HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

HOLA Annual Membership Meeting September 3, 2022

2022 HOLA Annual Meeting Minutes

9/3/2022 11AM at the HOLA Waterfront

Attendees: 60 attendees, 42 Voting  Owners including the Board

The prepared information packets for the Annual Meeting contained: Agenda, Minutes of the 2021 Annual Meeting, Budgets 2016 thru the proposed new 2022/2023 Budget, Slate of Nominees for election, HOLA Road Policy, HOLA Waterfront Policy, HOLA Winter Guidelines for Homeowners, a voting chit (one per owner as per present ByLaws)

Call to order by Millie Hoekstra at 11:15 at the Waterfront. She thanked the Board of Directors, introduced them to the attendees and thanked everyone for coming on this beautiful day. She notified everyone that MaryEllen Simon has retired from the Board and thanked her for her service since 2016.

Our website: holarangeley.org  has helpful information and contact numbers/emails, please contact Millie or any board member with concerns during the year.

Minutes of the last Annual Meeting of HOLA on Sept. 4, 2021. Motion to approved and seconded. There was no discussion and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Minutes of the Executive Board Meetings for the past year received a motion for approval and second. There were no questions. The Minutes were unanimously approved.

Road Committee Report (attached) was presented by Dave Douglas (Road Commissioner). There are 21 new owners and 7 houses under construction, so understand that the roads are busy and welcome your new neighbors. Thank you to Dave and his committee for a great job this year!

Waterfront Report (attached)  was presented by ED Zambraski. The waterfront was less busy this year. All boat slip and kayak rack requests were honored.  There was a question about putting in a mooring off-shore. The Town does not allow moorings. And a request to install a changing cabana at the waterfront. The Committee will look into it. Thank you, Ed and the Committee for keeping the waterfront property in great condition!

The Budget for 2022/2023 (attached) was presented by Jeff Zapolsky. Basically, the budget for next year will stay the same with no needed change in fees. There were no questions about the Budget. Motion to approve was made, seconded and unanimously approved. Thank you Jeff, for a great job and the many, many hours you give to keep the association in good financial condition.

Assessors Report  (attached )was presented by Jocelyn Kinlock. Calculations have been done; Road fees are calculated on Properties on our roads: 129 Improved lot and 110 unimproved lots.  Basically, there will be no changes in fees for this coming year. Improved lots (houses)=$568; Unimproved lots=$258. And dues (which covers waterfront and Administrative Expenses)= $75. Thank you Jocelyn for your report.

Elections for the Board: Terms expiring are: Dave Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen Maroney, John Patriquin, Mary Ellen Simon, Ana Wetherill, Jeff Zapolsky.  All, but Mary Ellen Simon, are willing to continue. Robert Smith from the Overlook has consented to serve. This slate of Board members was unanimously elected to serve on the Board of Directors.

Elections for Assessors: Jocelyn Kinlock, Mary-Ellen Maroney, Mike Zulauf have each offered to serve again. This slate was unanimously approved.

Election of Road Commissioner: Dave Douglas has consented to serve again. There was no discussion and he was unanimously approved.

Committee sign-ups: Millie announced there is a sign-up sheet for committees. Please sign up if are interested.

Ad Hoc Committee on Legal matters: During this past year this committee reviewed our Constitution and ByLaws and Maine law and the suggested changes were approved by the Board and mailed or hand delivered more than 30 days before this meeting. There changes were reviewed by Millie, most were placement and clarification issues. Two major changes are that current HOLA document allows one-vote per owner. Maine state law requires one-vote per lot/unit. The other major change is the ability of the Board to levy reasonable fines for breaking HOLA rules, regulations and policies.  Also, a definition of “reasonable” is included. A minor change is that Board members will be indemnified. There was a motion and second to approve these changes to the Constitution and ByLaws. There were no questions and the revised HOLA Constitution and Bylaws was unanimously approved.

FYI now that this has passed, there will be a committee to create HOLA rules, regulations and policies and the related fees. Please sign up for this committee if you are interested.

 Questions/comments from Membership:

              A question regarding “no ATVs at waterfront” was raised.  At the present time the following motion was passed by the board at the July 9, 2022 meeting. “Until such time that it is legal for ATVs to use Route 4 to access the HOLA Waterfront, from both the Highlands and the Overlook, the prohibition of ATVs at the waterfront shall remain intact”.  Dave D. mentioned that he and others are in communication with local ATV club and state officials to see what can be done to enable more use of Route 4 or create a trail from Rev It Up Shop to Depot Street.  It is a work in progress. 

Kim Syrel gave information regarding concerns about the trees getting much taller and losing our views which affects everyone’s property values.  Talk with your neighbors and work together to ensure that all property values and viewscapes are protected.  Kim is certified “arborist” and willing to assist members with any tree issues.  Her contact information will be added to the website.

Larry Malone commented that we are a community and let’s all work together to make it the best experience for all who live (or vacation) in here.  Be thoughtful and nice and obey the rules which are there to enhance your enjoyment and experience. If you rent out your property be sure to inform your renters or guests of all policies and regulations for the waterfront and our roads.

Millie was thanked for all she does for the organization.

Thank you for attending. Enjoy the beautiful weather. Visit with your neighbors. Next Annual HOLA Membership Meeting will be held Sept. 2, 2023 at the waterfront. 

Meeting Adjourned at 12:10 PM

The Executive Board met briefly and elected the following officers for the coming year: Chairperson- Millie Hoekstra, Vice-Chairperson-Mary-Ellen Moroney, Secretary-Val Zapolsky, Treasureer-Jeff Zapolsky,