September 2015 HOLA Minutes
Board Chairman, Millie Hoekstra welcomed the HOLA membership to the annual meeting and thanked the Board for all their hard work during the past year.
Secretary Report: The minutes of the 2014 meeting were approved as submitted by the Secretary, John Clark.
Social Activities Report:
Sandy Young reported that we tried a social period prior to the meeting rather than a lunch
following the meeting. It seems that everyone is busy with their own families and guests. The music on the Lake will not be at the HOLA waterfront this year, but will be offered at Town Park.
Treasurer’s report:
Mike Moroney (treasurer for 13 years) was thanked for his many years of service to the organization. The new Treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, submitted a written report indicating Total Liabilities & Equity of $34,468.72 and a Net Income of $5,849.38 He also gave an update on receipts and delinquents.
The report was accepted as submitted. See Treasurer’s Reports Listing
Waterfront Committee Report: Mary-Ellen Moroney
Paul Ellis brought back the ladder from the old dock and Burgess’s employees put it on the raft.
The ladder on the new dock was fixed as of yesterday. If we can get more easement money, we may be able to finish the docking system next year. The sign-up sheet is in the box on the shed for fall boating and fishing. Anyone wanting a slip, including the boats already there, needs to sign up on the sheet. If we want to insure the swim lines and buoys when they are in the shed for $1,500 for named risks we can do so for $30.
Mary-Ellen made the motion to insure the docks when they are outside the water for an annual premium of $500 with a $500 deductible. This motion was defeated
Road Committee Report:
September 5, 2015
We are moving through a dry summer which is leading to some dusty road conditions. Although calcium on the roads is an answer (this was done in June), we must have some rain to set the calcium on the roads and this has not been in our favor. The road committee will look into having some sections of the roads (especially the main roads-Overlook Road and The Lynn Way) treated with liquid calcium in the future which may last for a longer period of time.
Summer work this year included grading and rock raking the roads. There was some ditching and rocking on The Loop Road in an effort to alleviate water runoff issues. The Lynn Way was ditched and rocked to help with spring water issues in that area. The material removed was used to build up a berm along Morel Road and a ditch was added on lower side.
The road committee identified two areas that need attention this fall. Winston Road will be ditched and graded and the sight issue on Marion Drive will be addressed. The committee will also look for trees in the road right of way that could potentially cause problems during winter storms. The snow plowing contract is all set for this year. If you have any problems with winter road conditions, please call the road commissioner who will relay any concerns to the contractor.
Thank you for your continued support,
Les Hoekstra
HOLA Road Commissioner
Proposed Budget for fiscal 2015 – 2016: (see website for budget)
Budget of $92,260.00 (same as last year) was submitted
The Budget was approved as submitted.
Assessor’s Report: (see website for full report)
The rates will stay the same for next year: $463 house, $210 lot, $65 dues
No increase in road fees for fiscal 2015-2016
Nominating Committee for fiscal 2015-2016:
Individuals elected to the Board: Paul Ellis, Jeff Munson, Ann Arthurs and Ed Zambraski.
Assessors: Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski and Jeff Munson
Road Commissioner: David Arthurs
Sign-up sheets for committees was circulated
The next meeting will be on September 3, 2016.
The Board elected all current officers for 2016
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