. Fill this form out and
mail the hard copy to the Harbormaster at the address shown on the
bottom of the form.
Within HOLA
there are three situations or conditions with regards to “Waterfront
Rights or a Waterfront Easement”. The far majority of owners have
deeded full rights to use the waterfront property and the marina.
There are a few lots whose deeds say nothing about the waterfront and
those individuals do not have the rights to access or use the HOLA
waterfront, and there are a few deeds that make reference to limited
access (e.g. 100 ft of right away). As a consequence of “no
or restricted” water access” the property values
of these lots are significantly lower than what it would be for a
comparable lot with waterfront rights or waterfront access. Last
November the HOLA board voted to create a three year period during which
individuals with no or partial waterfront rights could purchase them.
The letter describing this program that was sent out to those without
waterfront rights is pasted below.
This situation
or opportunity would also apply to anyone who plans on subdividing their
property. Any subdivision of an existing lot that has the rights,
would NOT have waterfront rights or access unless they were purchased
and formally added to the deed of the new subdivided property.
There is
another plan for those with “limited or partial” waterfront rights. For
information on this, scroll down beyond the first letter.
To: All Members of HOLA Whose Lot Does Not Carry
Any Level of Waterfront Easement
From: Edward Zambraski, President of HOLA
Dated: March 2, 2005
Historically, as the Lakeview Highlands and the
Overlook were developed, the far majority of the existing property
owners either paid for or bought lots that had rights to use the HOLA
waterfront property. The right to use the waterfront, or a waterfront
easement, is formally stated in one’s property deed.
At the November meeting of the HOLA Board of
Directors there was a lengthy discussion regarding the fact that there
were approximately 15 lots in HOLA that did not have waterfront
easements. It was generally agreed after researching sales records of
lots in the Rangeley Region, a waterfront easement attached to any lot
increases the value of that lot by an amount ranging from $ 15,000 to $
For lots without waterfront rights, during the
early 90’s HOLA did allow property owners to purchase a waterfront
easement. This opportunity has not existed for the past decade or so.
Because there are very few lots without this easement, and some new
owners might want to purchase these rights, at the regular monthly
meeting of November 2004, the HOLA Board of Directors voted and approved
the following:
….Any HOLA landowner not having a
waterfront easement attached to their land may purchase an easement for
a single lot by paying to HOLA the following amount:
For a buy-in during the year 2005 –the sum of
—$ 4,000.
” ” “
” ” ” 2006 —
” ” —$ 5,000.
” ” “
” ” ” 2007
— ” ” —$ 6,000.
If any landowner does not purchase a waterfront
easement by December 31, 2007, the Board made no provision to allow
waterfront easement purchase after this date.
Any lot owner wishing to take advantage of this
opportunity should send their check and request to:
TREASURER, HOLA , P. O. BOX 26, Rangeley, ME
The letter below
was sent to those owners with restricted or partial waterfront rights
listed in their deeds.
To: Members of HOLA Whose Lot Carries Only Partial
Easement Rights (100 ft) to the HOLA Owned Waterfront
From: Edward Zambraski, President of HOLA
Dated: March 2, 2005
Historically, as the Lakeview Highlands and the
Overlook were developed, the far majority of the existing property
owners either paid for or bought lots that had “full rights” to use the HOLA waterfront. Full rights referred to the full use of the 1.5 acres
and 212 feet of shoreline of the HOLA waterfront property. The right to
use the waterfront, or a waterfront easement, is formally stated in
one’s property deed.
At the November meeting of the HOLA Board of
Directors, there was a lengthy discussion regarding waterfront easements
and the fact that a few owners of lots have easements to only “100 feet
of the waterfront” and not the full rights to use the entire 1.5 acres
and 212 feet of shoreline. It was generally agreed that after
researching sales records of lots in the Rangeley Region, a full
waterfront easement attached to any lot increases the value of that lot
by an amount ranging from $ 15,000 to $ 30,000.
For lots without full waterfront rights, during the
early 90’s HOLA did allow property owners to purchase a waterfront
easement granting full rights. This opportunity has not existed for the
past decade or so. Because there are very few lots with this “partial”
easement, and some new owners might want to purchase these full rights,
at the regular monthly meeting of November 2004, the HOLA Board of
Directors voted and approved the following:
…Any landowner owning a 100 foot
waterfront easement but not a Full easement to HOLA waterfront may have
their easement upgraded to FULL status for a single lot by paying to
HOLA the following amount:
For a buy-in during the year 2005 —–the
sum of $ 500.
” ” “
” ” ” 2006
—- ” ” ” $750
” “
” “
” 2007 — “
” ” $1,000.
If any lot owner does not purchase the full or
upgraded waterfront easement by December 31, 2007, the Board made no
provision to allow an upgrade after that date.
Any lot owner wishing to take advantage of this
opportunity should send their check and request to:
P. O. BOX 262