HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

Board of Directors (BOD)

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Al Salvini, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Rob Smith, Darren Winslow, Ed Zambraski, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky John Patriquin, Larry Malone Absent: Ana Wetherill Dave Douglas, Sam White, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs

Millie Hoekstra called the meeting to order at 11 AM

The Board Members were introduced and thanked for the many hours of volunteer work to get everything done and our community running smoothly, care of our roads and waterfront property. We have no employees.  Our community spans the four townships of Rangeley, Rangeley Plantation, Dallas Plantation and Sandy River Plantation.

Secretary’s Minutes from the 2023 Annual Meeting: No questions. No changes. Accepted by acclamation. FYI all minutes are posted on the HOLA website.  The minutes of the Board of Directors meetings for the past year were approved.

Road Commissioner’s Report (attached): We have done a lot of road work and spent a lot of money on the roads this summer. We overspent this year’s budget but we had leftover funds in the Road Savings account to spend. Call Dave Douglas for any concerns.  Thanks to Dave for the many, many volunteer hours.

Waterfront Committee Report (attached): No questions. Ed and his volunteers were thanked for their excellent care of the waterfront. One member asked where the raft is. Ed stated that it was rotted and not replaced because if it breaks free of it’s mooring, it could wreck our new docks.

Committee Sign-Up List is available. Please sign up for any that interest you. You do not need to be a full-time resident to participate. Let Millie know if you are interested. We can zoom for any meeting.

Treasurer’s Report (attached): We received more funds than anticipated due to many properties paying extra road fees for construction and a few people buying waterfront access. There are basically no changes to the budget proposed for the next year. There were no questions. The budget was passed by acclamation.

Assessors Report:  No changes. The fees will be the same as last year: $258 for a lot, $568 for a house plus (for both) $75 dues.

Nominating Committee (Ballot attached)

The slate for the Board of Directors was approved by acclamation.

The slate for the Assessors was approved by acclamation.

Dave Douglas was approved for Road Commissioner by acclamation.

Members to address the Board:

A couple members spoke strongly in favor of ATV use within HOLA especially to be able to go to waterfront from the Overlook.  Members were reminded that there is no official ATV trail accessible from HOLA properties. The powerline is all privately owned land, so ATVs may cross with permission, but If the property is posted “NO ATVs” or “NO TRESPASSING” then you may not cross. Several members spoke up and gave permission for ATV access. A few spoke of ATV trespassing.  Millie encouraged people to talk to their neighbors.  The board will look into this issue further.

Kim Syrel (arborist) presented information on the Brown-Tailed Moth.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted: Val Zapolsky, Secretary