Executive Board Meetings
Executive Board Meetings
August 2019 HOLA Board Meeting Minutes
8/31/19 HOLA Board Meeting 9:00 AM
The Barn on High Street
Anne Crump volunteered to take minutes for this meeting.
July meeting minutes were approved.
Attendance: Dave Douglas, John Patriquin, Mary-Ellen Maroney, Dave and Ann Arthurs, Ana Wetherill, Mary Ellen Simon, Millie Hoekstra, Carole Hoffmann, Anne Crump
Road Committee Report: Road Commissioner, Dave Arthurs reported with Dave Burgess (plowing contractor) that Don Welch on Winston Rd. had problems with large rocks being moved by the plowing. As a board we discussed how best to handle the issue. The problem needs further investigation in order to find a solution.
About 1,300 cubic yards of shale were used to repair roads and culverts, and because of the excess snow plowing and extensive road maintenance; we are $7000 + over budget. Next year Winston Rd. needs a culvert and ditching. DiGiovanni dug for electric work to power line across road leaving the road in need of repair. The ditch along Overlook Road 9C, Giovanelli to Larry Malone needs work to remove dam in that area to reroute water. Trees hanging over the roads will be marked and removed. (click here for full report)
Treasurer’s Report: motion to approve report as presented was made by Mary-Ellen Maroney and seconded by Ann Arthurs was passed by all.
Waterfront Report:
Mary-Ellen Maroney reported that a meeting was held at 8:30 AM. Bees were relocated from shed. We would like to have signage that says HOLA Harbor Place. The shed will be stained. The grass will be reseeded probably this fall. Talk of trees being planted, but not for sure. Committee are looking into a new ramp and possible further dredging for boats to launch. She reported that renters of Air B&B can launch boats but cannot have a slip.
Assessors Report
John Patriquin gave report which was
approved. Motion to accept by Ann Arthurs and seconded by Dave Douglas was
passed by all.
The road fees will stay the same this year and dues will increase by $10 this
year. ($210, $463, $75)
Nominating report:
Mary Ellen Simon reported that all board members with expiring terms have indicated they are willing to remain on the board for another term.
Other items:
..Winter Guidelines were reviewed and will be given to all rental agencies and included in e-blast and our website.
..Concern about ATVs and Snow machines using our roads inappropriately was discussed. More signage should be considered and communication with local clubs.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 AM
July 2019 HOLA Board meeting minutes
Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, John Patriquin, Larry Malone, Dave Douglas, Ana Wetherill, Mary Ellen Simon
Absent: Carole Hoffmann, Brittany DiPompo, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Anne Crump, Ed Zambraski, Terry Donovan
Millie called the meeting to order at 9 AM.
Minutes to the last Board meeting were approved. MSP unanimously
There was a correction noted to the last Road Commissioners report. Dave Arthurs agreed to the correction.
Jeff Zapolsky reviewed the Treasurer’s Report.( Attached). He reviewed how the proposed $10 increase in Annual Dues would be divided between Waterfront and Administration. Report approved. MSP
Dave Arthurs reviewed the Road Commissioner’s Report. (attached)
Waterfront Report was emailed to all. No corrections.
Nomination Committee reported a full slate for slots at annual meeting. Present members with expiring terms are willing to serve again.
Dave Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen Moroney, John Patriquin, Mary Ellen Simon, Ana Wetherill, and Jeff Zapolsky
The Combined HOLA Info Sheets were emailed. There was a request to post a copy at the waterfront.
Next meeting August 31, 9 AM at the Barn. The Annual meeting will follow at 11 AM.
Meeting adjourned 9:47 AM
May 2019 HOLA Board Minutes
HOLA Board Meeting Minutes May 18, 2019 9 AM at The Barn
Present: Millie Hoekstra, Mary Ellen Simon, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Carole Hoffmann, John Patriquin, Dave Douglas, Ed Zambraski, Larry Malone, Brittany DiPompo, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky
Absent: Ana Wetherill, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Terry Donovan, Anne Crump
Millie called the meeting top order at 8:55 AM
Minutes of the last meeting were approved MSP unanimously
Treasure’s Report: Click Here We have adequate money for the rest of the year. There is an increased administrative cost for rental for meeting space of $300/year. The increased in misc. is for a new Quickbooks program for HOLA accounting compatible with Windows 10 cost $210.95. Jeff’s old computer was Windows 7 which is going away, so he needed to get a new computer for Windows 10. Overall, we are okay for this year, but the proposed 2019 budget will run a deficit, so the motion was made to raise dues about $10. MSP unanimously. This will be brought to the Annual Meeting for approval.
Road Report: This was a long and snowy winter and we are overbudget on plowing by $4718. Unfortunately, the north entrance to the Overlook that has been firm and dry for years, this year has a spring in it and mud. It was suggested that we delay paving and treat this section with excavation, blanket and rock that has worked well before. M&H will do the work. The Highlands roads are frost free and ready for grading. Overlook is not quite ready. Dave will all M&H to start grading on the Highlands side.
Waterfront Report: Docks are not yet in, but scheduled and we will have new swim lines. It was suggested to mow less and keep the mown part cleaner, to save mowing costs and the long grass doesn’t get as messy with goose poop as the mown parts do. Ed will try that and we’ll see how it goes.
Winter & Summer Renters’ Recommendations were reviewed. Two versions of each were presented. Ed will combine them and these will be brought to the Annual Meeting. They were found to be very helpful by the rental agencies, so they will be distributed as a working document pending approval.
Next Meeting Saturday, July 13, 9 AM at The Barn
Meeting adjourned 10:10 AM.
Respectfully submitted, Val Zapolsky – Secretary
March 2019 HOLA Board Minutes
HOLA Minutes March 9, 2019 9 AM at The Barn
Attendees: Maryellen Maroney, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, MaryEllen Simon, Ed Zambraski, Carol Hoffman, John Patriquin, Ana Wetherill, Larry Malone, Terry Donovan, Dave Arthurs, Anne Arthurs
Absent: Millie Hoekstra, Dave Douglas, Anne Crump, Brittany DiPompo
Maryellen Maroney called the meeting to order at 9 AM. She stated that Dave Burgess, our snowplowing company, was coming at 9:30 to address the Board, so Dave Arthurs would present his Road Commissioners Report first.
Road Commissioners Report – Basically the snow started early, It snowed often and there have been 6 ice events necessitating sanding, all of which are costly. Burgess has already reached the $40,000 cap for this season. Much discussion ensued, but it was tabled until after Burgess spoke.
Secretary’s Minutes were approved. MSP
Treasurers Report was approved. Then Jeff reviewed the past several contracts and actual costs for snowplowing. Click Here
Dave Burgess presented his information that it has been a long hard winter. He went thru all his sand and had to buy more at top price. All the ice breaks plows more often necessitating costly repairs. There are more homes being rented and the renters come in cars that are not appropriate for Rangeley winters. They call often for sand. The rental agencies have been calling Burgess directly, not Dave Arthurs. Dave Arthurs has told Burgess to have them call him. Dave Burgess was thanked for his input and left.
Discussion from earlier resumed. It was decided we have 2 issues:
The plowing cap has been reached and we are expecting snow tomorrow and often it snows into April. It was decided that the cap is for our budget benefit and many years it has cost us less than the cap.
There was a motion to pay Burgess for time and materials for the rest of this season. MSP unanimously.
Renters come inadequately prepared for Rangeley winter driving, so a Renters Guidelines will be developed that warn against 2WD with all season radials as inappropriate as well as other information to ensure an enjoyable vacation in Rangeley . Drivers that are unable to navigate our roads will be given then name of private towing services. Burgess will not be servicing our roads to be passable by 2WD with all season radials. The rental agencies and owners will be advised of these guidelines. Jeff offered to compile these guidelines. Anyone who has a suggestion should send it to Jeff.
Waterfront Report: Snowed in.
Adjourned at 10:20 AM Respectfully Submitted, Val Zapolsky
Next meeting: May 18, 2019 9 AM
January 2019 HOLA Board Minutes
HOLA Board Meeting 9 AM Jan. 12. 2019 at the Barn
Present: Millie Hoekstra, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky, Larry Malone, Dave Douglas, Carol Hoffmann, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, John Patriquin, Anne Crump, Maryellen Maroney, Ed Zambraski (on phone)
Absent: MaryEllen Simon, Brittany DiPompo, Ana Wetherill, Terry Donovan
Millie called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM.
Secretary’s Minutes from the November 2018 meeting were approved. MSP
Treasurer’s Report was presented and discussed. Report
Of note, the dredging of the harbor this fall cost a bit over $6000. One thousand dollars will come from the Waterfront Account for 2018. The balance will come from the Waterfront Savings Account.
Scott Ivers has not responded to the written offer of a discount to settle his account. Dave Douglas agreed to call and talk to him. Dave will report back to Jeff with the results of the conversation.
Road Commissioner’s Report was discussed. Paving of the bottom of the Overlook Road will occur this spring.
Waterfront Report: all is quiet.
Other Business:
It was decided to put the Boat Slip Reservation form on the website.
It was discussed to put something about percentage of non-paying accounts in the E-blast.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 AM.
Next meeting March 16, 2019 9 AM
November 2018 HOLA Board Minutes
HOLA Board Minutes Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018 at 1 PM the Lakeside Theater
Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky Dave Arthurs, Ann Arthurs, Dave Douglas, Brittany Dipompo, Mary Ellen Simon, Mary Ellen Maroney, Carol Hoffmann, Ana Wetherill, Larry Malone and Ed Zambraski (on phone)
Absent: Anne Crump, Terry Donovan, John Patriquin
Millie H. called the meeting to order at 1 PM. A new board contact sheet was distributed.
Sec. Minutes from September were reviewed. No corrections. MSP unanimously to approve the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and discussed. MSP unanimously to approve.
Scott Ivers old bill was discussed. It was proposed to offer him a compromise to “clear the books on this”. (See attached letter for specifics.) This was approved by 12 with 1 opposed.
Treasurer’s Report click here
Road Comm. report was reviewed. Ana Wetherill asked that reflectors be put at the base of HOLA roads and Rte. 4 to make nighttime driving easier. There is an old axle at the intersection of Marion Dr. Ext and the Lynn Way. It was left there by Paul Ellis over 25 years ago. The Road Commissioner will have it removed and send Paul the bill. The problem of the trucks tearing up the bottom of the Overlook Road was discussed. Dave Arthurs received a less expensive quote to tar 350 ft. from Rte. 4 up Overlook Road from Fine Line Paving and a good reference on them. It was unanimously approved to proceed with this project. There is money from road savings to do this.
Waterfront Comm. report was discussed. We need new swim lines next year and a new ladder for the float. Dredging of the boat harbor was done for $6,019. It was noted that Burgess drove over the newly seeded loam. ME Maroney will speak to them about fixing it.
Meeting Adjourned at 1:46PM.
Next meeting January 12, 2019 at 9 AM at The Barn.
Respectfully Submitted,
Val Zapolsky, Secretary
September 2018 HOLA Minutes
HOLA Board Meeting Sept. 1, 2018 9 AM The Barn
Present: Millie Hoekstra/Chairperson, Mary-Ellen Maroney/Vice-Chairperson, Jeff Zapolsky/Treasurer, Val Zapolsky/Interim Secretary, Anne Crump, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Terry Donovan, Ed Zambraski, Carol Hoffmann, Brittany DiPompo, Mary Ellen Simon, John Patriquin, Dave Douglas. Absent: John Clark, Ana Wetherill
Millie called the meeting to order at 9 AM. We welcomed new board member Brittany DiPompo. There was a discussion of a proper thank you for John Clark’s many year of service as HOLA Secretary. He will be missed.
Secretary’s Minutes (appended) of the last meeting were unanimously approved without changes.
Treasurer’s Report (appended) was presented by Jeff Zapolsky. After a short discussion it was unanimously approved.
The Road Comm. Report (appended) was presented by Dave Arthurs. Basically our road budget is on target. We have sufficient emergency funds and some grading is scheduled for early September. We put down a lot of calcium this year and it really helped to keep the dust down. There was some discussion of how to address the steep and easily torn up entrance road to the Overlook.
Waterfront Report (appended) was presented by Mary-Ellen Maroney. She informed us that the new neighbor on the waterfront will be putting up a fence to keep the geese out. The Waterfront Committee did a wonderful job cleaning out the brush and lower tree branches along the waterfront to improve the view. There is a new charcoal grill there and the old fireplace will be dismantled. All the boats and kayak/canoes should be removed from the harbor area by October 1st. In early October the docks will be pulled in and we have DEP approval to dredge the harbor. That will be done by M&H as soon as the water is low. Moorings for the swim area will be moved further out next summer and the swim lines will be replaced.
Nominating Comm. Report (appended) was presented by Mary Ellen Simon. Larry Malone from the Overlook has agreed to be nominated for the Board and Brittany DiPompo, Anne Crump, Carol Hoffmann and Ed Zambraski have all agreed to continue to serve until 2021.
Assessors’ Report was presented by Ed Zambraski. Dues will remain the same again this year: Road Fees: $210 for a vacant lot and $463 for a lot with a house. FYI the road fees have not changed in 10 years.
Views and Tree Cutting was discussed by Ed Zambraski. He said only 14 people showed interest in having trees cut. They will each be sent a letter with the names and lots of other owners wanting tree cutting and the names of businesses with good references. A copy of this is appended to these minutes.
Informational:The Barn is owned by the Congo Church and they have new sign up procedures and fees for the use of the building.
Next Meeting November 10, 2018 at 9AM Meeting was adjourned at 10 AM.
Respectfully Submitted, Valerie Zapolsky – Interim Secretary
Addendum. After the Annual meeting the Board reconvened to elect a new Secretary and Social coordinator. Val Zapolsky/Secretary and Mary Ellen Simon/Social were nominated and accepted the Nominations. They were unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted, Valerie Zapolsky – Secretary
July 2018 HOLA Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
July 14, 2018
Members present: Ann and Dave Arthurs, John Clark, David Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Carole Hoffmann, John Patriquin, Mary Ellen Simon, Jeff and Val Zapolsky, and Ed Z via conference call.
Absent: Anne Crump, Terry Donovan, Mary-Ellen Moroney and Ana Wetherill.
New owners: Sean Pratt, Holly Peirce (Munson property) within the association joined us for the meeting.
The minutes of the May Board meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Treasurer presented an update on receipts and on delinquents.
A budget to actual which indicated that the Association is in a good financial standing was presented.
There is one bill, which was submitted by the Waterfront Committee that needs clarification before being paid. It was returned to the Waterfront Committee to be clarified.
The Treasurer presented a proposed budget for fiscal year 2018 – 2019. The budget was approved by the Board to be presented at the annual meeting with no changes.
Treasurer’s Report: click here
Road Committee Report:
July 14, 2018
During the month of June, we replaced 4 culverts that were rotted and coming out of the ground. The replaced culverts were in the following locations. The Lynn Way just west of Tilt O’ The Kilt. The corner of Aerie and Summit. Paul’s Path. The Overlook Road 15 feet north of Winston Road. A new culvert was installed on The Loop Road to try and prevent water from seeping from the high side of the road to the low side creating a mud bog during the spring runoff. The water would also travel down the hill and jump a small diameter culvert and wash the road out, which happened this spring.
M & H also graded, and rock raked most of our roads and ditched in the following areas. Winston Road near the South side of Overlook Road. The Loop Road where the new culvert was installed and Barbara lane. The ditch on Barbara lane had filled in and was level with the road in one area and had to be re ditched to prevent the water from coming across the road.
Justin Quimby spread approximately 45 bags of calcium chloride on The Lynn Way. Approximately one mile. Unfortunately, we had several severe thunderstorms with heavy rain move across our area 6 hours after the calcium was spread. This may have slightly hurt the efficiency of the calcium.
M & H trucked in and dumped approximately 400 cubic yards of ¾” shale on the Overlook. Charlie graded and rolled this shale. For whatever reason Charlie just rough graded it, rolled less than half of it and left. Kenny from M & H came over, looked at the work and agreed it was not up to M & H standards. Advised Scott would come by when he can and make it right. Scott did re-grade about 300 yards of the shale and had Dawn roll it. Will update on my next report when the work is completed. We also want to spread some shale in The Highlands. Hopefully this will happen soon. The problem is the fact that M & H is extremely busy with a large job and they also lost their grader operators. Scott, the owner, is the only qualified grader operator it this time.
We are currently trying to get calcium spread on the Overlook Road. It is hard to do because the road should be wet enough for the calcium to dissolve into the road surface to bind up the road. You basically try and pick a day after a good rainfall and then have the contractor commit to that day. Then you hope that you do in fact receive the rain that was forecast. We will discuss the possibility of purchasing a spreader of our own and who would be willing to attach it on their truck, load 50 to 100 bags of calcium into it and spread it.
I have not received any bills from M & H or Kutting edge, so I do not have an updated report on money spent. Will have full update on the next report.
Waterfront Committee Report: July 14, 2018
Burgess construction installed the swim docks. We have our new docks and the correct topping for them. Andy Avelis installed the small harbor docks with help from the Waterfront committee. The list of slip assignments and canoe/kayak assignment is posted on the shed. There is a short term slip available this year at slip #1.
Ed Zambraski has done a lot of work at the waterfront. He is doing the mowing this year.
Our committee has decided to leave a strip unmowed around the perimeter of the property. Terry Donovan has put of lines around the water edges of the property. We are trying to discourage the geese. So far, the geese are winning.
Ed Zambraski has replaced boards on the raft and repaired the swim ladder. Rick Lavigne and Dave Douglas have installed the raft and the swim lines. They have created a new mooring for the raft. The old mooring could not be found.
Next year we will probably need to replace the swim lines.
I am applying for a “Permit by Rule” to add rip rap to the edge of the swim area to keep the land from eroding.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Nominating Committee Report:
No report for this meeting. Since the meeting Mary Ellen Simon met with Brittany DiPompo and she has accepted the board position replacing Paul Ellis.
Other Items:
Ed Z. tree work survey results:
Ed Zambraski advised that there were a small number of responses to his survey. There were no major land clearing requested and there were a considerable number of requests for HOLA common ground or roadside cutting.
Ed made to following recommendations:
Allow cutting on HOLA roads and common ground.
Approach several arborists/land clearing companies about potential work and discount.
HOLA should offer only “general statements” about tree cutting, but not amend By-Laws or formulate new rules/regulations concerning tree cutting.
The property east of the HOLA waterfront is for sale. Discussion regarding the future need of land for parking and possible pavilion was held. More information will be gathered.
Website upgrade information will be sent out in the next e-blast. No action taken.
The next meeting: September 1, 2018 at 0900 at the Barn.
May 2018 HOLA Minutes
HOLA Meeting Minutes
May 26, 2018 9 AM
at The Barn
Present: Millie Hoekstra, Mary Ellen Simon, Ana Wetherill, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Terry Donovan, Ed Zambraski, John Patriquin, Dave Douglas, Jeff Zapolsky , Val Zapolsky, Anne Crump
Absent: John Clark, Mary Ellen Maroney.
Val Z. agreed to take minutes.
Secretary’s Minutes of the March meeting were approved MSP.
Treasurer’s Report: Delinquencies are down. All accounts to the lawyer completed. We are staying within budget. Report accepted.
Proposed budget distributed for review. Budget will be voted on at the Annual Meeting in Sept. It was the consensus of the Board to not spend money on geese deterrents. It was noted that insurance goes up every year, perhaps we should look into a different provider.
Treasurer’s report: click here
Road Committee Report: M&H to start grading next week. Justin Quimby will be cutting brush, spreading CaCL and fixing signs.
Road Commissioners report
We had a normal winter here in Rangeley until February 2018. In February, we started getting warm sunny days. We had substantially more than a foot of snow melt and our roads thawed out. In areas where the sun stayed on the roads for a substantial amount of time, it thawed the roads down a foot or more beneath the surface. This in turn led to many areas of our roads turning into mud bogs. The spring thaw benefitted from the February thaw in that there was less snow to melt. This helped to prevent any large problems on our roads. We had only one washout and that was on the Loop Road. The damage was quickly repaired by M & H.
I have been speaking with Kenny from M & H since early April on a time frame to start on our spring road work. We were scheduled to replace some culverts, re-ditch several areas and start grading our roads on May 14, 2018. Unfortunately, the roads were still wet and we could not start. Currently M & H is busy with two large jobs but hopes to start on our roads within a week or so.
This year we lost the contractor who previously spread our calcium chloride. Calcium chloride is very corrosive and most contractors I spoke with will not put it in their spreaders. Last week, I spoke with Justin Quimby of Kutting Edge Landscaping. Justin is willing to spread the calcium chloride on our roads.
Last week I removed the heavy load signs at the entrance to our roads.
Burgess spent a total of $38,542.50 for the year. He was paid an extra $119 last year as he went over budget by $2,331.50. $2,331.50 minus the $119.00 that we overpaid = $2.212.50 owed. I added the $119.00 to this bill which totals $38,661.50. We will pay Burgess $1338.50 for a grand total of $40,000 which is the agreed cap per year. $2,212.5- minus $1,338 = $874.00 potentially owed if he comes in under next year’s $40,000 cap.
Money spent to date:
Burgess: Snowplowing and sanding 11-10-2017 through 2-25-18 $32,001.25
Burgess: Snowplowing and sanding, 1-26-18 through 3-15-18 $5,703.75 Burgess: Snowplowing and sanding, 3-16-18 through 4-7-18 $ 837.50
Total snowplowing and sanding: $38,542.50 Plus $119 overpayment from last years budget. $ 119.00 Total snowplowing and sanding bill’s for the 2017/2018 season $38,661.50
Roadwork, tree cutting, Entrance signs, etc, 10-1-17 to 4-28-18 $ 7,917.69 Total monies spent to date: $46,590.69
Dave Arthurs H.O.L.A. Road Commissioner
Waterfront Committee: The slip assignments are listed at the waterfront. Rocks will be added to beach area to deter erosion. Will dredge boat harbor in the fall.
Nominating Committee: Mary Ellen Simon will ask Brittany (her neighbor) if she will join the Board.
Ana Wetherill presented some information regarding tree cutting to the Board. She will give it to Ed Zambraski. He will publish it in the E-Blast.
Next meeting: July 14, 2018 at 9AM
March 2018 HOLA Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2018
Present: Millie Hoekstra, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky, Mary Ellen Simon, Carol Hoffmann, Ana Wetherill, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Dave Douglas, Ed Zambraski, Anne Crump, MaryEllen Maroney, John Patriquin
Absent: John Clark (illness)
Millie called the meeting to order at 9 AM
Minutes of the last meeting (that was held via email due to bad weather) were approved. MSP
New Board members Carol Hoffmann & John Patriquin were introduced.
We still a Board member to replace Paul Ellis who is no longer attending. ME Simon suggested Brittany DiPompo (sp?) who bought Louise Doak’s house.
Everyone please check the website for errors and omissions.
Treasurers Report was presented and approved. MSP Click Here
Overall accounts are in positive territory and won’t run out. Jeff is slowly whittling down the delinquent accounts. Jeff requested someone attend small claims court on March 22 to represent HOLA. Anne Crump will go.
Millie handed out a new Board Member contact list. Please note 2 changes
John Patriquin’s cell phone is 207-274-0734
Anne Crump’s email is annecrump@gmail.com
Road Committee Report: Roads in the Overlook have had some deep bad mud and will be needing crushed shale and more attention this spring than the Highlands roads will need. Grading is planned for mid May by M&H. Several road sign will need to be replaced. We have sufficient funds to do these repairs.
Waterfront: Slips are being assigned. There are still canoe/kayak spaces available.
Ana Wetherill reported that estimates for tree cutting , clearing and topping have not yet been obtained. She was encouraged to get prices for each kind of work, so HOLA could pass the info on to property owners that might want to personally schedule several requests at the same time and therefore bargain for a better price.
Meeting Adjourned.
Next meeting May 19 at 9 AM The Barn