HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

Millie Hoekstra

May 2017 HOLA Minutes


Board of Directors Meeting


May 20, 2017

Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Jeff & Darlene Munson, Dave Douglas, Ed Zambraski, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Ana Wetherill, Jeff & Val Zapolsky, Terry Donovan, Anne Crump and John Clark

The minutes of the March meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Zapolsky approved as presented.

We have sufficient funds in the bank.  Collections are improving, in part due to the initial success of      using Attorney Paul Mills as our collection agent.  Also, the increased availability of email addresses for sending reminder notices has helped.  We are working to clarify fees pertaining to waterfront maintenance.–click here for report

Road Committee Report:

May 20, 2017

The roads held up well through this past winter and are continuing to hold up well, even with the unusually frequent and hard rainstorms we have experienced lately. Because the roads are firming up swell, I removed the road posting signs on Friday 5-19-17. All areas where we used ¾” crushed shale are in very good condition and it is still my belief that we continue to use it.

There are a few trouble spots that need attention and this year’s ditching is projected to be small. We will be grading, rock raking, where needed, and administering calcium chloride as dust control and a road binder.

As you know, a lot of our roads are at or below grade. They have poor water runoff and are usually full of potholes. This year, we will apply as much ¾” crushed shale as possible in these areas with the intent of rebuilding as many areas as possible. In August, the road committee will apprise our projects along with our budget and determine if the budget is enough to continue our maintenance program, while also rebuilding our roads. The road committee will then advise the board of our findings.

I would like to thank Ed Zambraski for filling in potholes (too numerous to count) on all the roads in the Highlands with crushed shale. This work obviously entailed a lot of time and effort on Ed’s part.

In my last Road Commissioner’s Report, I advised that Burgess exceeded the $40,000 cap for 2016/2017. I brought this before the board and the board voted not to pay the $2,212.50 bill which covered March 7, 2017 through March 21, 2017.

Total monies spent to date:

Road money spent from October 1, 2016 to October 25, 2016.                               $1800.00

Total snow money spent for 2016/2017.                                                                    $40,119.00 **

Total road and snow monies spent to date.                                                                 $41,919.00

** The $119.00 that Burgess went over in his budget will be deducted from his 2017/2018 budget.

Dave Arthurs

H.O.L.A. Road Commissioner

Waterfront Committee Report

May 20, 2017

The sheets are down at the waterfront with the boat slip assignments and the canoe/kayak assignments.  These should also be on the web site.

I bought two new black hoses.  Terry Donovan and I put them down at the waterfront yesterday.  These are supposed to look like snakes to the geese and scar them away.  This technique worked at Saddleback Lake last year.  I am also going to buy a bird blaster.

We should be able to replace the old docks this year.

We are going to put numbers on the new canoe/kayak rack and the other new one Ed Zambraski is going to build.

The Waterfront Committee is going to meet at the Harbor at 10:15 this morning to help Andy Avelis put in the small docks.  The small docks will need repairs or replacements.  We will have a meeting afterwards.  Andy is going to power wash the benches and we will stain or polyurethane them later.

Paul Ellis is going to continue to do the mowing while he is able.

The port-a-potty has been put back at the Harbor.

Ed and Nancy Zambraski have trimmed brush on the side of the road.

Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Nominating Committee Report: Jeff Munson advised that he had talked with the four members who’s terms expired this year and they agreed to serve another term. Dave Arthurs, John Clark, Anne Crump, and Terry Donovan.

Other Items: There was discussion whether or not to replace the gate in the Highlands. It was decided to allow the Road Committee to make the determination and take action.

Ed Zambraski advised that another advisory report will be sent out soon. Covering several area issues and some specific to HOLA.

There will be a pot luck dinner at the Munson’s Rangeley residence at 5:30 P.M. on Friday July 7th for the HOLA Board of Directors.

The next Board Meeting will be on Saturday, July 8th at 0900 at the Barn.


March 2017 HOLA Minutes

Board of Director’s Meeting
March 25, 2017
Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Mary Ellen Simon, Valerie & Jeff Zapolsky, Ana Wetherill, Dave
& Ann Arthurs, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Ed Zambraski by conference call and John Clark
Absent: Paul Ellis, Terry Donovan,andwith notice: Dave Douglas. Anne Crump, Jeff & Darlene Munson
1.    The minutes of the January meeting were approved as submitted.

2.   Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Zapolsky approved as presented.

We have sufficient funds in the bank.  Collections are improving, in part due to the initial success of      using Attorney Paul Mills as our collection agent.  Also, the increased availability of email addresses for sending reminder notices has helped.  Snowplowing and sanding has reached budget level.  Administration Expenses are predicted to go over budget by year end due to the website redesign and legal fees.  See report

3.     Waterfront Committee: Mary-Ellen Moroney reported that the committee would be meeting immediately after board meeting.  The boat slips and canoe/kayak assignments have been completed.  Click here for boat slip report: See report Click here for canoe/kayak report: See report
4.     ROAD COMMISSIONERS REPORT accepted as presented on MARCH 25, 2017

The H.O.L.A. roads were posted on March 6, 2017 due to an unseasonably warm spell. This warm spell melted a lot of snow and created a muddy mess on most of our roads.

I was apprised by one of our snowplow drivers there are a few driveways within H.O.L.A. that have the snow plowed out of said driveways, pushed across the road, compressed by the plow, and left encroaching three to four feet into the roadway. This will be addressed by the board.

The crushed shale that we put down at several locations last summer seems to be holding up very well and we will continue to use it for our upcoming spring, summer and fall work.

Road money spent from October 1, 2016 to October 25, 2016.             $1,800.00

Snow money spent from November 21, 2016 to January 2, 2017.        $27,357.50

Total money spent from October 1, 2016 to January 2, 2017.               $29,157.50

Current snow money bills for this report.

Snowplowing and sanding. January 3, 2017 to January 12, 2017.           $2,650.00

Snowplowing and sanding. January 18, 2017 to January 28, 2017.          $4,231.25

Snowplowing and sanding. February 1, 2017 to February 15, 2017.         $4,356.25

Snowplowing and sanding. February 16, 2017 to February 27, 2017.       $1,524.00

Snowplowing and sanding. March 7, 2017 to March 23, 2017.                    $2,212.50

Total snow money spent from January 3, 2017 to February 27, 2017.                        $14,974.00

*Total snow money billed from November 21, 2016 to March 23, 2017.                      $42,331.50

Road and Snow money billed from October 1, 2016 to February 27, 2017                    $44,131.50

As you can see from the above numbers, Burgess has exceeded the $40,000 yearly cap as per the contract.  The bill from March 7, 2017 to March 23, 2017 currently has not been paid and will be discussed at the Board meeting on March 25, 2017. It should be noted that the five year contract of $200,000, cannot and will not be exceeded. Dave A. will let Burgess know that the billed overage will be held until next year and will be paid if we do not exceed the $40,000 during the season. Dave Arthurs, H.O.L.A Road Commissioner.

5.   Other items: Communications: E mail lists are working well. Redesign website is completed. Please let Millie know of any changes.

The next Board Meeting will be on May 20, 2017, 9 a.m. at the Barn


January 2017 HOLA Minutes


Board of Directors


January 14, 2017

Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Anne Crump, Terry Donovan, Dave Douglas, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Darlene & Jeff Munson, Mary Ellen Simon, Jeff & Valerie Zapolsky and John Clark

Minutes of the November meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Zapolsky presented the following which was approved by the board.

See Treasurer’s Report – Click Here

Our Treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky and HOLA member Harry Simons met with attorney Paul Mills in Farmington to discuss collection of delinquent assessments and dues.

To collect late fees will require an amendment to the HOLA Constitution & By Laws. This needs to be done at the membership meeting in September.

The motion was made to turn over the delinquent accounts which have not been paid in full for more than one year to the Law firm of Mills and Mills for collection. The motion passed with a unanimous vote of those present. (this will be done by signing a contract with Mills and Mills.)

Road Commissioner’s Report

Our new budget for 2016/2017 started on October 1, 2016.

October 25, 2016, Rick, from M & H, cleaned out most of our culverts that were partially blocked. The culverts were cleaned to prevent runoff from spilling over our roads during the 2017 spring thaw.

We also ditched approximately 80 cubic yards of Winston Road. This was not in the same area as our previous work. The existing ditch was totally filled in most areas, allowing water to run across and down the road.

Between the ditching and culverts approximately 85 cubic yards of dirt was removed. The fill was deposited on the front yard of one of our homeowners. Any homeowner/property owner who is interested in receiving fill from our upcoming spring, summer and fall work, please contact myself or any Road Committee member.

The snow started falling early and often this year and Burgess has been busy keeping our roads clear and safe. Once again, do not call Burgess directly, call me with any questions or concerns and I will follow up with Burgess. This keeps me up to date with all problems.

Road and Snow Money Spent to date:                                                                                                          Ditching Winston Road, culvert cleaning, and trucking out the dirt. $1,800.00                                        Snowplowing and sanding. November 21, 2016 to November 30, 2016 $3,692.50                                December 1, 2016 to December 15, 2016.     $7,233.75                                                                                 Snow plowing and sanding. December 16, 2016 to January 2, 2017. $16,431.2

Total Road and Snow money spent to date:                                                                                         $29,157.50

Due to the large number of snow and ice days, we have spent an unusually large portion of our allotted $40,000 snow plowing budget.  This is a concern this early in the snow plowing season. For this reason, I met with Dave Burgess to discuss a plan for the remaining season. It was agreed that, financially, Burgess cannot continue to plow and sand small amounts of snow on our roads. Burgess will now plow and sand our main roads, and only our main roads, when we receive small amounts of snowfall in the 1” to 3” area. When we receive larger amounts of snow, it will be removed from all roads. For financial prudence, only the main roads, hills and curves, will be sanded. As the winter progresses, we will reevaluate and adjust this plan as needed.

Dave Arthurs                                                                                                                                                                 H.O.L.A.  Road Commissioner

Waterfront Committee Report: Mary-Ellen Moroney advised that the Committee would be assigning slips for ice out and for the summer in the near future.

Nominating Committee: Jeff Munson said that the Committee would have a report at the March meeting.

Other Items: Millie advised that we are now able to update our site as needed, please check it out and bring suggestions for additions or revisions.

The next meeting will be on March 11, 2017 at the Barn at 0900.

November 2016 HOLA Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting


November 12, 2016

Members present: Millie Hoekstra, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Darlene Munson, Jeff Munson, Mary Ellen Simon, Ed Zambraski, Jeff Zapolsky, Valerie Zapolsky, John Clark and guest Ben Wetherill.

Absent: Ann and David Arthurs, Anne Crump, Terry Donovan, David Douglas, Paul Ellis and Ana Wetherill.

Minutes of the September meeting was accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Zapolsky presented the following: click  here

Road Committee Report:

OCTOBER 27, 2016

Work performed since last report:

Summit Road, which was a mud bog in the spring was repaired by laying down fabric and covering the fabric with 4 to 5 inches of ¾” crushed shale. Shale was spread with a grader and compacted with a large vibrating roller.

West Elbow: This road previously had no homes built on it and was extremely narrow and washed out. There is now one home on West Elbow and the homeowner called to advise of its poor condition. This road is also very steep and prone to water damage. West Elbow was ditched, graded and widened. Crushed shale was then laid down and compacted with the roller.

Morel Road: Morel was graded and a small amount of crushed shale was laid down around the curve of the roadway. Shale was then compacted with the roller. 270 cubic yards of crushed shale was used to repair these three roads.

Overlook Road: Various sections were graded and areas where material was brought back into the road from the sides were rolled for compaction. The bottom of the road near Rt. 4 was graded and several yards of reclaimed asphalt mix was put down and compacted with the roller.

The Circle: Due to a hump in the road, created by a culvert that pushed up in the center, a small amount of ¾” crushed shale was put down near the intersection of Overlook Road, graded and compacted with roller.

The Loop Road: three sections of the road were graded. Sections where material was brought back onto the road by the grader were also compacted with the roller.

Kendall Farm Trail: A small section near the dead end was washed out. This area also needed to be ditched and have material added to build it up.  Scott from M & H used the grader to dig the ditch. He then graded most of the dirt from the ditch onto the road, crowned it and rolled it. By doing this, he saved us quite a bit of money, as we did not have to build the road up with expensive crushed shale.  ¾” crushed shale was used to complete the repair.

Marion Drive was graded and all material that was brought back onto the road was compacted with the roller.

The Lynn Way was graded and rolled near Rt. 4.

Scott from M & H did a fantastic job with the grader. This grading was not the usual once up and down type of grading. Material from ditches was pulled out and deposited back onto the roads. Multiple passes were made to smooth out this added material and to re-establish a crown on all the roads that he graded. A roller was then used to compact this added material.

This is slightly more expensive but will be worth it in the long run, as you are cleaning out the ditch areas and adding this material back to the roads.

James Carignan was contacted to cut down one tree and trim several more on the north entrance of Overlook Road. Cost was $120.00

Total cost: $8,751.50                                                                    $6,350.20                                                                                                 $120.00                                                                  $15,221.70

Previous amount spent since October 1, 2015:                                                                  $61,352.28

Total:                                                              $76,573.98

Money budgeted for grading but bill never received.                                                                   -$2,400.00

Total money spent for 2015/2016 budget                                                              $74,173.98

I would like to thank the members of the road committee who I depend upon for strategizing on plans for upcoming road work and volunteering to help when needed. There are always volunteers to step in and handle any ongoing projects or problems when I’m occasionally away. I would also like to thank Ed Zambraski for volunteering to repair small problem areas on the Highland’s side with his Kubota. Ed also had signs made up and placed at ATV/ Snowmobile trail entrances into H.O.L.A. These signs state that ATV’s, snowmobiles and dirt bikes are prohibited on H.O.L.A. property. These signs were put up to deter individuals who do not own property in H.O.L.A. from trespassing and digging up our roads. H.O.L.A. homeowners are still allowed to ride from their homes to a trail or a neighbor’s home.

Jeff Zapolsky has been our treasurer for the past year and has also been very helpful to me in my duties as Road Commissioner. He has proven to be very knowledgeable, keeps the records completely up to date and pays our road bills promptly. Jeff has also brought in monies from delinquent accounts by writing numerous letters to the delinquent homeowners/landowners, explaining why their road fees are important to us, and starting court action against others who are seriously delinquent in their payments.

Dave Arthurs

H.O.L.A. Road Commissioner

Ricky DiGiovanni – 42 Winston Road issue. After discussion and photos presented by Ed Z, the Board voted to cover the rocks, in his driveway, with sand or a gravel material.

Waterfront Committee Report:

Waterfront November 12, 2016

I met with our warden, Patrick Egan, and borrowed a screaming pistol.  We tried it out on the geese at the waterfront.  They moved a little down the lake.  The sea gulls took off.  Terry Donovan tried it out during the next week.  We are considering a Bird Buster Pistol for next year.

Terry and Jane Donovan took out the small docks.  Andy Avails came down with his tractor and moved the docks nearer the shore.  My grandson helped.

Ed and Nancy Zambraski cleared brush near the roadway, took down some low branches near the parking, and removed the debris.  Ed also made a new canoe/kayak rack and put in braces to strengthen all of the racks.

The 14’ aluminum boat is back near the canoe/kayak racks.  I put a letter on the boat, which has been removed, and wrote the owner, who had previously registered the boat.  That was Brent Snow, who said he traded in the boat to Larry Koob.  Jonathan, at Oquossoc Marine, was unsuccessful in checking their records to discover the boat’s owner.  The owner called me last fall and removed his boat, but I could not locate his name.  The police chief suggested I call Patrick Egan, the Game Warden.  I have a call into him.

This summer I was told that renter’s from Grand View Highlands were coming to our beach.  I have written to four of the owners and heard back from two of them.  Neither have tenants.

Mary-Ellen Moroney, Harbormaster

Ed Z gave an overview of what to expect in the next HOLA email Communication.

Millie past around an updated Committee member list.

Redesign of HOLA website – The board voted to have the website redesigned so that it can be managed by a member of the Board rather than hiring all the updates completed.

The next meeting will be on January 14, 2017 @ 9 am @ the Barn.