HOLA Board meeting minutes – Nov. 13, 2021 at 9 AM via zoom
Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Ed Zambraski, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Larry Malone, Darren Winslow, Mary Ellen Simon, John Patriquin, Dave Douglas, Brittany DiPompo Russell, Anne Crump, Al Salvini Absent: Ana Wetherill
Millie called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.
Secretary’s Minutes for Sept. 4th Board meeting were MSP unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report (attached): The remaining Road & Snow funds have been moved to the Franklin SB Emergency Road Account. We have accounts at both Franklin Saving Bank, where we do most of our banking, and we have a separate account at Skowhegan Savings Bank which has some of the Emergency Road funds. We currently plan to keep the accounts at both banks for bank access which has been troublesome during the pandemic.
Delinquent Accounts: These continue to whittle down as properties change hands. Payments for the new year are about 72% paid and not yet overdue, so we have sufficient funds on hand.
Taxes have been filed. No payments needed.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report MSP unanimously.
Road Commissioner’s Report (attached): Dave Douglas is now our new Road Commissioner and Dave Arthurs is helping with the transition. D. Douglas is working on assigning a section of road to each committee member to monitor and inform him of any issues. Ed Z. volunteered to fill any potholes on the Highland’s side. Dave Arthurs brought up the problem with tracked vehicles wear and tear on the roads. Currently we have fees for house construction and garage construction, no others. There have been some tracked vehicles involved in just lot improvement or driveway work and no fees have been assigned. Millie stated the committee should come up with a recommendation for the board.
Waterfront Committee Report(attached): The committee elected Ed Zambraski the Harbor Master. He wants the committee to be more involved in monitoring that the rules are followed. The motion was made to approve Ed as the Harbor Master, MSP unanimously.
Assessors: At the Annual Meeting the Assessors were voted to be Ed Zambraski, John Patriquin and Jocelyn Kinlock. Now Ed and John are resigning, but Jocelyn has agreed to step up as chair and Mike Zulauf has offered to assist.
Other Business:
Millie announced a new Ad hoc Committee to address the snowmobile/ATV issues. Dana Pagley has offered to lead and work with the towns and LUPC as needed.
Ad Hoc Committee on Legal Issues has no update.
Next meeting 1/8/22 9 AM
Respectfully Submitted, Val Zapolsky