HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

July 2016 HOLA Minutes

July 2016

Members present: Jeff Munson, Ken and Sandy Young, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Mary Ellen Simon, Terry Donovan, Dave Douglas, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Millie Hoekstra and John Clark.

The April minutes were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report. Jeff Zapolsky submitted a report indicating that the Association is in great shape financially and he has made much progress in collected dues and road expenses. Click here to view report

Road Committee Report:
Road Commissioners Report
July 9, 2016

This has been an exceptionally dry Summer, although we have received rain at the wrong time, namely, when we started grading our roads. Most of our roads have now been graded, although it is still ongoing. In an effort to alleviate as much dust as possible, we have put calcium chloride down on the Lynn Way, from Rt. 4 in the Highlands, all the way up to the intersection with Marion Drive. In the Overlook, the calcium was put down on the Overlook Road from Rt. 4 to the intersection of The Loop Road, continuing down a small section of The Loop Road. We have pulled a culvert in front of the Vermette residence on the Lynn Way as the frost pushed it up so high, it was not functioning. It was then cleaned and replaced to the proper depth. An additional section of culvert was added to a culvert, that was installed in front of the DiGiovanni residence, to allow the homeowner to park cars on his front lawn as he has done in the past. At the request of the grader, Carey Keep, numerous large rocks have been removed from our roads by Steve Morrill Excavating, as they would have created problems while grading.

We will shortly be adding material to sections of several roads to build them up, as some are below grade and others are extremely muddy during and after a heavy rainfall. Material will also be added at the intersection of Overlook and Paul’s Path roads, as the inside corner has eroded away.

At the next road committee meeting, I will be addressing the need for a 5 year plan, with the goal of slowly improving our roads. We currently have a Long Range Planning Committee as part of the H.O.L.A. Board, perhaps they could be involved. I believe, that with our current budget, if we are prudent in how we spend our money, we can not only maintain our roads, but slowly improve them. Any input from homeowners/landowners will be seriously considered.

Road Commissioners Report Page 2
July 9, 2016

Previous balance for road maintenance/snowplowing: $37,189.50
Additional road money to date:
50 bags (50lb bags) of calcium chloride $1001.72
Calcium applied on roads by Terry Morgan (Invoice not yet received) $
1 garden hoe (cleaning culverts) and 2 cans of white spray paint $26.98
Removal of numerous large rocks on our roads to prepare for grading, Morrill Excavating $1377.58
Grading (still in progress) Cary Keep $
Removing, cleaning and reinstalling of culvert on the Lynn Way that was rising out of the ground, (invoice not yet received) Cerminara Landscaping $

Total road and snow money spent to date: $39,595.78

Questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 864-3992
Dave Arthurs
H.O.L.A, Road Commissioner

Waterfront Committee: Mary-Ellen Moroney reported that Ed Z and Terry Donovan have installed several items to keep the geese away. It has helped but not 100 percent.
They received the easement money and purchased three new docks, a bench, and got the new longer ladder. The dock now extends further out into the lake. We are using three peaces of the old docks in the shallow water which seems to work well.
The canoe racks are full. The slips are almost full.

Nominating Committee Report:

The directors whose terms expire in September are:
Dave Douglas
Millie Hoekstra
Mary-Ellen Moroney
Mary Ellen Simon
Ana Wetherill
Ken Young
Jeff Zapolsky
Our house has sold and will go through in September. Therefore both Sandy and I will be stepping down as of the September meeting. Valerie Zapolsky has agreed to go on the board to replace me and Darlene Munson has agreed to go on the board to replace Sandy. Otherwise all the others have agreed to stay on the board. I will nominate both Valerie and Darlene to the board at the September board meeting.

Dave Arthurs has agreed to be Road Commissioner for another year.

I wanted to avoid husband and wife teams on the board, but there has been no response from Ed’s e-mail blast asking if anyone wants to be on the board.

Ken Young
Jeff Munson

Dave Burgess attended the opening of the meeting to make sure everything was ok with the plowing and sanding that his company has been doing. Everyone seemed very pleased with their work and the Board voted to sign a new 5 year contract .
Ed Z. requested that more “No ATV’s allowed”signs should be placed where the power lines enter the HOLA road system.

The next Board meeting will be on September 3rd at 0900 and the annual membership meeting will follow at 1100. both meetings will be at the Barn.

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