HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

HOLA Board of Directors Meeting, May 14, 2022

HOLA BOARD MEETING MINUTES- 9AM at the RFA Theater on May 14, 2022

Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Larry Malone, John Patriquin, Dave Douglas, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Al Salvini,  Ana Wetherill, Ed Zambraski, Darren Winslow,

Absent: Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Mary Ellen Simon, Anne Crump

Meeting was called to order at 9:04 AM by Millie Hoekstra.

Updates: Many properties are on the market and many will be building this summer. Please review our website and send Millie any updates. Ann Arthurs recently broke her shoulder. A get-well card was passed around for everyone to sign. The review of all deeds and waterfront access deeds has been completed.  Presently: 257 lots/properties have deeded access and 16 do not.  The revised “What do I need to Know when building on my property within HOLA” will be added to our website and given to new lot owners.  The “HOLA Waterfront policies and requirements” document will be given to all rental agencies which should be included for any property they manage within HOLA.

Secretary’s Minutes from the last meeting: There was a motion to approve the Minutes from the March meeting – The motion was seconded and all approved.

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Account balances are good. No comments. Motion to approve the report was made, seconded and approved by all.

Road Committee Report: (attached) There will be new gravel or shale placed on large sections of road this summer to build back up the road based. Some grading will also be done. There was some discussion of having a fine for being overweight on the road while they are posted. The State of Maine has a fine that can be given by the State Police, but no one else.  There was a motion to approve “There will be a HOLA fine of $1,000 for violation of spring road weight limit posting.” This was seconded, and approved. This will be leveed on the property owner, not the truck driver.

Waterfront Committee Report: (attached) Racks and boat slips are all assigned. Everyone was accommodated. Docks are in. There will be a new sign posted on the shed with EMERGENCY NUMBERS and INFO.  A lot of brush and storm debris was removed from the shoreline and a HOLA flag will be hung below the US flag on the waterfront.  There was a recent problem with a HOLA owner registering a boat slip with a non-owner’s boat.  Although historically this has not been allowed, there is actually nothing in our rules preventing that.  Ed Zambraski made a motion to go into effect in 2023. “When applying for a HOLA harbor boat slip, the boat being registered must belong to the HOLA applicant. HOLA members are NOT allowed to apply for a slip registering a non-HOLA member’s boat for the purpose of allowing a non-HOLA individual to use the assigned slip.” Much discussion occurred. The motion was amended to, “When applying for a HOLA harbor boat slip, the boat being registered must belong to the HOLA applicant or close family member. HOLA members are NOT allowed to apply for a slip registering a non-HOLA member’s boat for the purpose of allowing a non-HOLA individual to use the assigned slip.” This will go into effect in 2023. This was seconded and passed with 9 ayes, 1 nay and 2 abstentions.

Millie will communicate with the homeowner and will send a letter of explanation and the board’s support of our Harbor Master.

Ad Hoc Legal Committee: Has determined that the HOLA Bylaws need to be updated. One major change needed is that Maine State law requires HOAs to have 1 vote per property(lot) versus 1 vote per owner (which our current bylaws state).  The Ad Hoc committee will have the updated bylaws ready and sent to the Board for review at least 1 week prior to the July Board meeting, to allow time for the Board to review, amend (if needed), approve and send notice of the pending change to all HOLA members prior to the September Annual Meeting.

Adjourned at 10:37 AM

Next meeting: July 9, 2022