HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association


                                                          Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                                                                            March 10, 2018

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky, Mary Ellen Simon, Carol Hoffmann, Ana Wetherill, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Dave Douglas, Ed Zambraski, Anne Crump, MaryEllen Maroney, John Patriquin

Absent: John Clark (illness)

Millie called the meeting to order at 9 AM

Minutes of the last meeting (that was held via email due to bad weather) were approved. MSP

New Board members Carol Hoffmann & John Patriquin were introduced.

We still a Board member to replace Paul Ellis who is no longer attending. ME Simon suggested Brittany DiPompo (sp?) who bought Louise Doak’s house.

Everyone please check the website for errors and omissions.

Treasurers Report was presented and approved.  MSP Click Here

Overall accounts are in positive territory and won’t run out. Jeff is slowly whittling down the delinquent accounts. Jeff requested someone attend small claims court on March 22 to represent HOLA. Anne Crump will go.

Millie handed out a new Board Member contact list. Please note 2 changes

John Patriquin’s cell phone is 207-274-0734

Anne Crump’s email is   annecrump@gmail.com

Road Committee Report: Roads in the Overlook have had some deep bad mud and will be needing crushed shale and more attention  this spring than the Highlands roads will need. Grading is planned for mid May by M&H. Several road sign will need to be replaced. We have sufficient  funds to do these repairs.

Waterfront: Slips are being assigned. There are still canoe/kayak spaces available.

Ana Wetherill reported that estimates for tree cutting , clearing and topping have not yet been obtained. She was encouraged to get prices for each kind of work, so HOLA could pass the info on to property owners that might want to personally schedule several requests at the same time and therefore bargain for a better price.

Meeting Adjourned.

Next meeting May 19 at 9 AM The Barn



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