HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association


Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Larry Malone, John Patriquin, Dave Douglas, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Ana Wetherill, Ed Zambraski, Darren Winslow, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Mary Ellen Simon

Absent: Anne Crump, Al Salvini

The meeting was called to order by Millie Hoekstra at 9 AM.


              We were notified by Dallas Assessors that Scott Ivers had a neon sign on a CMP pole on the snowmobile trail about his “club”. We told them we were not aware of it and would not allow it. The plantation and the state are involved. They are following up on compliance with the camper etc.

              Many HOLA properties have changed hand. Please welcome new neighbors, tell them about website and get contact info.

              Website – Suggestions to improve? Please send these to Millie.

Secretary’s Minutes of the January meeting. – No corrections. Motion- Jeff Z.  Second- John P. Approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Zapolsky  (attached)

There are two significant changes since the last report. 

First, Richard and Cathy Whitehead made a lump sum payment of $1,271 bringing their account to a zero balance.  At one point they had owed as much as $4,140 on 10/1/2015.  

Second, our plowing costs were $36,445 as of Feb 28, 2022.  You really can’t predict what this will mean for the rest of the season.  I’ve attached a chart showing how this compares to prior years.

Motion to approve-MaryEllen Maroney, Second-Ana Wetherill Approved Unanimously

Road Commissioner’s Report – Dave Douglas

              Burgess plowing is going well. Dave asked about when to post the roads. Dave Arthurs (previous Road Comm.) suggested doing it now. And if heavy truck must come in it sometimes can be done early morning before it warms up. Board members stated there are some over-leaning branches on the Lynnway and The Loop. Dave D. will address this.

Waterfront Report – Ed Zambraski

              The Waterfront Committee met and decided the sticker idea was too draconian as a first step. Ed distributed a Draft Memo to all HOLA Members and a one page Waterfront Guidelines for approval by the Board.  There was some discussion and the Memo and the Waterfront Guidelines were approved by unanimous consent.

Please relay any problems with the waterfront to Ed as he is keeping a journal for reference.

Assessors – No report

Ad hoc Committee on Snowmobile/ATV  – Dana Pagley

              Dana is meeting with the state for information. Dave Douglas has handled signage for snowmobile trail access.

Ad hoc Committee on Legal Issues – report attached. They are still in the investigative stage at present. They will meet again in 2 weeks. Dave Arthurs relayed that the Town of Rangeley is currently considering a Short-Term Rental Ordinance to address the Airbnb issue.

They were no other issues

Next meeting May 14th at 9 AM at the RFA theater.

Meeting adjourned at 9:50 AM.