HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

January 2008 – November 2015

November 2015

Members present: Ann & Dave Arthurs, Terry Donovan, Dave Douglas, Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen and Mike Moroney, Jeff Munson, Jeff Zapolsky, John Clark and Ken & Sandy Young via phone.
Absent: Paul Ellis, Anne Crump, Ana Wetherill, and Ed Zambraski

Minutes of the September Meeting: the report was approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:
Jeff Zapolsky submitted a Profit & Loss report indicating that the Association is doing fine and on budget. Also several new helpful reports; an account balances report showing the balances of all HOLA’s major accounts to date. A report indicating member snow removal and road maintenance balances. A P&L Budget to Actual which is going to be extremely helpful. The Treasurer’s report was approved. Jeff presented a “Write Off” policy which was approved unanimously by those present.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:
Fairly extensive grading and rock raking was done on both hills. A large portion of the downhill section on Winston Road was resurfaced with crushed gravel along with most of Marion Drive. This was done just prior to October 1, 2015
After October 1, 2015 the following work was done. The culvert that was accidentally dug up and damaged during the September grading was removed and a new culvert was installed. Ditching was done uphill from the culvert. Rip rap was then installed to slow the water down. The dirt that was removed from the culvert was put back on the road and used to raise the road above the culvert to ensure it would not be accidentally dug up again. Winston Road received fairly extensive road work in an attempt to control the water which has been destroying the road. Ditching was done on sections of the downhill on the western side of the roadway and rip rap added to control the water flow. A culvert was installed under a driveway of one residence. The homeowner has agreed to pay for the piping. Near the bottom of Winston, the road was opened up slightly on the western side and graded to allow the water to flow off the road without ditching. A berm on a portion of the eastern side was removed in an effort to channel water into an unused ditch. A roller will be used on Monday in an attempt to pack down the crushed gravel. The road will be reevaluated in the spring after the snow melt.
A word of thanks to Paul Ellis and Ed Zambraski for the following:
Paul cleaned out two ditches in front of culverts that were backed up, with his machine. I managed to clean one of the culverts out but the second culvert on Overlook and Circle Drive will have to wait until the water slows down.
Ed has cut down numerous Alders alongside various roads in the Highlands which were prohibiting a clear view around curves in the roadway. Overall our roads are in good condition and no further maintenance, except of an emergent nature, is planned before winter sets in. Road money spent to date: Winston Road: Work not completed as of this date.
The Loop Road: Damaged culvert removed and new culvert installed, minor ditching with added rip rap and building up the roadway over and around the culvert. $1,875.81
Total $1,875.81
D. Arthurs
Road Commissioner

Road Committee Report: re Winston Road

November 7, 2015 0900 hrs
In attendance, Dave Arthurs, Ann Arthurs, Millie Hoekstra, Valerie Zapolski, Paul Ellis Ed Inness and Alan Salvini.
Ed Zambraski was on vacation. Dave Saar could not make the meeting but walked and evaluated Winston Road and e-mailed his recommendations to the Road Commissioner.
The above named members met at Winston Road. The roadway was evaluated and recommendations were given from all members with respect to repairing the roadway from water damage and creating solutions to prevent said water damage from occurring in the future.
It was determined that a ditch would be put in. It will start from the bottom of Winston on the left side looking up. Said ditch would travel up past the home of Ricky Digiovanni and terminate approx. 75 feet above his home. At the bottom, the ditch will wrap around and be joined to a small ditch on Old Esker Way. The water will continue down to a culvert and be diverted further downhill. Due to the severe grade, rip rap will be placed in the ditch to prevent erosion.
The homeowner was contacted and asked if he would pay for the culvert pipe to connect the ditch on either side of his driveway. The homeowner, Mr. Ricky Digiovanni agreed to pay for the pipe which cost $211.00
On the other side of the road, there will be some excavation done to allow the water to flow into an old ditch that is present and all large rocks will be removed from the roadway.
The road will be reexamined after the spring runoff.
Dave Arthurs
Road Commissioner

Waterfront Committee:
M & H did the work on the Harbor channel this fall.
All of the boats in the Harbor this year have been removed. Several of the canoe/kayak owners needed reminders in October that they should have removed their vessels by October 1st.
Slip and spaces for canoe/kayak racks are coming in. The Committee will make assignments after the January meeting.

Nominating Committee Report:
It is too early to contact anyone about being a director for next fiscal year. I will contact each one before the May meeting.The directors whose terms expire after this year are:
Dave Douglas
Millie Hoekstra
Mary-Ellen Moroney
Mike Moroney
Ana Wetherill
Ken Young

Ken Young
Jeff Munson
Nominating Committee

Other Items:
Ed Z has the member email lists and will begin the new member communications program. Dave Douglas is in the process of obtaining permission from all land owners so as to have an access route from the Highlands and Overlook. Should be in place soon.

September 5, 2015

Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Terry Donavan, Ken & Sandy Young, Jeff Zapolsky, John Clark, Ed Zambraski, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Ana Wetherill, Dave Douglas, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Anne Crump and Paul Ellis.
The minutes of the July 2015 Board meeting were accepted as written.

Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney was given a thank you card, gift certificate and a very warm Thank You from the Board for all the work he has done as HOLA’s Treasurer for thirteen years.
The new Treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, submitted a written report indicating Total Liabilities & Equity of $34,468.72 and a Net Income of $5,849.38 He also gave an update on receipts and delinquents.
The report was accepted as submitted. Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:
HOLA Road Committee
Meeting Notes August 29, 2015

1. Those present: Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ben Wetherill, Les Hoekstra, Millie Hoekstra
Those absent with notice: Dave Saars, Paul Ellis, Bill Hayes
2. The committee members had reviewed the road conditions and basically we are in good shape for the coming year. Two areas were identified as needing some attention before winter: Winston Road and Marion Drive. Ditching and re-crowning of these two areas will be taken care of.
3. Dave A. will speak with Andy A about reshaping his driveway so that the water doesn’t run into the Loop Road causing ruts and washouts.
4. We will speak to contractor to see if there is another topping that can be used that firms up better and doesn’t cause so much dust.
5. We will speak with snow contractor again regarding Morel Road snow placement (into larger ditch on upper side of road).
6. We will investigate the price of liquid calcium for next year. Although we applied calcium (pellets) this year the road became dusty quite quickly. The condition of the spreader may have caused the calcium to not go on thick enough.
7. We reviewed the proposed road budget and it was voted to keep it the same for next year $79,500. We are confident that all necessary road work can be done within this budget.

Waterfront committee report:

Paul Ellis brought back the ladder from the old dock and Burgess’s employees put it on the raft.
The ladder on the new dock was fixed as of yesterday. If we can get more easement money, we may be able to finish the docking system next year. The sign-up sheet is in the box on the shed for fall boating and fishing. Anyone wanting a slip, including the boats already there, needs to sign up on the sheet. If we want to insure the swim lines and buoys when they are in the shed for $1,500 for named risks we can do so for $30.
We will let the membership decide if they want to insure the docks for named risks when they are outside the water for $500 with a $500 deductible.
Mary-Ellen Moroney,
Harbor Master.

Nominating Committee Report: Ken Young
All of the directors whose terms expire this year have agreed to serve for another term.
They are:
Ann Arthurs
Paul Ellis
Jeff Munson
Ed Zambraski
We have a full slate of officers, but if there are nominations from the floor, we will have to have an election.
We will also have an election for Road Commissioner. Dave Arthurs has said that he would like his name put in for the position and Les Hoekstra has said that he will run for another term.

Ken Young
Jeff Munson
Nominating Committee

Other Items:
Ed Zambraski made a motion that we put an email sign-up sheet in with the bills mailing attempting get as many email addresses of our members so that we can do an “email blast” each month. Ed said that he would put it all together. MSP
Motion to adjourn.
Next board meeting is November 14th, 2015 at The Barn at 9 a.m.

July 11, 2015

Members Present: Millie Hoekstra, Dave Douglas, Ed Zambraski, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Jeff Zapolsky, Jeff Munson, Ken & Sandy Young, Paul Ellis, Terry Donavan and John Clark. Guests: Peggy Clark & Ben Wetherill

Absent: Anne Crump
The minutes of the May meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating total liabilities & equity of $36,350.39 and net income of $7,736.05.  Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:

HOLA Road Commissioner Report
July 11, 2015

Our roads are in good shape at the present time and thanks to a pretty dry spring and a slow melt there were no major issues. The roads have been graded, rock raked again to smooth out some of the potholes.
The company that did cutting along the power lines has been back to clean up along the road and remove the brush and platforms.

We have done some work on The Loop Road to address the water issues and hopefully this will resolve future problems. We will be putting calcium on the main roads within the next week to alleviate the dust issues. Most of the maintenance work will be done this fall.

The gate has not been closed as yet and we will determine the date very soon, if problems arise.
If you have any issues or concerns, feel free to let me know. Please be alert to any road issues you may see. Thank you to Ed Zambraski for taking care of a few fallen trees along the roads.

Thank you for your continued interest and support.
Respectfully submitted,
Les Hoekstra, HOLA Road Commissioner

Dave Douglas asked about water drainage problems on the Loop Road and was advised that the problem was being addressed.

John Clark advised that he had very serious water issues that started in the spring of 2014 after all the top soil was removed from the shoulder of the Morel Road along his property. The Board requested that the Road Commissioner determine who owns the land where a ditch or draining system needs to be placed. Consider placing top soil back on the shoulder of the road; and report back at the September Board Meeting with his findings. Make certain that Burgess Snow Removal put the snow on the side of the Morel Road that has a ditch

Waterfront Committee: Mary-Ellen Moroney, Habormaster

John Clark suggested at our Waterfront Committee meeting that we purchase half of the new docks this year and then buy a section or sections when we have the funds. Burgess company installed the new docks on July 3rd. The decking is aluminum, which stays cool and should last a long time. The ladder was not shipped but should be here next week. The swim lines and raft still need to be put in the water. Hopefully calm enough to put in this weekend.
Except for some time on slip 9 all of the slips have been assigned. There are some openings for the canoe/kayak racks.

We have two new picnic tables. They have a composite top, which should last for years. They fold up and can be put in the shed for the winter.

I spoke with Kurt Haley about the cost of insuring the new docks when they are out of the water. We can cover them for fire, lightening, vandalism, theft, wind damage, hail, or being hit with a vehicle for $250. This issue was tabled until the September meeting.

Nominating Committee:

Ken Young advised that all the directors whose terms expire this year have agreed to serve another term. I have found a replacement for John Clark. Mary Ellen Simons has agreed to finish out John’s term. His term expires in 2017. I recommend that the board elect Mary Ellen to fill this position effective the September Board Meeting. John agreed to remain on the Board until his house is sold.

Sandy Young felt due to the small turn out of HOLA members for the annual pot luck luncheon that we should not continue it for this Labor Day. The Board agreed. Peggy Clark suggested we do a coffee and donut half hour social prior to the annual meeting. All agreed to give that a try.

Board Meeting September 5th at 0900 at the Barn, Member Social Coffee and Donuts 1030, Annual Membership Meeting @ 1100.

May 16, 2015

Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Jeff Zapolsky, Jeff Munson, Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney, David Douglas, John Clark & Peggy Clark. Ken & Sandy young & Ed Zambraski via conference call.
Absent: Dave & Ann Arthurs, Ana Wetherill, Anne Crump and Paul Ellis.

The minutes of the March meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney submitted a financial statement indicating $44,059.20 total liabilities and equity and $15,444.86 as Net Income. Click here to view treasurers Report
The report was accepted as submitted.
There was extensive discussion regarding HOLA members who are not paying their dues and road assessments. Several are being pursued via the legal system.
Jeff Zapolsky is preparing to take over the Treasurer’s responsibilities in September.
Mike was thanked for the all the time he has put into the treasurer’s job for many, many years and what a great job he has done for all the members in HOLA.

Road Committee Report:

HOLA Road Commissioner Report
May 2015

Our roads are in good shape at the present time and thanks to a pretty dry spring and a slow melt. The roads have been rock raked to smooth out some of the potholes.
The company that has been cutting along the power lines have not been back yet but hopefully soon to clean up the slash along our roadways.
We will continue to do roadwork left over from last fall which will involve adding topping, seeding necessary areas and addressing any water runoff issues as soon as the weather will allow us to do this. Every spring brings new challenges so far no major problems.

Thank you for your continued interest and support.
Respectfully submitted,
Les Hoekstra
HOLA Road Commissioner

Waterfront Committee Report:
The Harbor slips are full for ice out to Memorial Day. Then we have three openings until June 26th. We have one slip open from June 26th – Labor Day and another open from 7/13 to Labor Day.
The Waterfront Committee will meet following the Board Meeting.

Nominating Committee Report:
Ken Young advised that Terry Donavan had agreed to finish out Peggy Clark’s position on the Board. Ken made the nomination and Terry was elected.
Ann Arthurs, Paul Ellis, Jeff Munson and Ed Zambraski have all agreed to run for another term.
Millie moved to accept the revised waterfront policy as presented with amendments, Jeff Zapolski seconded the motion and those present all voted to accept.

Other Items:
Millie advised that she would look into some type of solar lighting so that individuals would be able to see to unlock and lock the HOLA gate at night.

The next Board Meeting will be on July 11, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the Barn.
The Board will gather at The Secret World of Bull Munson’s Animal Kingdom at 5:30 P.M. on July 10th

March 7, 2015

Members Present: Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Dave Douglas via conference call, Ken & Sandy Young via conference call and Jeff Zapolsky.
Absent: Millie Hoekstra, John & Peggy Clark, Paul Ellis, Jeff Munson, Ed Zambraski, Ana Wetherill and Ann Crump.

Meeting called to order at 9:05AM by Mary-Ellen Moroney, acting Chair. Minutes taken by Jeff Zapolsky, acting Secretary.
Minutes of January 10, 2015 meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating a Total Liabilities and Equity of $44,214.73 and a net income of $15,600.39. Receipts are still coming in slowly with several delinquents. The report was approved as submitted. Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:
This winter has been an active and trying one considering the amount of snow to date. I’m sure you will agree that our plow contractor has done a very commendable job in keeping our roads plowed and sanded under some very difficult situations. So far (as of 2/17/15) we have been billed for $27,546 with a budgeted amount of $40,000.

Our roads are in good shape at the present time and a slow melt will help keep them that way. Only time will tell. Mud season is coming.
The company that has been cutting along the power lines will be back in the spring to clean up the slash along our roadways.

We will continue to do roadwork left over from last fall which will involve adding topping, seeding necessary areas and addressing any water runoff issues as soon as the weather will allow us to do this. Every spring brings new challenges.
If you have any issues or concerns, feel free to let me know. Please be alert to any road issues that could be caused by the spring thaw. (blocked or frozen culverts, underground streams, etc.)
Thank you for your continued interest and support.

Respectfully submitted,
Les Hoekstra
HOLA Road Commissioner

Waterfront Committee Report:
Looking into buying 2 new picnic tables. Awaiting estimate from Burgess regarding new docks.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Nominating Committee Report:

I have officially heard from:

Ann Arthurs
Paul Ellis
Ed Zambraski

They have agreed to have their name on the ballot for another term.
I have not officially heard from Jeff Munson but he told Millie that he would be willing to have his name on the ballot for another term.
I am not expecting a problem. This should be the second year in a row that all of the officers have agreed to stay on the board.

Ken Young
Nominating Committee

Note: Last month’s minutes state, “Jeff Munson said he would like to serve another term on the Board.”

Other business:
Item 1: CMP
On January 12, 2015 the HOLA Board contacted Central Maine Power (CMP) to obtain some information on the CMP transmission line that crosses HOLA properties. The following questions were asked. The answers from CMP are in red.

  1. Does CMP own the property or does it just have easement rights to the 100 foot wide corridor crossing HOLA lands (through Sandy River, Dallas Plantations)? CMP does not own the property; they only have easement rights.
  2. There is a statement on the CMP website that reads as follows. “Where CMP has easement rights only over a landowner’s property, the landowner may post their property or prohibit all uses as long as it does not conflict or interfere with the maintenance or operation of CMP. No permission is required from CMP.”
  3. Is this statement (from the CMP website) correct? YES

Does this mean that a landowner can prohibit foot traffic, bicycles, ATVs, and snowmobiles from crossing their land that is contained within the CMP transmission line easement? YES

  1. What can a landowner, whose property is contained within the CMP transmission line easement, do or have on this property.
  • Plant trees, or have a permanent (foundation type-house/garage) structure? NO
  • Construct an active driveway or do excavation on the land? Requires CMP Approval

For all of the following activities there were no straight-forward “YES” answers. All of these activities required discussion/site visits with CMP and are handled on a “case by case” basis.

  • Plant shrubs, or perform landscaping?
  • Store equipment, material, boats, cars, etc.?
  • Have a shed (non-permanent structure)?
  • Have well or septic system?
  • Construct a fence or barrier?
  • Use the land for agriculture (commercial) or a private garden?
  • Use the land for grazing of animals?

The CMP representative made the following points: a) they are most concerned with things/activities close to the center of the easement, or near the lines or poles, but have fewer issues with things near the outside borders of the easement, b) while the need for site visits and discussion on these various issues may seem overly restrictive, they make every effort to accommodate private landowners. It was noted that there are many septics, wells, sheds, and/or items being stored on their easement corridors.

The CMP Real estate Office that deals with these matters may be reached at: (207) 626-9817.

Other business:

Item 2: Snowmobile access

Dave Douglas stated that snowmobilers have not come down his road this year. Instead, they have been using the Hi-Line by Rick’s house to access the trails. This summer Dave will post a snowmobile access sign below his property – by the lot with the pond above the Farmhouse Inn.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25AM.

The next Board meeting will be on May 16.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Zapolsky


January 10, 2015

Members Present: Millie Hoekstra, Ed Zambraski, Jeff Munson, Jeff Zapolsky, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Dave Douglas via conference call, John & Peggy Clark, Ana Wetherill and guest Ben Wetherill.
Absent: Ken & Sandy Young due to doctor’s appointment, Ann Crump and Paul Ellis.

Minutes of November meeting was approved with one amendment.

Treasurers Report: Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating a Total Liabilities and Equity of $51,876.34 and a net income of $23,262.00. Receipts are coming in slow with several delinquents. The report was approved as submitted. Click here to view treasurers report.

Road Committee Report: HOLA Road Commissioner’s Report 1/10/15
Winter has set in and so has the plowing season. Once again, our plowing contractor is doing an excellent job keeping our roads plowed and sanded. This past week we have received positive comments to that fact via a phone call and in person. It is a pleasure to receive positive comments and “thank yous” for all the work being done and especially complimenting the contractor’s work (a phone call and in person comments). Please use caution as it is winter and conditions change by the minute.

This past fall saw a large amount of maintenance work accomplished. This work was mostly ditching in both the Overlook and the Highlands areas. In addition, work was done on the corner of Marion Drive to improve visibility and safety. This addressed issues raised by some of the residents. We have purchased a brush mower that uses a flexible line to cut the grass and small brush along the roads. This will work out well in the spring to keep sides of the roads clear.

Due to the early onset of winter (Nov. snowstorms), the planned drainage work and topping will be done in the spring after the mud season leaves us.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your continued support.
Les Hoekstra

Waterfront Committee Report: Waterfront Report January 9, 2015
The board needs to approve the HOLA Waterfront Policy, which the Waterfront Committee approved at its last meeting. The Waterfront Committee will meet after this meeting to assign slips. If all of those who used the canoe/kayak racks return, we will probably have three vacancies. At the moment we have 11 vacancies.
We will be buying a new swim ladder and picnic table in the spring.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Slip assignments Ice Out-June 25th 2015

You use the harbor area and leave your boat at your own risk.
Slip Name Phone Numbers
1. Paul Ellis 864-5027
2. Dave Douglas 864-2441
3. Lawton Allen 864-2924 H 208-891-8048 C 5/10-23
4. Loading Slip
5. Ed Zambraski 864-2252-Memorial Day
6. Butch DeSanctis 761-0194 C –Memorial Day
7. Gary Wadsworth 864-2930 H, 625-8254 H, 468-4412 C
8. John Clark 864-5228 H, 441-1071 C
9. Dave Arthurs 739-9345
10. Jerry Reid 798-0281
11. Bob Daviau 864-0917

June 26th -Labor Day 2015

You use the harbor and leave your boat at your own risk. Use of the swim area is also at your own risk. An adult must accompany children in all areas. Please check your boat, trailer, and fishing equipment for Milfoil. Please notify the Harbormaster if you will not be using your boat, as someone else might need a slip.

Slip Name, Phone Numbers,  Dates
1. Paul Ellis 864-5027 6/26-Labor Day
2. Dave Douglas 862-2441 6/26-Labor Day
3. Shane Varous 864-2441 6/26-Labor Day
4. Loading Slip
6 Dana Pagley 617-594-3521 6/26-Labor Day
7. Gary Wadsworth 625-8254 6/26-Labor Day 462-4412 C
8. John Clark 441-1071 6/26-Labor Day
9. Dave/Ann Arthurs 739-9345 6/26-Labor Day
10. Jerry Reid 729-4340 H/798-0281 C 6/26-Labor Day
11. Bob Daviau 864-0917 6/26-Labor Day
12. Alan Gilmore 401-524-9856 6/29-7/12

Canoe and Kayak Sign Up Sheet 2015

Please put your name where it is visible on your canoe or kayak. Please sign your name and phone number on this sheet and call me at 864-2214. As it can be very windy here, we suggest you tie down your canoe or kayak. You leave your canoe or kayak and use the harbor at your own risk Please call when you remove your canoe or kayak.
2. Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney 864-2214
4. Dave Arthurs 864-9961
6. Ken and Sandy Young 508-269-1302
11. L & M Hoekstra 864-2963
12. L & M Hoekstra 864-2963
13. Dave Douglas 443-822-9043
14. Nancy Douglas 443-822-9043
15. Dave Douglas 443-822-9043
16. Mike Zulauf Lissa Hurley 603-520-8792
18. Mike Zulauf Lissa Hurley 603-520-8792
20. Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney 864-2214
22. Janice Malone 860-669-7341
23. Ed Zambraski 864-2250 978-660-9969
24 Richard Potropek 882-6946 H 751-7667C
25. Christine Potropek 882-6946 H 751-7667C
27. Pam Ellis 864-2556
28. John Roerig 518-852-9898
29. John Roerig 518-852-9898
30. Jane Donovan J 508-577-4672

Revised 1/10/2015

I Selection of HOLA’S Harbor Master:

The Harbor Master shall be appointed by the Board of Directors after the Annual Meeting and will, in turn, appoint a Harbor Committee.

II Docking and mooring usage:

  1. Only active, paid members of HOLA, who hold the special easement to the waterfront shall have the right to dock a watercraft in the marina. Family members and guests may launch and take out their boats during the day. Paying guests of inns and bed & breakfasts are excluded.
  2. Slip Assignments:
  1. Slip number 1 is permanently assigned to Mr. Paul Ellis and Family by deed.
  2. Early Spring Launching: Members may apply for a slip for Ice Out when they pay their dues in the fall. The Waterfront Committee will assign slips in January.
  3. Last Week in June through Labor Day: Members may apply for a slip for summer when they pay their dues in the fall. The Waterfront Committee will assign slips in January.
  4. Members may apply for one or two spaces on the canoe/kayak racks when dues are paid in the fall. Spaces will be assigned in January and a list posted on the racks. If there are vacancies, members may add their name and phone number to the sheet and also inform the Harbormaster.
  5. Moorings are not allowed.
  6. HOLA is not responsible for any vehicle or craft left or stored at the waterfront.
  7. No watercraft longer than 21 feet may be docked in the cove of the marina. Only slips numbered 6 and 7 can hold a 21 foot watercraft. The maximum size for the other slips is 18 feet. Boats on floating docks can’t be longer than the docks. Pontoon boats are not allowed on the slips and may not be launched from our ramp.
  8. Slip number 4 is for loading only.
  9. If a slip is vacant for two weeks, the Harbormaster, unless notified, may reassign the slip.
  10. All watercraft must show a visible name and telephone number.
  11. If a watercraft is in a slip not assigned to it, the Harbormaster or member of the Waterfront Committee shall have the right to remove the watercraft at the owner’s expense and peril.
  1. Parking
  1. Trailers may be left for the day along the south edge of the roadway near the trees. There is no overnight parking of trailers.
  2. All motor vehicles shall be parked behind the tree line, which is marked for parking.

III Other Use of the Waterfront

  1. Members, family, guests and renters shall have the full use of the waterfront property for swimming, picnicking, cookouts, sun bathing, parking of motor vehicles and any other uses designated by HOLA. Paying guests of inns and B&B’s are excluded.
    B. Swimming is prohibited in the cove and in the channel leading into and out of the cove. Jumping from the docks, boats and embankments into the cove is also prohibited.

Revised 1/10/2015

Nominating Committee Report: Ken Young advised that the Nominating Committee would like to nominate Jeff Zapolsky as HOLA’s new Treasurer. Jeff will serve as an assistant to the current Treasurer until the end of the fiscal year and then will need to be elected by the Board. Jeff Munson said he would like to serve another term on the Board.

Other business: Millie advised that she received a phone call from a member inquiring about the right of way on the power line for snowmobile access to trails. Ed Z said he would look into the details and report back to the board. The problem with the geese and what they leave behind at the waterfront. John Clark agreed to check with the Maine Warden Service and find out our rights.

The next Board meeting will be on March 7 rather than the 14 at the Barn at 9:00 a.m..

November 8, 2014

Members Present: Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Jeff Zapolsky, Millie Hoekstra, Ed Zambraski, Dave Douglas, Paul Ellis, Anne Crump, Dave Arthurs, John & Peggy Clark and Ken and Sandy Young attended via conference call. Road Commissioner, Les Hoekstra.
Absent: Ann Arthurs, Jeff Munson and Ana Wetherill.
The minutes of the September meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating total Liabilities & Equity are $72,528.66 and Net Income is $43,914.32. The report was accepted as submitted.

Road Committee Report: The Road Commissioner, Les Hoekstra advised that he will submit a written report when all of the work has been completed for the fall.

Waterfront Committee Report: Waterfront Report November 8, 2014
The docks have been removed from the water along with the swim lines. Paul Ellis has moved the canoe/kayak racks and has gravel to spread under their placement.
The Waterfront Committee met after the last board meeting August 29th.
We heard a presentation from Dave Burgess about new docks. He is going to get back to us with an estimate.
We will replace the swim ladder on the raft in the spring.
Ed Zambraski has put the rest of the swim numbers on the Canoe/kayak rack.
We revised the waterfront policy.
We decided not to build new benches.
We are going to replace the picnic table with a fiberglass one is the spring.
We have been working on updating our list of who does not have any easement or only a partial one.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Nominating Committee Report: Ken Young advised that it is too early for a report. Please have those people whose terms are expiring to let me know if they want to serve another term and be looking for new people to serve. Terms expiring in 2015 are Ann Arthurs, Paul Ellis, Jeff Munson and Ed Zambraski.

Social Activities Committee: Nothing new is planned for the upcoming year. We need to discuss continuing the luncheon at the Annual Meeting.
The review and acceptance of the revised waterfront policy has been postponed until the January meeting.


August 30, 2014

Members present: Ana Wetherill, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, John Clark, Peggy Clark, David Douglas, Paul Ellis, Millie Hoekstra, Anne Crump, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Moroney, Jeff Munson, Ken Young, Sandy Young and Ed Zambraski.
Absent with notice: Jeff Zapolsky

The minutes of the July meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating total liabilities & equity of $30,815.50 and a net income of $523.57.

Click here to view treasurers Report
The Board voted to approve the proposed budget for the 2014/2015 fiscal year with a $20 increase in the dues.

Road Committee Report:
Those present: Ann & Dave Arthurs, Paul Ellis, Les & Millie Hoekstra, Ben Wetherill

  1. Review of road conditions
    Overall the roads are in pretty good shape. A few problem spots were identified and discussed.
    The “brown patch” (ground up asphalt and gravel) that was used last fall seems to be working well. We will be using more of that this year. Also, we will be looking at prices to pave 100’ or so at each entrance. The Loop Road water issues will be discussed with M & H personnel and come up with a plan. Speed on our roads is still an issue; is it time to install speed bumps for the summer months?
    The Circle in the Overlook will need attention this fall
    There will be some ditching/topping done this fall
  2. It was decided to keep the road budget the same for next year. $79,500
  3. The gate on The Lynn Way will be open after Labor Day (We had it opened on a couple busy weekends this summer) Those living on The Lynn Way have commented how much they appreciate the less traffic and use of the road by those just cutting through and leaving some of their trash.
  4. A DR String mower is being considered as a solution to the mowing of the sides of the roads. We will look to purchase this fall.

Waterfront Committee Report:
Dave Burgess gave a review of commercially built docks. He said that the old docks are in pretty rough condition and had to be repaired during the summer season. He is going to return with a total cost package.
We have new non sinking lighted swim buoys. This should keep boaters from cutting our swim lines and help boaters find our harbor.
We had some major repairs to the dock and swim lines after Hurricane Arthur. The ladder for the raft is missing. It was torn off when being moved. It will be replaced for next season.
The amended waterfront policy will be retyped and presented to the Board for approval in November.
There is a sign up sheet for slips for fall fishing after Labor Day.
For those who have partial waterfront rights – full rights can be purchased for $1,500. The cost of full rights for lots without waterfront rights is $9,500. These prices are available through 2016.
The Waterfront Committee will assign the slips and the canoe/kayak racks in January. Please send in your requests when you pay your dues in October.
I want to thank our Waterfront Committee: Mike Moroney, John and Peggy Clark, Dick Moore, Paul Ellis, Tom Sullivan, Dave and Ann Arthurs, Gary Wadsworth, Chester Winooski, Ed Zambraski, and Butch DeSanctis.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Nominating Committee:
Ken Young advised that all those with terms expiring have agreed to run for another three year term.

Social Committee:
Sandy young advised that there were 14 people in attendance for the music on the Lake and that there would be a pot luck luncheon following the Membership Meeting.

Other Business:
Waterfront policy review: The revised policy will be presented to the Board in November for a vote.

Checking account signatures: The Board voted to allow Millie Hoekstra, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney and John Clark to have the authority to sign checks for the Association.

Geese Issue: Paul Ellis advised that he would take care of the problem.

Next Board Meeting will be on November 8, 2014 at 9 a.m. at the Barn.

July 12, 2014

Members Present:
Millie Hoekstra, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Ken & Sandy Young, Jeff Munson, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Paul Ellis, Anne Crump, Jeff Zapolsky, John & Peggy Clark, Road Commissioner, Les Hoekstra and Guest Ben Wetherill.
Absent: Ana Wetherill, Dave Douglas and Ed Zambraski

The minutes of the May meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating total liabilities and equity of $46,598.32 and a net income of $16,306.39. The report was accepted as submitted.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:
The following report submitted by Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner:
HOLA Road Commissioner Report July 12, 2014
Since the last report, there has been some spring and early summer maintenance done on our roadways. Brush was cut back on The Loop Road and all the roads were rock raked twice.
This past week ditching and rocking was done along Kendall Farm Trail. The ditch was deepened and rock set in to help alleviate the road washing away in the spring. The erosion of the roadway was significant perhaps due to the shallow ditch and a severe winter. A new culvert was installed on the Kendall Farm Trail to help reduce the long flow of water.
In regard to the gate on the Lynn Way, the through traffic has been stopped resulting in a much quieter roadway. Although this may seem to be an inconvenience, it will result in a much safer roadway and also less wear and tear on our roads due to a lot of reckless driving through our area.
We will be meeting as a road committee during the summer to assess what needs to be done for this fall. I appreciate the patience of the road committee members in dealing with my more than busy schedule. As a last note, calcium was applied to the main roads (Lynn Way and Overlook) and we intended to add another application to alleviate the dust condition, but at the present time there is a national shortage of calcium and it is not available for another two weeks at best.
If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to send them my way.

Respectfully submitted
Les Hoekstra
HOLA Road Commissioner

Waterfront Committee:
The following report was submitted by Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbor Master:
Waterfront Report July 12, 2014
The new-lighted swim buoys are in the water. Burgess Construction has also installed the docks, swim lines and raft. After Hurricane Arthur’s winds threw up three-foot waves, our end dock’s anchoring pipes came free. Dave Arthur used the Life Ring’s line to block off the end of the dock until the dock was put on shore. Burgess construction is doing the repairs.
Paul Ellis put in the new Harbor marking buoys. Dave Douglas has volunteered to put a set of markers farther out in the water.
At the moment Slip number 5 is available, Slip number 3 is available form 7/13-7/24, and there are some vacancies on Slip number 10.
There are some openings on the canoe/kayak racks.
Our Paul N. Ellis Harbor sign is now up.
After the last Board Meeting our Waterfront Committee met to revise the HOLA Waterfront Policy.

I. Selection of HOLA’S Harbor Master:
The Harbor Master shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and will, in
turn, appoint a Harbor Committee.
II. Docking and mooring usage:
A. Only active, paid members of HOLA, who hold the special easement to the waterfront shall have the right to dock a watercraft in the marina. Family members and guests may launch and take out their boats during the day. Paying guests of inns and bed & breakfasts are excluded.
B. Slip Assignments:

  1. Slip number 1 is permanently assigned (reserved by deed) to Mr. Paul Ellis and
  2. Early Spring Launching: Members may apply for a slip for Ice Out when they pay their dues in the fall. The Waterfront Committee will assign slips in January.
  3. Last Week in June through Labor Day: Members may apply for a slip for summer when they pay their dues in the fall. The Waterfront Committee will assign slips in January.
  4. Members may apply for one or two spaces on the canoe/kayak racks when dues are paid in the fall. Spaces will be assigned in January and a list posted on the racks. If there are vacancies, members may add their name and phone number to the sheet and also inform the Harbormaster.
  5. Moorings are not allowed.
  6. HOLA is not responsible for any vehicle or craft left or stored at the waterfront.
  7. No watercraft longer than 21 feet may be docked in the cove of the marina. Only slips numbered 6 and 7 can hold a 21 foot watercraft. The maximum size for the other slips is 17 feet.
  8. Slip number 4 is for loading only.
  9. If a slip is vacant for two weeks, the Harbormaster may reassign the slip.
  10. All watercraft must show a visible name and telephone number.
  11. If a watercraft is in a slip not assigned to it, the Harbormaster or member of the Waterfront Committee shall have the right to remove the watercraft at the owners expense and peril.
  1. Parking
  1. Trailers may be left for the day along the south edge of the roadway near the trees. There is no overnight parking of trailers.
  2. All motor vehicles shall be parked behind the tree line, which is
    marked for parking.

III. Other Use of the Waterfront
A. Members, family, guests and renters shall have the full use of the waterfront property for swimming, picnicking, cookouts, sun bathing, parking of moter vehicles and any other use s designed by HOLA. Paying guests of inns and B&B’s are excluded.

  1. Swimming is prohibited in the cove and in the channel leading into and out of the cove. Jumping from the docks, boats and embankments into the cove is also prohibited.
    Nominating Committee: Ken Young advised that all current Board Members with terms expiring have agreed to run for another term.
    Social Activities Committee: Sandy Young reminded everyone that there will be a Pot Luck luncheon at the Barn following the Annual Membership Meeting on August 30th.
    Other Business: Millie advised that she had received some phone calls regarding the new gate. Most everyone is contented and have keys. Some were very happy with the reduction in traffic and damage to our roads.
    Regarding question about “Dig Safe”; this policy is stated on our website.
  2. No excavating in the road right-of-ways of HOLA may be undertaken without first notifying the agency “Dig Safe”. They must be contacted at least three(3) business days before the proposed time of excavation so that they can mark the location of underground utilities. It is the responsibility of the owner/contractor to mark the proposed excavation site for “Dig Safe”. The “Dig Safe” telephone number is 1-888-344-7233.  Drill, excavate, blast, drive posts or pipes, it’s Maine law that you contact “Dig Safe”.

The next meeting of the Board will be August 30, 2014 9:00 at the Barn.

May 17, 2014

Members present:
Millie Hoekstra, Ken & Sandy Young, Jeff Zapolsky, John & Peggy Clark, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave Douglas, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Paul Ellis, Ana Wetherill, guest Ben Wetherill, Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner.
Absent: Anne Crump, Jeff Munson, and Ed Zambraski.

The minutes of the previous meeting was approved as submitted.

Treasurers Report:
Mike submitted a report indicating total liabilities & equity of $49,400.89 and a net income of $19,108.96. The report was approved as submitted.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:
Road Commissioner Report
May 17, 2014

Winter is a passing memory as we look forward to spring and summer.
The snow plowing and sanding was well done in a very cold and demanding winter. The variable weather conditions proved a test for all of us. There was more sanding than usual done due to some extreme ice conditions this year.
The spring melt brought some problems we have not seen for a few years. There were some washout on the Lynn Way, Kendall Farm Trail, The Overlook Road and The Loop Road. Thanks to the hard work of Paul Ellis, we were able to address these situations in a timely manner.
We have started on some spring work with the roads being rock raked twice. There has been some preliminary ideas as to where spring work should be done but some changing conditions may warrant these estimates to be revisited.
As always, if you have any concerns or issues please feel free to let me know.
Regards to all

Les Hoekstra, HOLA Road Commissioner
The Road Committee report was approved as submitted.

Waterfront Committee:
The Harbor Master, Mary-Ellen Moroney advised that for ice out the only available time is on slip #2 from 5/20 through 6/1 and slip # 5 from 3/17 through 5/19. For the summer season, June 22 – Labor Dar, Slip #11 is available from 7/16 through 8/1. She said that we only had one request that she was unable to grant.
Two lighted swim buoys and two channel marker buoys have been order.
She advised that there would be a Waterfront Committee following the Board Meeting.

Nominating Committee:
Ken Young advised that all members with terms expiring have asked to serve another term.
Those are Dave Arthurs, John and Peggy Clark, Jeff Zapolsky, and Sandy Young. If any HOLA member is interested in running for one of these positions, please contact Ken Young at kwysly@msn.com.

Social Activities Report:
Sandy Young advised although we have had little interest – we will plan to have a pot luck get together after the Annual Meeting on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. The meeting and the luncheon will take place indoors at the Barn at around noon time.

Other business:
Millie advised that she had received a letter from a HOLA member requesting that specific road work be completed near their property. She said she would respond in writing.

Next Meeting will be on July 12, 2014 @ 0900 @ The Barn

March 1, 2014

Members Present:
Millie Hoekstra, Jeff Munson, Jeff Iapolsky, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney, John & Peggy Clark, Anne Crump, Ed Zambraski, and guest Ben Wetherill. Ken and Sandy Young attended via conference call.
Absent: Paul Ellis, Dave Douglas and Ana Wetherill.

The notes from the January non-meeting were discussed.

Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating total Liabilities and equity of $48,826.42 and net income of $18,534.49. The report was accepted as submitted.
Extensive work is being done by HOLA volunteers to collect dues and road monies from those who have not paid.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:
HOLA Road Commissioner
March 1, 2014

It is still winter in Rangeley and a cold one it has been. The roads are holding up well. The plowing and sanding has been done in a timely manner and all roads are in good condition.
As we (hopefully) see some spring weather in the near future, there will be lots of frost to be warmed out of our roads. Hopefully the mud will be kept to a minimum and there won’t be any heavy rains during the melting process.
I have not received any complaints recently so all is good. Take it easy out there and encourage those on snow machines to stay off the snow banks.
If you hear any issues regarding the roads, please let me know.
Respectfully submitted
Les Hoekstra, HOLA Road Commissioner
There was a request for a combination lock to be placed on the gate at Lynn Way. The Police and Fire Departments would not allow a combination lock. Any current dues paying member of HOLA can obtain a key to the gate.

Waterfront Committee Report:
The Waterfront Committee meat after the last board meeting to assign slips. It looks as though the Harbor will be full this year. We have several openings for canoes and kayaks. Several people who had spots last year haven’t signed up yet for this year.
We are going to get new buoys to mark the harbor and to replace the sinking buoys on the swim line with unsinkable lighted buoys.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Nominating Committee Report:
The members whose terms expire this year are:
Dave Arthurs, John Clark, Peggy Clark, Ann Crump and Sandy Young.


January 11, 2014

Due to the inclement weather, we decided to hold our meeting via reports this month. I have attached the reports below and financial reports as separate attachment. We have several members who have not paid this year and Mike, Dave A., and I will be meeting soon to determine next steps to be taken. You will notice from the financial reports that we are financially healthy. The amount of freezing rain and ice on the roads has resulted in a great amount of sand being spread this season already. We need snow.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you all for your service on this very important volunteer board.

Next meeting: March 8, 2014 at 9AM at The Barn on High Street
Millie Hoekstra
New email: mildred.hoekstra1@myfairpoint.net

Nominating Committee

The directors whose terms expire this year are:
Dave Arthurs
John Clark
Peggy Clark
Ann Crump
Sandy Young
I have not contacted any of these directors but will do that before the May meeting.
Ken Young
Nominating Committee

Waterfront Report January 11, 2014

The Waterfront Committee will meet after this meeting to assign slips. It looks as though the Harbor will be pretty full this year. We have several opening for canoes and kayaks. Several people who had spots last year haven’t signed up yet.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Road Commissioner Report
January 11, 2014

This report finds our roads with a snow and ice cover due to a strange and cold winter.
Considerable work was done this fall to keep our roads in good condition, this work included the following:

  1. Replacing and resetting culverts
  2. Grading and rock raking all of the roads
  3. Adding topping where necessary to thin coverage areas
  4. Ditching where needed
  5. Removal of trees along the Lynn Way and Harold Ross Road that posed a potential problem to the right of way
  6. Installed a gate at the Harold Ross end of the Lynn Way to reduce amount of invasive traffic during the summer season
  7. The West Elbow road had trees and brush removed and graded to widen the road and more work will need to be done next year. A home is being built there this winter

As spring approaches, the Road Committee will meet to consider projects that need to be worked on during late spring and early summer.

Our plowing contractor is again doing a fantastic job of keeping the roads plowed and sanded. Just a reminder, any plowing concerns must be conveyed to the contractor by the Road Commissioner and not by a resident.

A special Thank You to Paul Ellis for all the extra work done to help keep our roads in the good condition they are in. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. Once again—drive safe and slow and remember the snow banks aren’t high enough to work in your favor yet.

Respectfully submitted
Les Hoekstra, HOLA Road Commissioner
November 9, 2013

Members present: Mary-Ellen and Mike Moroney, Dave Douglas, Dave and Ann Arthurs, Ed Z, Paul Ellis, Jeff Zapolsky, John & Peggy Clark.
Absent: Millie Hoekstra, Anne Crump, Ken & Sandy Young, Ana Wetherill & Jeff Munson.

The minutes of the September 2013 meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating total liabilities and equity of $60,948.48 and a net income of $30,656.55. The dues are coming in as expected and a second mailing will be going out this month.
Road Committee Report: No report for this month.
Dave Douglas said he received a complaint from a member on the Loop Road regarding drainage of water onto his property. It was felt that the heavy rains had caused problems this spring in many areas that had not been problems in the past.
Dave also would like to have a large fur removed from Kendall Farm Road. Ed Z and Paul said they would take care of it.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Waterfront Committee: Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbor Master
So far we have had seven requests for canoe/kayak rack space. There have been 9 requests for boat slips.
The waterfront committee is looking into getting new buoys that won’t sink and will also come with batter-operated lights that will shine for a mile when it is dark.

Nominating Committee: No Report for this month.

Social Activities Committee: No report for this month.

Other Business: Jerry Vermette a HOLA member from the Highlands asked to address the board concerning the gate on Lynn Way.
He said that none of the nonresident property owners were contacted about the gate and some are not happy with it being installed. He was not concerned with the amount of traffic using the road but was concerned about the delay in emergency response vehicles getting through the gate.
He suggested that we use a combination lock that can be changed from year to year.
The Board voted to use a combination lock if it is approved by the police, fire and ambulance operators.
Some members of the Board felt that there was not enough discussion and notification regarding the gate prior to the vote taken by the board and that we could improve our communications efforts with our members.
Ed Z said he would talk to Millie about a periodic email bulletin to the membership, which he would send.

I could send the Board Minutes to each person on the email list right after the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the board: January 11, 2014, 0900 @ The Barn.

August 31, 2013

Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Ken and Sandy Young, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Paul Ellis, Ana Wetherill, John & Peggy Clark.
Absent: Barbara Meservey, Dave Douglas, Ed Zambraski and Jeff Munson.
The minutes of the July meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating that total liabilities & Equity on August 31, 2013 is $32,252.70 and net income is $20,157.73.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:
A year passes quickly by and it is time for another Annual Road Report. It is my pleasure to report that our roads are in good condition. Over the past year we have done a considerable amount of maintenance work; ditching, adding topping where needed, cut a considerable amount of brush to improve sight lines, reset and replaced culverts in the Overlook and Highlands.
I am also happy to report that we will be renewing the Snow Plowing Contract with Burgess Construction at the same rate as the last three years.
We will be doing some fall maintenance work in a few weeks. This will include some grading, ditching and adding some topping where needed. Clearing some rocks from the edge of the roadways will enable future mowing. We will also test a material that is a combination of recycled asphalt and gravel; this material has a better packing component and thus reduce the washboard effect on the entrance of the Overlook Road and the Lynn Way. We will be cutting trees along the roads in the Highlands to reclaim the visibility and improve the safety for our roadways. Most of the large trees are old poplar that show signs of decay and rot. Wind storms have blown some into the roads and bad winter storm could bring down several trees and block the roadways. The trees are getting too tall.
Another issue I would like the board to consider: gating the entrance to the Lynn Way at Harold Ross Road. Over the year there has been a steady increase in the amount of drive through traffic by individuals who consider this to be their own personal through way. I believe the benefit of this would decrease road maintenance cost, better control of traffic, greater safety as most of these drive throughs have little or no concern for any posted speed limit. This would also help control ATV traffic that comes onto our roads from off-site locations.
Once again drive carefully on our roads; we are getting more complaints about excessive speed on our roads. If you are going over the posted 25 mph, you are driving too fast…this is not I 495 or the turnpike.
I would like to thank the members of the road committee for their suggestions and service in helping keep watch over our roads. Thanks to Paul Ellis for his experience and the many hours he has put in to keep our roads in good condition.
As always, if you have any concerns – please feel free to contact me at any time.
Respectfully submitted,
Les Hoekstra, HOLA Road Commissioner
The board voted to install a gate on Lynn Way near the intersection of Harold Ross Road to be closed during the summer to reduce the amount of traffic by non HOLA members. The cost is $1,250.

Nominating Committee Report:
HOLA Board of Directors
Barbara Meservey has decided not to run for another term on the board. Jeff Zapolsky has said that he would like his name put on the ballot. If the following are elected we will have a full slate of officers.

Dave Douglas
Millie Hoekstra
Mary-Ellen Moroney
Mike Moroney
Ana Wetherill
Ken Young
Jeff Zapolsky
Tina Marie Falasco is no longer a HOLA member. The bylaws state that any vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by the board without membership ratification. Ann Crump, who has a house on Paul’s Path, has said that she would like to be on the board as a replacement for Tina Marie.
It was asked at the last meeting how many directors were in the Highlands and how many directors were in the Overlook. The bylaws state that we need at least 3 directors on each side. We currently have 6 directors in the Highlands and 9 directors in the Overlook. I am not sure where to put Paul.
Les Hoekstra has agreed to be road Commissioner for another year. I have not heard from anyone else.

Ken Young
Nominating Committee

Waterfront Committee:
Waterfront Report August 31, 2013
We have ended up this year having openings in the harbor slips and on the canoe kayak racks.
We have replaced the worn out swim line with new line. One of the buoys, which we had repaired with waterproof srpay is now just under the water. I am looking into getting new buoys that won’t sink and will also come with battery-operated lights that will shine for a mile when it is dark. We’ll discuss this at the Waterfront Committee meeting that we will have after this board meeting.
The summer has been quiet. I haven’t had any new requests for using the slips. Several people who have requested slips have not put in their boats.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Social Activities:
Pot Luck luncheon at the annual meeting and music at the waterfront was the activity for the current year.
The next meeting will be on November 9, 2013 @9a.m. @the Barn.
July 13, 2013

Members Present: Jeff Munson, Paul Ellis, Ken & Sandy Young, Millie Hoekstra, Road Commissioner Les Hoeakstra, John & Peggy Clark, Dave Douglas, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Mary-Ellen & Mike Moroney and Ana Wetherill.
Members absent: Ed Zambraski and Barbara Meservey.

The minutes of the May meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating Total Liability and Equity of $39,443.76 and a net income of $27,348.79.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Commissioner:
No formal report was submitted but the consensus was that the roads are in good shape. Some brush removal and other minor work needs to be performed.

Nominating Committee:
Chairman Ken Young said that we need a new board member to replace a vacancy. If anyone is interested in serving on the board, please contact Ken @ 508-269-1302 or kwysly@msn.com.

Waterfront Committee:

(As of 6/13) From June 22nd to Labor Day there are openings on slip #2 from 7/22-8/8, slip #3 from 6/22-8/8, slip # 10 8/2-8/13 and 8/29-9/2, and the two week slip #11 from 7/21-8/9. Some of those who have reserved slips have not shown up yet.
We have several opening on the canoe/ kayak racks. Several who have reserved have not brought their vessels down yet. Someone took out the buoys last year and did not put a line on the mooring chain to shore. Dave Burgess is going down to Portland to refill his air tanks so that he can dive for them. Dave Douglas is going to see if he can find the moorings. We are replacing the worn swim line. It is on order.
Just a reminder, cost for the waterfront easements are $9,500 for those without any waterfront rights and $1,500 for those with partial rights for 2013 and 2014.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
John Clark made a motion that we name the Harbor Paul N. Ellis Harbor and appropriate up to $500 for a sign and that the sign be placed at a location selected by the Committee. Those present voted unanimously in favor of the motion. John agreed to look into having the sign made.

Social Committee:
Sandy Young advised that we will have a pot luck luncheon following the Annual Meeting on Labor Day weekend. Everyone thanked the Munson’s for hosting the fantastic social on Friday evening.

Other Business:
Milley said that there would be “Music by the Downeast Brass at the Paul N. Ellis Harbor on August 13, 2013.”


May 18, 2013

Members present: Jeff Munson, Mike Moroney, Dave Douglas, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Ken and Sandy Young, Paul Ellis, Ana Wetherill, Ed Zambraski, Millie Hoekstra, Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner
Absent: TinaMarie Falasco, Barbara Meservey, John & Peggy Clark
The minutes of the March meeting were approved as submitted.

Road Committee Report:
Roads have wintered well and there will be some spring work done in the next few weeks to grade, rock rack, add some topping where needed and reset a few culverts.

Proposal: HOLA renew contract with Burgess Construction for another 3 years at $120,000 to do the snow plowing on our roads. MSP

Dave Douglas noted that the culvert at the end of his driveway (Kendall Farm Trail) needs to be looked at to determine if anything needs to be done or if it will come back up in a couple of weeks. We will also consider putting put sign at North entrance to Overlook Road encouraging trucks to use South entrance.
The plan is to begin road work next week, and as always, contact the road commissioner with any concerns or suggestions.
Respectfully submitted, Les Hoekstra
HOLA Road Commissioner

Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney’s computer is having problems so he reported that we were in good shape and would send report when able. After the meeting, Mike emailed a balance sheet indicating total liabilities & equity of $41.279.42 and a profit and loss statement with a net income of $29,184.45.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Nominating Committee Report:
Ken Young advised that all seven of the Board members whose terms are expiring at the end of this fiscal year have asked to be nominated for another 3 year term unless something changes before September.
If any other HOLA members are interested in running for a position on the board or serve on a committee, please contact Ken Young at kwysly@msn.com.

Waterfront Committee:
The only opening for Ice Out Boat Slips(which goes to June 21st) is slip #3.
(As of 5/10) From June 22nd to Labor Day there are openings on slip #2 from 7/22–8/8, slip #3 from 6/22—8/8, slip #4 9-1&2, slip #10 8/2—8/13 and 8/29—9/2, and the two week slip#11 from 7/21—8/9.
The small docks are in as is the Port-a-Potty.
Paul Ellis has built a new canoe/kayak rack. We have several openings on the racks.
The pipe carrying the electricity under the ramp has been repaired and gravel added to the ramp.
We did have a visitor who was given permission by a friend who is a HOLA member to put his boat in our harbor. He has since removed his boat. The slips are only for HOLA members in good standing.
Just a reminder: Cost for the waterfront easements are $9,500 for those without any waterfront rights and $1,500 for those with partial rights for 2013 and 2014.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
Social Activities: Sandy Young advised that we will have the pot luck luncheon on Labor Day weekend following the membership meeting. Sandy will be putting together a welcoming package to be delivered by a member of the board to new HOLA members. The Portland Brass Concert at our waterfront will be August 13th.
Jeff & Darlene Munson have invited all Board members to attend a social event at their house on July 12th @ 6:00 P.M. Please bring your favorite appetizer/light refreshments.

Nancy Douglas is now in residence permanently and has offered to help with the garden at the entrance of the Lynn Way. Thank You!
Dave and Ann Arthurs are in the process of filing small claims court procedures against those members who have not paid their road fees.
Please encourage your HOLA neighbors and HOLA friends to submit their email addresses to enable better communication.
The beaver colony at the waterfront has been taking down our trees; we will discuss some solutions.
The next board meeting = July 13, 2013 @ 9:00 a.m. @ The Barn.
March 16, 2013

Members present:

Millie Hoekstra, Jeff Munson, Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave Douglas, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Ken and Sandy Young via conference call, and John & Peggy Clark.
Absent: Paul Ellis, Ana Wetherill, TinaMarie Falasco, Barbara Meservy and Ed Zambraski
Substitute: Ben Wetherill
The minutes of the January meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney submitted a balance sheet indicating total liabilities & equity of $49,286.08 and a profit and loss statement with a net income of $37,191.11. The report was accepted as submitted.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:

Winter has been a winter this year. Lots of snow in December and February. Spring will be coming soon (maybe). We are still within our snow budget. Roads have been in good condition with good plowing this season.
As we begin mud season, keep an eye on culverts, mud spots, upheavals – hopefully we will get a slow melt and not too much warm weather until snow and frost is out of the ground.
Let me know if you see any problem areas.
Looking forward to spring
Respectfully submitted
Les Hoekstra
HOLA Road Commissioner

Nominating Committee Report:

Ken Young advised that all seven of the Board members who’s terms are expiring at the end of this fiscal year have asked to be nominated for another 3 year term. Millie Hoekstra, Barbara Meservey, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Moroney, Ana Wetherill, Ken Young and Dave Douglas.
If any other HOLA members are interested in running for a position on the board, please contact Key Young atkwysly@msn.com.

Waterfront Committee:

The waterfront committee met after the January meeting and assigned slips. We have space on slip #10 8/2-8/13 and on the two week slip after 8/17. I have requests for 18 canoe/kayak spaces. There are 7 who had spaces last year that I have not heard from. That would make 25. We now have 24 spaces and will probably build another rack.
Slips 9 and 11 are still available for ice-out.
We have to get the pipe for the electricity back underground.
Do you have any requests for the coming year?
Cost for the waterfront easements are $9,500 for those without any waterfront rights and $1,500 for those with partial rights for 2014 as we voted at the last board Meeting.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Social Activities:

Sandy Young advised that we will have the pot luck luncheon on Labor Day weekend following the membership meeting. We discussed putting together a welcoming package to be delivered by a member of the board to new HOLA members.
Jeff & Darlene Munson have invited all Board members to attend a social event at their house on May 17 @ 6:00 P.M. Please bring your favorite appetizer/light refreshments.

The next board meeting – May 18, 2013 @ 9:00 a.m. @ The Barn.


January 12, 2013

Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Paul Ellis, Mike & Mary-Ellen Maroney, Jeff Munson, Dave and Ann Arthurs, John & Peggy Clark, TinaMare Falasco, Ken & Sandy Young via conference call and Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner.

Members Absent: Ana Wetherill. Barbara Meservey, David Douglas and Ed Zambraski

The minutes of the November meeting were approved as amended.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Maroney reported that HOLA currently has liabilities and equity of $52,031.39 and a net income of $39,936.42.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:

The winter season is here and the road activity has quieted down except for the plowing and sanding. Our plow contractor is doing an excellent job plowing our roads; they are plowed and sanded as well as any roads in the area. This should not keep us from using caution while diving as excessive speed and inattention can result in some nasty surprises. If you have any road concerns, please contact me and not the contractor. I will relay your concerns and information to him—this is the proper procedure.
Snowmobilers—just a reminder-the roads are to be used as a gateway to the trail system and not as a riding trail. I would also request that you ride on the road surface and not the snow banks as this makes plowing more difficult.
Stay safe and enjoy the snow as spring and mud season are not far away.
Respectfully submitted
Les Hoekstra
HOLA Road Commissioner

Nominating Committee Report:

Ken Young reported that of the 6 board members who’s terms are expiring in 2013 only Mike and Mary-Ellen Maroney have advised that they would like to run for another term. Ken said he would like to serve another term and Millie advised that she would probably run again.

Waterfront Committee Report:

Slips will be assigned today by the Committee. We have 17 canoe/kayak requests for storage. There are 8 more who were assigned last year, which would make 25 for 2013. We now have 24 spaces and will probably add another rack this spring.
The underground electric pipe has to be reinstalled.
Cost for the waterfront easements were set at $9,500 for those without any waterfront rights and $1,500 for those with partial rights through 2013. The board voted to continue with the same price through 2014.

Social Activities:

Sandy Young advised that we had a good turn out for the pot luck after last year’s annual meeting and we will plan to continue that for another year. Some Board members talked about holding some socials during the summer at the waterfront. Nothing was decided.

The next meeting will be on March 16, 2013 @ 9:00 a.m. @ The Barn

November 10, 2012
Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Paul Ellis, TinaMarie Falasco, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Ed Zambraski, John Clark and Ken & Sandy Young via conference call.
Absent: Dave Douglas, Peggy Clark, Barbara Meservey, Jeff Munson, Ana Wetherill.

The minutes of the September meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney reported that total liabilities and equity are $55,349.51 and net income is $43,254.54. The report was accepted as submitted.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee Report:
Road Commissioner Les Hoekstra submitted the following written report:
HOLA Road Commissioner
November 10, 2012

This fall was very busy in getting road work done and there was much accomplished. There was brush cut along the roadways and corners as well as clearing the lower end of the Tilt of the Kilt. Ditching was the main emphasis this fall. Ditching was done along the Overlook Road at the South entrance and several other sections. The Loop Road and Summit Road had ditching and large rocks were added to the ditch above Inness’s home to control the erosion that takes place in the spring. On the Highlands side, ditching was done along The Lynn Way and Kendall Farm Trail. A culvert was added to the Tilt of the Kilt to divert water into the proper channels.
The roads were graded as needed and will hopefully be rock raked before we have significant snowfall. Any road topping will be added next spring and early summer. As the winter season approaches, be careful out there folks as the ditches are a little bit wider. If you have any questions, please let me know. One thing of concern is the increasing amount of traffic that is cutting through our roads to get to Harold Ross Road– And travelling at a high rate of speed. Is it time to add more Private Property, No Trespassing signs?
Les Hoekstra
HOLA Road Commissioner

Nominating Committee Report:
Ken Young advised that seven board member’s terms will expire in September of 2013. Anyone interested in serving on the board or any current member who wishes to serve another 3 year term should contact Ken @ kwysly@msn.com.

Waterfront Committee Report:
Mary-Ellen Moroney submitted the following report:
M & H removed the silt from the harbor. The electric line that was broken will be replaced in the spring.
A new canoe rack will be built in the spring allowing 6 more canoes to be stored at the waterfront.
Docks, swim lines, raft, lights and small docks are out of the water. The canoe rack is empty and the portable out house has been removed for the season.

Committee members are: Mary-Ellen Moroney, Paul Ellis, John & Peggy Clark, Ann Arthurs, Beth Raymond, Mike Moroney, Butch DeSanctis, Tom Sullivan, Dave Arthurs, Gary Wadsworth, Chester Winkowski and Ed Zambraski.
The Committee will assign the slips in January.
I have filed the annual 1120 – H with the IRS.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Social Activities Committee Report:
Sandy Young advised that we had a better turn out for the annual outing this past September and hope that it will continue to grow.

Other Items:
Millie handed out an updated list of all HOLA Committee members:
Ed Z suggested that we email the HOLA membership with new or updated information that can be located on the HOLA web site. We will look at our email list and see if we are up to date enough to reach the majority of our members.


September 1, 2012
Members present:

Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen and Mike Moroney, Dave Arthurs, Ken and Sandy Young, Tinamarie Falasco, Jeff Munson and John Clark.

Absent: Bill Hayes, Paul Ellis, Dave Douglas, Barbara Meservey and Ana Wetherill

The minutes of the July meeting were accepted as printed.
Please refer to the minutes of the Annual Meeting Report for details on the following five items.


Other business:
Millie reported that the LURC meeting considering the development off the Harold Ross Road was postponed. Please make an attempt to attend the meeting when it is rescheduled.
The next Board meeting will be on November 10, 2012 at 9 a.m. at the Barn.

July 21, 2012

Members present:

Millie Hoekstra, Ken and Sandy Young, Dave Arthurs, Dave Douglas, Barbara Meservey, Jeff and Darlene Munson, Paul Ellis, Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney and Dick Moore.
Members absent with notice: John Clark, Tinamarie Falasco,
Members absent without notice: Ana Wetherill and Bill Hayes
The minutes of the May meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney submitted a written report indicating that HOLA has Total Liabilities & Equity of $35,605.54 and a net income of $24,455.03.
The report was accepted as submitted.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Report:
It was reported that spring maintenance work has been completed. Calcium chloride has been applied twice. The lack of rain has not helped the new surfaces to solidify. We need some rain. There has been a report of trash accumulating at the end of Aerie Trail. We will look into this. There has been a report of campfire (?) on the circle at the end of Kendall Farm Trail; this could be a dangerous situation. If you smell smoke or see unauthorized fires, you have the right to question and/or call authorities if necessary. The report was accepted as submitted.

Nominating Committee:
Ken Young advised that Dick Moore and Darlene Munson will be retiring this year. Ann Arthurs and Ed Zambraski names will be placed on the ballot for election to the Board of Directors. He has not received any response from other members at this time. The report was accepted as submitted.

Waterfront Committee:
Mary-Ellen Moroney advised that there are two slips available at the harbor. We are playing a bit of musical boats. The canoe/kayak racks are full. Any empty spaces are for people who have requested the spaces and haven’t moved their vessels yet
Paul Ellis has been in contact with DEP. An agent came and viewed the project (removal of silt) and all looks good. Although this application was 35 pages, for the next 10 years we will be able to submit a one-page form.
Joe Kastner’s son, Ken, called and asked about the sign. The sign was given to him.
The report was accepted as submitted.

Social Activities:

Darlene Munson has stepped down as chair; Thank you for your years of service Darlene. On August 16 there will be a private concert at our beach for our members…spread the word. RFA presents “Music from the Lake” by Downeast Brass and Ragged Jack approximately 7:15 or so.
The annual cookout will follow the annual meeting on Sept 1 at The Barn.
The report was accepted as submitted.

Other Items:
Jeff Munson informed us that Jim McGovern had passed away.

The next Board Meeting will be on Sept. 1, 2012 @ 9 A.M. @ The Barn.

May 19, 2012

Members present:

Millie Hoekstra, Ken and Sandy Young, Dave Arthurs, Dave Douglas, Barbara Meservey, TinamarieFalasco, Jeff and Darlene Munson, Ana Wetherill, Paul Ellis, Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney, John Clark and Road Commissioner, Les Hoekstra.
Members absent: Dick Moore and Bill Hayes

The minutes of the March meeting were approved as submitted.

Road Report:

Les thanked Paul Ellis for all the early spring work that he has done on our roads. He advised that a large amount of work is planned for the coming months and that the Committee will be meeting within the next couple of weeks. The report was accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney submitted a written report indicating that HOLA has Total Liabilities & Equity of $40,358.20 and a net income of $29,207.69.
The report was accepted as submitted.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Nominating Committee:

Ken Young advised that Ann Arthurs has requested to be placed on the ballot for election to the Board of Directors. He has not received any requests from other members at this time. The report was accepted as submitted.

Waterfront Committee:

Mary-Ellen Moroney advised that all slips have been assigned for ice out to June 21st except for the two week slip. Slip #5 will be available after Memorial Day Weekend.
The summer schedule is full with the exception of slip #5, which is available from 7/9 – 7/13. Beth Raymond is looking for a slip for July.
Paul Ellis built a new Canoe/Kayak rack. We now have space for 6 more canoes or kayaks. So far 14 have signed up for rack space.
Paul Ellis is still working on getting permission from DEP to remove some dirt from the harbor. The work will be completed in late August and the swim docks will be installed in mid June.
The report was accepted as submitted.

Social Activities:

Darlene Munson has stepped down from Social Activities Chairman for personal reasons. Anyone interested should contact a member of the Board.

Other Items:

There will be a “Music From The Lake” concert at the HOLA waterfront on August 16, 2012.

The next Board Meeting will be on July 21, 2012 @ 9 A.M. @ The Barn.

March 10, 2012

Members Present:

Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Jeff Munson, Millie Hoekstra, Dave Douglas, Dave Arthurs, Ana Wetherill, Sandy & Ken Young (by conference call), Tinamarie Falasco, Road Commissioner Les Hoekstra

Absent: Paul Ellis, Bill Hayes, John Clark, Darlene Munson, Dick Moore, Barbara Meservey

The minutes of the January meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurers Report:

Mike submitted a report indicating total liabilities and equity of $42,623.70 and a net income of $31,473.19. We have $27,531.36 in the Road and Snow Budget and we are paid to date on snow invoices. The report was accepted as submitted.  Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee report:

Well, it looks like MUD season is upon us and with warm weather forecast for the next week or so it could be a really mud season for us this year. The roads will be posted today and stay posted until the mud has disappeared and the roads become firm.

I believe that we call all agree that the winter plowing was well done and hopefully we are out of the woods as far as snow is concerned.

I would ask that everyone be alert as to road conditions were you are located and will alert me to any issues in regards to washout or culvert problems that may arise. The mud we will just have to live with so be aware of any detours that may or may not happen.

Hopefully, in late spring or early summer we will be able to grade, rock rake and apply topping
as we have planned.

Be careful out there,
Les Hoekstra

HOLA Road Commissioner

Report was accepted as submitted.

Waterfront Committee report:

I have assigned the slips. Slips #3, #5 (the two week slip) and #6 are still available for Ice Out to June 21. From June 22nd to Labor Day slip #5 is available 7/9-7/13, 7/29-8/31 and slip #6 is available 6/22—6/30. There are 5 canoe/kayak spaces available. Beth Raymond wanted a slip for July but none was available.

Paul Ellis is still working on getting permission from DEP to remove some dirt from the harbor.

Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

I also filed the 1120-H form to the IRS

Report was accepted as submitted.

Nominating Committee report:

As mentioned in my last report the directors whose terms expire this year are Paul Ellis, Dick Moore, Darlene Munson and Jeff Munson.

Paul Ellis and Jeff Munson have said that they would like their name on the ballot for another term. Darlene Munson has said that she will run again if no one else wants to run and Dick Moore has said that he does not want to run for another term.

It looks like we are looking for at least one director and possibly two.

I have just sent messages to both the members of the committee to see if they know of anyone
who might be interested in having their name on the ballot.

Next year there will be 7 members whose terms will expire.

Nominating Committee

  • Ken Young
  • Tina Marie Falasco
  • Jeff Munson

Report was accepted as submitted.

Social Activities Committee: No report this month. We held a discussion regarding having
music events at the waterfront this summer–Informal with live or recorded music. Maybe we
could contact RFA and be one of the stops for the Downeast Brass “Music from the Lake” event.
This will be passed onto Darlene to check it out.

Other Business:

Letters were sent on February 1st to nine members who are in arrears on payments. We

received 4 responses with money coming from 3 of them. If we do not get any response, we
will proceed to court filings in May on the list. Normally we do not file on lot owners until 3
years in arrears and home owners until 2 years in arrears due to the court fee cost.

Snowmobiles have been an issue in the Highlands this year. There is no direct access to the
lake and thus folks have been going down the lane directly across from the Lynn Way to
the lake. A barricade has been placed across the lane now. Can we make connections with
new folks and inform them of the rules and access routes? Since we are in 4 townships and
people do not inform us of changes in ownership or that they are renting their homes, it is
difficult for us to keep everyone up to date. Suggestion: if you have a new neighbor or you see
questionable activity regarding snowmobile use, go introduce yourself and ask if they have any
questions about regulations within the Association.

Next meeting: May 19, 9 AM at The Barn

January 14, 2012

Members Present:

Millie Hoekstra, Dave Douglas, Dave Arthurs, Dick Moore, Ana Wetherill, Sandy & Ken Young (by conference call), Tinamarie Falasco, Barbara Meservey, Road Commissioner Les Hoekstra and John Clark.

Absent: Paul Ellis, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Bill Hayes, Darlene & Jeff Munson.

The minutes of the November meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurers Report:

Mike submitted a report indicating total liabilities and equity of $68,731.34 and a net income of $47,580.33. He advised that he would be starting the proceedings on those members who have not paid their dues and road assessments. The report was accepted as submitted. Click here to view treasurers Report

Road Committee report:

HOLA Road Commissioner Report

January 14, 2012

The winter season is upon us and the fall maintenance roadwork has been completed.

This season the work included:

  • Grading and Rock Raking all the roads
  • Removal of excess fill from ditching
  • Resetting the culvert on Lynn Way
  • Rocking around culvert on Kendall Farm Trail
  • Ditching on one or both sides Overlook Road, Loop Road, Kendall Farm Trail and the
    Lynn Way
  • Deep ditch dug along Lynn Way, installed drain pipe and rock
  • Removal of brush and trees at intersections and curves on various roads

No topping was applied to any of the roads due to the lateness of the season and dropping temperatures. The topping will be applied in the late spring.

We are well into the winter season and so far the snow account balance is ahead of last year.
Most of the invoices have been for sanding due to icy conditions. The plowing has been very
good so far and we hope this will continue.

M & H Construction has salted some of the culverts due to the ice buildup from lack of snow.
This (blocked culverts) could be a concern in the spring so please check any culverts near you
and let us know if they are becoming blocked with ice.

The issue raised at the last meeting regarding the clean up after ditching on Kendall Farm Trail
was reviewed after the meeting and resolved. M & H finished the clean up in that area.

If you have any concerns, please feel free to let me know.

Respectfully submitted,

Les Hoekstra

HOLA Road Commissioner

Waterfront Committee report:

3, 5 (the two week slip) and 6 are still available for Ice Out to 6/21. From June 22nd to Labor
Day slip #5 is available 7/9-7/13, 7/29-8/31; and slip #6 is available 6/22-6/30 and 8/1-Labor
Day. I have assigned the slips, as we are able to accommodate all who have requested slips.
Slips # There are 5 canoe/kayak spaces available. We were full last year and had one request
we could not honor. We expect to build a new rack this spring.

Paul Ellis is still working on getting permission from DEP to remove some dirt from the harbor.

Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Ice Out-June 21st 2012

You use the harbor area and leave your boat at your own risk.

Slip Name Phone
1 Paul Ellis 864-5027
2 Chester Wincowski 978-388-5870 H
978-570-6862 C
3 Robin & Bill Carter 864-2072
4 Loading Slip
5 Two Week Slip
6 Leslie Kynock 508-648-0058 C
7 Gary Wadsworth 864-2930 H
625-8254 H
468-4412 C
8 John Clark 864-5228 H
441-1071 C
9 David Perna 864-9976
10 Angelo DeSanctis 864-2714
11 Bob Daviau 863-0917
12 Bill Hayes 485-3899

You use the harbor and leave your boat at your own risk. Use of the swim area is also at your own risk. An adult must accompany children in all areas. Please check your boat, trailer, and fishing equipment for Milfoil. Please notify the Harbormaster if you will not be using your boat, as someone else might need a slip.


 Slip  Name  Phone Numbers  Dates
 1 Paul Ellis 864-5027 6/22-Labor Day
 2 Chester
978-358-5870 H
978-590-6862 C
6/22-Labor Day
 3 Robin Carter
Bill Carter
864-2072 6/22-Labor Day
 4 Loading Slip
 5 Two Week Slip
Angelo DeSanctis
Alan Gilmore
Brent Dugal
Frank Bunts
9/1-Labor Day
 6 Leslie Kynock 508-648-0058 C
 7 Gary Wadsworth 625-8254
468-4412 C
6/22-Labor Day
 8 John Clark 864-5228
6/22-Labor Day
 9 Dave and Ann Arthurs 864-3992 6/22-Labor Day
 10 Mike Yeager 443-618-0584 6/22-Labor Day
 11 Robert Daviau 864-0917 6/22-Labor Day
 12 Bill Hayes 485-8829 6/22-Labor Day

Canoe and Kayak Sign Up Sheet

Please put your name where it is visible on your canoe or kayak. Please sign your name and
phone number on this sheet and call me at 864-2214.

As it can be very windy here, we suggest you tie down your canoe or kayak.

You leave your canoe or kayak and use the harbor at your own risk

Please call when you remove your canoe or kayak.

  1. Mike and Jane Yeager 443-618-05842. Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney 864-22143.4. Dave Arthurs 864-99615. Sarah and Tim Johnson 203-866-1147 7/29-8/256. Ken and Sandy Young 508-269-13027. Driscoll 207-831-2352

    8. Driscoll 207-831-2352


    10. Jim Ferrara 207-415-8247

    11. L & M Hoekstra 864-2963

    12. L & M Hoekstra 864-2963




    16. Mike Zulauf Lisa Hurley 603-520-8792

    17. David Parker 508-364-5410

    18. Mike Zulauf Lisa Hurley 603-520-8792

Nominating Committee Report:

Terms expiring this year: Paul Ellis, Dick Moore (decided not run again), Darlene Munson, Jeff
Munson. Please contact Ken Young if you are interested in running or would like to nominate a
candidate. kwysly@msn.com.

Social Activities Committee: No report this month.

Other Business:

We discussed a complaint on the condition of one of our roads while it was having work done.
The chairman wrote a response and felt that the situation was resolved. We are all residence of
HOLA and the general consensus of those present was that the roads are in very good shape.

November 12, 2011

Members Present:
All Board Members were present except Ken and Sandy Young, who were attending a funeral.
The minutes of the September meeting were approved as submitted.

Election of Officers: All officers were elected for another one year term.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating that HOLA’s Total Liabilities and Equity as of this date is $55,483.35 and the net income is $44,332.84. The report was accepted as submitted.  Click here to view treasurers report.

Road Committee report:

As we head into another winter season, there has been considerable work done on our roads. This fall we have had our roads all graded and rock raked. There has been extensive ditching done in both the Overlook and the Highlands.

To begin the process we hired Jim Carrigan to cut brush and some trees along the roads especially on curves where visibility was restricted. The ditch on Kendall Farm Trail was filled with large rocks to alleviate erosion that has been happening in the spring. The ditch along The Lynn Way was deepened and pipe and large rocks were added. Hopefully this will enable the water to stay away from the road and alleviate the springtime humps and bumps. In addition, the culvert on The Lynn Way near the Tilt of the Kilt was reset deeper. We have decided to postpone until spring any topping. When the conditions allow, we will add topping in various locations and also apply calcium chloride to harden the surface and keep down the dust. The reasons for the postponement are due to the road surface being hard and the impending plowing season will soon be upon us.

Overall our roads are in good shape for the winter season with plenty of crown and wide shoulders. Let’s be careful out there until the snow banks are established and drive carefully on the hills.

Thanks to the road committee for all their assistance this year in reviewing the needs and keeping an eye on trouble spots. Thanks especially to Paul Ellis for his time and effort in coordinating with M & H during the completion of all the fall work which happened while I was working or away. His efforts have saved us a lot of money and it is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted
Les Hoekstra
HOLA Road Commissioner

Dave Douglas felt that a better job should have been done with the clean up after ditching in the Highlands. We will look into this situation.
The Road Commissioner’s report was accepted as submitted.

Waterfront Committee Report:
Mary-Ellen Moroney submitted the following:

A Waterfront Committee Meeting was held on September 3, 2011 with the following results:

Paul Ellis is working on obtaining permits to remove silt from the harbor.

If a boat slip is left vacant for a week without notice to the Harbor Master – the slip may be reassigned.
People need to call when they remove their vessel early.

We are checking on the sign for Joe Kastner in the spring. The original individuals who worked on the Harbor were Joe Kastner, John Clark, Herb Bush, Don Barnard and Paul Ellis.

We paid to have the docks and swim lines removed.

We will build a new canoe rack next spring.

We renewed the fiscal year’s waterfront budget.

The channel markers will be permanent posts as the floating markers can not withstand the winds and current.

Docks, swim lines, raft, lights, and small docks are out of the water. The port-a-potty has been removed.

Committee Members are John and Peggy Clark, Mike Moroney, Dick Moore, Paul Ellis, Tom Sullivan, Dave and Ann Arthurs, Gary Wadsworth, Chester Wincowski, Ed Zambraski, Cathy Baker and myself.

Slips will be assigned in January.

Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster
The report was accepted as submitted.

Other Items:
Millie advised that the board has a written schedule of events that are to occur throughout the fiscal year. She also compared HOLA road fees and dues with other land owner associations in the RL area and our costs are much less.

The Board voted to send a letter of complaint to LURC regarding the size of subdivided lots in our Townships.

The next HOLA Board meeting will be on January 14, 2012 @ 9 AM @ The Barn.

September 3, 2011

Members Present:

Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Moroney, Dick Moore, Ken Young, Sandy Young, Tina Maria Falasco, Paul Ellis, and John Clark.

Members Not Present: Millie Hoekstra, Barbara Meservey, Darlene Munson, Jeff Munson, Ana Wetherill, Ben Wetherill, Dave Arthurs and Dave Douglas.

The minutes of the July 2011 meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney presented a report indicating that total liabilities and Equity are $16,284.13 and a Net Income of -$27,980.95. The report was accepted as submitted.  Click here to view treasurer’s report.

Road Committee Report:

See annual report minutes for written report.

Waterfront Committee Report:

See annual report minutes for written report.

Social Activities Committee:

Sandy Young advised that there would be a pot luck picnic following the Membership Committee.

The next Board of Directors Meeting will be on November 12, 2011 @ 9 AM @ the Barn.

July 9 2011

Members present:

Millie Hoekstra, Ken & Sandy Young, Barbara Meservey, Dave Arthurs, Jeff & Darlene Munson, visitor Paul Meservey

Members absent with notice: Paul Ellis, Mike & MaryEllen Moroney, John Clark, Dave Douglas

Members absent without notice: Ana Wetherill, Ben Wetherill, TinaMarie Falasco, Dick Moore
The minutes of the May meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurers Report:

Mike Moroney submitted a written report indicating that HOLA has total liabilities and equity of $18,243.23 and a net income of -$26,021.85. Mike advised that we have received payment from one of the delinquent members for road fees. Legal action will be taken against the remaining individuals.
The report was approved as submitted.

Road Committee:

Les Hoekstra submitted a written report. The committee met on June 18 to review the winter plowing and work to be done this season. The plowing was done well this year and in a timely manner. We are fortunate that we did not have major damage from the torrential rains this spring. Minor repairs were needed which was done by a tractor. The Munsons want to thank Paul Ellis for his help with their driveway which had washed out. The committee voted to buy calcium and it was put on the main entrances of Overlook Road to 4 corners and Lynn Way to the Tilt of the Kilt. The committee applied the calcium on June 29. Many have commented that it is nice not to have the dust.
We are in the second year of a three year snow plowing contract. We will consider adding a fuel adjustment in the fall due to high fuel costs.
It was decided to add topping to the road to the waterfront and smooth it out a bit.
The steepness of a driveway on Overlook Road was discussed and after the committee reviewed it, they considered it not a problem. Many driveways have steeper grade.
It was brought up that the road committee may want to look into putting some poles around utility boxes for protection, since many have been pushed over by snow and plows.
The report was approved as submitted.

Nominating Committee:

Ken Young reported that they are looking for a person to replace Ben Wetherill whose term is up. They have not had anyone commit as yet. It was mentioned in the recent letter to all members and the committee will keep trying to find members to serve on this board. Any suggestions, please contact Ken Young or Melissa Walsh
The report was approved as submitted.

Waterfront Committee:

Mary-Ellen Moroney submitted a written report stating the following: From June 24th to Labor Day slip #5 is the short-term slip. Slip #4 is the loading slip. Dick Moore is trying to sell his boat so Slip #10 might be available part of the summer.
Mid June the raft chain broke and it drifted and cut the swim lines. Dave Burgess was able to fix the swim lines but we will probably need new rope next year.
It has been challenging with boats being put in the wrong places this year, but it seems to be straightened out now.
It was suggested that we make a sign stating that the slips and racks are numbered and assigned for the year.
It was also suggested that we make a sign stating “Carry In—Carry Out”. No one is to leave trash. Everyone should pick up after their pets. We have a great area and it is everyone’s responsibility to keep it neat and clean.
The report was approved as submitted.

Social Activities Committee:

Darlene Munson advised that the annual meeting and luncheon will be held at the Barn on Saturday of Labor Day weekend. She will not be here and thus Sandy Young will be in charge. Possibly a letter should be sent out in August explaining the importance of the Annual Meeting and inviting all to stay for lunch.

The next meeting will be on Sept. 3, 2011 at the Barn @ 9 A.M.
The Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Sept. 3, 2011, at The Barn at 11AM.

May 21, 2011

Members Present:

Millie Hoekstra, Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dick Moore, Dave Arthurs, Paul Ellis and John Clark. Road Commissioner Les Hoekstra attended the meeting.

Not Present:

Dave Douglas, TinaMarieFalasco, Barbara Meservey, Darlene and Jeff Munson, Ana Wetherill, Ben Wetherill, Ken and Sandy Young.

The minutes of the March meeting were accepted as written.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney presented a report indicating the following:
Total Liabilities and Equity of $32,723.23 and a net income of -$11,541.85.
We have several thousand in unpaid dues this year and court action will be taken in the near future. Overall we are in good shape with the major repairs to the roads and the waterfront having been paid.

The report was accepted as presented.

Road Committee:

Considering the winter that we had and the amount of rain this spring, the roads are in fairly good condition. Routine maintenance will be done on the roads this year.

Nominations Committee:

Ken Young submitted a written report advising that the following Board terms expire this year. John Clark, Dave Arthurs, TinaMarieFalasco, Sandy Young and Ben Wetherill. Dave Arthurs, Sand Young and John Clark have agreed to run for another term. Ben Wetherill is not running. If anyone else is interested, please contact Ken Young at kwysly@msn.com.

Waterfront Committee:

Mary-Ellen Moroney submitted the following report:
The waterfront cribbing and new docks have been completed. We now have two more slips and the slips have been renumbered. We have one slip available for ice out to June 24th. From June 24th through Labor Day we have one slip left.
We thank Paul Ellis for organizing the waterfront repair and for installing the horseshoe pit.
The Board voted to freeze the price of purchasing waterfront rights. The cost of a lot without full rights is $1,300 and full waterfront usage is $8,500. The report was accepted as written.

Other Business:

Millie read an email which was sent from a HOLA member complaining about a pickup truck that was driving at a high rate of speed and digging up the roads on the Overlook side of HOLA. Dave Arthurs followed up on the complaint. The individual did not have a positive ID on the vehicle or driver and was not interested in filing an official complaint with the police.

Next Meeting will be on July 9, 2011 @ 9:00 a.m. @ The Barn.

March 12, 2011

Members present:

Millie Hoekstra, Ken & Sandy Young, Barbara Meservey, Dave Douglas, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave Arthurs, Ana Wetherill, Jeff & Darlene Munson and John Clark.

Members absent:

Paul Ellis, Tina-Marie Falasco. Dick Moore, and Ben Wetherill

The minutes of the January meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurers Report:
Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating that HOLA has total liabilities and equity of $38,104.36 and a net income of -$6,160.72. Mike advised that 6 or 8 members of HOLA have not paid there assessed road maintenance and dues. Legal action will be taken against those individuals.

The report was approved as submitted. Click here to view balance sheet as of March 2011.

Road Committee:

Les Hoekstra advised that the Committee had not met since the last meeting. He said he was very pleased with the work the contractor has done on the roads this winter. The roads will be posted today for minimum weight limits.

Waterfront Committee:
Mary-Ellen Moroney advised that the boat slips have been assigned. All except slip 7 have been assigned from ice out to June 24th and slip 9 is available from June 24th through Labor Day.
The rock cribbing and new docks will be completed as soon as the ice goes out.

The report was approved as submitted.

Social Activities Committee:

Darlene Munson advised that the annual meeting and luncheon will be held at the Barn on Saturday of Labor Day weekend.

The next meeting will be on May 21, 2011 at the Barn @ 9 A.M.

January 8, 2011

Members Present:

Millie Hoekstra, Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave Douglas, Dave Arthurs, Dick Moore, Jeff & Darlene Munson, Ana Wetherill, Barbara Meservey, Tina-Marie Falasco and John Clark.

Members Absent: Paul Ellis, Ben Wetherill and Ken and Sandy Young

The minutes of the November meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report. Mike Moroney submitted a financial report indicating Total Liabilities and Equity of $72,214.34 and net income of $27,949.26. The Association is financially sound with dues and road maintenance funds coming in at a good pace. Click here to view balance sheet as of January 2011.

Road Committee Report:
Winter has finally settled in and I believe it finds our roads in good condition. Burgess Construction is again our plowing contractor and will be for the next 3 years. Once again the contract will be carried out on a time and material basis. I am pleased with the plowing and sanding that is being done thus far. However, there are two concerns that our contractor and I have. #1: there are some people riding their snow machines on the snow banks. If you have to access the trails, please ride the road rather than the snow banks as this makes it difficult for any future plowing. Also, there should be no “joy riding” on the association roads—this is a safety issue. #2: some private driveway plowing is being done in a way that leaves some of snow from the driveway in the roadway.

The fall road maintenance included a major reconstruction of the Overlook Road (from Curt Haley’s for over 900 feet to above the curve where it joined blanket which was put in a few years ago). This construction included removal of 2 feet of existing material and then adding 2 feet of 3 minus gravel as a base and then adding 6 inches of ½” crushed gravel for topping. Included in this work was the reshaping of the ditches and replacing 3 culverts (insulating and rocking around them). Topping was added on Eagle Lane, Loop Road, Kendall Farm Trail and The Lynn Way. The cost for all of this work was $55,700. We received a generous discount from M & H Construction (the bill could have been closer to $65,000). We did a lot of work all at once which saved on loading in and loading out equipment.
I believe this was the best approach to do the whole project and I am confident that we will see positive results in the stability of this road in the spring.

Thank you for your support as it is difficult to please everyone all the time. I believe, however, that our roads match up (and surpass many) to any in this area.

Respectfully submitted,
Les Hoekstra, HOLA Road Commissioner

Waterfront Committee Report:
Mary-Ellen Moroney reported that M&H Construction has removed all the old docks, the cedar logs from the East and West sides of the boat harbor, the brush and logs left from last summer’s clean up and the big stump on the east side of the harbor.
The rock filled cribbing and new docks will be built this spring.
The summer boat slips will be assigned following the Board Meeting.

Social Activities Committee:
Darlene Munson advised that the July outing will no longer be held due to lack of interest, we will continue with the pot luck luncheon on Labor Day weekend, which will be held at the “Barn” following the Annual Membership Meeting. There will be a pot luck supper, for Board Members, at the Munson residence, on March 11, 2011 at 5:30 P.M.

Other Business:
Dave Douglas inquired if a lake access had been found for snowmobilers from the Highland side of HOLA.
We are unable to obtain permission from any of the Land owners at this time. Riders will have to cross route 4 from the Highland’s and ride the shoulder of route 4 to the trail across from the Farmhouse Inn.

The next Board meeting will be on March 12, 2011 @ 9 AM @ the Barn.

November 6, 2010

Members Present:

Millie Hoekstra, Ken Young, Sandy Young, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Dave Arthurs, Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner, Jeff & Darlene Munson, Paul Ellis, TinaMarie Falasco, Ana Wetherill, Dave Douglas (by conference call) & John Clark

Members Not Present:

Barbara Meservey, Dick Moore, & Ben Wetherill

Minutes of the September Board meeting approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney reported that the total liability and equity is $85,102.81 and net income is $40,867.83. Mike also advised that the IRS is requiring non profits to file several new forms.  Click here to view P&L November statement.  Click here for November balance sheet.

Road Committee Report: Submitted by Les Hoekstra

HOLA Road Committee
September 14, 2010
Meeting Notes

Those present: Dave Arthurs, Paul Ellis, Les Hoekstra, Millie Hoekstra

  1. All road committee members that were present had ridden around the roads and we compared notes regarding areas of concern and roadways that needed attention. (see list at end of notes) Thanks to everyone for taking the time to look at the roads. Lawton Allen sent an email with his concerns since he was away this week. His concerns were on everyone else’s list also.
  2. The grading (M&H grader) will be done to restore the crown on the roads where necessary. This will be done within the budgeted amount.
  3. Dig Safe will be contacted this week so they will have plenty of time to mark the roads prior to any work that will be done in late October.
  4. Jim Carrigan will be contacted regarding cutting brush and trees along the roads;
    especially along the Lynn Way out to Harold Ross Road and The upper Loop Road.
  5. We will look into the cost of having a truck put Calcium on the roads next spring to help keep the dust down.
  6. A letter was received from Jere Fox regarding Eagle Lane. This is already on the plan of maintenance for this fall.
  7. An email was received from Rick Lavigne regarding Paul Ellis using his tractor to do some work on the roads; Rick’s question: does he have proper insurance. Yes, he does.
  8. We are looking into the possibility of a mower for the sides of the roads.
  9. The stop sign and the Overlook Road sign need to be stabilized

Les Hoekstra
Road Commissioner

Ditching to be done:
Winston Road, Overlook Road, The Loop Road, Kendall Farm Trail, Marion Drive, Eagle Lane, The Lynn Way
Grading (as needed) to be done: Overlook Road, Winston Road, Eagle Lane, Kendall
Farm Trail, The Lynn Way
Reconstruction to be done: Overlook Road
Topping to be done as budget allows: Overlook Road, Paul’s Path, Barbara Lane, Eagle Lane,
The Loop Road, Morel Road, Kendall Farm Trail, The Lynn Way, Marion Drive

Dave Arthurs raised concerns about the method of grading and ditching that was being used and suggested obtaining bids on all projects. Paul Ellis and Les Hoekstra explain the reasons for methods currently being utilized.

Waterfront Committee Report: Submitted by Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbor Master

She advised that there was a short Committee meeting on September 4, 2010.

M & H will be putting in the cribbing on the left side of the harbor this fall and the docking will be put on the top in the spring. Docks, swim lines, raft, lights, and small docks are out of the water for the season. The canoes have all been removed from the racks and the port-a-potty has been removed.

Rakes and clippers have been purchased and placed in the shed for any member to use at the waterfront.

We are going to try windsocks on the docks next season in an attempt to keep the sea gulls away from the docks.

Paul Ellis has set up a new horseshoe area. To be finalized next season.

We have received 7 request for the 8 slips for next season. Assignments will be made in January.

Long Term Planning Committee:

No requests have been made to the Committee from the Board or Membership at this time.

Social Activities Committee:

There was a small turn out for this year’s annual picnic at the waterfront. Next Labor Day the outing will be held at the Barn along with the annual meeting.

Other Items:

Millie read a letter from a HOLA Member who has a dispute over road maintenance. Millie will respond for the Board.

Millie also distributed the Committee lists for the current fiscal year.

The Next Board Meeting will be on January 8, 2011 @ 9 AM @ The Barn

September 4, 2010

Members present:

Millie Hoekstra, Mike Moroney, Ken Young, Sandy Young, Paul Ellis, Dave Arthurs, Mary-Ellen Moroney, TinaMarie Falasco and John Clark

The minutes of the July meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney submitted a report indicated that HOLA has total liabilities & equity of $46,668.57 and a net income of $16,404.14. The report was accepted as submitted.  Treasurers Report September 2010 – Click here

Waterfront Committee:

Mary Ellen Moroney reported the following: This year M&H put in cedar cribbing and filled it with #6 rock on the right hand side of the harbor. A-One Builders put in the docking in the spring. We plan to replace the left hand side with cribbing this fall. A fall fishing sign up sheet has been posted on the bulletin board on the side of the shed. Please sign up if you plan to use the cove during the fall.

Solar lights were placed on the two swim buoys and the swim ropes have not been cut by boats for the first time during a summer season. Paul sealed one the swim buoys to keep it from sinking.

The canoes and kayaks need to be removed by September 15, 2010 due to construction in the cove area. Please remove them so that they are not damaged when being moved by the tractor.

Sign up sheets for next year will be sent with the first dues bill. The slips will be assigned in January 2011. Please advise the Harbor Master if you will not be using your slip during the assigned period. If your boat is not docked at the slip during the time assigned; the slip may be assigned to another member.

Next season we are going to try wind socks on the docks to keep the seagulls from messing on the docks and seats. The Committee report was approved as submitted.

Long Range Planning Committee:

Please contact Millie regarding any future issues that should be addressed by this Committee.

Road Committee:

Report submitted by Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner:

I regret not being able to be at the annual meeting due to my work schedule. Hopefully, this report will answer any questions or concerns you may have. And, as always, if you have any concerns at any time, feel free to call me or send an email.

Another year has sped quickly by and I believe our roads are in good condition. Last year’s extensive ditching did alleviate most spring season problems as it allowed water to drain from the roadbeds. One area of concern is the washboarding of the roadway in certain areas. This is mostly due to excessive speed and spinning of tires on the corners and hills. Many complaints have been received regarding “joy riding” of ATV’s on our roads. The HOLA policy states: “HOLA roads are not to be used for “joy riding” for ATV’s or snowmobiles. You may ride to the trails or to visit a HOLA neighbor. We do not want to prohibit all ATV and snowmobile use on our roads, so please adhere to the policy.

This fall we will be doing maintenance work on Barbara Lane as well as ditching and widening of the Upper Loop Road. We will add topping and do spot grading as needed. The Overlook Road is scheduled for major reconstruction beginning just above the Haley residence for approximately 500 feet. This will include removing up to 2 feet of the present soil and replacing it with 12” of 6 minus rock, a layer of fabric, 6” of 3 minues gravel and 6” crushed gravel. This would allow water to drain under the roadbed and alleviate the problems of the past few years.

The time and material plowing contract has been completed with Burgess Construction again for next year. It will be a 3 year contract of $40,000 cap each year.

Rick LaVigne advised that he has been on the Road Committee for over a year and that there has been only one meeting and has not received any other information regarding the roads. He feels that more communications needs to be used with members.

The Road Committee Report was accepted as submitted.

The road budget was approved as submitted for fiscal year 2010/2011.

Les Hoekstra was elected for a second term as Road Commissioner.

Assessors Report: Fees for 2010-2011 will remain the same. Houses – $463 and $210 – lots. Dues $45

Nominations Committee:

The following individuals were elected to a three year term:

Millie Hoekstra, Barbara Meservey, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Moroney Ana Wetherill, Ken Young and Dave Douglas.
See annual meeting minutes for details

Election of Officers:

The Board met following the Annual Meeting and elected the following officers for fiscal year 2010/2011:

Millie Hoekstra, Chairman, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Vice Chair, John Clark, Secretary and Mike Moroney, Treasurer

July 2010

Members present:

Millie Hoekstra, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Ken & Sandy Young, Dick Moore, Dave Arthurs, Paul Ellis, Jeff Munson, John Clark and Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner.

The minutes of the March meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney submitted a balance sheet indicating total liabilities & Equity of $47,330.83 and a net income of $17,066.

The report was accepted as submitted.  Treasurers Report July 2010 – Click here

Road Committee Report:

The Road Committee met on June 12, 2010 at the HOLA waterfront. The following projects are planned for the current fiscal year:

  1. Fall maintenance work to be done was discussed and would most likely include work on Barbara Lane and widening and ditching of the Upper Loop Road as well as adding topping where needed.
  2. The plowing contract will be lengthened to a three year term with Burgess Construction. $120,000 over the three year period with a $40,000 cap per year. The contract is on a time and material basis. The cap was not reached during the pas year.
  3. There was discussion regarding the purchase of a tow along road grader to smooth out the road surface. It was voted not to purchase this at the present time due to the hardness of our road surfaces. It was decided to use spot grading instead to smooth out the rough surfaces.

It was decided that the surplus in the road account will be used in the fall for major repair of Overlook Road.

The Board voted to transfer $15,000 to the Emergency Fund; to be used for extensive road work in the fall of 2010.

The report was accepted as submitted.

Waterfront Committee:
The south and west sides of the docking area will be rebuilt this fall to match the style on the north shore of the cove. This may include one or two more docking slips.

The swimming area is set up and has had some use during the recent dry, hot weather.

There are open slips available at this time, please contact the Harbor Master, Mary-Ellen Moroney.

The bulletin board will be replaced and attached to the south side of the shed.

Paul will hire brush cutting along the edges of the property and plans are being made to replace the horseshoe pits.

Waterfront Committee report accepted as submitted.

Nominating Committee:

7 Board terms will expire in September.

Curt Haley, Millie Hoekstra, Barbara Meservey, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Moroney, Ana Wetherill and Ken Young.

All except Curt Haley will run for another term. Dave Douglas and his wife have expressed and interest in serving and Rick Lavigne may also be interested. Barbara Meservey is undecided at this time.

If anyone else is interested, please contact Ken Young, Ben Wetherill or Melissa Walsh.

Nominating Committee report accepted as submitted.

Social Activities: REMINDER!

2010 Annual HOLA Membership Meeting:
September 4, 2010
11:00 AM
At the BARN on High Street

The Board will meet at 9 AM at the Barn

March 13, 2010

Members Present:  Millie Hoekstra, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, TinaMarie Falasco, Ben & Ana Wetherill, Dick Moore, Dave Arthurs & John Clark. Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner.

The minutes of the January meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating total Liabilities & Equity of $56,371.43 and a Net Income of $26,107. The report was approved as submitted. Legal action will be taken on those members who have not paid their share of the snow removal and road repair.  Click here to view treasurer’s report.

Road Committee Report:

Les Hoekstra advised that the winter plowing had gone well. There is some road damage in the usual areas. The roads will have to be posted for weight early this year; probably will be done this week. We hope to obtain a new two year contract for snow removal. The Committee will be meeting in April. The report was approved.

Waterfront Committee:

Mary-Ellen Moroney reported that the slip assignments have been made for the 2010 season. Slip #3 will be retained for temporary assignments, up to 14 days. We will be putting down cedar decking on the new side docks, solar lights on the swim buoys and attempt to lower the grade on the launch ramp in the spring. We also plan to have the Harbor sign fixed up and place it on the north side of the ramp. The report was approved as submitted.
The next Board meeting will be on July 10, 2010 @ 9 AM @ the Barn on High Street.

January 9, 2010

Members present: Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Jeff & Darlene Munson, Millie Hoekstra, Dave Arthurs, Dick Moore and John Clark.

The minutes of the November meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

As of January 8, 2010 we have total liabilities and equity of $67,251.12 and a net income of $36,986.69. The third and final billing for road maintenance and dues will go out this month.

There will be a meeting in March to decide what is to be done with the delinquent accounts. We are unable to locate one member (Kevin Therrien) anyone who has this person’s current address, please advice a member of the Board.

The Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.

Road Committee:

The Road Commissioner advised that the HOLA snow removal contractor has been doing a fine job keeping us open this winter. The Committee will be meeting to discuss spring and summer maintenance and the removal of downed trees and dead brush along the roadways in the HOLA road system.

The report was accepted as submitted.

Waterfront Committee:

The cribbing on the left side of the harbor will be completed in the spring and members of the Committee will assist in laying the top deck on the new docks. Material will be from cedar cut from land within HOLA and planed at the waterfront by a portable mill, which will result in a considerable savings for HOLA.

The harbor slips have been assigned for the 2010 boating season and slip #3 will be retained for temporary, short term assignments.

The waterfront report was accepted as submitted.

Long Term Planning Committee:

The Board is asking the Committee to determine the laws, rules and regulations within each town in HOLA regarding subdivisions, lot sizes etc.

There was no report from the Committee for this meeting.

Social Activities Committee:

Darlene questioned whether or not we should continue the pot luck picnic following the Annual Meeting on Labor Day weekend. It was decided to continue with the picnic for all members.

There will be a social pot luck dinner for Board Members on May 14th at the Munson residence. Please contact Darlene at DARM447@sover.net with questions or details.

Other items:

Millie asked that we pay $275 to update the HOLA web site. The board voted unanimously to pay for the update.

Mike requested permission to update the Quick Book software with the current addition. Permission was granted by the Board.

Mike also requested that the dead blow downs and brush be cleaned up along the HOLA roadways. The board has requested that the Road Committee look into having it chipped.

John requested that the Road Committee obtain a dragging tool to remove the washboard on the roads on a regular basis by members who have volunteered their time and equipment.

The next meeting will be on March 13, 2010 at 9:00 A.M. at the Barn.

November 14, 2009

Members present:
Millie Hoekstra, Dick Moore, Ken & Sandy Young, Dave Arthurs, Tina Marie Falasco, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Barbara Meservey, John Clark.

HOLA Members attending: Dave Douglas, John Yohe, Rick Lavigne & Barbara Swan

Minutes of the September Board meeting and Membership meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney reported that as of November 13, 2009 total liabilities and equity was $67,023.94 and net income is $36,759.51.

Mike also submitted a list of members who did not pay last year, those who have been taken to court and the amounts that have been paid and are still outstanding and those who will be taken to court. Most of those who were taken to court have paid; those who have not would have to pay their balance at the time of sale of the property.  Click here to view treasurer’s report.

The report was accepted as submitted.

Road Committee:

Road Commissioner, Les Hoekstra gave a report on all the work that has been done this fall and the work that will be done next spring. We replaced 6 culverts, ditching and grading was completed on the main travel roads and all others will be looked at in the spring. Plowing is all set for the winter of 09/10.

Snowmobilers – PLEASE do not ride on the snow banks – if there is no access trail – STAY ON THE ROAD.

Several questions were asked about specific areas within the HOLA road system, all were addressed by the Commissioner.

The report was accepted as submitted.

Waterfront Committee:

Chairperson, Mary-Ellen Moroney report that the rock cribs have been constructed on the north side of the cove. The decking, west and south side will be completed in the spring.
Dave Douglas asked that the Committee look into the development of a fee for those who use the slips and John Clark asked that the memorial bulletin board be rebuilt by a professional sign maker and moved to a more prominent location.

The Committee will meet following the January board meeting. (January 9, 2010 at 1030)

The report was accepted as submitted.

There was no report from the Long Range Planning Committee and Social Committee for this meeting.

Committee Assignments for 09/10:

Millie submitted a list of Committee Members for the current fiscal year.

Rick Lavigne was added to the Road Committee.

The report was accepted as amended.

Q and A for HOLA Members:

Millie advised that there will be a Question/Answer section added to the HOLA web site for questions raised by HOLA members. She explained that she received several questions via phone calls and email and this will be the response method for the future.

Lake Access for Highland Snowmobiles:

This issue has been worked on for over a year. The land owners refuse access across their land from the Highlands. We continue to look at all possible access routes and will try to have it resolved before the lake is frozen.

The next meeting will be on January 9, 2010 @ 9:00 AM at the Barn. These meetings are open to all members.

September 5, 2009

Members present: Tina Marie Falasco, Curt Haley, Millie Hoekstra, Barbara Meservey, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Moroney, Darlene Munson, Jeff Munson, Ana Wetherill, Ben Wetherill, Ken Young, Sandy Young and John Clark.

The minutes of the July Board Meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Total liabilities & equity of $31,713.27 and net profit of $3,761.47.

Mike Moroney moved that the Road Committee pick up the responsibility of house and lot counts and the Secretary do two or three tasks that he is currently doing, such as filing the non profit reports to the Secretary of State. His motion was approved.  (See Balance Sheet attached)

Les Hoekstra made a motion to move $3,000 from the road and snow account to the emergency account. The motion was approved.

Road Committee Report:

Les filed a written report indicating the extensive work that had been done on the roads during the 2008 – 2009 fiscal year and the work to be for the next fiscal year.

We are going into the second year of a two year contract with Burgess Construction for snow removal and sanding. This was the first time that we contracted on a time and material basis with a maximum cap and we came in under budget.

He advised that speeding is a problem which causes some of the wash boarding. Snowmobiles should ride the roads and not pack down the snow banks and ATV’s are not to use the roads for joy riding. To and from the trails and between points within the road system only.

Assessor’s Report:

The assessments for the next fiscal year will be the same as last year, which is $210 for lots and $463 for houses.

Total Budget of $77,000.

Waterfront Committee:

Mary-Ellen reported that a boat had cut the swim line on the north side of the waterfront and the anchor needed to be pulled back to deeper water, but that it will not be fixed until next season.

We have the cedar to repair the right hand side of the harbor. Paul Ellis is going to work with a couple of employees from Burgess Construction to put in the cribbing and the cedar. We are going to wait until ice out to put in the side dock. Paul asked that slips 1-3 be left vacant during the fall fishing season.

Curt Haley asked if we should look into purchasing a drag that could be hauled behind his or Paul Ellis’s tractor to smooth out the washboards on the road. Could be done more frequently and save having it graded. The road committee will look into it and report back at the November meeting.

Social Actives: Darlene Munson advised that everything was ready for the pot luck luncheon following the Annual Membership Meeting.

Other Business:

There had been complaints of construction workers starting work at 5:30 in the morning. Millie said she thought it was just during the construction of the foundation and that the carpenters would be starting much later.

There were questions regarding the bed and breakfast on Kendall Farm Road. Millie said that it had been addressed and there is nothing that HOLA can do about it.

ATV’s joy riding the roads. All members need to be reminded that ATV’s are only allowed to use the road system to go to and from the trails and to and from point s within the road system. NO JOY RIDING on the HOLA roads.

The next Board meeting will be at 11:00 A.M. on November 14, 2009 at the Barn.

July 11, 2009 Minutes

Members Present:

Ken & Sandy Young, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, TinaMarie Falasco, Jeff & Darlene Munson, Millie Hoekstra, Paul Ellis, Dave Arthurs, Dick Moore & John Clark.

The minutes of the May meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Total liabilities & Equity as of July 11, 2009 were $33,710.42 with a net income of $5,758.62. Mike advised that we had a few members who did not pay their assessed dues and road maintenance bills this year and reminded us that we decided to double bill in October and take legal action if they do not pay in the next fiscal year. (See Balance Sheet attached)

Road Committee:

Millie reported that there was oil seepage from Rick Degiavanni’s property on Old Ester Way. Oil tanks were leaking under ground. They had to be removed and replaced.

The roads are in fairly good shape considering the amount of rain during the past month. There is a large pot hole on Overlook Road near the Winston road and a culvert is above ground near the Kastner property in the Highlands. All roads will be raked in the near future. A Committee meeting will take place in the next couple of weeks.

Waterfront Report:

The port-a-potty, all docks and swim lines have been installed. More stabilizing polls were added to the docks this year.

The slips have all been assigned for the remainder of the summer except #9 which is available through Labor Day.

The repair work on the harbor will be completed in the fall.

Paul Ellis asked that members not leave small watercraft on the ground. If the boat racks are full the owners need to remove the watercraft from the HOLA waterfront property.

Paul also made a motion that all watercraft, including canoes and kayaks shall be removed from the HOLA waterfront property from October first until ice out in the spring. It was seconded and past by a unanimous vote of those present.
Paul also said that we should have the electric cable run all the way to the docks to avoid extension cords from being on the ground and interfering with the mowing.

Long Term Planning Committee: No report at this time.

Social Activities:

Darlene reminded us that there will be a membership pot luck picnic at the Waterfront following the Annual meeting on Saturday, September 5, 2009. Tina offered the use of the Farm House Inn if it rains.

Other business:

Ken Young advised that the Jeff Munson, Darlene Munson and Paul Ellis have all agreed to run for another 3 year term and no other nominations have been received at this time.

The meeting was adjourned

The next Board meeting will be on September 5, 2009 at 9:00 A.M. at the Barn.

May 16, 2009 Minutes

Members present:
Mike Moroney, Dave Arthurs, Ken & Sandy Young, Millie Hoekstra, Dick Moore, Barbara Meservey, TinaMarie Falasco, Curt Haley and John Clark.

The minutes of the March meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:
The report indicated total liabilities & equity of $34,826.73 with a net income of $6,874. One lot owner who has not paid in years came through with all back payments and there are eight members who normally pay who have not. Mike suggested we let them go to October and bill them for two years. The Board agreed. Click here to view treasurer’s report.

The report was accepted as submitted.

Road Committee:
Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner, advised that all the bills are paid and we have a $3,500 balance in the Road Account. He will be taking down the weight posted signs today. The roads are in good shape for this time of year with a little work left to do on the Overlook Road. We have a few culverts to fix or replace and then the Committee will be getting together to determine work to be completed this fall. There is a large rock pushing up through the Harold Ross Road which will be addressed when the ditching is done.

The report was accepted as submitted.

Waterfront Committee Report:
The Harbormaster was unable to attend the meeting and submitted the following in writing:

The waterfront Committee met on May 2nd to access the damage to the right side of the harbor. We are going to repair the dock damage this spring. In the fall we will put in cedar cribbing filled with #6 rock under the docks. This should be solid and stop erosion from the waves. We will look for cedar this summer and build the cribbing then.

Brackett will install the Port-a-potty for Memorial Day weekend. Paul will replace the wood latticework around the potty building.

Paul will put in the buoys and shellac the swim buoys.

Mike got another pad lock and a floodlight to replace the broken one
Burgess Construction will put in the docks around June 15th.

Tina Marie inquired about the policy for boat slips and was advised that a notice goes out with the annual report to apply for a slip. From ice out through June 26 it is a first come first serve type of deal. From June 26 through Labor Day weekend the slips are assigned by the Harbormaster.

Long Term Planning Report: No report.

Social Activities Committee Report: No report.

Nominations Committee:
Ken Young advised that Paul Ellis, Dick Moore, Darlene & Jeff Munson’s terms will expire at the end of the fiscal year. The Committee will be meeting to determine if they will to run for another term and search for other nominations. Please contact Ken @ kwysly@msn.com if you are interested or know of anyone who is interested in serving on the HOLA Board of Directors.

Other business:
Millie read a portion of a letter from lot owners Frank & Linda Duggan inquiring who they could hire to mow their fields. Dick Moore suggested that they contact Alan Whitford at 864-9952.

Dick Moore said that the snowmobilers could not find the lake access trail from the Highlands. John said that he and Peggy had cleared the brush for the entrance, but were not able to put signs up last winter. New signs will go up this fall.

The Next Board Meeting: July 11, 2009 @ 0900 @ The Barn

Annual Membership Meeting: Saturday, September 5, 2009 @ 1100

Board will meet at 0900 and Membership Picnic will be at NOON, following the membership meeting.

March 14, 2009 Minutes

  1. The minutes of the January meeting were approved as submitted.
  2. Treasurer’s Report:
    Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating as of March 13, 2009 that we have a net income of $7,610.55 and total liabilities and equity of $35,562.35. We have few members who have not paid this year. The appropriate action will be taken prior to the end of the fiscal year.
    The report was approved as submitted.  Click here to view treasurer’s report.
  3. Road Committee Report:
    Les Hoekstra submitted a written report indicating that we have had a long snowy winter with a lot of plowing and sanding, the contractor has done a good job with very few complaints. Most roads are in good shape at this time except the lower end of Overlook Road. Plowing is difficult at this time due to soft roads and heavy snow. Les expressed a concern with snowmobile riding on the plow banks causing them to freeze and making it difficult to push back. He is also concerned with parking of trailers in the roadways causing a very dangerous situation preventing emergency vehicles to respond and interfering with snow removal. Land owners and renters please take notice. The Committee will be meeting to discuss road issues and areas of improvement for the coming year.
    The report was approved as submitted.
  4. Waterfront Committee Report:
    Mary-Ellen Moroney distributed the slip assignments for 2009 and advised that extensive repair work would be done on the retention walls and docks during the fall of this fiscal year. Contractors will be approached in early summer.
  5. Long Term Planning Committee: No report at this time.
  6. Social Activities Committee: No report at this time.
  7. Other Issues: The Board voted to have Millie purchase Front Page Software so that she will be able to keep the website up to date.
    Millie submitted reports containing cost comparisons with other land owner associations in the Rangeley area, along with other expense comparisons for the past seven years.
    It was requested that the recent ATV trail use memo be added to the annual Membership Letter in 2009.
    Next meeting will be on May 16, 2009 at the Barn.

January 10, 2009 Minutes

Members present: Millie & Les Hoekstra, Dave Arthurs, Mary-Ellen & Mike Moroney, Jeff & Darlene Munson, Ana Witherill, Dick Moore, Barbara Meservey, Curt Haley and John Clark.

The minutes of the November meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney present a current balance sheet and profit & loss statement, which indicated total liabilities & Equity of $63,956.10 and a net income of $36,004.30. Most of this will go to the remainder of plowing and sanding for this year.
Mike advised that the January (final) dues billing only contained 14 unpaid members and expects to collect all but two of them.

Road Commissioner’s Report: Les Hoekstra reported that summer and fall maintenance on the ditches, 6 new culverts and crowning of the roads should allow for a good spring run off and avoid the usual damage in the problem areas this year and much less needed repairs when the frost leaves the ground in the spring.

Plowing and sanding has gone well so far this winter with no major complaints.

Waterfront Committee Report: Mary-Ellen Moroney reported that we have more requests for slips this year than we can accommodate. Assignments will be made and some time sharing arrangements made by the Committee.

We received a $7,000 check from a lot sale for the purchase of waterfront rights in the fall and will look into needed repairs and replacement of containing walls and docks this spring.

We have a back up for lawn mowing if Paul Ellis decides to retire.

Social Activities: We will continue the member outing with pot luck lunch following the Annual Meeting on Saturday of Labor Day weekend. The Annual Membership Meeting will begin at 11:00 AM with the outing immediately following the meeting.

Board members will meet at the Munson residence at 5:30 on March 14, 2009. Please bring your favorite dish for an evening of socializing with your fellow board members.

Long Range Planning Committee: Jeff Munson advised that due to circumstances beyond his control he is unable to serve as Chairman this year. Curt Haley volunteered to Chair the Committee for one year.

New Business: Millie read portions of a letter from a HOLA member complaining about several issues. She will research each of the areas of concern and respond.

Millie expressed concerns about the need to build up the reserve fund. She is going to look into some comparisons of membership and road fees with other Land Owner Associations in the area.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM.


November 8, 2008 Minutes

Members present: TinaMarie Falasco, Dave Arthurs, Millie Hoekstra, Paul Ellis, Ken and Sandy Young, Barbara Meservey, Dick Moore, Mary-Ellen & Mike Moroney,

We welcomed new members TinaMarie and Dave and introduced everyone.

The minutes of the August 30 Board Meeting were approved as written.  Motion: Mary-Ellen, second: Mike, Passed

Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney presented the balance sheet as of year end September 30, 2008 indicating a total Liabilities & Equity of $27,951.80 and a P & L Statement from October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008 with a net income of (-$903.48).  The balance sheet as of November 7, 2008 shows a total amount Liabilities and Equity of $71,095.90 and a net income of $43,144.10.  Approximately ½ of the homeowners have sent in their annual fees.  Another mailing will go out after November 15.  (See Nov. report attached)

Discussion regarding the possibility of putting some of the emergency fund monies into a money market/mutual funds account was held.   Many felt that it was a good idea and we will look into the options before our next meeting.

Dick made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report as written, seconded by Mary-Ellen.  Passed. The report was accepted as presented.

Road Committee Report:

Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner, sent a written report. (see attached full report)  No snowplowing or sanding as of this date J.  Major work was done on the Overlook Road this year (extensive ditching and rocking).  There were four major repair spots (deep sandwich with fabric and rocks) done (2 on Overlook Road, 1 on The Loop, 1 on The Lynn Way).  Extensive ditching was done and the roads were all graded to a 7% crown.  All culverts on The Loop were either replaced or reset.   Brush was cut along Kendall Farm Trail.  Extensive topping with ½” crushed gravel was completed on The Loop Road, Paul’s Path, Winston Road, Overlook Road, The Lynn Way and Kendall Farm Trail.  Crushed shale was added to the entrance of Overlook Road.  The Road Committee welcomes any feedback you might have.  A special Thank You to Paul Ellis who supervised the logistics of the road work (2 weeks of very long days) while the Road Commissioner was away on vacation.

Barbara mentioned that there were 2 rocks on The Lynn Way near Harold Ross Road that need to be fixed.  (Paul and I went after the meeting and fixed them—Paul fixed I supervisedJ)

Paul made the motion to accept the report as written; Mike seconded it.  Passed.  The report was accepted as presented.

Waterfront Committee:

Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbor Master, reported that Burgess Construction, with the help of Paul Ellis, have removed the docks.  Brackett has removed the Port-A-Potty.

For the boat slips, we currently have five requests for the larger slips of which there are four, and six requests for the small slips of which there are five.  The slips will be assigned in January.

After discussion regarding the paddleboat, it was decided that Mike and Mary-Ellen will contact the possible owner tomorrow and bring a suggestion to the next meeting as to what to do with it.

Barbara made the motion to accept the Waterfront report as given; Dick seconded it.  Passed.  The report was accepted as presented.

Social Activities:

No report

Long Range Planning:

No report

Old Business: (see attached)

            Millie gave an update on the following:

  1. Overlook Road Survey: work is completed and abutters are happy
  2. Fairpoint Line on The Lynn Way has been completed (boxes are closer to road)
  3. Snowmobile access to the lake from the Highlands will be easier with a great deal of work done by John and Peggy cutting a path through the brush and Paul making the bank a little less steep.

New Business:

Millie passed out a new roster of BOD contact information, a list of committee members for the 2008-2009 season; if you wish to be on another committee please let Millie know soon.  This will be posted on our website.

The West Elbow Circle has been repaired with the dirt from the ditching.  There is plenty of room to turn around again.

We met with Leslie Kynock regarding the circle at the end of Kendall Farm Trail and determined the center of the 200′ circle right of way.  Hopefully there will be new owners of the property next door and they can have an understanding regarding the very small area where her well is located.  This (property boundary lines) is not a HOLA issue.

Mike made a motion to adjourn at 11:59 AM

The next meeting will be on January 10, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. at the Church Barn.

Respectfully submitted,

Millie Hoekstra, pro tem

August 30, 2008 Minutes

Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Paul Ellis, Curt Haley, Barbara Meservey, Dick Moore, Mary-Ellen & Mike Moroney, Jeff Munson, Ben Wetherill, Ken and Sandy Young and John Clark.

The minutes of the July Board Meeting were approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney presented the balance sheet as of August 29, 2008 indicating a total Liabilities & Equity of $28,590.32 and a P & L Statement from October 1, 2007 through August 29, 2008 with a net income of (-$264.96).

The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

Road Committee Report:

Les Hoekstra presented a written report.

We have a two season contract with Burgess Construction on a time and materials basis with the maximum of the season capped at $40,000.

The fall road work will begin soon. Ditches, topping and grading will continue to be done to improve the roads. Culverts will be replaced in many areas.

The Committee is recommended that we increase the emergency fund each year. Brush and trees close to the road will be removed this fall.

The amount for the roads budget has been set at $77,000 for the next fiscal year.

We have received a request from Arthur & Bridget DuBois requesting permission to put a driveway to their home from Lynn Way. We will have a lawyer review the request and set guidelines for construction and maintenance as well as wording for the agreement to avoid setting precedence.

Based on the road budget the assessment will be $463 for lots with dwelling and $210 for a vacant lot.

The road budget will be presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting at 4:00 p.m. today.

Waterfront Committee:

Mary-Ellen reported that Burr had complained about our new storage shed and the town advised that it was too close to the Burr property and we moved it to the center of the driveways. The electricity will be reinstalled later this month.

We may be required to hire a new person to mow the waterfront area next year and she wanted to add an addition $5 fee to the waterfront dues. This proposal was defeated.

Mike Moroney felt that he would have a surplus in the administrative budget that could  be transferred to the waterfront account to cover the cost of mowing.

Mary-Ellen suggested that we increase the rate to purchase waterfront rights by $500 a year for the next five years. The rate for this year is $7,000. The rate for partial rights will go up $100 each year for the next five years. The rate is $1,000 now. The board approved the motion.

Paul suggested that we have a working group remove the docks this fall and save a lot of money. We will look into this possibility.

Paul also suggested that we make the swimming area smaller next year. Very few people are using the swimming area.

Social Activities:

Jeff Munson advised that everything was set for the pot luck diner at the waterfront for 5 p.m. today.

John Clark made a motion that on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend in 2009 that the Board meets at 9:00 followed by the Annual Membership meeting at 10:30 and pot luck lunch following the annual meeting. This was seconded and passed by those present.

Long Range Planning:

Jeff Munson advised that he would present his report at the Annual Meeting at 4:00 pm. today.

Other Business:

Millie said that she had received a complaint from Wendy Dodge regarding ATV’s crossing and digging up her property at the power line. Paul Ellis said she should put up a sign indicating that the power line does not belong to CMP and it is private property and no trespassing with ATVs.

Millie advised that FairPoint will be putting in new boxes and digging along Lynn Way in the next week or so. They may have to close a portion of the road for a short period of time but should not interfere with local traffic.

Mike Moroney will take responsibility for the storage and keeping of the Annual Report.

Millie presented a situation with the location of the new ditching at the foot of the Overlook Road at the north entrance. There are three possible outcomes and the board agreed to precede with the most feasible once the results of the research is completed.

The next meeting will be on November 8, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. at the Church Barn.

HOLA Board Meeting

July 12, 2008, Minutes

Members present: Paul Ellis, Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Moroney, Darlene Munson, Jeff Munson, Ben Wetherill, Ken Young, Sandy Young,
Road Committee: Les Hoekstra, Paul Meservey. Visitor: Dave Douglas

The minutes of the May meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

As of July 12, 2008 the balance sheet (Click here for balance sheet) indicates total liability and equity of $28,910.45 and the Profit and Loss statement shows a net income of $55.17. We paid for extensive repairs at the waterfront due to the wind storm in June. (please check HOLA web site for details.)

The report was approved as submitted.

Road Committee Report:

Les Hoekstra, road commissioner, reported that the process of getting a bid for snowplowing for next year is ongoing at the moment. The road committee will meet after Aug. 5 to review bid (s) and select a contractor for next year and determine the work to be done this fall such as resetting many culverts. We know the cost will increase due to the fact that cost of fuel and sand has increased dramatically.

The report was approved as submitted.

Waterfront Committee Report:

Burgess installed the docks and did harbor repairs and Brackett installed the Port-a-Potty before Memorial Weekend. The June wind storm picked up the docks and ripped the pipes off one side and threw the docks onto the shore. The docks were repaired and reinstalled.

The electricity has been installed at the Harbor. Paul Ellis dug the trench and installed the post. Gary Wadsworth did the electrical work. Life saving ring and line has been purchased and installed on the dock.

The raft broke loose and was reinstalled. Mary-Ellen has left notes on the canoes and kayaks that had not registered and on the white paddle boat that needs to be removed.

The report was approved as submitted.

Social Activities Committee report:

Notice for the Potluck Picnic went out in the June mailing. Signs were posted at waterfront a week before today and hopefully there is a good turnout. We will have charcoal fire for the cookout at the annual meeting. (There were 30+ people at the picnic and a good time was had by all).

Long Range Planning Committee report:
Three areas of concern have been identified by the members. 1.) the division of some lots into smaller lots. 2.) “chewed up lots” those lots that people have cleared and started to prepare land for building and then just stopped without cleaning up. 3.) the future of the roads
There was a discussion regarding the problem of “dead wood” that may cause a fire hazard.

The report was accepted as presented.

Nominating Committee report:

At the end of the fiscal year there will be 5 directors whose terms will expire.
John Clark, Deb Hebert, Frank Jandreau, Ben Wetherill, Sandy Young
The committee has met twice with very little luck contacting members of HOLA who would like to be on the Board of Directors. At present time we have 5 who are willing to run. Hopefully we will have more names by the annual meeting.

The report was accepted as presented.

Other items:

Out of concern raised by the fact that some children have been dropped off at the waterfront without adult supervision, Millie contacted our insurance agent, Curtis Haley, to discuss the issue.
Curtis suggested that we post the following sign to cover ourselves.

The use of the waterfront and any swimming is at your own risk. We ask that all children be accompanied by their parent or other adult.

Mike will make a sign and get it posted.

The Bylaws will be voted upon at the annual meeting.

Paul mentioned that one of the homes on the RFA Home Tour is in the Overlook this year. The tour is August 5.

Concern that we have spent a lot on the waterfront repairs this year, prompted discussion about raising the membership fee. Mary-Ellen will bring a proposal to the next meeting.

Paul suggested that we should begin looking into a lawn service quote for the future mowing of the waterfront.

Adjourned at 4:50 PM. Great time at picnic was had by all

Respectfully submitted
Millie Hoekstra, secretary pro-tem

May 3, 2008 Minutes

Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Les Hoekstra, Ken & Sandy Young, Mike & Mary-Ellen Moroney, Paul Ellis, Jeff Munson, and John Clark

The minutes of the March meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike advised that there were only two property owners who normally pay their due who have not paid this year.

As of April 29, 2008 the balance sheet indicates total liabilities and equity of $36,631.38 and the profit and loss statement shows net income of $7,776.10. (Please check the HOLA web site for details)

The report was approved as submitted.

Road Committee Report:

Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner advised that members of the Committee met on April 30, 2008.

The plowing crews did a real good job on the roads this winter. We did have to use a lot of sand which was necessary for the safety of our land owners. Several culverts need to be reset or replaced. The Highland roads are in fairly good shape, while Overlook Road will need lots of attention. Morel Road will need to be redone.

The bidding process will begin soon for next year’s plowing contract.

The planned circle at the end of the West Elbow will need to be remarked.

The report was approved as submitted.

Waterfront Committee:

The slip assignments have been made for the summer of 2008. As soon as the ice and snow are out of the cove, the Committee will meet and access what needs to be done this year.

Report was approved as submitted.

Social Activities Report:

There will be a member picnic on July 12, 2008 at the waterfront. And a full membership pot luck picnic following the membership meeting Labor Day weekend. Details will follow with a general mailing at least a month prior to the meeting.

Long Range Planning Committee:

The meeting was postponed until July.

Other Business:

Paul Ellis suggested that we try to hold the annual meeting indoors to see if we can get a better turn out. The board will consider the feasibility of the proposal.

Millie presented a revision of the HOLA By-Laws. These were given to each board member during the March meeting. The board approved the draft with amendments. The draft will be presented to the membership for a vote at the September meeting.

The HOLA web site has been totally updated.

Email addresses: If you have not already done so, PLEASE forward your email address to John Clark @BigIME@aol.com.


HOLA Board of Directors Meeting

March 15, 2008 Minutes

Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Mike Moroney, Jeff Munson, Barbara Meservey, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Ken Young, Sandy Young, Ben Wetherill, Dick Moore, Curt Haley & John Clark.

Treasurers Report:

Mike Moroney advised that we are in good shape for the year. He presented a balance sheet indicating $41,185.64 in total liabilities & equity and a net income of $12,330.35. There are still some dues outstanding and a third mailing will go to those landowners with a notice of court action if they do not pay.

The treasurers report was accepted as presented.

Road Report:

A written report was submitted by Les Hoekstra, HOLA Road Commissioner indicating that there had been many comments about how good the plowing has been during a tough winter. The roads will be posted in the next week or so. They are looking to making more improvements in the summer and fall to build upon the improvements made in 2007.

Waterfront Committee:

Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster said that this was the first time that we have had more requests than we have slips. She hopes that whenever one is not using their boat for an extended period that they will pull the craft out of the harbor so that someone else can use the space. The Committee will meet as soon as the harbor is open in the spring.

The Long Range Planning Committee was scheduled to meet following the board meeting.

John Clark volunteered to mark the snowmobile access trails from the Highlands & Overlook to the Lake and the power lines in the fall of 2008.

Millie advised that she has been involved with the real estate brokers in recent sales transactions to make sure that everything is paid up before the sale was completed.

Millie passed out copies of revised HOLA By Laws and asked that each member look them over for discussion and action at the May meeting.

Millie said the Ed Z is no longer able to maintain the HOLA website and the board gave her the authority to find another person to handle changes and design.

Dick Moore complained about a camp trailer that has been parked on a lot in the Highlands for over 3 years.  We will look into this issue.

The next meeting will be at 0900 on May 3, 2008.

We adjourned at 10 AM.

HOLA Board of Directors Minutes

January 12, 2008

10:30 AM

Members present: Jeff and Darlene Munson, Ana Wetherill, Mike and Mary-Ellen Moroney, Barbara Meservey, Millie Hoekstra.  Les Hoekstra and Paul Meservey-Road Committee

The minutes of the November meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney submitted Profit and Loss statement for the period of October 1, 2007 through January 10, 2008 showing current net income of $26,670.40.

He indicated that there are several people paying in installments this year.  He will be sending out invoices again next week.  There is about $4-5,000 expected to come in yet. (We have received $73,169.06 thus far).  Road and Snow account will have about $10,000 balance after the plowing contract is paid)

Mike and Barbara will get together to determine if there are delinquent owners that we should process a writ against.   Mike has invoiced a new building road fee to Mr. Forsman.

Jeff made a motion that the treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.  It was seconded by Paul.  MSP

Mike was thanked for his many hours of volunteerism.

Road Committee Report:

Les Hoekstra reported that the roads look great.  Thus far, the snow plowing has been going well.  The big truck has been through to wing back the snow banks.  We have had quite a bit of sanding  done because of the recent ice storm.  We will be keeping an eye on the water situation (melting) and determine if bucket cuts need to be made in snow banks.  We will be looking into the West Elbow 100′ road right of way (turn around circle) when weather gets better.

Mike made a motion to accept the Road Commissioner’s report as presented.  It was seconded by Mary-Ellen. MSP

Waterfront Committee Report:

Harbormaster, Mary-Ellen Moroney submitted a report indicating that boat slips will officially be assigned by the March meeting.  We currently have four owners who want the three slips that will hold the larger boats.  If no one else applies, it has been worked out for this year (sharing situation).  All the other slips will be taken.  The committee will be discussing the proposal to change the date for slip requests to Dec. 15 in the future.  Mary-Ellen has been talking with “Lake Smart” to determine what type of bushes or plants would be good to add to the waterfront

Jeff made a motion to accept the waterfront report as presented.  Mike seconded the motion.  MSP

Social Activities Committee Report

Darlene reported that we will plan a potluck picnic in July after our BOD meeting.  We will adjust the time of the meeting to 4PM followed by picnic at 5PM.  The Labor Day Weekend meeting will be followed by a picnic also.  It was decided to have the BOD meeting at 3PM, the Annual HOLA meeting at 4PM and the picnic immediately following at 5PM.  We will need to get the word out early so that people will be able to plan ahead.

Jeff made a motion to accept the Social Activities report as presented.  It was seconded by Mary-Ellen. MSP

Long Range Planning Committee:

The Long Range Planning Committee had a good first meeting 9:00 to 10:30 this morning.  Issues to be addressed were identified in the following areas:


Legal Issues




The LRPC’s next meeting will be March 8, 2008

Mike made a motion to accept the Long Rang Planning report as presented.  It was seconded by Mary-Ellen.

Other Items:Millie will look into needed revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws and have copies sent to everyone by the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.

The next HOLA Board meeting will be on March 8, 2008.

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