HOLA – Highlands Overlook Landowners' Association

HOLA Special Projects & Announcements




Good day!  I hope all of you are ready for another fantastic Rangeley summer. 

The following is an progress report on HOLA roadwork and events as of June 26, 2023.

  1. Fidium Fiber Internet Conduit Work:  Beginning May 8th, Fidium subcontractors began to install conduit throughout the Highlands section of HOLA.  The conduit will follow the existing electrical lines and are marked by white flags.  Conduit is required to house the fiber for the internet.  HOLA does not have any existing underground conduit to accommodate the fiber.  The conduit installation for the Highlands section was completed around June 1st.  The subcontractor for installing conduit throughout the Overlook section began operations around June 12th.  The contractor started at the top of the Overlook and as of this report, conduit has been installed on Summit, Left Branch, Aerie, Eagle, West Elbow and Barbara lane.  The will continue next with the loop road and work themselves down to Route 4.  It is estimated that all conduit work will be completed by the end of July.  The white flags along the road is the path that the conduit installers will follow.  Please slow down and give them right of passage during this time.  There may be times where you may need to take an alternative route to your destination.  After the conduit is in place the next phase would be for Fidium to run the fiber optic cable through the conduit.  Once that is complete than each homeowner wishing for internet needs to contact Fidium to set up a connection to your home.
  2. Road Work:  In discussions with M&H it was determined that it would make no sense to begin grading and working on HOLA roads until the Fidium subcontractors were done installing the conduit since the conduit parallels HOLA roads.  That said, HOLA roads in the Highlands section have been ready for grading and roadwork since June 1st, however mother nature has not been kind to us.  There has only been FOUR days of sun in June, making the road a mess with the extensive rain we have gotten.  This has cause an unusual amount of ruts in the road that we have to contend with in the interim.  Please drive slowly and safely over these sections and if there is a clear safety issue, please do not hesitate to contact myself or one of the road committee members.  With the help of a handful of road committee members we have been able to fill pot holes throughout HOLA roads multiple times in the interim.  THANK YOU!!

On Friday June 23, M&H started to grade Lynn way in the Highland section.  The plan is to grade all HOLA roads and to build up areas of road with additional gravel, etc. as funding and time permits.  When M&H is done with the Highlands section, they will then focus on the Overlook section.  Because of the constant rain, I cannot give you an estimate on when all HOLA roadwork will be done.  Please be patient and we’ll get to the roads graded and completed as soon as we can.

Lastly, we have a lot of new construction and tree clearing this year throughout HOLA.  This is also causing new road concerns and new water runoff / erosion issues.  Homeowners clearing lots and building new dwellings are responsible for not causing water runoff damage to any abutting lot / neighbor.  Please ensure that you have adequate drainage paths to divert the water to the drainage ditches along HOLA roads or to other parts of your property that do not impeded your neighbor.  

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to send me an email at ddouglas.me@gmail.com or call me at 443-822-9043.


David Douglas  


All roads will be posted each spring, as the weather dictates, against travel by heavy (in excess of 23,000 GWT) trucks hauling materials and equipment (excavating, well drilling, cement, etc.).  “There will be a HOLA fine of $1,000 for violation of spring road weight limit posting.

To:       Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members

From: Ed Zambraski for the HOLA Board of Directors

Re:      Update

Date:   September 24, 2021

One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area.  To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( www.holarangeley.org )  The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.

I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group.  The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on.   We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have. 


  1. Summer/Fall: The weather this past summer was quite odd.  It was not consistently “bad” or consistently “good.”   No weather pattern seemed to settle in and many days were quite windy.  We do need rain as the drought continues and the lakes are very low.  The foliage is turning and the peak should be around October 1st.  I have been told, and from the traffic encountered, that the restaurants and retail shops in Rangeley have had one of their busiest seasons. As with many places, the issue of getting help or workers has been and still is problematic.  Real Estate sales and new home construction have “gone through the roof.”   Within HOLA for the first time the number of improved lots, or those with houses, now exceeds the number of empty lots.

HOLA Annual Meeting:On September 4th at 11:00 down at the HOLA waterfront, Millie Hoekstra our HOLA Chairperson, called the annual HOLA Membership meeting to order.  The meeting was well attended with a record 88 individuals present.  The minutes of that meeting will be posted on the HOLA website.  The major points of the meeting were:

-our treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, indicated that HOLA is in very good financial shape.

-an increase in the road/snow dues of $105 for improved lots and $48 for empty lots was approved by the membership.  This increase is specifically designed to support a multi-year plan to improve HOLA’s 7.4 miles of roads. 

-after several years of excellent work, Dave Arthurs has resigned as Road Commissioner.  Dave Douglas has agreed to serve and was approved as the new HOLA Road Commissioner. 

Normally at the annual meeting when the Chair calls for “any other items” things are usually pretty quiet.  This year was an exception as there was quite a bit of constructive discussion.  One issue was unauthorized ATV use on private properties and on HOLA roads.  It was pointed out that the HOLA leadership is involved and will continue discussions with the local ATV clubs, and local and state officials about ATV use within HOLA and potential ATV trail systems in the Rangeley area.  Another topic of concern was “renters”, and in particular when the owners were not present (e.g. Airbnb).  Opinions were expressed that many of these renters either do not know and/or care to abide by HOLA rules, both here on the hills and at the HOLA waterfront.  These matters will be discussed at the HOLA Board meeting in November.   

  1. HOLA Waterfront: Over the past 18 years Mary-Ellen Moroney has served as the HOLA Harbormaster and Chair of the Waterfront Committee.  Mary-Ellen has been responsible for many of the major improvements at the waterfront and the day to day management of the boat racks and slips.  On September 10th the Waterfront Committee met and discussed the concern that with the increased usage of the waterfront by HOLA members, the time and effort to manage the waterfront has been increasing each year.  The committee asked Mary-Ellen if she would like to be relieved of this responsibility.  Her answer was “yes, if someone else would be willing to take this on.”  The committee then asked Ed Zambraski, “yours truly,” if I would assume the role of the Harbormaster and Chair of the Waterfront Committee.  I have agreed and will officially start October 1st.  Mary-Ellen and I are currently working together to make this a smooth transition.
  2. Annual Road/Snow and Administrative Dues: In the coming days the HOLA treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, will mail out the 2021-2022 dues notices.  Within this mailing are revised forms to request a canoe/kayak rack or boat slip at our waterfront for next season.  Jeff spends a huge amount of time keeping the HOLA owner database, maintaining our financial records and paying HOLA bills.  To make his task as easy as possible members are asked to send in their payments without delay and well before the November 15th 
  3. Rangeley Library Telephone Directory: The Rangeley Library is currently updating their telephone directory for the new 12th There is no cost for new listings or edits.  Should you need to update your listing, I am attaching a sheet indicating how to proceed.

From:  HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski

Re:      Update  Date:   November 18, 2020

One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area.  To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. www.holarangeley.org )  The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.

I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group.  The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on.   We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.


 HOLA Annual Meeting: In September the annual meeting was held at the HOLA waterfront.  It was a sunny but windy day and there was a record attendance of 73 members.  Again this year, there was no increase in the HOLA dues.  The Board wishes to thank members for sending in their dues without delay.  Approximately 85 % of our 200+ members sent in their dues prior to the requested November 15th  This clearly helps our treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, process our finances in an easier and efficient manner.

  1. The Weather: The weather has been unique.  In early November record warm temperatures (60-70 degrees) were set over a several day period.  That has changed; we are now seeing more typical November temperatures with snow flurries.  With these colder temperatures and the ground freezing, our roads are in good shape as we approach the winter season.
  2. COVID-19: Going to the Maine CDC website, it can be seen that Franklin county has 154 confirmed cases.  This is relatively low compared to some of the coastal counties, such as Cumberland, which have several thousand cases.  There are several cases in Rangeley and some of the restaurants have been forced to close due to COVID-19 outbreaks.  Governor Mills has ordered that face masks be worn in public places where social distancing is difficult.  In addition, visitors from the states of CT, MA, NY and NJ (NH and VT are exempt) must self-quarantine for 14 days when they enter Maine, unless they have been tested and found to be negative for the virus.  How this mandate will be enforced and the extent to which it will be followed over the next few weeks as we enter the holiday season is in question.
  3. Skiing: Saddleback Mountain has scheduled December 15th as an opening day.  The new detachable quad lift is in.  The base lodge has been expanded and renovated.  I have been told that a high capacity indoor air ventilation system has been installed in the base lodge to maximize air exchanges as a mechanism to minimize possible viral exposure.  To get a full picture of the status of the mountain, go to https://saddlebackmaine.com  (The video of the helicopter being used to install the new chair lift is impressive!!)

The Rangeley Lakes Trail Center will be open again this year for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.  The opening date will be determined by snow conditions.  A newsletter and applications for season passes have been mailed.  One can also obtain season passes using their website https://rangeleylakestrailcenter.org  Passes purchased prior to December 1st will receive a 10% discount.

  1. HOLA Waterfront: Our harbormaster, Mary-Ellen Moroney, has coordinated with M & H to build up the shoreline at the south side of our harbor to prevent further erosion.  In addition, several large dead trees and stumps will be removed.  In the spring the plan is to reseed parts of the waterfront area in order to re-establish grassy areas.  Lastly, two paddle boards have been left at the waterfront. The owner needs to remove these.
  2. Snowmobiles: Many HOLA members are looking forward to this winter’s snowmachining, myself included.   Access to the Rangeley Snowmobile Trail System, which for us starts at the CMP sub-power station in Rangeley, is via the CMP powerline right-of-way.  This right-of-way is NOT a snowmachine trail.  It goes over private lands.  To this point in time, HOLA landowners have allowed access over the CMP right-of-way to enable only HOLA members, their guests and renters to reach the trail system.  In addition, there is approved access to Rangeley Lake off Kendall Farm Trail through the Farmhouse property and the HOLA waterfront.  As with ATVs, HOLA roads should not be used for recreational riding, their use is to access the trail system.

To:       Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members

From:  HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski

Re:      Update

Date:   June 22, 2020

One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area.  To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( www.holarangeley.org )  The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.

I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group.  The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on.   We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have. 


Spring? As usual over the last few years, we did not have much of a spring season.  Ice out was May 9th, but on May 8th we got several inches of snow.  The good news with the exceptionally cold temperatures during April and May was that the snow melt was gradual and this minimized erosion and road damage.  Our roads are in good shape.  Our Road Commissioner, Dave Arthurs, and his road committee have done a very good job in terms of taking care of any immediate needs or road problems, and working to improve the overall quality of our roads. Recently the roads were graded and shale placed on some problem areas.

COVID-19 As everyone knows, this global pandemic has had a profound impact on all aspects of our lives.  While Rangeley is far from some of the viral “hotspots”, like those along the coast and in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York, some of the impact of folks in Rangeley has been unique.  Many individuals who normally may head south or to the southwest during the winter months, had difficulty getting back due to flight cancellations and/or concerns about traveling.  During April “mud season”, when many of us like to get away, very few folks actually were able to travel.  Signs of people wanting to help others was very evident.  Restaurants provided curbside meals.  Individuals made phone calls to people who were living alone to make sure they were okay and to take care of any immediate needs.  Governor Mill’s 14 day quarantine for those people coming to Maine from out-of- state has had a huge impact, lessening tourists and visits by family and friends.  Trying to reopen during the summer months is going to be a complex issue.

 Saddleback Mountain Ski Area The plan to open  for the 2020-2021 winter season appears to be on track. Discounted seasons passes were on sale through mid-June.  A new detachable quad lift is being installed.  I have been told that the ride up will go from 11 to 4 minutes!  That will clearly help on cold and windy days.  There are also plans to make renovations and upgrades to the base lodge.

 HOLA Waterfront The waterfront is ready for full use.  The dock, swim lines and swim raft are all in.  A second BBQ grill has been installed.  The lake is unbelievably warm for this time of year.  The swimming is great, especially with the hot weather we have been having.  Our Harbormaster, Mary-Ellen Moroney, coordinated slip assignments for “ice out”, as well as for the remainder of the summer months.  Spaces on the kayak/canoe racks have also been assigned. The HOLA waterfront is a huge asset for members of the Association.  The HOLA Board wants to insure that this facility is being used in a safe and proper manner.  The specific guidelines and rules for its use are on the HOLA website.  A condensed version of the rules and requirements is posted on the waterfront shed.  I am also attaching this condensed version to this email.   All HOLA members need to be aware of these guidelines and requirements.  It is also imperative that this information be passed on to guests and renters.  

Have a great summer!

To:       Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members

From: HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski

Re:      Update

Date:   November 19, 2019

One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area.  To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( www.holarangeley.org )  The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.

I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group.  The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on.   We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have. 


  1. The Weather & Fall Foliage: We had relatively mild weather this Fall, however a couple of wind storms brought down many trees.  The temperatures dipped into the single digits in early November.  The colors of the Fall foliage this year were no less than “spectacular”.
  1. Roads: Our roads are in very good shape due to a large amount of road grading and putting down significant amounts of crushed shale in the Fall.  Many thanks for the work of our Road Commissioner, Dave Arthurs, and the members of the Road Committee.
  1. Winter Guidelines: In general, members of HOLA are very good in terms of understanding and complying with the Association’s policies, rules and regulations.  In the winter there appear to be a significant number of folks who have guests and/or rent out their houses to snowmachiners or skiers; indivduals who are not familiar with our policies or regulations.  To improve communication the HOLA Board has published a list of Winter Guidelines.  This “HOLA Winter Guidelines” can be found on the HOLA website.  I am also attaching this document to this email BLAST.  If you have guests or renters, please make them aware of these guidelines.
  1. HOLA Annual Meeting:  The annual HOLA meeting was held over the Labor Day weekend.  In a “nutshell” the good news is that HOLA is in very good financial shape, the Road Fees remain the same  (fees that are unchanged from 2008), and over 80 % of HOLA members sent in their fees by the requested 15 November date.  Thanks to all of the Board and Committee members who volunteer and donate their time and effort to the Association.
  1. Saddleback Mountain: “Sold, Not Sold, Sold, Not Sold, Sold, What Next??”

             The “saga” of the Saddleback Mountain ski resort continues.  Several years ago, after the deal with the Aussie fell through, things were pretty quiet concerning the possible sale of the mountain.  This past summer the latest news was that an agreement had been reached with the Berry family, the owners of the mountain, and “Arctaris Impact Fund” of Boston to buy the mountain.  A November 5 contract signing date was announced.  Then in October the word was that there was no deal; back to square one.  Subsequently, there was a surprise announcement that an agreement with Arctaris has been reached.   There was not a lot of detail in this final announcement, but it was stated that major improvements in the lifts and snow making equipment and the upgrading of the base lodge were going to be made, with an opening date in the 2020 ski season.  If this latest deal goes through, it will be very good for the Rangeley region. 

            It should be noted that over the past few years the” Rangeley Lakes Trails Center” for cross country skiing and snowshoeing has been fully operational despite the closure of the downhill ski area.  It is currently gearing up and getting ready for the 2019-2020 season. 

To:       Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members

From: HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski

Re:      Update

Date:   June 11, 2019

One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area.  To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( www.holarangeley.org )  The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.

I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group.  The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on.   We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.


  1. The Weather: Last year I did not send out a “Spring” email BLAST because we had no spring.  If nothing else, the weather is consistent; no Spring this year as well.  For several weeks the weather pattern was cold, cloudy and wet.  Ice out was May 11th.  In the last 20 years there have only been three years when ice out was May 11th or later.  The good news is that yesterday it was sunny and 82 degrees.
  2. HOLA: As you are aware, the activities and responsibilities of the HOLA Board, the HOLA Committee Chairs and members, and our Road Commissioner are all carried out by volunteers.  I would like to make two observations. The first is that the Association is financially sound.  The Board members have been excellent stewards of the dues that members contribute.  The second point refers to the general attitude and atmosphere within the Association.  Many of us have heard of or have had bad experiences with other  Homeowner’s Associations where there are personality clashes, in-fighting and/or contentious debates over various matters.  Having served on the HOLA Board for many years, I have seen none of this.   This climate clearly has contributed to the success of HOLA.
  3. Roads: This was an extremely difficult winter for our roads.  Despite the snow and icing most of the road surfaces held up well, probably due to the increased amount of shale that has been used over the last couple of years.  As trouble spots arose, they were taken care of.  As you may be aware, there were tentative plans to have a section of the north entrance to the Overlook paved to deal with the “wash-boarding”.   At a recent HOLA Board meeting it was decided to put that plan “on hold” due to concerns about the underlying road foundation and its ability to support an asphalt surface.
  4. Waterfront:  As noted in the last email BLAST, during the fall major improvements were made at our waterfront.  Several thousand dollars was spent to dredge out and deepen the harbor and the channel leading into our harbor.   In addition, new kayak racks have been added, the grounds have been improved and our aluminum dock system is complete.  With these improvements there has been an increase in usage; which is excellent.  That being said, the HOLA Board wants to make sure that the waterfront is being used in an appropriate and proper manner by HOLA members, as well as any guests or renters.        Attached to this email BLAST is a sheet listing the recommendations/policies for use of the waterfront which has been approved by the BOARD.  Please review these, and if you have any guests or renters, please make them aware of these policies.
  5. HOLA Annual Meeting: The HOLA annual meeting will be held on Saturday, August 31st and 11:00 am.  The meeting will take place at The Barn at 4 High Street in Rangeley.  We hope you can attend.

To:        Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members

From:   HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski

Re:       Update

Date:    February 23, 2019

One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area.  To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. ( www.holarangeley.org )  The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.

I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group.  The ones that were sent out over the past several years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on.   We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.


  1. The Weather: It has been quite a cold and snowy winter.  The conditions have been complexed by episodes of melting and rain which created a lot of ice.   Burgess has been doing an excellent job plowing and sanding our roads.
    • We all hope that the ground hog, “Punxsutawney Phil’s” prediction of an early spring is correct.

 Waterfront: During the fall major improvements were made at our waterfront.  Several thousand dollars was spent to dredge out and deepen the harbor.  In addition, the channel leading into our harbor was also dredged.  Many thanks go to our Harbormaster, Mary-Ellen Moroney, for her work in getting the permits and overseeing this major improvement.

    • Many boaters and kayakers have signed up for slips or space on the kayak racks. The list of who is assigned what and where is on the HOLA website (holarangeley.org)

 Rangeley Region Telephone Book: The Rangeley Public Library is updating the old 10th Edition, 2016, Rangeley Region Telephone book.  If your phone number has changed, or if you are switching from a land line to a cell phone, this is the time to make corrections.  Also, folks are encouraged to list both their PO Box mailing address, as well as their street address.  (e.g. John Doe, PO Box 111, Rang., 999 Lynn Way, Dallas Plt ). 

    • To make any changes simply contact the library Director, Janet Wilson by email (director@rangeleylibrary.org) or by phone (207) 864-5529.  You can also text Brent Quimby (207) 670-8293 to make changes.
    • They hope to have all of the changes made within the next few weeks, so please act quickly. There is no cost associated with being listed in this Rangeley Region phone book.  

To:        Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members

From:   HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski

Re:       Update

Date:    June 5, 2018

One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area.  To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. (www.holarangeley.org)  The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.

I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group.  The ones that were sent out over the past three years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on.   We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.


  1. Consistency: Last year I did not send out an email BLAST in the spring because last year there was no spring.  Most believe that “consistency” is important.  From what I have been told (for all of April I hightailed it out of Rangeley to warmer latitudes), and observed over the last few weeks, this year is more or less the same; not much of a spring! We had a nice stretch of warm and dry days in May, but the temperatures are currently about 20 degrees lower than average. The good news is that we currently have more than 15 hours of daylight!
  2. HOLA Roads:  Our roads have finally dried out and hardened up.  Our Road Commissioner, Dave Arthurs, had arranged to have the roads graded in early May, but the conditions were not right, and the grading had to be delayed.  We are hoping to have the roads graded within the next 1-2 weeks.  In general, the shale that was put down last fall has helped the roads.  More shale and some ditching will be done this spring.  Also, Dave has arranged for calcium chloride to be put down on the roads this summer to control the dust.
  3. Waterfront: Things are moving along according to the normal schedule at the Waterfront. The boat docks have been in since early May, many of our members have been out fishing and doing well, and the kayak/canoe racks are beginning to fill up. The aluminum docks and swimming raft should be in within the next couple of weeks.
  4. Local News: There are some major changes in “downtown” Rangeley.
    • The Lakeside Theater has upgraded to a digital projector and sound system and is now showing new releases and independent movies. Coming June 8-10, “Isle of Dogs” PG-13, and June 15-17 “A Quiet Place” PG-13. To see the complete Movie schedule and other Events go to  http://rangeleyarts.org/
    • Sarge’s Sports Pub and Grub has undergone a major expansion and renovations. I have not been in Sarge’s since this work was done, but I am told that the changes are quite dramatic
    • Tree Cutting/Restoration of lake and mountain views: Several members of HOLA have approached the HOLA Board with questions about having trees removed in order to restore the views that were once had.  First, it needs to be made clear that HOLA has no responsibility for maintaining views, or tree cutting, on the properties of HOLA members. (The only narrow exception is that HOLA does “own” the trees that may be within the HOLA road right-of-ways.)
      • To address this issue of view restoration, the HOLA Board had asked its “Long Range Planning Committee” to look into this matter. The Committees’ response was that “we need more information” in order to determine what might be done, costs, logistics, etc.
      • At the recent HOLA Board Meeting I was asked to use this email BLAST to start gathering some information on tree cutting and view restoration.
      • I have agreed to take this on; to gather some information/data to pass on to the Long Range Planning Committee so that they can determine what, if anything, might be done. That being said, with almost 200 properties within

HOLA this is not a “simple matter”.  I am attaching a sheet to start this process.  I have no idea as to whether this will go anywhere, in terms of what kind of a response I might get or what might eventuate, but I have agreed to have a “go at it”!

 HOLA Annual Meeting: The next annual HOLA meeting will be on Saturday September 1, 2018 at 11:00 am.  It will be held at the “Barn” at the Congregational Church which is located at 2 High Street.  We hope you can attend.

To:        Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members

From:   HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski

Re: Update

Date:    November 29, 2017                             Our new signs!!

One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area.  To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. (www.holarangeley.org)  The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.

I have agreed to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group.  The ones that were sent out over the past two years have been very well received by our members, so I will carry on.   We hope this is of value and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.


  1. HOLA Annual Meeting: The 2017 Annual meeting of HOLA was held on September 2nd .  The meeting was well attended.  The good news was that HOLA is financially sound and our dues have remained the same for 2017-2018.  The minutes of the meeting have been posted on the HOLA website. 
    • Since the meeting, the other good news is that with almost 200 HOLA members, approximately 80 % of our membership submitted their dues by the 15 November requested deadline. The Board’s expectation is that the remainder of the dues will be sent in over the next 2-3 weeks.  Receiving these dues by the deadline is greatly appreciated; it helps with financial planning and is a huge benefit logistically for our treasurer, Jeff Zapolsky, who donates countless hours maintaining HOLA’s finances.
  2. Our roads: Over the past several weeks our Road Commissioner, Dave Arthurs, has coordinated road work involving a significant amount of crushed shale being put down on both hills.   Our roads have hardened up with the freezing temperatures and are in excellent shape going into the winter.  Lastly, the news signs for the Lakeview Highlands and Rangeley Overlook have been installed (see attached).
    • Road Safety: HOLA has several miles of roads which are essentially 1 to 1 ½ lane dirt roads with limited or no shoulders.  Legitimate concerns have been raised about cars speeding on our roads.  My impression is that most full or part-time HOLA residents realize that with our narrow roads one must drive cautiously, and slow down when approaching pedestrians, walkers with dogs and/or other vehicles.  Please be mindful of this, and if you have guests or folks not accustomed to our roads, please make them aware.
  3. October 29th Storm:    An unexpected weather pattern resulted in heavy rains and winds of  50-75+ mph across parts of New England.  The winds were out of the south east, which is not typical, and this resulted in thousands of trees being up-rooted or broken off.  The damage to homes and the electrical power grid across the State of Maine was more widespread than the ice storm of January 1998.   Several of our roads were temporarily blocked by downed trees, but I am not aware of any major damage to structures or vehicles within HOLA. The electrical power outages across the state were massive.  The town of Rangeley was without power for a full day.  The Rangeley Overlook lost power for 3 days and many of the houses on the Lakeview Highlands were without power for 4 days.  Fortunately, the temperatures during this time period were well above freezing which helped the repair crews do their work and negated the problem of pipes freezing.  That being said, it was not an easy week for many. 
  4. Saddleback Mountain Sale: In June there was a news conference held at the Saddleback Mountain Ski area.   It was announced that an Australian Company, the Majella Group, had their offer to purchase the ski area accepted by the Berry family, the ski area’s current owners. The sale was scheduled to be finalized sometime this summer. 
    • From June through this fall very little definitive news about the sale and/or plans for opening was forthcoming. There was some limited activity in terms of hiring and work on the trails/lifts at the mountain.  About two weeks ago it was announced that the sale has not gone through.  The issue appears to be the lack of financial resources by the Majella Group.  This is not good news.

To:        Highlands Overlook Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members

From:   HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski

Re:       Update

Date:    August 1, 2017

One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area.  To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. The HOLA website has been revised.  See the note below about the new website address and check it out.  The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.

I have agreed to maintain a HOLA member email list and to send out periodic (e.g. every few months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group.  The ones that were sent out over the past year and a half were very well received by our members, so I will forge on.   We hope this is of value and would appreciate any feedback that you may have.


  1. HOLA Annual Meeting The 2017 Annual meeting of HOLA will occur on Saturday, September 2nd  at 11:00 am at the “Barn” adjacent to the Congregational Church on High Street.  The HOLA Board members donate hundreds of hours for the benefit of our Association members.  This is a great opportunity to meet your HOLA Board members, to learn more about the various services being provided or planned, and to offer input in terms of any questions or issues that you wish to address.


  1. Saddleback Moutain Sale In June there was a  news conference held at the Saddleback Mountain Ski area.   It was announced that an Australian Company, the Majella Group, had their offer to purchase the ski area accepted by the Berry family, the ski area’s current owners.  The terms of the sale, plans for development and/or a date for when the ski area would be re-open were not disclosed.  The sale was scheduled to be finalized sometime this summer.  Since that announcement no additional details, at least that I am aware of, have been released.  It is not known if there will be adequate time to make some needed repairs and upgrades on the lifts for the ski area to be operational for the 2017-2018 season.  That being said, this announcement is clearly very good news, with this sale having the potential to have a major positive impact on the Rangeley area.
  1. HOLA Road Committee If you drive almost anywhere on our roads, there are clear signs that the Road committee and our road commissioner, Dave Arthurs, have been making significant improvements.  Our roads have been graded, and in places that tend to erode, a several inch topping of stone has been added. In addition, several of our roads have been treated with Calcium Chloride to keep the dust down.  Some culvert work is scheduled for this Fall.  Contact Dave Arthurs (864-3992) if you have problems or questions concerning our roads.                                        Lastly, in July there was an auto accident where the Lakeview Highlands “ Lynn Way” meets Route 4.  A car veered off the road and it took out our “Lakeview Highlands” sign.  There is “good news” on two counts.  First, no one was hurt. Second, our Lakeview Highlands sign, which is probably over 30 years old, will be replaced as part of an insurance claim.  Several designs for a new sign have been drawn up and estimates on the fabrication and installation are being obtained.


  1. HOLA Waterfront The waterfront Committee and the Harbormaster, Mary-Ellen Moroney, have been busy.  All of the docks, piers, swim lines and the swim float are in the water.  Yesterday the water temperature was 69 degrees!!  A new kayak rack was added to accommodate the ever-increasing request for spaces. To improve visibility as one is leaving the waterfront and stopped at Route 4, a large amount of vegetation (e.g. branches, small trees, brush) has been removed/trimmed back.  Lastly, Paul Ellis has gifted our waterfront with some additional benches, picnic tables, a grill and a large serving table.
    • The issue of dogs at the Waterfront Many HOLA members bring their dogs to the Waterfront.  If your dog likes to chase geese, we would encourage you to bring them more often!  However, there have been some problems, or issues, with dogs at the Waterfront.  Consequently, the Waterfront Committee and HOLA Board have approved of the following rules concerning dogs at the Waterfront.
      • Dogs must be on a leash or under their owner’s total control at all times.
      • Dogs are not allowed within the swimming area.
      • Owners must clean up after their pets.

New HOLA website:  New Address!!  As announced previously, please note that to access the HOLA website the address has changed.  The new address is:  www.holarangeley.org  Please update this address in your “favorites” and address books.



To:        Highlands Overlook  Land Owners Association (HOLA) Members

From:   HOLA Board of Directors/Ed Zambraski

Re:       Update

Date:    December 5, 2016

One of the goals and responsibilities of the HOLA Board of Directors is to keep members informed of matters that pertain to the Association and local area.  To meet this goal HOLA has established and maintains a website. (See the important announcement below concerning the website!)  The HOLA Board has approved an additional approach of using email in an attempt to keep members informed and to increase communication.

I have agreed to maintain a HOLA member email list and to send out periodic (e.g. every couple of months) email “BLASTS” with succinct announcements concerning the Association and local matters that would affect our group.  The ones that were sent out this past December, February, May and August were very well received by our members.  This email is our fifth.   We hope this is of value and would appreciate any feedback that you may have.


  • It is snowing!! December has arrived and along with our first real snow with 3-5 inches covering the ground.  Everyone is hoping for some serious snow this year.
  • Saddleback Ski Area Proposal On October 27, 2016 there was a news conference in Portland and a press release concerning the status of Saddle Mountain.  A community coalition, “Saddleback Community Mountain Resort” LLC, have put forth a proposal to buy the ski area.  It was indicated that they have a verbal agreement from the Berry Family, Saddleback’s current owners, for purchase of the ski area.  This plan requires that $ 4 million be raised for the purchase to go through.  Details of the plan may be found at skisaddlebackme.com  This sale would be coupled with the purchase of several thousand acres of land adjacent to the ski area by two groups:  The Trust for Public Land and the New England Forestry Foundation. This purchase would be for forestland conservation.  While this is positive news, no recent updates have been made concerning the status of the fund raising.
  • It should be noted that the Rangeley Lakes Trails Center (cross country skiing and snowshoeing) will be open for the 2016-2017 season.
  • HOLA Road Committee The committee and our road commissioner, Dave Arthurs, have been very active.  Our roads are in relatively good shape going into the winter season.  The good low temperatures and  freeze that we are currently having will help.  As indicated in August, the HOLA Board has approved a new 5 year contract with Dave Burgess for the plowing and sanding of our roads. If you have any problem or issue with plowing/sanding, please do not contact Dave Burgess or any of his employees.  Contact Dave Arthurs or any member of the road committee.
  • Snowmachine Access to Trails.

 Each year there are questions about the use of HOLA roads by snowmachines/ATVs. The following restates HOLA road policies.

    • HOLA members, or their guests, may use snowmachines or ATVs on HOLA roads to: 1) visit other HOLA members,  2) to access the snow machine trail system.
    • Non-HOLA members are not allowed to ride on any of our roads.
    • The CMP right-of-way for the power lines and is NOT a right-of-way for the general public or HOLA members for their use of snowmachines or ATVs. New signs have been installed where the CMP power lines intersect HOLA roads to indicate that the use of HOLA roads as trails is prohibited.
  • There are three access points, or routes, for HOLA members, or their guests, to access the public snow machine trail system or Rangeley Lake. (See the attached map)
    • These are:
      • Lakeview Highlands -off Kendall Farm road, north of Farmhouse Inn, across route 4 and down through HOLA waterfront to access the lake.
      • Lakeview Highlands-off Marion Drive, heading north along the CMP right of way, across Dallas Hill Rd and into Rangeley.
      • Overlook-off Summit Road, through lots 112E/113E along CMP right of way to ITS 84.
    • I have been told that a snowmachine trail from “Rev-it-up Sports Shop” on Rte 4 to Rangeley, which was closed last year, has been re-opened.
  • HOLA website: New Address!!  As announced previously, please note that to access the HOLA website the address has changed.  The new address is:  holarangeley.org  Please update this address in your “favorites” and address books.


HOLA – Special Projects and Announcements

Dear HOLA property owner:

As you may know the public hearing regarding the Mistymoonbeam/Camp Do What You Wanna application for a 28 residential cabin and 30 RV site has been postponed and we are now waiting to learn the decision of the LURC commission as to the status.  As summer winds down and we look to the quieter months and perhaps warmer destinations, we can not loose sight of what this development and its impact may mean for our neighborhood, community and region.

This excerpt is taken from a CLUP regional plan and inspires some thought:  “impacts from recreational uses and facilities are those that cause harm to surroundings and natural resources (for instance, trail and campsite damage, erosion, water pollution, and harm to fish and wildlife) and those that, while not causing serious environmental damage, may affect the experiences for others (including noise, smells and emissions, trash, lighting and other visual effects).  But there are also impacts that result in the incremental loss of natural character values and a sense of remoteness which, once lost, are difficult if not impossible to restore.”

While the applicant wants to win us over by placing a full page ad in the Mountain Messenger stating that they will create jobs, boost the local economy and build over time, we must stop and ask ourselves:  at what long term cost?  Will this truly enhance our area?  Will the campground create jobs and positively impact our economy?  Is there a need for 28 cabins on clustered lots and 30 RV sights in an established residential area upland and adjacent to Nile Brook, wetlands and watershed to Rangeley Lake ?  Does this comply with zoning?  How will this impact the existing accommodation industry that is never full to capacity and current (+400) real estate listings?  How will this impact the enjoyment and use of my property?

Whether you support or oppose a Camp Do What You Wanna, can we as property owners adjacent to this development with a vested interest in the Rangeley region agree that the developer must meet all of the existing legal and regulatory requirements designed to protect the enjoyment of our properties, our natural environment and not overburden our municipal services?  As property owners may we insist that LURC as they are tasked by law, require the development to:
a.       Meet all of the zoning regulations;
b.      Fit harmoniously with the surrounding natural environment and existing neighborhoods;
c.       Provide adequate assurance for the protection of wetlands and Nile Brook;
d.      Provide assurances that traffic will not adversely impact our roads;
e.       Provide assurances of adequate financial and technical provisions for compliance with environmental laws;
f.        Provide for adequate sewage disposal adjacent to and upland of wetlands and watersheds;
g.       Provide assurances that the project complies with noise and lighting standards; and
h.       Provide clear legal Right, Title and Interest in the proposed development area.

Please join me and insist that the LURC Commission adheres to the fundamental regulations intended to protect land use and responsible development so that we may continue to enjoy our properties, natural environment, neighborhood and community for generations to come.  We do not know if and when there may be a public hearing and we may miss the opportunity to be heard.  LURC encourages public comment on applications and this is a public process, let’s take the opportunity to ensure that this is done well and right.

Linda Jones