HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

HOLA Board of Directors Meeting September 3, 2022

HOLA BOARD MEETING MINUTES- 9AM at the HOLA Waterfront on Sept. 3, 2022

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Dave Douglas, Ana Wetherill, Ed Zambraski, John Patriquin, Al Salvini, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Larry Malone,

Absent (with excuses): Dave & Ann Arthurs, Anne Crump, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Darren Winslow, Mary Ellen Simon

Call to Order by Millie Hoekstra at 9:02 AM.

There was a discussion of recent gunfire incident at a Highland’s residence.  The owners has received an email and if no reply soon a phone call will take place.

The website has been updated with ATV info for landowners.  The Air B&B owner has been advised of issue with his renters and will update his information.

Minutes to the last Board meeting July 9, 2022 received a motion to approve and was seconded. There were no questions, and they were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report (attached) was presented by Jeff Zapolsky. Overall things cost more this year, but because we had so many properties change hands, and there is a lot of construction going on, that we have received a significant amount of extra money (one time road fees). In the end we are doing fine. The budget for 2022/2023 was reviewed. In summary, no changes to fees are needed. There was a motion to approve the new budget, seconded and approved unanimously.

Road Commissioner’s Report (attached) was discussed by Dave Douglas. He went over budget due to increased costs, but he did cut back so the overbudget was diminished and the Board had previously approved taking over budget costs from the Road Emergency funds account. There is some tree work (trimming one hanging over road or at corners along the roads) still needed, but he will be getting that done by volunteers.

Waterfront Committee Report: (attached) was given by Ed Zambraski (Harbor Master). It was a good year and thank you to a great team working the waterfront.

Assessor’s Report (attached); There was some discussion of changing the fees but it did not receive a second and was tabled. The Assessor’s Report was unanimously approved.

Nominating Committee has contacted all the board members whose terms are expiring and only one (Mary Ellen Simon) wishes to retire. Robert Smith of the Overlook has expressed an interest in serving. The Assessors are all willing to serve again and the Road Commissioner is willing to continue. The slate of members for the Board, Assessors and Road Commissioner (attached) was moved, seconded, and was unanimously approved.

After the Bylaws revisions are approved, a Committee for Rule Regulations and Policies will be needed. Mary-Ellen Maroney, Larry Malone, Ben Wetherill and Dave Arthurs are willing to work on this. Maine state law states that a quorum for a HOA  Annual Meeting is 10% of members. We currently have 203 members, so we need 20 attendees.

Meeting was adjourned at 10 AM. Annual meeting starts at 11 AM.

Next board meeting: November 12, 2022