HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

HOLA Board of Directors Meeting July 10, 2021

HOLA Board of Directors meeting July 10, 2021 at 9 AM in the RFA Lakeside Theater

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski,   Mary-Ellen Moroney, Larry Malone, Darren Winslow,   Mary Ellen Simon (on the phone), John Patriquin, Anne Crump

Absent: Carole Hoffmann, Dave Douglas, Brittany DiPompo, Ana Wetherill

Millie called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM, welcoming everyone and notifying them that board meetings will be at the theater in the future.

Secretary’s Minutes of the May meeting: the was a motion to accept, seconded and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Millie thanked Jeff Z. for his hard work and great collection rate.

Waterfront Report: (attached)

Road Commissioner’s Report: (attached) Dave wants to retire from the Road Commissioner position.  Millie thanked Dave (and Ann) for all the years spent as Road Commissioner and leading the Road Committee.  This is a challenging job and it is time to increase the budget to enable the road commissioner/committee to do their job.  There will be a notice sent to all the members of HOLA stating that if anyone interested in the position they should contact Millie Hoekstra.

There were 2 items related to the roads that were discussed.

1)           Dave Arthurs presented the snowplowing proposal from Dave Burgess (Burgess Construction & Property Maintenance). He wants $5000 increase to $45K per year (maximum) for 5 years and a $38K (minimum) per year. He has averaged $38K per year for the past contract, so that is a reasonable thing for us to give him. The $5000 increase is because he must pay his people more to keep them. (All employers are seeing this increase in wages.) Also he provides 24/7 coverage for us. Dave Arthurs asked around and has not found a contractor willing take us at that price or to provide the 24/7 coverage we need. A motion was made to accept this proposal from Dave Burgess. It was seconded and passed unanimously.

2)           The next discussion involved a request to increase the road budget by $20K to improve and maintain that improvement. This was figure is based on a 10-year plan for our roads. Val & Jeff measured all the road sections. This info is now available to assist with the overall road improvement planning. We have 7.4 miles of road. If we improve 1/10th of them every year (0.74 miles) that will cost about $35K annually to return the road to a full crown. We currently only spend about $15K year on this, so we are not putting the volume of topping on the roads that we need. Many of the roads are down to the large stones base or down to ledge. Major build up of these sections is required. The $20K increase will provide the funds need to get ahead and keep ahead of our road maintenance.  The motion was made to increase the budget by $20K for roads. This was seconded and passed unanimously. The rest of the discussion was regarding how to present this increase to the members at the annual meeting.

Millie asked Ed Zambraski (Assessor) to do the calculations to determine the Road and Snow Fee for the two levels (lot with a house  and an empty lot) for next fiscal year (2021-2022).

Ed then informed the board that the snowmobile trail down to Nile Brook is closed to ATVs by the LANDOWNERS!   This is not a HOLA decision or responsibility. Snowmobiles may still use it. The trail will be blocked by logs etc.  Ed also stated that the signs we installed last year have cut ATV traffic thru HOLA by 80%.

The Nominating Committee confirmed that Carol Hoffman has completed her term and has decided not to continue on the board, but Ann Arthurs, Ed Zambraski, Larry Malone and Britany DiPompo have volunteered to serve another term.  Al Salvini has agreed to be nominated as Board Member.  This maintains the Highlands/Overlook ratio.

New legal issue: There was an FYI regarding Scott Ivers running an AirBnB in his travel trailer and running a Private Club. The Dallas Plantation and the state are involved and handling all municipal issues. HOLA concern: Ivers has restrictions in his deed regarding living in a trailer on his lot. “Mobile homes or tents for living purposes are prohibited on said lot.”  HOLA will send a letter reminding him of this restriction. It was decided the letter should come from our lawyer Paul Mills.

The Ad Hoc Committee has not yet attacked their charge.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Zapolsky


Addendum: The revised 2021-2022 Budget was emailed to Board Members and was approved to be presented at the Annual Membership Meeting to be held September 4, 2021 at 11 AM.

Next Meeting:  September 4, 2021 at 9AM