HOLA Board Meeting Minutes 11/9/24
HOLA Board Meeting 11/9/2024 at 5PM.
Present: Millie Hoekstra, Larry Malone, Darren Winslow (Zoom), Rob Smith,Ann Arthurs, Dave Arthurs, Jeff Zapolsky, Val Zapolsky, John Patriquin, Sam White, Dave Douglas, Ana Wetherill, Mary-Ellen Moroney, Brittany DiPompo (Zoom) Russell, Ed Zambraski (Zoom)
Absent: Al Salvini
Millie called the meeting to order at 5 PM. It has been a busy fall . Thank you to all the volunteers that keep our organization working.
Secretary’s Minutes from Aug.31 Board meeting. No discussion. MSP unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report– Jeff Zapolsky (attached): Dues are coming in at the same rate as last year, 70% collected so far. After 11/15 an email reminder will be sent to those not yet paid. Mills was doing our collections but is so busy that he has stopped doing collections. For us this was only 1 person. On long-time delinquents, 2/3 are for sale, so we will collect at sale. Our Federal taxes have been filed. We pay no tax. Roads & Waterfront accounts were over budget this year, but that was expected and we had money in both previous years’ savings to cover both. We collected a lot in construction fees this year. Overall we are doing fine.
Road Commissioner’s Report – Dave Douglas (verbal report, committee met at 4:15 today): The Road committee members for 2024-2025 were approved ( Dave Douglas, Val Zapolsky, Larry Malone, Al Salvini, Ed Zambraski, John Patriquin, Bob Boothby, Millie Hoekstra, Dave Arthurs, Ann Arthurs). A lot of work was done this year and it has had time to pack down well before winter. Some minor brush work in the ditches is needed. Let the committee know if there are any potholes etc that need to be addressed. There are known problems on the Overlook side that will be taken care of soon. Burgess is still in the 5-year contract with us ($38Kmin – $45Kmax).
Waterfront Report-Ed Zambraski (verbal report-all good): Waterfront Committee was approved (Ed Zambraski, Gay & Nick Sampson, Dave Douglas, Sam White, Rob Smith, Mary-Ellen Moroney, John Patriquin, Butch DeSanctis, Gary Wadsworth). The waterfront is ready for winter. The committee decided against replacing the swim raft. The kayak spots are 100% full for spring and the boat slips are 80% assigned.
ATV Ad Hoc Committee Report (attached): Committee members: Rob Smith, Dave Arthurs, Larry Malone, Darren Winslow. They were charged with reviewing state laws & regulations about ATVs and clarifying & documenting past and current ATV HOLA policy. They presented the information and their recommendations. Much discussion ensued. The committee was thanked for a very comprehensive report and the time and diligence put into this project.
Sam White made a motion to prohibit all ATV access to the waterfront due to Rt.4 safety issues. Larry Malone 2nd. Motion failed: 2 YES (Ed, Sam), 13 NO
Motion to the Board by Larry Malone. Val Zapolsky 2nd:
Motion to the Board #1
That HOLA policy regarding ATV use within the geographic boundaries of HOLA, as defined by HOLA’s By-Laws, be as follows: Road Use: ATV use on HOLA roads is permitted on a limited basis under the guidance of the 1998 Road Use policy, to wit: “ATVs are not allowed to use the HOLA roads for pleasure riding. Members and guests may use the roads to go directly from property to property within the HOLA road system.” ATV riders who operate an ATV as a danger to HOLA members, causing unnecessary damage, or violate such policy may be subject to fine, to lose such privileges and pay for damages caused.
This passed: 14 YES, 1 NO (Ed)
Motion to the Board #2:
Waterfront Use: Eligible HOLA residents and guests may park an ATV in the designated waterfront parking area, while they otherwise enjoy the waterfront area, and while showing the same consideration of others and care for the waterfront environment as expected of every user. ATV riders who operate an ATV as a danger to HOLA members, causing unnecessary damage, or violate such policy may be subject to fine, to lose such privileges and pay for damages caused. As per the HOLA Bylaws, HOLA reserves the right to revoke all ATV access to the waterfront. It is advised that all ATV users be familiar with Maine state statutes with regard to accessing private property and riding ATVs on public ways (state and local roads). It is your responsibility to comply with the applicable laws.
This passed: 12 YES, 3 NO (ED, Sam, Ana)
Motion to the Board: Larry Malone, Sam White 2nd.
That the proposed preamble, below, be approved by the board for attachment to and recorded with each policy and/or procedure adopted by the HOLA Board of Directors. Further, each policy and/or procedure adopted shall be documented by a unique serial number, specifically fiscal year and a sequence number, as in the example below. Approved board actions shall be recorded at the HOLA web site indefinitely.
The policy below as with all HOLA policies and procedures has been put in place by HOLA members elected to the board of directors. The board’s charge by Article II, Sections 1 & 2 of our bylaws is as follows:
ARTICLE II Section 1: the purpose of HOLA shall be to formulate policies and procedures in order to maximize the usefulness and value of all properties located within the geographic areas as outlined in
Article II. Section 2: To fulfill this purpose, HOLA, through its officers and committees, shall be responsible for road and snow plowing maintenance, common areas, the local environment and the enhancement of the aesthetic surroundings to best serve its members.
This passed unanimously.
The subject of fines will be referred to an ad hoc committee per Millie.
Meeting adjourned 6:35PM
Respectfully submitted,
Val Zapolsky