HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

HOLA Waterfront Policy and Requirements

Revised and approved 7/8/2023

I.    Selection of HOLA’S Harbormaster:

       A. The Waterfront Committee is appointed/approved by the Board of Directors. The Waterfront Committee is responsible for appointing one member as the Harbormaster. The Harbormaster will also serve as the Chair of the Waterfront Committee.

II.   Waterfront usage:  Only active, paid members of HOLA, who hold special easement to the waterfront shall have usage of the waterfront facilities.

HOLA Waterfront Property (parcel 5) Deeded Rights Information

Within the Association there are 3 classifications of waterfront rights:

1…some properties have full (212’) waterfront right

2…some properties have partial (100’) rights

3…some properties have no waterfront rights.

This information has been shared with local real estate brokers in hopes that it will avoid any last minute embarrassing realizations.

1.. Most lot owners in the HOLA association have purchased “full rights” to use the 212 foot waterfront property under the rules and regulations established by the Highlands Overlook Landowners Association.  However, if there is any question regarding any property, we suggest that you have this researched by qualified legal personnel.

2..The properties that have  “100 foot (partial) means that these lots have a limited right to use a section of 100 foot wide parcel of the HOLA waterfront under an old right given in their deed by Lynwood Ellis and possibly passed along via sales.  Right of Use is on the one hundred foot portion of shore front abutting the Southern property line for boating and swimming purposes only.  In our opinion, it does not give the holder right to use the property to picnic, use boat moorings/harbor, use games, tables, fireplaces etc.  The lot owners have received offers by the association to buy Full Rights many years ago for as little as $300; this offer still stands today at a cost of $5,000 as of January 1, 2024.

3..The properties with “No Waterfront Rights” contains lots and owners who chose not to buy any waterfront rights and therefore have no deeded right to HOLA waterfront property. These owners have been offered the opportunity to buy waterfront rights on several occasions.  The current buy-in cost is $9,500 until the end of 2024.

III.  Harbor Slip Assignments for Motorized Boats: Click Here

    A.  Slip number 1 is permanently assigned to Ellis Family by deed.

    B.  Forms requesting a slip for the next season will be sent out on October 1, along with the annual HOLA bills. The forms must be completely filled out and returned to the Harbormaster.  There are only ten (10) slips available.  As the number of requests often exceeds the number of available slips, the Waterfront Committee will decide how to prioritize and assign slips.  Currently, this involves dividing the total season into 3 time periods.  Members can apply for two of the three time periods.   Boat size is also a factor that will be considered.  Members requesting a slip will be notified by the Harbormaster of the status of their request.  The slips will be assigned on a “first come-first served” basis.  To obtain a copy of the motorboat slip application, Click Here.

    C.  HOLA is not responsible for any craft left or stored at the waterfront.

    D.  Moorings are not allowed.

    E.  No watercraft longer than 21 feet may be docked in the cove of the marina. Only slips numbered 6 and 7 can hold a 21 foot watercraft.  The maximum size for the other slips is 18 feet. 

    F.  Slip number 4 is for loading only.

    G.  All watercraft must show a visible name and telephone number.

    H.  Pontoon boats are NOT allowed in the HOLA harbor.

     I.   Boats are NOT allowed to tie up, pick up passengers, or land on any of our aluminum docks.

J.  Boat trailers cannot be left at the waterfront overnight.

IV.  Kayak Rack Assignments:    Click Here

    A.  The “kayak” racks may hold canoes, kayaks or paddleboards.

    B.  There are fifty four (54) racks available.

    C.  Forms for HOLA residents to apply for a rack will be sent out on October 1, along with the annual HOLA bills. The forms must be filled out and returned to the Harbormaster.  The racks will be assigned on a “first come-first served” basis.  Applicants will be informed of the status of their application by the Harbormaster.  To obtain a copy of the kayak rack application form CLICK HERE.

    D.  Individuals may apply for one or two kayak rack slots.

    E.  A single rack or slot may hold two kayaks or paddleboards only if they fit securely; are not hanging half off the rack or partially on the ground.

    F.  Each craft must have a name and phone number on it.

    G.  Crafts should be tied down onto the rack.

    H.  HOLA is not responsible for any craft put on the rack.

    I.  If a rack remains empty through the month of June, the Harbormaster will contact the individual and possibly reassign the rack to someone else.

    J.  No crafts can be left on the ground.

    K.  If a watercraft is in a slip or rack not assigned to it, the Harbormaster or member of the Waterfront Committee shall have the right to remove the watercraft at the owner’s expense and peril.

L. Rack spaces/boat slips are for owners or close family members and not for renters use.

V.  Other Use of the Waterfront:

    A.  Members, family, and guests shall have the full use of the waterfront property for swimming, picnicking, cookouts, sunbathing, parking of motor vehicles and any other uses designated by HOLA. 

    B.  Children under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

    C.  Swimming is prohibited in the cove and in the channel leading into and out of the cove.  Jumping from the docks, boats and embankments into the cove is also prohibited.

VI.  General Requirements:

    A.  The HOLA Board wishes to help each of us keep our property values high and maintenance costs low. This list of recommendations is to enhance everyone’s enjoyment and to summarize the key rules regarding our common HOLA waterfront property.  

    B.   Our waterfront is HOLA property. Be respectful of others, especially in the presence of families with children.

    C.  Common sense and respect for others are essential to safe and fun use of the facility.

    D.  Dogs are welcome but must be under the owner’s control at all times and should be cleaned up after. Dogs are NOT permitted in the swimming area.

    E.  No smoking.

    F.  Family members and guests may launch and take out their boats during the day. 

    G.  There are newly installed camp BBQs for member use. Please clean up after use.

    H.  No trash should be left on the waterfront property.

     I.  The aluminum docks are to be used for entering and exiting the lake. They are not to be used as a place to set up chairs, tables, etc.

    J.  Quiet hours for the Town of Rangeley and within HOLA are 10 PM to 7 AM. Please respect your neighbors.

     K.  Fireworks are NOT permitted at the waterfront.

     L.   Due to Milfoil concerns and the limited size of our harbor, renters cannot launch or tie up their boats within the HOLA harbor.” Renters with boats are to be directed to the Town Park to launch their boats as it is a much easier launch and the RLHT is screening for Milfoil. Renters with boats may enter our harbor to pick up or discharge passengers.