HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

HOLA Association Meetings

HOLA Association Meetings

August 2013 HOLA Minutes

August 31, 2013

The minutes of the 2012 Annual Meeting were approved as submitted.
Chairman of the Board, Millie Hoekstra welcomed everyone and explained the reasons for the annual meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney gave a report on the HOLA financials which was approved as submitted.

Click here to view treasurers Report

Waterfront Committee Report:
We have a new rack for the canoes and kayaks. We have had openings for the slips this summer as people’s plans have changed since they originally signed up on the sheet that is sent out along with the dues. The Waterfront Committee will assign the slips and the canoe/kayak racks in January.
We’ve had a few trees removed by a family of beavers.
We have had the electric line in the conduit under the loading ramp reburied. We have also replaced the worn out swim line with a new one.
There is a sign up sheet on the shed for slips for Fall Fishing after Labor Day.
For those few whose lots do not have full waterfront rights the rights are $1,500 to the end of 2014. The cost for waterfront rights for a lot with no rights is $9,500 for the same period of time.
I want to thank our Waterfront Committee: Mike Moroney, John and Peggy Clark, Dick Moore, Paul Ellis, Tom Sullivan, Dave and Ann Arthurs, Gary Wadsworth, Chester Winkowski, Ed Zambraski, and Butch DeSanctis.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Road Committee Report:
See Board Minutes for details.
2013-2014 Budget was approved as submitted.
At the 9 a.m. Board of Directors meeting the board voted to install a gate on the Lynn Way near the Harold Ross Road.

Assessors Report:
Dave Arthurs advised that the assessment for the next fiscal year will be the same as last year.
Based on an approved budget of $79,500
Unimproved lots = $210
Improved lots = $463

Nominating Committee:
This year the terms of 7 members of the Board of Directors expired.
Dave Douglas
Millie Hoekstra
Barbara Meservey
Mary-Ellen Moroney
Mike Moroney
Ana Wetherill
Ken Young

Barbara Meservey has decided not to run for another term.
Jeff Zapolsky has said that he would like his name to be placed on the ballot.
TinaMarie Falasco is no longer a HOLA member. The directors have appointed Anne Crump to fill out the last year of TinaMarie’s term.

The list of nominees for the Board of Directors is:
Dave Douglas
Millie Hoekstra
Mary-Ellen Moroney
Mike Moroney
Ana Wetherill
Ken Young
Jeff Zapolsky

We have enough nominees to have a full slate of directors.

Nominating Committee
Ken Young
Jeff Munson
All nominees were approved by the membership.
Les Hoekstra was elected to another term as Road Commissioner.

The Board of Directors met and all officers were elected to serve another term.

September 2012 HOLA Minutes

September 1, 2012

The minutes of the September 2011 meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:
Mike Moroney submitted a report indicating total liabilities and equity of $20,175.09 and net income of $9,024.58. The report was accepted as submitted. Treasurer’s Report, September 2012 – Click here.

Road Committee:
HOLA Road Commissioner’s Report
Annual Meeting Sept. 1, 2012

Dear HOLA members:

Sorry I’m unable to be at the meeting due to work schedule. Please contact me if you have any questions.

2011-2012 was a decided departure from our normal process of doing the roads. Due to weather conditions last fall, it was determined to do some of the work in the spring. I believe this worked to our advantage especially in the area of road topping. Topping in the spring prevents the material from being plowed up during the winter season.
Once again all the roads were rock raked and graded. The following areas had topping added to them.
Entrance of The Lynn Way to lot 2E (6 loads)
The Lynn Way from the corner to 3H (Dick Moore’s-2 loads)
The Lynn Way to Harold Ross Road (10 loads)
Kendall Farm Trail from 17H to 14 H (7 loads)
Kendall Farm Trail from 14E to 12E (4 loads)
The Loop Road from 4 corners to the Y (2 loads)
In addition excavation work was done at the bottom of the Overlook Road and the upper portion of the Loop Road to help alleviate the water and runoff problems that usually occur in the spring.

The committee also purchased 50 bags of Calcium Chloride and applied them to the major roadways to help alleviate the summer dust. Brush and trees were cut along the roadways to help with sight lines on the curves. We are investigating the possibility of mowing the sides of the roads; we had contacted a potential person but unfortunately after looking at the roadsides he decided that his equipment would not do the job.

We are in the last year of our 3-year plowing contract. Last winter was not very snowy but winter will soon be here again. I believe most of us are very satisfied with the work that has been done by our plowing contractor.

There will be some road work done this fall which will consist of grading and some topping to prepare the roads for winter. The extensive amount of ditching over the past few years has made life easier for the plow drivers and helps greatly with the spring runoff.

Some of you will notice the washboard road surface. This is due to excessive speed and not engaging four wheel drive on the hills. Please watch your speed and drive with caution.

I would like to personally give a big “Thank You” to Paul Ellis who has spent numerous hours on our roads and coordinating the work being done by the contractors. Without this dedication and volunteerism our expenses would be much greater.

The budget submitted for 2012-2013 season will stay the same. This is allowing us to make necessary repairs and needed maintenance each year.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call me at 864-2963 or email me at les.hoekstra1@myfairpoint.net.

Respectfully submitted,
Les Hoekstra, HOLA Road Commissioner

Assessors Report:
Dick Moore advised that there will be no change in the property assessments for the next fiscal year. Lot’s with houses = $462 Undeveloped lots = $210

Nominating Committee Report:
Ken Young reported that the following terms expire this year – Paul Ellis, Dick Moore, Darlene Munson and Jeff Munson. Dick Moore and Darlene Munson decided not to run again. Bill Hayes is unable to attend the Board Meetings and resigned his position on the Board and accepted a position on the Road Committee. Peggy Clark accepted a nomination to fill the vacant position.
Nominees are: Paul Ellis, Jeff Munson, Ann Arthurs, Ed Zambraski and Peggy Clark.
All nominees were elected by the membership.
Les Hoekstra was reelected to another term as Road Commissioner.

Waterfront Committee Report:
The Harbor was dredged on 8/30/2012 thanks to all Paul Ellis’s hard work with the DEP.
Our swim lines were cut on 8/29. Dave Douglas is going to see if he can put them back together. We need to replace the left swim buoy.
The number of boats in the harbor varies from full to spaces available. We had the most boats during the ice out fishing season. We are at the start of fall fishing. After this weekend, there will be a sign up sheet for boats.
Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Social Activities Report:
Sandy Young, Chairman advised that there will be a pot luck luncheon following the annual meeting at the barn.
A sign-up sheet was passed around for volunteers for committee assignments.

The next Annual Meeting of HOLA membership will be on August 31, 2013 at the Barn.

September 2011 HOLA Minutes

September 3, 2011


The minutes of the 2010 Annual Membership Meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Mike Moroney presented a Balance Sheet indicating Total Liabilities and Equity of $16,284.13 and a Profit and Loss Statement indicating a Net Income of -$27,980.95. Treasurer’s Report, September 2011 – Click here.

Road Committee Report: Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner presented a written report:
I regret not being able to be at the annual meeting due to a wedding in Mass. Hopefully, this report will answer any questions or concerns you may have. And, as always, if you have any concerns at any time, feel free to call me or send an email.

Another year has sped quickly by and I believe our roads are in fairly good condition. Last year’s extensive ditching did alleviate most spring season problems as it allowed water to drain from the road beds. The extensive repair to Overlook Road has improved that section greatly. The mud holes seem to be removed. There have been some complaints regarding
“joy riding” for ATV’s or snowmobiles. You may ride to the trails or to visit a HOLA neighbor. We do not want to prohibit all ATV and snowmobile use on our roads, so please adhere to the policy.

This fall we will be doing maintenance work on The Lynn Way as well as ditching on several roads. There are a few culverts that need to be replaced. We will add topping and do grading as needed.

It was a very snowy winter and contractor handled all the plowing and sanding that was needed. The time and material plowing contract has been completed with Burgess Construction again for next year. It will be a 3 year contract of $40,000 cap each year.

Please let me know if you see any problem areas on your road that need to be addressed. We have more than 7 miles of roads and although I do drive them frequently, it is always helpful if anyone that sees an issue will report it. The Road Committee report was accepted as submitted.

Assessors Report: Dick Moore advised that the assessment for roads would be the same as it was in Fiscal Year 2010/2011 which is $210 for a lot, $463 for a lot with a house and $45 for dues. The assessors report was accepted as submitted.

Nominating Committee Report: Ken Young nominated the following individuals for a three year term. Dave Arthurs, John Clark, TinaMarie Falasco, Sandy Young and Bill Hayes. The nomination was seconded and approved by the Membership.

Less Hoekstra was nominated for another term as Road Commissioner and approved by the membership.

HOLA Roads Budget: The budget was approved as submitted.

Waterfront Committee Report: Mary-Ellen Moroney reported the following: The waterfront now has the new cribbing and new docks. We now have two more slips, so I have renumbered them. Slip number 4 is the loading slip. Slip number 5 is a two week slip. We thank Paul Ellis for organizing the waterfront repairs. M&H did the cribbing. A-One Builders made the docks. We thank Gary Wadsworth for hooking up the electricity. We now have power on both sides of the harbor. Waterfront report, September 2011 – Click here

Paul has set up the horseshoe pits. The swimming raft drifted into the harbor breaking the swim lines in June. These have been repaired by Burgess Construction.

We have had some trees drift into the harbor and on the shore from Tropical Storm Irene. Most boats were removed. I called those with canoes and kayaks that were not tied down. I have also called Chester Wincowski, who has water in his boat, and left him a message.

We are checking on having the silt that has drifted into the harbor removed. The water at some of the slips was very low this summer.

We had more requests for kayak/canoe rack storage then we had space and will be adding a new rack for next season.

We seem to have been able to accommodate everyone this year. The Waterfront Committee is going to assign the slips in January. We also going to be assigning the spaces on the canoe and kayak racks. The forms are sent out with the dues notice.

Please let me know when you have removed your boat from the harbor so that I can assign that slip to another member. If your boat has been out of the harbor for more than a week without notification, it will be assumed that the slip is free for another person to use.

For those few whose lots do not have full waterfront rights the rights are $1,300 from now until May 2014. The cost for waterfront rights for a lot with no rights is $8,500 for the same time period.

Waterfront Committee report was approved as submitted.

Sandy Young informed everyone that there would be a pot luck picnic at the Barn following the meeting.

Sign-up sheets for new committee members were circulated.

One member mentioned that deep grass and weeds along Lynn Way was blocking the drivers view on a curve. Paul Ellis said he would take care of it.

The next Annual Membership Meeting will be on September 1, 2012 @ 11:00 AM @ the Barn.

September 2010 HOLA Minutes

September 4, 2010

The minutes of the 2009 Membership Meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike Moroney submitted a report indicated that HOLA has total liabilities & equity of $46,668.57 and a net income of $16,404.14. The report was accepted as submitted.  Treasurers Report September 2010 – Click here

Waterfront Committee:

Mary Ellen Moroney reported the following: This year M&H put in cedar cribbing and filled it with #6 rock on the right hand side of the harbor. A-One Builders put in the docking in the spring. We plan to replace the left hand side with cribbing this fall. A fall fishing sign up sheet has been posted on the bulletin board on the side of the shed. Please sign up if you plan to use the cove during the fall.

Solar lights were placed on the two swim buoys and the swim ropes have not been cut by boats for the first time during a summer season. Paul sealed one the swim buoys to keep it from sinking.

The canoes and kayaks need to be removed by September 15, 2010 due to construction in the cove area. Please remove them so that they are not damaged when being moved by the tractor.

Sign up sheets for next year will be sent with the first dues bill. The slips will be assigned in January 2011. Please advise the Harbor Master if you will not be using your slip during the assigned period. If your boat is not docked at the slip during the time assigned; the slip may be assigned to another member.

Next season we are going to try wind socks on the docks to keep the seagulls from messing on the docks and seats. The Committee report was approved as submitted.

Long Range Planning Committee:

Please contact Millie regarding any future issues that should be addressed by this Committee.

Road Committee:

Report submitted by Les Hoekstra, Road Commissioner:

I regret not being able to be at the annual meeting due to my work schedule. Hopefully, this report will answer any questions or concerns you may have. And, as always, if you have any concerns at any time, feel free to call me or send an email.

Another year has sped quickly by and I believe our roads are in good condition. Last year’s extensive ditching did alleviate most spring season problems as it allowed water to drain from the roadbeds. One area of concern is the washboarding of the roadway in certain areas. This is mostly due to excessive speed and spinning of tires on the corners and hills. Many complaints have been received regarding “joy riding” of ATV’s on our roads. The HOLA policy states: “HOLA roads are not to be used for “joy riding” for ATV’s or snowmobiles. You may ride to the trails or to visit a HOLA neighbor. We do not want to prohibit all ATV and snowmobile use on our roads, so please adhere to the policy.

This fall we will be doing maintenance work on Barbara Lane as well as ditching and widening of the Upper Loop Road. We will add topping and do spot grading as needed. The Overlook Road is scheduled for major reconstruction beginning just above the Haley residence for approximately 500 feet. This will include removing up to 2 feet of the present soil and replacing it with 12” of 6 minus rock, a layer of fabric, 6” of 3 minues gravel and 6” crushed gravel. This would allow water to drain under the roadbed and alleviate the problems of the past few years.

The time and material plowing contract has been completed with Burgess Construction again for next year. It will be a 3 year contract of $40,000 cap each year.

Rick LaVigne advised that he has been on the Road Committee for over a year and that there has been only one meeting and has not received any other information regarding the roads. He feels that more communications needs to be used with members.

The Road Committee Report was accepted as submitted.

The road budget was approved as submitted for fiscal year 2010/2011.

Les Hoekstra was elected for a second term as Road Commissioner.

Assessors Report: Fees for 2010-2011 will remain the same. Houses – $463 and $210 – lots. Dues $45

Nominations Committee:

The following individuals were elected to a three year term:

Millie Hoekstra, Barbara Meservey, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Moroney Ana Wetherill, Ken Young and Dave Douglas.

Other Business:

It was asked – how many houses can be built on one lot. Paul Ellis said that only one house is allowed on a single lot. Land use may vary from town to town.

It was requested that HOLA contact the Maine Department of Transportation regarding repairs to the entrance to the two hills on property owned by the State of Maine.

Barbara Swan passed around a booklet on an invasive plant that has been found in the Highlands. She and Gerri Bush have removed some in the ditches. Please be aware and remove if you find this plant. Check out the display at the Rangeley Library for more information.

September 2009 HOLA Minutes

Millie Hoekstra opened the meeting with introductions of the Board of Directors and thanking them for serving this year and handling the business for the Association..

Social Activities Report, Treasurer’s report, Waterfront Committee report and Road Committee report were given by the Treasurer and Committee Chairs and the Road Commissioner. (see September 2009 Board Minutes for details of the reports)

Continue reading

August 2008 HOLA Minutes

August 30, 2008 Minutes

Millie Hoekstra, HOLA Chairman welcome the members and explained the purpose of the Annual Meeting and introduced the Board of Directors.

Social Activities:

Darlene Munson advised that HOLA holds two social events each year. One in July and one following the Annual Meeting with a “pot luck” cookout at the waterfront.

Financial Report:

Mike Moroney, HOLA’s Treasurer submitted an annual financial report which was approved by a vote of the membership. (See Sept. report attached)

Waterfront Committee:

Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbor Master & Chairman of the Committee gave a report of the work that had been done during the past twelve months, which included the construction of a new storage shed and installation of electric power and a light at the marina. This can be used for charging of batters, vacuuming boats and operation of electric tools.

She explained that we had an unexpected expenditure for repairs following a bad wind storm in early June and the current waterfront account is out of money. There are one or two lot sales pending which will bring in considerable cash to the waterfront.

Members who are using the boat racks for canoes and kayaks need to advise her whenever they are storing these craft at the waterfront. It is suggested that they tie down these vessels because of higher winds near the water.

Long Range Planning Committee:

Jeff Munson, Committee Chairman said that some of the concerns that have been discussed by the committee are: Speeding vehicles on our roads, signs being placed within the right of way of HOLA roads without permission, tree cutting, sub divisions (the committee has a planned meeting with LURC) and continuity of board members and executive positions. Jeff asked that members get involved and to advise if they have issues that they would like the Committee to look into.

Road Committee Report:

Les Hoekstra submitted an extensive report of work that has been completed and planned projects for the coming year. 2007 – 2008 Budget to actual report and proposed budget and contract for 2008 – 2009 road maintenance and plowing.

The proposed budget was approved as presented.

Assessors Report:

Dick Moore explained the process and formula that is used to asses the land owners for their share of the cost of repair, maintenance and plowing of the 7 miles of HOLA roads.

Based on this year’s approved budget of $77,000 the assessment is $463 for improved lots and $210 for unimproved. The report was approved as submitted.

Nominating Committee:

Ken Young reported that five Board members terms expire this year; Frank Jandreau, John Clark, Deb Hebert, Ben Wetherill and Sandy Young. John, Ben, and Sandy have agreed to serve another 3 year term. This leaves two openings for new members and he nominated TinaMarie Falasco and Dave Arthurs. There were no nominations from the floor. All nominees were elected by those members present.

Other Business:

  1. Millie thanked all the Board members for the work they have done over the past year.

  2. She brought everyone up to date on the HOLA web site (www.highlandsoverlook.org) Please check for latest information on HOLA.

  3. She again asked that everyone please drive at a safe speed on our roads.

  4. We need wider involvement from HOLA members with projects and committees.

  5. She reminded everyone that they had received a copy of revised by laws and needed to have a vote of approval on the changes. The revisions were passed by a unanimous vote of those present.

  6. Millie advised that she had received complaints of trespassing by ATV’s on the power line at the top of Overlook. The land/lots (over which the power lines cross) are privately owned and not the property of the power companies. Please do not enter the power-line over the private land where it is posted. There is another entrance up beyond the log home at the top of the hill on the left which is not posted.

The meeting was adjourned and reopened for a vote on Road Commissioner. Les Hoekstra was elected by a unanimous vote of those present.

2009 Annual Membership meeting.
September 7, 2009 10:30 a.m. followed by a “pot luck” cookout.
Please plan to attend and meet your neighbors and HOLA Board.

Following the Annual Meeting there was a brief meeting of the HOLA Board for election of new officers.

The following Officers were elected for the 2008- 2009 fiscal year.

Chairman: Millie Hoekstra
Co- Chair: Mary-Ellen Moroney
Treasurer: Mike Moroney
Secretary: John Clark

The meeting was adjourned.
Next Board of Directors Meeting
November 8th @ 11:00 a.m.

September 2007 HOLA Minutes

HOLA Annual Business Meeting

The annual HOLA meeting was held on Saturday, September 1st at 10:00 am at the HOLA waterfront.  About 50 association members attended the meeting.  The minutes for the meeting are posted below.

September 1, 2007 at 10 AM Minutes

Millie Hoekstra, HOLA Board Chairperson, gave an overview of the purpose of the Annual Meeting and introduced the Board members.

The following reports were presented and made a part of the HOLA records:

Treasurer’s Report by Mike Moroney. (copy to be attached)

Mike Moroney reported that the Association is in good shape. We have one large outstanding bill for road repair and more than enough on hand to make the payment. The report was approved as submitted and a copy of the balance sheet was placed into the records.  Filings will be made against several individuals who have not paid their share of the road fees.  Our fiscal year is October 1 to September 30.  It is important that we receive our income in a timely fashion.  New policy:  payment of assessments not received by November 15th will have a late fee ($100) attached and an additional $100 late fee will be attached if not paid by January 15th.

To see the latest HOLA treasurers’ balance sheet click here.

Social Activities by Darlene Munson.

Darlene reminded everyone of the luncheon at noon following the Annual Meeting and will have more advanced notice for next year’s gatherings.

Waterfront by Mary-Ellen Moroney:

Mary-Ellen Moroney submitted a report of all the improvements that were completed during this fiscal year and plans for 07 -08.  Mary-Ellen thanked the whole committee for all their work and pointed out the new storage shed built by Paul Ellis.  Request forms for boat slips will go out in the October mailing.  The board has approved the expenditure of $23 for CMP to bring power to the pole to be installed by the committee at the waterfront. The monthly charge for electricity will be $7.56.  We have received our 911 sign.  The HOLA waterfront is number 9 Burr Lane.  She advised that there were two new members of the committee: Gary Wadsworth and Dave Arthurs.

Road Committee, by Paul Meservey(for Tim who is on vacation):

Paul Meservey presented a report of scheduled repair work and indicated that some of the road work had been completed, some that would be finished before winter and plans for the upcoming year.

The 2007-2008 Road Budget of $72,000 was presented and accepted.

Reminder of new policy: the “Landowner Construction Fee” for heavy equipment on the roads, effective June 1, 2007, will be $1000.00 for a new home, and $500.00 for other construction projects with the fees being non –refundable. These fees must be paid to Treasurer prior to beginning the project.

Assessors Report, by Dick Moore:

The assessors report indicated that next year’s $72,000 budget for road plowing and maintenance would be assessed as follows:  lots with a building would be $432 and each vacant lot would be $196.

Lots on HOLA roads assessed for road maintenance: 109 improved (with house) and 127 unimproved.  Factors used: 3.3 X 109 = 359.7 units       1.5 X 127 = 190.5 units

Total units = 550

Road Budget for 2007-2008–$72,000 divided by 550 units = 130.91 per unit

Improved=3.3 X 130.91=$432  X 109 = $47,088

Unimproved=1.5 X 130.91=$196 = 127 =$24,892

Nominating Committee Report by Millie Hoekstra (for Cathy who is on vacation)

Lawton Allen and Cathy Baker have resigned from the board

The following individuals were elected by ballot.

Board Members:  Curt Haley, Millie Hoekstra, Barbara Meservey, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Mike Moroney, Ana Wetherill and Ken Young to a three year term to expire September of 2010, Paul Ellis to a two year term to expire in September of 2009 and Sandy Young to a one year term to expire in September of 2008.

Assessors for one year terms: Dick Moore, Lawton Allen and Frank Jandreau.

Road Commissioner: Les Hoekstra

Chairperson Millie Hoekstra thanked the Board of Directors for all their work during the past year; reminded everyone that the HOLA website is updated regularly by Ed Z. (www.highlandsoverlook.org) and is a good source of information for all HOLA members.  Millie asked everyone to be safe and drive slowly on our roads.  She also asked members to consider volunteering for consideration on a committee.  Wider involvement from the membership spreads out the responsibilities.  Please forward your email address to our Secretary John Clark (BigIMe@aol.com); this will enable us to contact membership more quickly and inexpensively.

A time of questions/comments and concerns by the membership was held.  The road committee will look at road signs ie. (private roads-no outlet).

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

The next HOLA Annual Meeting will be on the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend in 2008.