HOLA BOARD MEETING MINUTES- 9AM at the RFA Theater 3/11/2-23
Present: Millie Hoekstra, Val Zapolsky, Jeff Zapolsky, Ana Wetherill, Ed Zambraski, John Patriquin, Al Salvini, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Larry Malone, Dave & Ann Arthurs, Robert Smith, Brittany Russell, Darren Winslow,
Guest: Ben Wetherill
Absent: Dave Douglas, Anne Crump
Call to Order by Millie Hoekstra at 9:02 AM.
Millie attended a zoom meeting of LUPC discussing short-term rentals (STR). The Town of Rangeley is developing a STR ordinance and will hold a public hearing on 3/27/2023 at 6PM. The place is not yet decided.
A lot of properties are still changing hands and some new owners are purchasing waterfront rights and that money goes into the waterfront savings.
Minutes to the last Board meeting Jan. 14, 2023 received a motion to approve (J.Z.) and was seconded (A.A.). There were no questions, and they were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report (attached) was presented by Jeff Zapolsky. Overall, the snowplowing has been less than budget and we are receiving additional road fees for construction projects. There are few long-term delinquencies, so we have sufficient funds. There was a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded and approved unanimously.
Jeff also asked that there be a late fee for people who pay after Nov. 15th. They require a lot of extra work for the treasurer. This should also apply to owners paying installments. This was referred to the Ad Hoc Committee.
Road Commissioner’s Report: Dave Douglass verbally relayed the report to Millie yesterday. The roads are in good shape and will be posted soon. There have been few problems with drivers getting stuck due to snow. The board was asked to tell Dave or Millie if you see any problems with the roads.
Waterfront Committee Report: (attached) Ed Zambraski stated that all the kayak racks and boats slips have been assigned. There is a short waiting list for only the kayak racks.
Ed made a motion to change the Waterfront Policy regarding renters boats (found on the HOLA website Section VI.N.) “Due to Milfoil concerns and the limited size of our harbor, renters cannot launch or tie up their boats within the HOLA Harbor.” The motion was seconded by Dave Arthurs. The vote was: Millie abstained, Val & Mary-Ellen against, the remaining 13 were in favor. The motion passed. Then Larry Malone motioned that the following wording be added immediately after the previously approved wording, “Renters with boats are to be directed to the Town Park to launch their boats as it is a much easier launch and the RLHT is screening for Milfoil.” Mary-Ellen seconded, passed unanimously. Both wordings will appear on the website and on the Boat Slip Application.
AD HOC Committee Report: Larry Malone said that the committee will meet in a few weeks and have a report for the May Board meeting.
Mary-Ellen Maroney made a motion to make the road fees the same for developed and undeveloped lots. Dave Arthurs seconded the motion. It was discussed and the motion failed: 1 in favor, 13 against.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM.
Next board meeting: May 13, 2023